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Understanding the changes occurring within the forestry sector is complicated by socio-economic and demographic changes within rural communities - sometimes in areas where commercial forestry has a long tradition. These changes in some rural communities, particularly coastal New South Wales, appear significant for forestry because land ownership and management are increasingly disconnected from the traditional agricultural land use. There is an increasing population of landowners in ‘lifestyle’ landscapes who do not appear primarily driven by maximising the profitability of farming. The shift from ‘production’ to ‘lifestyle’ landscapes also reflects a transition in community expectations for forestry - a profound change that is likely to require quite different approaches to management. Landholders may be more likely to be interested in forestry with multiple values, including both timber products and environmental services. Furthermore, well-managed native forests that are integrated into individual properties and wider landscapes, may increase the market value of the property, representing a prudent business investment. This paper presents a method for analysing the relationship between rural land values and the estimated agricultural value of typical farms in a number of localities in New South Wales, as a means of interpreting the underlying social values of landholders. It is argued that such analysis can be helpful in identifying changes in community values as a signal that approaches to private native forestry may also need to change to accommodate the aspirations of ‘lifestyle’ landholders, who may value the aesthetics of native forests more highly than timber production.  相似文献   

我国新农村人居林建设   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国正处于新农村建设探索之中,而乡村人居林建设既是生态环境建设的基础,也是新农村经济建设的重要组成部分。为了进一步促进我国乡村生态环境建设,探索新农村绿色家园建设的途径,本文提出乡村人居林建设的内涵和必要性,根据我国农村的特点,提出乡村人居林建设的原则和建设内容,为我国乡村人居林建设提供参考。    相似文献   

王立海 《林业研究》1997,8(1):50-53
INTRoDUCTIoNManyforestentcrpriscslnHeiIonaiiangForestRcgion,Chinaarefacingx`ithseriousproblemsoffi-nanceshortageandresourccrapidly'dccrcasingtoday.Highdemandoftimberandotl1erforestproductsintI1epastresultedinoverharvestingandi111proPerharvesting.Thishasbe…  相似文献   

Tropical forests could satisfy multiple demands for goods and services both for present and future generations. Yet integrated approaches to natural forest management remain elusive across the tropics. In this paper we examine one combination of uses: selective harvesting of timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction. We analyze the current status of this combination and speculate on prospects and challenges regarding: (i) resource inventory, (ii) ecology and silviculture, (iii) conflict in the use of multipurpose tree species, (iv) wildlife conservation and use, (v) tenure, and (vi) product certification. Our conclusions remain preliminary due to the relative paucity of published studies and lessons learned on what has worked and what has not in the context of integrated management for timber and NTFPs. We propose at least three ways where further research is merited. One, in improving ‘opportunistic’ situations driven by selective timber harvesting that also enhance NTFP values. Two, to explicitly enhance both timber and NTFP values through targeted management interventions. Three, to explicitly assess biophysical, social, regulatory and institutional aspects so that combined benefits are maximized. Interventions for enhancing the compatibility of timber and NTFP extraction must be scaled in relation to the size of the area being managed, applied timber harvesting intensities, and the dynamics of multi-actor, forest partnerships (e.g., between the private sector and local communities). In addition, training and education issues may have to be re-crafted with multiple-use management approaches inserted into tropical forestry curricula.  相似文献   

杭州市森林资源可持续发展的基底分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林资源可持续发展是实现人类社会资源、经济、环境可持续发展的物质基础。森林资源在杭州市社会经济发展中起着发展山区经济、保障水土安全、保存生物物种、构建绿色景观、提高城市品位与投资环境质量等重要作用。现状分析表明,在森林资源发展进程中存在着林地面积发展受制、蓄积增长缓慢、结构不够合理、经营管理工作运转不力等许多限制因素,必须通过构建有效的组织工作体系、建立先进完善的资源监测管理系统、进行制度创新、加强科技创新和科技成果转化等相关对策,才能达到实现森林资源可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

Significant expansion has occurred in Ireland's forest estate since the 1950s. However, the design of the monocultural plantations established in the 1950s and 60s is now considered insensitive to local landscapes and re-design intervention and transformation is needed to improve integration into the environment. This case study was carried out in Laracus forest, Co. Donegal. The rotation of all stands in this 581-ha property has reached the final production phase, with coupes scheduled for clearfelling from 2003 to 2015. The implications of forest re-design for both the volume production in the current rotation and the financial return of the current and subsequent rotations were examined. Results indicated a volume loss due to design planning for the current rotation of 5.6% compared to the volume produced under the standard regime. In financial terms, this represents a loss of 4.6%. For the subsequent rotation, a significant financial gain of 22% in net present value was achieved as a result of redesigning the plantation. The overall financial out-turn for the property, when both the current and subsequent rotations were considered, was a 3.4% lower net present value for the design plan than for the standard regime. This result represents a lower impact of design planning in Laracus than most other forest restructuring studies have reported.  相似文献   

The ecosystem service concept has been proposed as a meaningful framework for natural resource management. In theory it holds concomitant benefit and consequence for the forest product sector. However, numerous barriers impede practitioners from developing concrete and enduring responses to emerging ecosystem service markets, policies, and initiatives. Principle among these barriers is that the ecosystem service concept has a complex history, numerous definitions in use, and an astounding diversity in rationale and application. This article provides a conceptual review of ecosystem services and its economic foundations, distinguishes among several current definitions of the term and their relatedness to strategies in practical application, discusses diverse approaches to valuation, and explores potential for future relevance in forest product and other sectors.  相似文献   

森林资源是经济发展过程中重要的投入要素,不同经济发展水平下的森林资源利用与保护具有明显的阶段性特征,反映了人类对森林资源的认识程度和发展林业的核心目标。依据经济发展阶段划分的相关理论,本文将我国的经济发展划分为4个阶段,研究了各发展阶段森林资源利用与保护的特点。分析认为:随着经济总量增加和经济增长方式的转变,森林利用的形式从单一趋向综合,对森林质量的要求不断提高,并决定着森林保护的形式和力度。  相似文献   

河源市源城区森林资源变化分析与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广东省河源市源城区2001、2009年两个年度森林资源连续清查数据为研究对象,分别从林地面积、林种、树种、龄组等方面对该区8年间森林资源变化动态进行了分析与评价,并对源城区林业的发展提出建议.  相似文献   

浏阳河花木产业带发展观光农业的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浏阳河花木产业带发展观光农业,具有景观资源丰富、区位优越、开发条件好的三大基础条件,也面临观念、规划、人才等三大现实问题。产业带观光农业开发重点是要突出“两带和一个中心”的基本构思,即浏阳河风光带、百里花木长廊两大特色景观观光线和柏加至普迹的休闲观光中心。产业带观光农业发展要立足花木产业的基础,坚持政府主导,长远规划,突出乡村特色。  相似文献   

基于国内外对于槭属植物资源开发利用及其研究成果,概述了槭属植物种类、分布以及中国东北地区槭属植物资源状况,结果表明:槭树植物在东北地区原生分布种有10种,分别为簇毛槭、茶条槭、小楷槭、白牛槭、色木槭、假色槭、青楷槭、拧筋槭、元宝槭和花楷槭;糖槭、银槭、三角槭、羽扇槭、鸡爪槭5种为引进栽培种。东北槭属植物资源具有重要开发利用价值。  相似文献   

实施森林资源经营管护责任区,是保护森林资源,利用森林资源,保护环境的战略决策。因此必须树立长远观点,保护环境,克服短期行为,提高对实施森林资源经营管护责任区的认识、确保其落到实处。  相似文献   

正确处理林业科技创新和产业发展之间的关系,使二者产生互动和相互促进,对推进林业可持续发展至关重要。本文综合分析了科技创新与林业产业发展的辩证关系,从机构设置、科技思路、创新立项、品牌建设、人才培养等方面提出推进延边林业科技创新工作的几点思考和建议。  相似文献   

山东省临沂市林下经济现状与可持续生态发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了林下经济的概念和特点,分析研究了临沂市林下经济类型及模式、存在困难与问题、发展优势,提出了可持续生态发展临沂市林下经济的技术途径和工作措施。  相似文献   

物联网技术在林业的应用尚处于起步阶段,应用范围小,技术水平低。针对森林管理的独特性,提出了物联网在森林资源监管与服务、森林火灾防控与服务、生态环境监测和森林旅游监管与服务的发展方向。  相似文献   

吉林市可食性森林蔬菜190多种、食用菌80多种。资源开发利用程度低、加工工艺落后、缺少龙头企业和缺乏科技支撑是目前存在的主要问题。提出了重视森林蔬菜资源保护,突出特色、打造绿色品牌,进行深度加工、延长产业链和加强科技支撑的发展对策。  相似文献   

以全国首批森林经营示范国有林场之一的塞罕坝林场为研究对象,在总结以往生产管理经验的基础上,分析研究林场在生产中出现的主要问题,以及制约发展的主要因素,结合林场发展方向,对森林经营示范体系建设与发展构想进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术和GIS技术的迅速发展,产生了一种先进的网络GIS技术,即WebGIS技术。当今森林资源管理为了适应时代的需求提出新的目标和内容,将WebGIS技术应用于森林资源管理中。本文从WebGIS的特点和技术出发,介绍了WebGIS在森林资源管理中的应用和发展。  相似文献   

浙江省义乌市森林资源保护管理现状与可持续发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过阐述义乌市森林资源的现状与特点,对该市森林资源保护管理作了客观分析,提出了义乌市森林资源可持续发展要采取完善林业行政管理机构和队伍、做好林木采伐审批和征占用林地公示制、加强森林病虫害防治工作、加强平原绿化工作、确保森林覆盖率的稳定和增长等对策。  相似文献   

A useful theoretical approach in the literature for those trying to conserve forest biodiversity involves a number of strategies to achieve maintenance of habitat for different species across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This approach emphasises the importance of implementing measures in off-reserve areas to complement reserve systems. This contrasts with both the traditional ‘set-aside’ approach to conservation and the primary aim of production forestry. Translating this risk-spreading approach into on-ground practice is often a difficult task.  相似文献   

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