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本文综述了目前应用于DNA疫苗的几种免疫佐剂,诸如细胞因子、蛋白质分子、CpG寡核苷酸、化学分子、脂质体等,总结了DNA疫苗免疫佐剂的研究现状,探讨了该领域未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

基因疫苗及其免疫佐剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因疫苗是由编码能引起保护性免疫反应的病原体抗原基因片段和真核质粒表达载体构建成的重组质粒DNA。基因疫苗注入机体后能使外源基因在活体内表达,表达蛋白刺激机体引起特异性免疫应答。基因免疫作为一种新的免疫技术,自上世纪90年代初以来,已展现出广阔的应用前景,特别是在  相似文献   

DNA疫苗是编码免疫原或与免疫原相关的真核表达质粒DNA(有时也可为RNA),它能够诱导机体的免疫系统产生体液免疫和细胞免疫,来预防机体免受疾病的侵袭.但是DNA疫苗诱导的免疫应答的效力较低而且不稳定,需要某种物质来协同这种作用,免疫佐剂就在这种情况下产生、发展并发挥增强免疫原性或增强宿主对抗原保护性应答的功能[1].  相似文献   

DNA疫苗免疫佐剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐述了细胞因子、共刺激分子、CpG DNA和脂质体等DNA疫苗佐剂的来源、性质、免疫增强作用、作用机理和方式。认为以前的研究工作必然会使上述佐剂应用到DNA疫苗的生产中。  相似文献   

近年来,随着免疫学研究的不断深入及基因工程技术的迅速发展,活载体疫苗、DNA疫苗和合成肽疫苗等新型疫苗的研究也取得了可喜的进步。这些新型疫苗纯度高、特异性强,但免疫原性弱,诱导机体产生的免疫应答不够强,因此,应用佐剂来增强其免疫原性或增强宿主对抗原的保护性应答就显得尤为重要。文章就近年来免疫佐剂研究概况作一综述。1铝盐佐剂铝盐佐剂是一类含Al3 的无机盐,其中最常用的效果较好的是Al(OH)3和磷酸铝佐剂。Al(OH)3成本低、使用方便,是兽医生物制品生产中应用最广的一种佐剂,也是至今唯一被美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准…  相似文献   

DNA疫苗又称核酸疫苗或基因疫苗 ,是最近几年从基因治疗研究领域发展起来的一种全新疫苗 ,其出现被誉为第 3次疫苗革命。DNA疫苗的本质是指能在哺乳动物细胞内表达重组蛋白抗原的质粒DNA ,通过肌肉注射等途径接种动物或人体后 ,其携带的外源基因能在宿主细胞表达目的蛋白并诱导免疫应答。 1 992年以来 ,应用这一技术己成功地在小鼠、鸡、牛、黑猩猩等多种动物和人体诱生抗病毒、细菌、原虫和肿瘤的免疫应答。DNA疫苗在实验动物的免疫效力及其性质稳定、成本低廉等特点 ,使其成为今后疫苗发展的显而易见的选择。随着对DNA疫苗…  相似文献   

核酸疫苗的应用及研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
核酸疫苗是一种发展迅速的新型疫苗。本文对核酸疫苗的产生、构成、特性、制备方法、免疫学机制和生物学特征进行概述,并对近年来二十余种核酸疫苗的研究、临床应用进 展进行了总结。  相似文献   

兽用DNA疫苗的研究进展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍了DNA疫苗的特点、组成、免疫途径、免疫反应的机制、DNA疫苗的捕捉、细胞活素/共同刺激分子和兽用DNA疫苗的研究进展以及应用。  相似文献   

随着基因疫苗深入的研究,推动了用于提高基因疫苗免疫效果的免疫佐剂的研究.免疫佐剂不仅可以增强抗原的免疫原性而且还可以提高免疫效果,研究人员正不断地积极探索寻找新型免疫佐剂,以适应时代需求,现将近几年来基因疫苗免疫佐剂研究进展做一下概述,并简要的分析了研究新型免疫佐剂的存在问题、安全性、研究意义和未来发展前景.  相似文献   

脂质体作为一种新型疫苗佐剂可同时增强机体的体液和细胞介导免疫应答,对疫苗有很强的增效作用。通过分析脂质体的作用机理,概述脂质体作为疫苗免疫佐剂的一些优点以及目前在抗细菌、抗病毒、抗寄生虫以及抗肿瘤疫苗等方面的应用情况,列举出存在的问题并提出改进的方法,展现出脂质体未来良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

鸡痘蜂胶佐剂灭活疫苗的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鸡痘是危害养鸡业发展的一种传染病,不分日龄大小均可发病,肉鸡和蛋鸡均可感染,发病期1~2周,雏鸡死亡率较高,可达5%~30%不等,近年来发病率和死亡率有上升趋势,并且免疫失败的病例时有发生,为了用疫苗来控制鸡痘的暴发,我们研制了鸡痘蜂胶佐剂灭活疫苗,并用间接ELISA法检测了用弱毒疫苗和灭活疫苗免疫后的抗体水平,现报告如下。  相似文献   

The ability of either formalin-treated or heat-inactivated whole Streptococcus equi cell vaccines or partially purified M-protein of S. equi to give rise to protective antibody levels was studied in Standardbred foals by serological means. Two commercial preparations, i.e. a beta-propiolactone killed whole S. equi cell bacterin and a cell-free extract of S. equi cells were included in the study. The mean passive hemagglutination antibody titers (10 X log2) in sera of foals given either four doses of formalin-treated whole cell vaccine or an initial dose of formalin-treated followed by three doses of heat-inactivated vaccine with or without levamisole were significantly higher two weeks after the final dose. These passive hemagglutination antibody titers were higher in foals given formalin-treated whole cell vaccine (6.7 +/- 1.5) than given commercial bacterin (4.5 +/- 2.1). The passive hemagglutination antibody titers in all the groups decreased at 12 to 16 weeks after fourth dose of the vaccine. Foals given a commercial cell-free extract did not show a significant increase in passive hemagglutination antibody titers even up to four weeks after third dose. A group of six pony foals immunized with partially-purified M protein showed mean passive hemagglutination antibody titers lower than those observed in foals given whole cell vaccines. In a challenge experiment with S. equi, two of six foals vaccinated with partially-purified M-protein and all three controls developed clinical disease. The passive hemagglutination antibody of vaccinated foals increased after challenge, while at 28 days postchallenge the passive hemagglutination antibody titers of vaccinates and recovered controls were similar.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination represents one of the most recent novel approaches to vaccine development. Experimentally, DNA vaccines induce a broad range of long lasting immune responses including humoral and cell-mediated immunity against infectious diseases in humans and animals. Furthermore, DNA vaccines are potentially useful for the treatment of autoimmune diseases or cancer. However, most information on the efficacy of DNA vaccines has been generated in mice and studies in larger animals are limited. In this review, the potential application of DNA vaccines in livestock and pet animals are discussed. The principle of this new technology, its potency and future perspectives for use in veterinary medicine will be outlined.  相似文献   

Vaccination is a most cost-effective way of controlling infectious diseases in fish. However, some vaccination techniques when applied to hatchery conditions are not as effective as we expect them to be. Modern molecular biology techniques offer a number of opportunities for improving existing bacterial or viral vaccines or creating new ones. One of the most promising trends in vaccinology is development of DNA vaccination. DNA vaccines are based on the gene encoding specific antigen, which is expressed in vaccinated organism and induces the host immune system. DNA vaccines, compared to conventional vaccines, have many advantages including ability to trigger wider immune response, bigger stability and possibility of large-scale production. To date, there are several reports indicating effectiveness of DNA vaccines used against fish pathogens.  相似文献   

Fifteen batches ofE. coli vaccines for pigs, from three different manufacturers, were subjected to a quantitative form of the in vitro Limulusamoebocyte-lysate (LAL) test for their free endotoxin content. A batch of vaccine associated with abortions in pregnant sows was found to contain a much higher level of free endotoxin than batches of vaccine not associated with abortion. The evidence of these assays suggests that they will be useful in the quality control ofE. coli vaccines.  相似文献   

从抗原微粒化佐剂(如不溶性铝盐胶体、免疫刺激复合物、脂质体)、缓慢释放抗原佐剂(如油乳佐剂、抗原的微型包囊)、微生物佐剂(如细菌毒素、短小棒状杆菌菌苗、分枝杆菌及其成分、肽聚糖)、分子佐剂(如细胞因子、C3d分子、共刺激分子、超抗原、热休克蛋白、CpG序列)和其他佐剂(如维生素E、硒、抗生素类、拟胸腺素药物、蜂胶、中药多糖)等几方面阐述了免疫佐剂的性质、作用机制及应用的研究现状,为免疫佐剂的临床应用和进一步研制提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA technology for the preparation of subunit vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recombinant DNA technology appears to be on the verge of producing safe and effective protein vaccines for animal and human diseases. The procedure is applicable to most viruses because their isolated surface proteins generally possess immunogenic activity. Strategies used for the preparation and cloning of the appropriate genes depend on the characteristics of the viral genomes: whether DNA or RNA; their size, strandedness, and segmentation; and whether messenger RNA are monocistronic or polycistronic. Cloned surface proteins of foot-and-mouth disease and hepatitis B viruses are being tested for possible use as practical vaccines. Two doses of the cloned foot-and-mouth disease viral protein have elicited large amounts of neutralizing antibody and have protected cattle and swine against challenge exposure with the virus. Surface proteins have also been cloned for the viruses of fowl plague, influenza, vesicular stomatitis, rabies, and herpes simplex. Cloning is in progress for surface proteins of viruses causing canine parvovirus gastroenteritis, human papillomas, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, Rift Valley fever, and paramyxovirus diseases. In addition, advances in recombinant DNA and other facilitating technologies have rekindled interest in the chemical synthesis of polypeptide vaccines for viral diseases. The bioengineering of bacterial vaccines is also under way. Proteinaceous pili of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli are being produced in E coli K-12 strains for use as vaccines against neonatal diarrheal diseases of livestock.  相似文献   

简述了DNA疫苗的研究概况,介绍了真核双表达质粒的结构特点及其在基因佐剂和二价DNA疫苗中的应用情况,总结分析了双表达质粒的优点和存在的问题,并对其今后在DNA疫苗中的研究方向和前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

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