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Four fungicides were evaluated as combined soil drench and trunk treatments for the control of crown rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum, in naturally infected apple trees. In a 3-year preliminary study, metalaxyl at 1 and fosetyl-aluminium at 8 g a. i. per tree, applied twice a year, prevented death of infected trees showing only initial, but not more severe, symptoms of crown rot. This indicates that these fungicides have the ability to arrest further symptom development in naturally infected trees if they are treated as soon as symptoms appear. Healthy trees remained free of infection if they were treated with these fungicides, suggesting a preventative action. Repeated bi-annual application of metalaxyl or fosetyl-aluminium should be sufficient to prevent the loss of trees to crown rot.  相似文献   

Metalaxyl resistance has been identified in the Phytophthora porri population in the UK. In field experiments the presence of such resistant strains reduced the level of control of leek white tip given by applications of phenylamide-containing fungicides. The level of control achieved by fungicides with alternative modes of action to the phenylamides was not affected. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

The mycelial growth of Phytophthora cactorum on corn meal agar was completely inhibited by metalaxyl or mancozeb at 50 or 100 μg ml?1, but not by fosetyl-aluminium at the same concentrations. Soil drenches with metalaxyl, followed by metalaxyl+mancozeb, around the base of naturally infected trees under orchard conditions, prevented the growth of P. cactorum in the infected bark of the tree. Soil drenchs with metalaxyl, followed by metalaxyl+mancozeb, also prevented the infection of apple trees with P. cactorum under orchard conditions. The trunk circumference and spur length were not significantly affected by any of the fungicide treatments in all the trials over 2 years, except in one of the four orchards used in the study. Soil drench with metalaxyl alone, or followed by metalaxyl+mancozeb, may provide an effective control method for crown rot of apple trees.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In het voorjaar van 1968 vertoonde een aantal bomen op het onderstammen proefveld te Kraggenburg (N.O.P.) een slechte bladstand. Vóór januari 1969 waren alle bomen van de appelrassen Cox's Orange Pippin, James Grieve en Lombartscalville en één enkel geplante Stark Earliest, alle geënt op onderstam MM 104, afgestorven. Slechts de vijf bomen van het ras Golden Dilicious op MM 104 vertoonden een normale stand. Uit de aangetaste wortels konPhytophthora cactorum geïsoleerd worden. Vermoedelijk heeft het pathogeen door een hoge grondwaterstand gedurende de winter 1967/1968 de kans gekregen de onderstam MM 104 te infecteren. Doordat de vijf Golden Delicious bomen op MM 104 aan het windscherm grensden, waar het relatief droger is, zijn deze waarschijnlijk aan infectie ontsnapt.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty two isolates ofPhytophthora infestans from infected potato foliage or tubers, obtained in 1981 from different potato fields in various regions of the Netherlands, were tested for their ability to infect potato leaf discs floating on solutions of metalaxyl of various concentrations. Isolates were designated as resistant to metalaxyl when sporulation occurred at a concentration of 1 g ml–1 or higher.Forty-one isolates appeared to be resistant. Thirty-five of the resistant isolates and 29 sensitive ones originated from three areas involving circa 15% of the total Dutch potato acreage. In these areas 28% of the fields sampled were metalaxyl-treated and 78% of these fields yielded resistant isolates. Only one of the three areas had a history of metalaxyl resistance in 1980. Six metalaxyl-resistant and 152 sensitive isolates were found in potato fields in other areas including those with major problems of resistance in 1980. All of four old potato cull piles sampled in the latter areas yielded metalaxyl-resistant isolates and two of these sites had possibly been inoculum sources for nearby potato fields. Only 9% of the fields sampled in these areas were metalaxyl-treated and none of these yielded a metalaxyl-resistant isolate.The data are compatible with the idea that infected seed potatoes were the major source of the incoculum that initiated the early and severe late blight epidemic in 1981 in the Netherlands. The severity has been enhanced by late-blight-conducive weather conditions during the emergence of the crop and its early stages of development, when fungicides had not yet been applied. Old potato cull piles are assumed to have been less important in starting the 1981 epidemic.Apparently, infected seed potatoes carried predominantly metalaxyl-sensitive strains, which explains the prevalence of metalaxyl-sensitive strains in most of the fields. In 1980, the seed potato crop had been harvested before the problem of metalaxyl-resistance surfaced. Hence, it might be assumed that infection of seed potatoes, favoured by late-blight-conducive weather in 1980, had been caused by metalaxyl-sensitive strains. Evidence that seed potatoes could also carry metalaxyl-resistant strains was obtained in two cases. It might explain their early occurrence in fields located in areas without a history of metalaxyl resistance in 1980 and the rapid build-up of a resistant population in a number of metalaxyl-treated fields.Development of resistance in potato fields, which were under heavy disease pressure after spraying with a mixture of metalaxyl and mancozeb, could not be proven definitely. In one experimental field the seed tubers very likely carried metalaxyl-resistant strains, which initiated an epidemic, and in a second field the influx of resistant strains from elsewhere could not be completely ruled out. In the latter field spraying the mixture at a two-week interval could not effectively control the disease. In this field a considerable degree of tuber infection by metalaxyl-resistant strains was noticed.No correlation existed between the behaviour of a particular strain towards metalaxyl and the genes for virulence present. Among a total of 79 isolates, the race of which has been identified, 23 different races were found. Race was most frequently found, followed by race Among 37 resistant isolates 10 different races could be identified.Samenvatting Gedurende de zomer en najaar van 1981 werden 222 veldisolaten vanPhytophthora infestans met behulp van een drijftoets getoetst op resistentie tegen metalaxyl. Per perceel werd meestal één isolaat, hetzij afkomstig van een door de aardappelziekte aangetast blad, hetzij van een zieke knol, getoetst.Eén en veertig isolaten bleken resistent te zijn. Van deze 41 waren er 35 afkomstig uit West Brabant, de Hoekse Waard en Oost Brabant/Noord Limburg, waar ongeveer 15% van het totale aardappelareaal in Nederland is gelegen. Daarnaast werden uit deze gebieden 29 gevoelige isolaten verkregen. Van de bemonsterde percelen uit de drie genoemde gebieden was 29% één- of tweemaal met metalaxyl behandeld, meestal in combinatie met andere middelen. Uit 78% van de aldus behandelde percelen werd een resistant isolaat verkregen. In de genoemde gebieden werden in 1980 alleen in Oost-Brabant/Noord Limburg problemen ondervonden van metalaxylresistentie.In percelen in overige gedeelten van Nederland, waar in 1980 algemeen metalaxylresistentie werd waargenomen, werden in totaal slechts zes metalaxyl-resistente en 152 gevoelige isolaten aangetroffen. Geen enkel van de met metalaxyl bespoten percelen (9% van het aantal bemonsterde percelen) leverde hier een resistent isolaat op. Uit een viertal aardappelafvalhopen in deze gebieden waarop de aardappelziekte voorkwam, werden metalaxyl-resistente stammen verkregen en twee ervan hadden waarschijnlijk een naburig perceel besmet.De resultaten van het onderzoek en de waarnemingen in de percelen wijzen erop dat de vroege en hevige epidemie van de aardappelziekte in 1981 is veroorzaakt door besmet pootgoed waaruit secundair zieke planten zijn ontstaan. Daarnaast werd het uitbreken van de epidemie vooral begunstig door de voorPhytophthora gunstige weersomstandigheden gedurende de periode eind mei tot half juni en het feit dat de eerste bespuiting te laat werd uitgevoerd, hetzij door overmacht, hetzij door het te traag reageren op de waarschuwingen via de radio.In 1980 hebben voornamelijk metalaxyl-gevoelige stammen het pootgoed kunnen besmetten, hetgeen verklaarbaar is uit het feit dat in dat jaar de problemen met metalaxylresistentie pas werden waargenomen nadat het loof van het pootgoed was vernietigd. In een tweetal gevallen zijn evenwel aanwijzingen verkregen dat pootgoed ook besmet kon zijn met resistente stammen. Een dergelijke besmetting is waarschijnlijk ook de verklaring voor het op grote schaal voorkomen van resistente stammen in West Brabant en de Hoekse Waard na een eenmalige toepassing van metalaxyl.In een tweetal proefvelden, waarvan er één was gelegen in Zuid-Flevoland en het andere te Heelsum, is het ontstaan van een resistante populatie bestudeerd bij een twee-wekelijkse toepassing van een mengsel van metalaxyl en mancozeb. Pootgoed, gebruikt in het op praktijkschaal uitgevoerde experiment in Zuid-Flevoland, bleek waarschijnlijk besmet te zijn met metalaxyl-resistente stammen, zoals op 1 juli werd vastgesteld in een onbehandeld gedeelte van het perceel. Op het behandelde gedeelte bleek het mengsel de ontwikkeling van de ziekte aanzienlijk te vertragen; evenwel werd na 16 juli een wekelijkse bespuiting met een maneb/fentin acetaat-bevattend produkt uitgevoerd voor een zo goed mogelijk ziektebestrijding.Op het in Heelsum gelegen proefveld werd op 5 augustus de ziekte het eerst waargenomen in het behandelde gedeelte, nadat de planten in het onbehandelde gedeelte, ten gevolgen van een doelbewuste inoculatie met gevoelige stammen op een naast gelegen aardappel-selectieveld, reeds voor meer dan 50% waren aangetast. Uit aangetaste bladeren van het behandelde gedeelte konden metalaxyl-resistente stammen worden geïsoleerd. In de loop van augustus bleek het metalaxyl/mancozeb-mengsel niet in staat verdere uitbreiding van de ziekte tegen te gaan en trad knolinfectie op. Begin september werden uitsluitend resistente stammen aangetroffen.Geen enkel verband kon worden vastgesteld tussen het optreden van metalaxyl-resistentie en het voorkomen van een bepaald fysio van de schimmel. Op een totaal van 79 isolaten konden 23 verschillende fysio's worden geïdentificeerd. Het fysio werd de meeste keren gevonden, gevolgd door fysio Tien verschillende fysio's werden aangetroffen onder de 37 getoetste metalaxyl-resistente isolaten.  相似文献   

为探索能高效、安全防控采后贮藏期苹果轮纹病的方法,采用室内生测法测定韭菜挥发物对苹果轮纹病菌Botryosphaeria dothidea菌丝生长的抑制作用及对采后苹果轮纹病的防控作用,并通过三重四极杆气质联用仪分析鉴定韭菜挥发物主要成分及其抑菌效应。结果表明,韭菜挥发物能显著抑制苹果轮纹病菌菌丝的生长,不同浓度挥发物的抑制率为85.57%~100.00%;韭菜挥发物能造成苹果轮纹病菌菌丝畸形。韭菜挥发物也能显著抑制采后苹果轮纹病的发生,其防控效果达53.42%~100.00%。韭菜挥发物的主要成分为有机硫化物,在离体情况下3种主要硫化物均能显著抑制苹果轮纹病菌菌丝的生长,500μL/L和250μL/L二甲基三硫醚、甲基烯丙基三硫醚、二烯丙基三硫醚在整个试验期间均能完全抑制苹果轮纹病菌菌丝的生长。其中二烯丙基三硫醚的抑制率最高,在62.5~500μL/L范围内其抑制率高达66.25%~100.00%。表明韭菜挥发物及其主要成分均能显著抑制苹果轮纹病菌的生长,这可能是韭菜防控苹果轮纹病发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

Single-oospore progeny from matings between field isolates of Phytophthora infestans either highly resistant or sensitive to metalaxyl were analysed for fungicide sensitivity in vitro, mating type and, in some cases, allozyme variation at the locus for glucosephosphate isomerase ( GPI-1. ) In each cross the majority of first-generation (F1) progeny showed intermediate sensitivity to metalaxyl. Frequency distributions were skewed towards sensitivity and a few progeny were either wholly sensitive or resistant phenotypes. Allozyme analysis of F1 progeny from a cross between parents of Dutch and Mexican origin showed that c. 10% were selfs of both parents and of parental phenotype for metalaxyl sensitivity. The selfs of the A2 but not the Al parent segregated for mating type. Two backcross generations to the metalaxyl-resistant Dutch parent gave unexpected phenotypic frequency distributions and aberrant ratios for genotypes at the GPI-I locus.
Progeny of another backcross between an F1 isolate of intermediate sensitivity and its sensitive Egyptian parent gave a 1:1 ratio for sensitive: intermediate phenotypes. F2 progeny from a related sibmating between intermediate phenotypes segregated in a ratio close to 1:2:1 for sensitive: intermediate: resistant phenotypes. Segregation was also observed among sexual progeny of an intermediate self-fertile isolate from the backcross generation but not among progeny of a resistant self-fertile phenotype. Mating type segregated in both cases.
These data are consistent with resistance to metalaxyl in P. infestans being governed by a single nuclear locus exhibiting incomplete dominance. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the incidence of resistance to metalaxyl in natural populations of P. infestans.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted using small-scale, detached pod evaluation methods to compare the likely effectiveness in controlling black pod of cuprous oxide-metalaxyl mixtures with these fungicides alone at approximately equivalent cost doses. All fungicide treatments were about equally effective and persistent except when rain fell soon afterspraying. Treatments containing cuprous oxide then gave very poor control of artificialinoculations with Phytophthora palmivora zoospores . Further laboratory' scale tests confirmed that cuprous oxide was readily leached by washing before the deposit completely dried whereas metalaxyl was very rapidly adsorbed on to ihe pods. A black pod control strategy is proposed using metalaxyi during critical wet periods and cuprous oxide for the rest of the year to reduce the possibility of metalaxyl resistance becoming apractical problem.  相似文献   

为了明确我国不同地区马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵的抗性状况,2007-2009年从河北、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和内蒙古马铃薯主产区采集马铃薯晚疫病菌,采用菌丝生长速率法和叶盘漂浮法测定其对甲霜灵的敏感性,采用叶盘漂浮法测定其对精甲霜灵的敏感性.结果表明:以菌丝生长速率法检测的380株晚疫病菌中和以叶盘漂浮法检测的222株晚疫病菌中对甲霜灵的抗性菌株分别占80%和73.5%;菌丝生长速率法检测结果显示,河北省对甲霜灵的抗性菌株所占频率从2007年的100%降为2008年的66.4%,2009年又回升至74.2%,而吉林和黑龙江两省对甲霜灵的抗性菌株分布频率呈上升趋势.叶盘漂浮法检测的95个菌株中对精甲霜灵的抗性菌株占54.5%,其中河北省40个菌株对精甲霜灵的中间型菌株占优势(62.5%),抗性菌株仅占34.9%,而其他4省55个菌株对精甲霜灵的抗性菌株占优势(69.1%).受检测的北方五省(区)马铃薯晚疫病菌群体中对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵的抗性菌株已占优势,马铃薯晚疫病菌已普遍对甲霜灵及精甲霜灵产生抗性.在对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵普遍产生抗性的地区,应优先选用与甲霜灵、精甲霜灵作用机理不同的药剂防治马铃薯晚疫病.  相似文献   

Phytophthora syringae Fruit Rot of Apples   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

Foot rot is the most important disease in citrus in Spain. Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica is the major cause of this disease. Field treatments with classic contact fungicides have been extensively used for many years to combat stem and trunk Phytophthora diseases in citrus, while, more recently, foliar application of the systemic fungicide fosetyl-A1 has been used with great success. It is now also possible to use a biological control method for foot rot disease. Myrothecium roridum, a cosmopolitan soil hyphomycete with high cellulolytic activity, produces toxins which are very active against Phytophthora fungi. Culture filtrates of M. roridum cultured in liquid medium with low sugar content strongly inhibit in vitro development of P.n. parasitica, P. syringae and P. capsici. In glasshouse trials employingcross inoculations of M. roridum and P.n. parasitica in stems of sweet orange and willowleaf mandarin seedlings, the bark lesions produced by Phytophthora were clearly stopped at 7 or 10 days after inoculation and the cankers subsequently did not show evident activity. In field trials, M. roridum inoculated into the roots of several citrus species limited development of cankers due to P.n. parasitica (artificial or natural infection). The good results open a new way for control of Phytophthora diseases in citrus.  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性机制的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 选取对甲霜灵敏感、中抗和高抗的马铃薯晚疫病菌(Phytophthora infestans)菌株各2株,采用电导率法和同位素掺入法,研究了甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株细胞膜通透性和RNA聚合酶活性的影响,借助液相色谱分析方法检测了不同抗药性水平菌株对甲霜灵的降解作用。结果表明:甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株的细胞膜通透性没有明显影响;随着甲霜灵浓度提高,敏感菌株的RNA聚合酶活性受到显著抑制,10μg/mL甲霜灵对敏感菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制率达到40%以上,而10和100μg/mL甲霜灵对高抗菌株的RNA聚合酶活性只表现轻微的抑制作用,抑制作用分别小于8%和21%,甲霜灵对中抗菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制作用介于对敏感菌株和高抗菌株的抑制作用之间。抗性菌株对甲霜灵有一定的降解作用,培养30d后高抗菌株HL105和SC1的降解率分别达到13.46%和16.14%。  相似文献   

贵州省烟草黑胫病菌对甲霜灵的抗药性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确贵州地区烟草黑胫病菌对甲霜灵的抗药性水平, 从贵州省12个市、县采集黑胫病病株, 经分离纯化鉴定, 获得98株黑胫病菌株, 采用生长速率法测定其对甲霜灵的敏感性。结果表明, 采自不同地区的菌株对甲霜灵的敏感性差异较大, 各供试菌株的EC50 值分布范围为0.419 2~20.486 1 μg/mL; 各地区平均EC50 在0.551 9~10.986 0 μg/mL之间; 最低抗药性水平为1.00, 最高抗药性水平为48.87, 相差48.87倍, 各地区平均抗药性水平在1.32~26.21之间。遵义、兴仁、贵定、赫章和兴义有抗甲霜灵菌株出现, 除遵义部分菌株的抗性水平表现为高抗外, 其余菌株对甲霜灵产生的抗性均处于中抗水平。  相似文献   

甲霜灵·霜霉威复配剂对棉疫病菌的联合毒力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室条件下,测定了甲霜灵和霜霉威复配剂对棉疫病菌(Phytophthora boehmeriae)的联合毒力。结果表明,复配剂MPA、MPB、MPC对棉疫病菌的EC50分别为0.055 5、0.104 4μg/mL和0.084 5μg/mL,对照单剂甲霜灵和霜霉威对棉疫病菌的EC50分别为0.039 1μg/mL和10.618 3μg/mL;联合毒力分析表明,甲霜灵和霜霉威按1∶1.5复配有增效作用,按1∶1和1.5∶1复配有相减作用。  相似文献   

Effects of fruit maturity, wound age, temperature and the duration of wetness periods on infection of apple fruits by conidia of the brown rot fungus, Monilinia fructigena , were studied. Inoculation of fruits on potted apple trees and harvested mature fruits showed that wounding was essential for infection by M. fructigena . On potted trees, there was a significant difference between the susceptibility of cvs Cox and Gala and this difference depended on wound age. The incidence of brown rot was affected greatly by fruit maturity and wound age. Wounds on younger fruits were more resistant to infection than those on older fruits, whilst the older the wound, the more resistant it was to infection. Furthermore, the degree of wound age-related resistance was greater on younger fruits than on older fruits. These relationships were well described by regression models. The effect of the duration of wetness periods was very small: increasing the duration of wetness periods reduced the incidence of brown rot on older wounds. For detached fruits, all those wounded were rotted after inoculation, except for those in two treatments under 20°C on fruits with wounds which were 8 days old. The incubation period of the fungus was generally very short. Wound age was the single most important factor influencing the length of the incubation period; the incubation period increased as wound age increased.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot of sweet pepper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phytophthora capsici proved to be the causal agent of a root and crown rot of sweet pepper in the Netherlands.P. capsici was pathogenic on sweet pepper, tomato and sometimes on eggplant but not on tobacco Xanthi. Of these test plants only tomato was infected byP. nicotianae.No different symptoms in plants infected with eitherP. capsici orP. nicotianae were found. Dipping the roots of tomato and sweet pepper plants in a suspension ofP. capsici resulted in a more severe attack than pouring the suspension on the stem base.Resistance in tomato toP. nicotianae did not include resistance toP. capsici. A method to distinguishP. capsici fromP. nicotianae after isolation from soil is described. Both species were able to infect green fruits of tomato and sweet pepper.p. capsici survived in moist soil in the absence of a host for at least 15 months.Samenvatting Phytophthora capsici bleek de oorzaak te zijn van een voet-en wortelrot in paprika op twee bedrijven in 1977 in Nederland.P. capsici was pathogeen op paprika, tomaat en soms op aubergine maar niet op tabak Xanthi.P. nicotianae tastte van deze toetsplanten alleen tomaat aan. Verschillen in symptomen tussenP. nicotianae enP. capsici werden bij tomaat niet waargenomen.Het dompelen van de wortels in eenP. capsici suspensie gaf een ernstiger aantasting dan het begieten van de wortelhals met deze suspensie.Resistentie in tomaat tegenP. nicotianae bleek geen resistentie tegenP. capsici in te houden. P. capsici kan in grond worden aangetoond door groene paprikavruchten als vangsubstraat te gebruiken.P. capsici enP. nicotianae kunnen beide zowel vruchten van tomaat als paprika aantasten. P. capsici overleefde een periode van 15 maan den in vochtige grond waarop geen waardplant werd geteeld.  相似文献   

Molecular sequencing (rpoB) and standard pathological and microbiological methods identified Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) as the causal agent of bacterial inflorescence rot of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in three vineyards in Tumbarumba, NSW, Australia in 2006 and 2007. Pss strains from shrivelled berries and necrotic inflorescences of diseased grapevines were used to inoculate leaves and inflorescences of potted cv. Semillon grapevines. Pss caused disease symptoms similar to those experienced in the field, including angular leaf lesions, longitudinal lesions in shoot tissues and rotting of inflorescences from before flowering until shortly after fruit set. High humidity promoted symptom severity. The necrotic bunch stem and leaf lesions were susceptible to the development of Botrytis cinerea infections. Cryo‐scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM) indicated that Pss entered leaves and inflorescence tissues via distorted, open, raised stomata surrounded by folds of tissue that appeared as ‘star‐shaped’ callose‐rich complexes when viewed by UV light microscopy. In necrotic tissues, cryoSEM revealed Pss within petiole parenchyma cells and air‐filled rachis xylem vessels. This is the first report of inflorescence and hence fruit loss caused by Pss in grapevines. The disease is described as ‘bacterial inflorescence rot’ and regarded as one that expands the previously reported pathology of grapevines caused by P. syringae. This study also indicated that infection by Pss might promote destructive B. cinerea infections when the fungus is already present but latent, although further experimentation is needed to prove such an interaction.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot is of paramount importance in avocado orchards of southern Spain. Soil solarization has been demonstrated to control the pathogen in infested areas from which infected trees had been removed. We aimed to determine whether soil solarization in established avocado orchards controls the disease. Soil solarization increased average maximum hourly soil temperatures by 6.5–6.9°C in unshaded areas of avocado orchards in coastal areas of southern Spain, depending on depth and year. The corresponding temperatures in shaded areas were c. 2–3°C lower. P. cinnamomi in soil, on infected avocado rootlets, and in a nutrient substrate buried at 30–60 cm depth was reduced to negligible amounts after 6–8 weeks of solarization in both unshaded and shaded locations of avocado orchards. P. cinnamomi could not be detected in avocado rootlets up to 14 months later, suggesting a long-term effect. Soil solarization did not affect growth of the trees, and fruit yields were increased as compared with control plots. Following soil solarization for 3 weeks from mid-July 1994, when maximum hourly temperatures reached 33–36°C, P. cinnamomi could not be recovered from a depth of up to 45 cm in unshaded areas or from a depth of up to 30 cm in shaded areas after the initial 10-day period. The viability of inoculum of the pathogen buried at depths between 15 and 60 cm in bare soil was determined by sequential sampling in two solarization experiments starting 12 June and 4 July 1995, respectively. In the first experiment, P. cinnamomi could not be detected at any depth after 4–8 weeks of solarization in unshaded areas but could be recovered at all depths except 15 cm in shaded areas. In the second experiment, where temperatures were higher and the soil surface not shaded, P. cinnamomi could not be recovered after 2 weeks at 15 and 30 cm.  相似文献   

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