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2000年春季,在大连动物园通过对半散放状态下的8只亚成体丹顶鹤日行为时间分配和活动规律的研究,揭示了未成年丹顶鹤的行为特点和生活习性。结果表明其春季各种行为的分配比例依次为:走动26.0%,站立观望25.3%,取食16.5%,理羽14.4%,鸣叫6.8%,静卧4.9%,驱赶2.7%,展翅2.3%,舞蹈1.0%,并呈现一定的活动规律。  相似文献   

Exertional myopathy developed in three whooping cranes (Grus americana) secondary to routine capture, handling, and trauma. Presumptive diagnosis of exertional myopathy was based on history of recent capture or trauma, clinical signs, and elevation of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and serum potassium. Treatments were attempted in each case, but ultimately were not successful. Gross and microscopic lesions at necropsy confirmed the diagnosis in each case, with the leg musculature most severely affected. Guidelines for determining prognosis of exertional myopathy in cranes have been included based on the analysis of these cases and others in the literature. As treatment is largely unrewarding, prevention remains the key in controlling exertional myopathy. Identification of predisposing factors and proper handling, immobilization, and transportation techniques can help prevent development of exertional myopathy in cranes.  相似文献   

Numerous nematode cysts were observed throughout the mesentery and on the surface of gastrointestinal organs in a whooping crane (Grus americana) that was found dead in a central Florida marsh. Morphology of the excysted nematodes most closely resembled third-stage larvae in the order Spirurida but were not similar to any species previously reported in whooping cranes. Evidence presented suggests that the larvae may be Physocephalus sexalatus, a swine spirurid in the subfamily Ascaropsinae that is commonly found encapsulated in birds, amphibians, and reptiles. We suspect that the whooping crane may potentially serve as a transport host for this parasite.  相似文献   

我国野生白头鹤研究现状及保护对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国野生白头鹤种群濒危现状,我们搜集近15 a关于白头鹤的科学研究文献与报道,并将其按种群数量与分布和野外生态学进行归类.分析表明,目前我国白头鹤研究主要集中在种群数量分布调查与越冬生态的研究方面:此外还涉及到食性研究及迁徙等报道;关于白头鹤繁殖生态的生物学信息比较匮乏,尤其是繁殖期巢址生境的选择未见报道,有待于开展深入的研究.  相似文献   

2004年8~9月采用定点观察法、GPS定位法和样方法对内蒙古扎赉特旗图牧吉国家级自然保护区白鹤的秋季停歇期的觅食地生境进行了调查研究,数据分析结果显示:在201个实验样方和201个对照样方中,苔草高度、芦苇高度、香蒲高度、植被盖度和植被密度的t值均小于0.05,存在显著或极显著差异;另外,主成分分析结果显示,前4个主成分的累积贡献率达到56.652%,在第一主成分中,水稗草高度和水流状况的贡献率较高;在第二主成分中,水深和水透明度的贡献率较高;在第三主成分中,香蒲高度和植被密度的贡献率较高:在第4主成分中,苔草高度的贡献率较高。  相似文献   

骨形态发生蛋白-2(BMP-2)是转化生长因子β(TGF-β)超家族的成员.BMP2参与骨形成、生长发育、脂肪沉积和癌症发生等多个生物学过程.BMP2与绵羊尾部脂肪沉积相关,是调控绵羊尾型发育的候选基因.本研究主要介绍了BMP2基因的发现与结构、表达、生理功能和参与信号通路的研究进展,为BMP2基因的研究提供理论基础.  相似文献   

黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)是青藏高原特有物种,在新疆主要分布在与青海、西藏相邻的阿尔金山、东昆仑山地区。2011年9–11月,我们对该地区黑颈鹤的种群分布、数量变化、行为活动及生存状况等进行了详细调查。利用样点调查法和直接计数法,对黑颈鹤的分布和种群数量进行了记录。在若羌县(祁曼塔格乡、铁木里克乡)和且末县(吐拉牧场、车尔臣河流域)等地区的湿地中,都观察到有黑颈鹤分布。在依协克帕提湿地(37°15′–37°23′N,90°11′–90°20′E,海拔3903m)最多一次记录到126只黑颈鹤集群,在阿尔金山自然保护区共有黑颈鹤180–200只左右。结合早期的科学考察记录,推测整个新疆的黑颈鹤数量在260只以上。10月中旬,黑颈鹤开始大规模集群,10月29日达到最大值并开始迁徙,11月6日黑颈鹤全部迁徙离开。采用瞬时扫描取样法对黑颈鹤的时间分配和昼间活动节律进行了系统观察。我们将黑颈鹤的日间行为分为8种类型,各行为所占的比例分别为:取食(58.9%)、理羽(13.2%)、警戒(9.5%)、行走(8.2%)、飞行(3.5%)、休息(3.4%)、鸣叫(2.7%)和其他(0.6%)。  相似文献   

2018年4月24日,江西省野生动植物救护繁育中心接收救护1只亚成体野生白鹤,体检发现白鹤疑似肠道感染,经过药物治疗、康复护理和野化训练,结果在吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区内放飞。通过鸟类环志进行放归后监测,发现白鹤在黄河三角洲保护区越冬,证实白鹤救护放归成功。本文通过接收1只野生白鹤,总结了白鹤临床救治和护理经验,为日后国内开展白鹤保护和野生动物异地放归工作提供理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

中国东北地区与扎龙自然保护区相邻的长沟村是白头鹤(Grus monacha)重要的中途停歇地之一。目前关于该地区白头鹤的行为和健康状况研究尚不足。本文旨在研究长沟的人为活动对白头鹤行为和健康的影响。我们调查了该地区白头鹤的日常行为,包括飞行时间、惊飞距离以及警戒持续时间。结果表明,当地农民收获农作物(玉米)的过程所产生的声音对白头鹤的日常行为产生明显的影响。人为扰动不仅打断白头鹤正常的觅食过程,同时导致警戒时间增加200%,并且显著增加了飞行时间(从0.4h增加到0.7h)(p<0.05)。另外,高强度的声音使白头鹤的惊飞距离增加:轰鸣的车辆马达声响会惊飞600m以外正在觅食的鹤,而收割活动中的农民的叫喊声达120dB,足以惊走700m外的白头鹤。为减少人类活动对中途停歇的白头鹤的影响,有必要在鹤觅食和栖息区域建立一个缓冲带。为了解决当地白头鹤觅食与因觅食导致的农作物经济损失之间的冲突,需要当地政府对农民进行适当补偿。  相似文献   

云南黑颈鹤的分布数量和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李纯 《野生动物》1996,(5):14-15
本文总结了黑颈鹤在云南越冬分布数量的最新调查情况,其分布点已增加到16个,总数达1640只;影响黑颈鹤生存的主要因素是栖息地破坏和偷猎;提出了相应的加强保护措施。  相似文献   

自2004年至2008年,在白鹤GEF项目的支持下,全国鸟类环志中心于每年5月在东北松嫩平原的4个国家级自然保护区,即黑龙江的扎龙国家级自然保护区、内蒙古的科尔沁国家级自然保护区、吉林的向海和莫莫格国家级自然保护区,开展了繁殖水鸟的地面调查。调查的目的在于了解各个保护区繁殖水鸟的分布和种群动态。丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)是本调查活动的重要目标物种。通过5年的调查,了解到松嫩平原的扎龙保护区是目前丹顶鹤最为重要的繁殖地,逾90%的繁殖丹顶鹤种群分布在扎龙保护区,但种群数量变动较大,变动幅度介于112–275只之间。良好的芦苇(Phragmites australis)生境是丹顶鹤的繁殖种群保持稳定和增长的首要条件。通过给湿地供水可以缓解丹顶鹤繁殖栖息地的快速退化,但科学合理的供水机制是保证丹顶鹤繁殖成功的前提。  相似文献   

试验采用21日龄肉鸡的心肌组织作为研究对象用于抽提核蛋白,用蛋白质印记法和电泳迁移率变动分析法研究心肌细胞中与MnSOD基因转录相关的Sp-1和AP-2核转录因子及其结合序列。结果表明,在肉鸡心肌细胞的核蛋白中存有与MnSOD基因转录调控相关的核转录因子Sp-1和AP-2,且能与MnSOD基因启动子区特异性结合位点结合,其中在-79~-58有一个与人和大鼠相同的Sp-1结合位点核心序列(5'-GGGGCGGG-3'),在鸡MnSOD基因启动子区中AP-2结合位点核心序列与现有文献中报道的人和大鼠以及一些病毒AP-2结合位点核心序列不同,分别为位于-34~-14(5'-GGCGCAGGC-3')和-338~-319(5'-CCCAAGGTC-3')。上述结果提示,肉鸡心肌细胞中MnSOD基因的转录调控可能与核转录因子Sp-1和AP-2与MnSOD基因启动子区的特异性结合密切相关。  相似文献   

A 5-mo-old great rhea (Rhea americana) gradually became emaciated over a 1-wk period and died. Necropsy revealed several small yellow nodules in the lungs. Microscopically, the nodules consisted of granulomas containing numerous thin, 4-microm-diameter, septate, branching fungal hyphae. Aspergillus fumigatus grew readily on Sabouraud dextrose agar. This report appears to be the first of mycotic pneumonia in great rheas.  相似文献   

Background: The composition of intestinal microflora in animals is affected by cross-species transmission. In a nature reserve, the foraging sites of waterbirds...  相似文献   

Abnormal hepatic copper storage in a teleost fish (Morone americana)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excessive copper storage in livers of feral white perch (Morone americana) from the Chesapeake Bay is described. Age-related, progressive accumulation of hepatic copper in levels often exceeding 1,000 micrograms/g wet weight was associated with peribiliary fibrosis and inflammation, bile duct hyperplasia, prominent, enlarged melanomacrophage centers, and disruption of hepatic architecture in older fish. Levels of zinc were mildly elevated compared to striped bass (Morone saxitilis) and adult rats. Cholangiomas were found in two perch. Rubeanic acid-stained liver had abundant copper-positive cytoplasmic granules in hepatocytes and cells of melanomacrophage centers. Subcellular fractionation showed that 90% of hepatocellular copper was in nuclei/cell debris fractions (which also contain tertiary lysosomes). Using electron probe microanalysis, high copper levels were localized in hepatocellular cytoplasmic bodies. Resolution of hepatic cytosol by gel permeation chromatography indicated that approximately 50% of the cytosolic copper in the white perch was bound to non-specific high molecular weight proteins, with the remaining 50% eluting at a peak where rat metallothionein is located. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant lysosomes, increased size and number of peroxisomes, and increased density and numbers of mitochondrial matrix granules. This study indicates that white perch may be a model for studying effects of excessive copper accumulation and cellular mechanisms which control copper kinetics.  相似文献   

为了解丹顶鹤的种群动态趋势,我们自1991年至2012年在中国东北双台河口国家级保护区开始监测迁徙的丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)。研究结果表明,春季丹顶鹤一般在3月1日左右到达,而秋季最后离开日在11月8日左右。经22年的观察,春季迁徙丹顶鹤集群的高峰期为3月10–20日,春季的停歇期为25天左右。比较历年春季最高值,在1990年代,数量为400只左右,至2000年数量超过800只,之后有一短期种群数量在600–800只间波动。随之种群数量开始下降,至近年我们观察到每年春季的峰值数量为400只左右。我们的观察结果与越冬地研究结果相似——丹顶鹤种群自2000年来呈下降趋势。我们认为目前亟待加强对丹顶鹤的保护和管理,以维持和改善其栖息地质量。  相似文献   

Objective— To compare the efficacy of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (rhBMP‐2)/calcium phosphate (CP) to autogenous cancellous bone graft (CBG) and to no treatment on bone healing, in surgically induced osteotomies and ostectomies of the accessory metatarsal bones in an equine model. Study Design— Experimental. Animals— Adult horses (n=9). Methods— Segmental ostectomies of the second metatarsal bone (MT2) and osteotomies of the fourth metatarsal bone (MT4) were performed bilaterally in 9 horses. There were a total of 35 defects (1 MT4 was previously fractured) created and supplemented randomly either with no treatment (untreated control), rhBMP‐2/CP cement, or matrix (CPC or CPM), or CBG. Radiography was performed every 2 weeks until study endpoint at 12 weeks. After euthanasia, bone healing was evaluated using radiography, mechanical testing, and histology. Data were analyzed with ANOVA followed by the Duncan's Multiple Range Test or nonparametric analyses. Results— At 12 weeks, radiographic scores for union were significantly greater for the rhBMP‐2 (P<.0001) and CBG (P=.004) groups compared with the untreated control group, for both MT2 ostectomies and MT4 osteotomies. The rhBMP‐2 treated MT2 had greater maximum torque to failure in torsion than CBG and control limbs at 12 weeks (P=.011). Histologic analysis demonstrated increased bone formation and more mature bone at the ostectomy site for MT2 in the rhBMP‐2 and CBG groups compared with the untreated control group. Conclusion— Injection of rhBMP‐2/CP into surgically induced ostectomies and osteotomies of the accessory metatarsal bones might accelerate early bone healing in the horse. Clinical Relevance— RhBMP‐2/CP may be as effective if not superior to CBG as an adjuvant treatment to accelerate healing of bone defects.  相似文献   

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