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A herd of Holstein cows was examined because of suspected embryonic death. Four cows had embryonic loss, and 2 cows had aborted. Paired serum samples were tested for antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and Haemophilus somnus. Of 16 cows, 8 had antibody titers to H somnus greater than 1:1,024, and 3 had greater than or equal to four-fold changes in antibody titers to H somnus. Haemophilus somnus infection was active in this herd and may have been responsible for the herd's reproductive problems.  相似文献   

Serological studies on Haemophilus somnus infection were carried out on 1795 cattle from 231 dairy herds in the province of Quebec. An epidemiological investigation was done in each of the dairy operations. Seroreactivity rate and mean log2 titer for all the sera were 55.4% and 4.1620 respectively. Cattle from eastern regions of Quebec demonstrated the lowest prevalence of H. somnus agglutinins. The percentage of seroreactor animals was 60.3 in herds of 100 cattle or more in comparison to 53.2 in herds of smaller size. About 75% of the animals from 16 herds in which one or more cattle showed nervous manifestations of undetermined origin over a one year period had antibodies to H. somnus. Herds in which respiratory diseases occurred had 59.6% seroreactor animals and herds in which weak calf syndrome was diagnosed over a one year period had 61.4% seroreactor animals. In 87 herds located within 20 km of feedlots, 61.8% of the sera had titers and the mean log2 titer was 4.4813.  相似文献   

Two cows affected with Haemophilus somnus were examined pathologically. Although manifested lesions were composed of fibrinopurulent meningitis without the usual parenchymatous lesions in the central nervous system, Haemophilus somnus was isolated in pure culture from the cerebral cortex of both cases. Presence of this atypical lesion in the nervous system should be kept in mind for the differential diagnosis of the disease.  相似文献   

Five Haemophilus somnus type 8025 preparations (whole cell, sonicate, crude polysaccharide, purified polysaccharide, and protein) were produced for studies of their antigenicity in rabbits. Bacterial agglutination and passive hemagglutination tests were used to assess the level of antibody produced in rabbits inoculated with the different antigenic preparations. Cross-reactions were seen between the antiserums against the H sumnus 8025 antigens and a variety of related and unrelated bovine pathogens. The strongest cross-reaction occurred between antiserums against H somnus 8025 whole cell and crude polysaccharide antigens and Haemophilus agni and Actinobacillus lignieresii cell suspensions.  相似文献   

Development of a defined medium for Haemophilus somnus isolated from cattle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nutritional factors that influence the growth of Haemophilus somnus were examined, and a defined medium was developed. Optimal growth of H somnus in broth occurred under conditions of maximum aeration. Nutritional components required for or enhanced growth of most H somnus isolates in the defined medium included uracil, D-glucose, isotonic NaCl, Na2HPO4, nicotinamide, flavin mononucleotide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and a variety of salts and amino acids. The defined medium supported optimum growth of 18 of 21 isolates of H somnus from cattle.  相似文献   

Selective medium for isolation of Haemophilus somnus from cattle and sheep   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Incorporation of vancomycin (5 micrograms/ml), neomycin (5 micrograms/ml), sodium azide (50 micrograms/ml), nystatin (100 iu/ml) and cyclohexamide (100 micrograms/ml) into 5 per cent horse blood agar results in a selective medium for the primary isolation of Haemophilus somnus from cattle and sheep. Addition of thiamine monophosphate (1 microgram/ml) to the medium enhanced growth of this bacterium. Gram-positive bacteria did not grow on the medium and colonies of many Gram-negative bacteria were eliminated or reduced in numbers and size. Colonies of H somnus were larger on the selective medium than on sheep blood agar but retained typical morphology. Recovery of 18 laboratory strains was 73 to 166 per cent (mean 112) on selective medium compared to sheep blood agar. H somnus was isolated from the vagina of a total of 136 (28.6 per cent) of 476 cows surveyed, 79 (16.6 per cent) on sheep blood agar and 129 (27.1 per cent) on selective medium. The selective agents and thiamine were stable indefinitely as a freeze dried mixture while prepared plates were stable for two weeks.  相似文献   

The effect of route and dosage of administration on the serological response to a vaccine containing genetically attenuated leukotoxin of Pasteurella haemolytica combined with bacterial extracts of P. haemolytica and Haemophilus somnus (Somnu-Star Ph, Biostar Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) was evaluated in a controlled field trial in 301 feedlot calves. Vaccination of calves on arrival at the feedlot with Somnu-Star Ph significantly (p < 0.05) increased P. haemolytica and H. somnus serum antibody titers and reduced bovine respiratory disease (BRD) morbidity. A single subcutaneous vaccination with Somnu-Star Ph was as effective in stimulating a humoral antibody response and in reducing BRD morbidity as double vaccination by the intramuscular or the subcutaneous route. Furthermore, there were no swellings or adverse reactions observed with either subcutaneous or intramuscular administration of Somnu-Star Ph.

These results suggest that feedlot calves can be immunized subcutaneously once on arrival with Somnu-Star Ph. Double vaccination was of no added value in this trial, because the majority of BRD morbidity occurred prior to revaccination fourteen days postarrival. Additional larger-sized field trials are needed to monitor the duration of immunity following vaccination and to test the effect of route and dosage of vaccination on mortality.


Bovine IgG2a has been implicated in protection against pyogenic infections, including those caused by Haemophilus somnus. To further investigate the role of IgG2a in defense against H. somnus, IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies were purified from antiserum against an immunodominant 40 kDa outer membrane protein (p40) of H. somnus, which was previously shown to passively protect calves against H. somnus pneumonia. The passive protective capacity of anti-p40 IgG1 or IgG2a was evaluated in vivo in calves. Purified anti-p40 IgG1 or IgG2a was incubated with H. somnus for 15 min before intrabronchial inoculation of calves. Bacteria incubated with anti-p40 IgG1 or IgG2a were inoculated into one caudal lung lobe and bacteria incubated with IgG1 or IgG2a from the respective preimmunization serum were inoculated into the contralateral lobe. The volumes of pneumonia in the right and left lungs were determined 24 h later. The difference in volume of pneumonia with H. somnus preincubated in IgG1 pre- and postimmunization anti p40 was less (16 cm3, P = 0.298) than the difference in volume of pneumonia with H. somnus preincubated in IgG2a pre- and postimmunization anti p40 (30 cm3, P = 0.146). Although the differences in lesion size between pre- and postimmunization serum were not statistically significant, the trend suggests IgG2a may be more protective than IgG1. To examine this further, the peptide specificity of these IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies to p40 was examined. After limited proteolysis of p40, IgG2a antibodies reacted with 2 peptides not recognized by IgG1 antibodies. Other peptides were recognized by both isotypes. Since these studies suggested that IgG2a may be important in protection against infection, we then investigated some aspects of the role of the 2 IgG2a allotypes, A1 and A2. In retrospective studies of age differences in expression of IgG2a allotypes, no heterozygotes were detected in calves of 60 d old or less, and fewer heterozygotes were detected in calves 61-120 d old than in cattle older than 270 d (P < 0.01). In a subsequent prospective study of the time course of allotype expression, Holstein calves shown to be heterozygotes expressed the IgG2aA1 allotype early but the IgG2aA2 allotype was not usually detected until 3 to 4 mo of age. Thus, both the retrospective and the prospective studies showed age related differences in expression of the IgG2aA1 and A2 allotypes. This could have implication in protection.  相似文献   

Serological tests for the detection of antibodies against Haemophilus somnus were carried out in herds of beef and dairy cattle using three different techniques: agglutination, complement fixation and counterimmunoelectrophoresis. The agglutination test appeared to detect more seroreactors than the complement fixation and counterimmunoelectrophoresis tests. Results of the three tests indicated that there were more positive reactors in beef cattle and dairy cattle from infected herds than in dairy cattle from clinically normal herds.  相似文献   

Echinococcus multilocularis is a cestode helminth which, along with E. granulosus, E. oligarthus and E. vogeli is a causative agent of hydatid disease in man. In the intermediate host (including man), cysts formed by the metacestode (larval stage) develop in the internal organs, causing functional impairment which often leads to the death of the host. In this review larval E. multilocularis infection in mice, the most popular experimental intermediate host, is examined, and the immune response to the organism is described in detail. Evidence is presented which suggests that cell-mediated immunity (CMI) plays a large role in suppression of larval growth. Congenitally athymic nude mice, and mice treated to remove thymocytes had high susceptibility to infection, while mice strains assessed as having high helper T lymphocyte function showed resistance to infection. The degree of antibody response shown by the host does not correlate with the susceptibility to E. multilocularis. Infection with E. multilocularis is accompanied by immunosuppression, manifested by inhibition of effector cell chemotaxis and receptor expression, suppressor macrophage and lymphocyte activity, decline in helper T-lymphocyte activity and immune-complex deposition.  相似文献   

Strong anti glycolipid IgG responses can occur in humans and animals, but contrary to anti protein responses and anti glycoprotein responses, the exact mechanism of induction is unknown. We have previously shown that experimental immunization with the glycolipid glucose monomycolate (GMM) causes the development of specific T cell responses, but not of anti GMM antibodies. However, cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis produce high levels of anti GMM IgG. In the present study, we tested whether vaccination with GMM conjugated to a protein mimics natural infection in its capacity to induce the production of antibodies against GMM. Cattle were immunized (n=5 per group) with GMM conjugated to a protein, or GMM and protein non-conjugated and administered at contralateral locations, or carrier only. Although immunization with the GMM-protein conjugate vaccine and the non-conjugated vaccine induced protein specific antibody responses, GMM specific antibodies were not detected in either of the groups. In conclusion, the generation of isotype-switched anti lipid antibodies appears to require more than providing peptide epitopes for T helper cells to support glycolipid specific B cells in antibody production.  相似文献   

Fifty young bulls were given commercial wart vaccine upon their arrival at a bull stud establishment. The bulls were given 2 additional vaccinations 2 and 24 weeks later. The precipitin antibody response of these bulls to bovine papilloma virus was monitored. Antibody levels increased significantly, particularly after the 3rd vaccination was given at 24 weeks, but decreased markedly within 20 weeks after the last vaccination was given. These results demonstrated that formalin-inactivated bovine papilloma virus was capable of inducing precipitin antibody similar to infective bovine papilloma virus. Multiple, repeated vaccination provided the best serologic response.  相似文献   

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