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[目的]探讨缩短隔离期的可行性,以促进SPF鼠尽早用于科研。[方法 ]重点分析了境外环节SPF小鼠/大鼠的饲养设施、饲养管理、卫生控制、病原检测、官方监管及运输条件,研究了SPF鼠进境后的运输车辆、隔离设施、地方监管要求及历年进口发生问题的几率,比较了11个国家进口SPF鼠的隔离检疫政策。[结果 ]进口SPF鼠传入相关疫病的风险低、进境后暴露发生疫病的风险低,相关国家官方不进行强制隔离检疫。[结论 ]考虑到我国目前对活动物的隔离检疫政策和生命科学领域特殊需求,综合《进境动物检疫疫病名录》相关鼠病和国标《实验动物微生物学等级及监测》相关检测要求,建议在符合相应要求的条件下,调整进境SPF鼠隔离期为14天。  相似文献   

正日前,农业农村部为了防范动物传染病、寄生虫病传入,保护我国畜牧业生产、动物源性食品和公共卫生安全,根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》等法律法规,会同海关总署组织修订并发布新的《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》,该《名录》共涉及8种蜜蜂疫病,如下:  相似文献   

<正>为防止动物传染病、寄生虫病传入,保护我国畜牧业和渔业生产和公共卫生安全,根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》和《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》规定,农业部和国家质量监督检验检疫总局组织制定了《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》(以下简称"名录"),现予发布。名录自发布之日起生效,1992年6月8日农业部发布的《中华人民共和国进境动物一、二类传染病、寄生虫病名录》((1992)农(检疫)字第12号)同时废止。农业部和国家质量监督检验检疫总局将在  相似文献   

为防止境外动物传染病、寄生虫病传入传出,确保我国农牧渔业生产、生态环境安全和人体健康,促进对外经济贸易的发展,国家质检总局于2013年11月28日会同农业部发布了《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》。  相似文献   

依据公布的《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》近4次修订情况,对《名录》的名称、分类、疫病分类、疫病种类、疫病数量及发布形式等方面的调整作了分析,并分别与其前一版本作比较。其中:1992年至2013年调整较大,为进一步适应新形势下动物疫病的防控需要,疫病种类数量从97种增至206种;在风险评估的基础上,2020年《名录》中的疫病种类由2013年的206种调整为211种,新增疫病14种,删除疫病9种,同时对部分疫病的分类和名称进行了修订。2020年《名录》与目前国内外动物疫情形势结合紧密,更具科学性、全面性、合理性,将为把好国门生物安全发挥关键作用。  相似文献   

为评估三亚全球动植物种质资源引进中转基地引进活兔过程中传带兔出血症、野兔热、兔黏液瘤病和兔球虫病4种疫病的生物安全风险,按照世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)动物及动物产品进境风险分析框架,从危害识别、风险评估及风险管理3个方面开展分析。结果表明,4种疫病的传入风险为“高”,暴露风险为“高”,结合后果评估,进境活兔传带4种疫病的风险为“极高”。根据以上风险评估结果,提出了强化高水平基础设施建设和提升进出境动物检疫监管能力等风险管理措施,以期为保障我国兔产业健康持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解鼠痘、小鼠肝炎和鼠仙台病毒感染症这3种新纳入《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》鼠病在国内的流行情况,对这3种鼠病的文献资料进行了收集和分析。重点分析了3种鼠病在国内清洁级及以上级别的实验大、小鼠中的流行情况,同时对如何防控提出了建议和对策。这3种鼠病在国内清洁级或以上级别的实验大、小鼠中均有检出,应进一步提高实验大、小鼠屏障设施建设和管理的标准化和规范化水平,重视微生物监测的作用,有效提高实验大、小鼠的质量。  相似文献   

动物疫病检测和诊断类标准是检测和判断动物疫病的主要依据。本文梳理了我国动物疫病检测和诊断技术标准的建设现状,并将其与我国《一、二、三类动物疫病病种名录》以及OIE《陆生动物疫病诊断和疫苗手册》和《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》中的陆生动物疫病目录进行对比。分析发现:我国动物疫病检测和诊断技术标准体系对我国一、二、三类动物疫病的覆盖率为92.6%,其中80%的标准有PCR和(或)ELISA检测方法 ;对OIE陆生动物疫病诊断和疫苗手册名录疫病的覆盖率为88.3%,其中73%的标准有PCR和(或)ELISA检测方法 ;对我国进境动物检疫名录疫病的覆盖率为87.7%,其中73%的标准有PCR和(或)ELISA检测方法。由此提出了提高我国动物疫病检测和诊断技术标准覆盖率,强化快速诊断检测技术标准化建设的建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化推进和国内畜牧业发展,中国进境动物总量不断攀升,2019年中国仅进境种用动物就超过15万头。随着大量优质动物资源的输入,动物疫病传入风险加大,同时口岸一线检疫监管人力紧张、动物溯源难等问题日渐凸显。为有效防止国外动物疫情传入,海关不断优化进境动物检疫监管模式,利用信息化手段做好口岸动物检疫与疫情防控,减轻动物检疫监管一线工作压力,提升口岸监管效能。  相似文献   

为定性评估中国进口盐渍牛皮传入动物疫病风险,收集确认了35种与牛及其产品相关的疫病名录。应用OIE风险分析的基本原理,借鉴新西兰风险分析模式,从病原体是否在中国分布、是否受官方控制、随进口盐渍牛皮释放传入的可能性以及在环境中暴露扩散的可能性等4个方面进行定性分析。风险分析筛选出口蹄疫、牛病毒性腹泻、牛结节性皮肤病、炭疽、布氏杆菌病和Q热6种动物疫病是进口盐渍牛皮的潜在危害,提出市场准入、产地要求、入境检疫与后续监管等环节的风险管理措施,以降低我国进口盐渍牛皮所带来的疫病传入风险。  相似文献   

A 2-year cohort study was conducted to investigate the probability of disease introduction into Dutch dairy farms. The farms were tested regularly for diseases and were visited biannually to collect management data. Ninety-five specific pathogen-free (SPF) dairy farms were selected from a database of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV1)-free farms to study the probability of, and risk factors for, introduction of BHV1, bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Dublin (S. dublin), and Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (L. hardjo).Although most of the 95 SPF farms had a low risk on introduction of infectious diseases, one disease was introduced into 12 farms and two diseases were introduced into one farm. Three farms experienced an outbreak of BHV1, one farm an outbreak of L. hardjo, two farms BVDV, six farms S. dublin, and one farm both BHV1 and S. dublin. The total incidence rate was 0.09 (0.06-0.12) per herd-year at risk. The results suggest that the "non-outbreak" farms were significantly more closed than the "outbreak" farms. Direct animal contacts with other cattle should be avoided and professional visitors should be instructed to wear protective clothing before handling cattle.  相似文献   

An interactive electronic atlas has been developed with the purpose of providing a scaleable overview of spatial and temporal variation in animal production and health-related information for decision and policy makers in national and international institutions. The information contained in the atlas is currently managed and presented using the Key Indicators Mapping System (KIMS), and will also be integrated using the Key Indicators Database System (KIDS). Both systems were developed by the World Agricultural Information Centre of the FAO (FAO-WAICENT), the former as a stand-alone application and the latter for access via the Internet. Components of the atlas include vector maps, livestock disease and production databases, rules for country-level disease risk classification and 'disease cards' containing basic background information on diseases included in the atlas. The disease data is currently based primarily on Office International des Epizooties (OIE) disease reports, and the livestock production data on the FAO-WAICENT database. The atlas is highly interactive and allows visual presentation of information using maps, tables and charts. It also contains links to relevant resource information on the Internet. Diseases covered in the animal health layer include most OIE List A diseases and a subset of OIE List B diseases. Extensive analyses have been conducted to develop a set of qualitative and semi-quantitative criteria that allow improved disease status classifications based on 5-years cumulative OIE disease reports, and official disease control declarations. Classification rules were determined depending on the epidemiological features of each disease and considering spatial heterogeneity of disease presence in local regions.  相似文献   

Many developing countries face significant health burdens associated with a high incidence of endemic zoonoses and difficulties in integrated control measures for both the human and animal populations. The objective of this study was to develop and apply a multicriteria ranking model for zoonoses in Mongolia, a country highly affected by zoonotic disease, to inform optimal resource allocation at the national level. Diseases were evaluated based on their impact on human health, livestock sector health and the wider society through affects on the economic value of livestock, as well as the feasibility of control in both the human and livestock population. Data on disease in Mongolia were collected from various government departments including the Mongolian State Central Laboratory, the Mongolian Department of Veterinary and Animal Breeding, the Mongolian Ministry of Health, Mongolian National Center for Communicable Diseases, the National Center for Zoonotic Disease and expert opinion from a workshop with a number of Mongolian Government officials and researchers. A combined score for both impact of the disease and feasibility of its control was calculated. Five zoonotic diseases were determined to be of high priority from this assessment (i.e. ovine brucellosis, echinococcosis (hydatids), rabies, anthrax and bovine brucellosis). The results supported some of the findings for high‐priority diseases (namely brucellosis, rabies and anthrax) from a previous priority setting exercise carried out in Mongolia in 2011, but also identified and ranked additional animal diseases of public health importance. While the process of model development was largely Mongolian specific, the experience of developing and parameterizing this multicriteria ranking model could be replicated by other countries where zoonoses have substantive impacts on both animal and human health.  相似文献   

In the absence of data, qualitative risk assessment frameworks have proved useful to assess risks associated with animal health diseases. As part of a scientific opinion for the European Commission (EC) on African Swine Fever (ASF), a working group of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessed the risk of ASF remaining endemic in Trans Caucasus Countries (TCC) and the Russian Federation (RF) and the risk of ASF becoming endemic in the EU if disease were introduced. The aim was to develop a tool to evaluate how current control or preventive measures mitigate the risk of spread and giving decision makers the means to review how strengthening of surveillance and control measures would mitigate the risk of disease spread. Based on a generic model outlining disease introduction, spread and endemicity in a region, the impact of risk mitigation measures on spread of disease was assessed for specific risk questions. The resulting hierarchical models consisted of key steps containing several sub-steps. For each step of the risk pathways risk estimates were determined by the expert group based on existing data or through expert opinion elicitation. Risk estimates were combined using two different combination matrices, one to combine estimates of independent steps and one to combine conditional probabilities. The qualitative risk assessment indicated a moderate risk that ASF will remain endemic in current affected areas in the TCC and RF and a high risk of spread to currently unaffected areas. If introduced into the EU, ASF is likely to be controlled effectively in the production sector with high or limited biosecurity. In the free range production sector, however, there is a moderate risk of ASF becoming endemic due to wild boar contact, non-compliance with animal movement bans, and difficult access to all individual pigs upon implementation of control measures. This study demonstrated the advantages of a systematic framework to assist an expert panel to carry out a risk assessment as it helped experts to disassociate steps in the risk pathway and to overcome preconceived notions of final risk estimates. The approach presented here shows how a qualitative risk assessment framework can address animal diseases with complexity in their spread and control measures and how transparency of the resulting estimates was achieved.  相似文献   

Disease and health management in Asian aquaculture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Asia contributes more than 90% to the world's aquaculture production. Like other farming systems, aquaculture is plagued with disease problems resulting from its intensification and commercialization. This paper describes the various factors, providing specific examples, which have contributed to the current disease problems faced by what is now the fastest growing food-producing sector globally. These include increased globalization of trade and markets; the intensification of fish-farming practices through the movement of broodstock, postlarvae, fry and fingerlings; the introduction of new species for aquaculture development; the expansion of the ornamental fish trade; the enhancement of marine and coastal areas through the stocking of aquatic animals raised in hatcheries; the unanticipated interactions between cultured and wild populations of aquatic animals; poor or lack of effective biosecurity measures; slow awareness on emerging diseases; the misunderstanding and misuse of specific pathogen free (SPF) stocks; climate change; other human-mediated movements of aquaculture commodities. Data on the socio-economic impacts of aquatic animal diseases are also presented, including estimates of losses in production, direct and indirect income and employment, market access or share of investment, and consumer confidence; food availability; industry failures. Examples of costs of investment in aquatic animal health-related activities, including national strategies, research, surveillance, control and other health management programmes are also provided. Finally, the strategies currently being implemented in the Asian region to deal with transboundary diseases affecting the aquaculture sector are highlighted. These include compliance with international codes, and development and implementation of regional guidelines and national aquatic animal health strategies; new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and new information technology; new biosecurity measures including risk analysis, epidemiology, surveillance, reporting and planning for emergency response to epizootics; targeted research; institutional strengthening and manpower development (education, training and extension research and diagnostic services).  相似文献   

The management of public health emergencies is improved by quick, exhaustive and standardized flow of data on disease outbreaks, by using specific tools for data collection, registration and analysis. In this context, the National Information System for the Notification of Outbreaks of Animal Diseases (SIMAN) has been developed in Italy to collect and share data on the notifications of outbreaks of animal diseases. SIMAN is connected through web services to the national database of animals and holdings (BDN) and has been integrated with tools for the management of epidemic emergencies. The website has been updated with a section dedicated to the contingency planning in case of epidemic emergency. EpiTrace is one such useful tool also integrated in the BDN and based on the Social Network Analysis (SNA) and on network epidemiological models. This tool gives the possibility of assessing the risk associated to holdings and animals on the basis of their trade, in order to support the veterinary services in tracing back and forward the animals in case of outbreaks of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

王跃栋  刘自学  苏爱莲 《草业科学》2012,29(8):1199-1205
为探索建立统一的草坪草病害风险性评价尺度,本研究引入有害生物风险分析(Pest Risk Analysis)理论。基于有害生物风险分析的规定程序,结合草坪绿地生态系统特点及模糊数学理论,利用德尔菲法及层次分析法,探讨了草坪绿地病害风险分析体系的建立、评价指标和评价值的计算方法。初步建立了三层次17个评价指标的综合评价模型R=5P1×P2×P3×P4×P5,并运用此模型评价了草坪草5种主要病害的风险性危害值。结果表明,草坪草褐斑病(Rhizoctonia solani)、腐霉病(Phythium ultimum)和镰刀菌枯萎病(Fusarium spp.)3种病害的风险性危害值在0.6~0.8,风险级别为高风险;草坪草锈病(Puccinia spp.)和德氏霉叶枯病(Drechslera spp.)2种病害的风险性危害值在0.4~0.6,风险级别为中等风险。在实际工作中,应根据不同的病害风险等级制定相对应的风险管理策略及具体办法。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫(PPR)是一种由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的疾病,主要感染山羊和绵羊。2021年为加快推进小反刍兽疫无疫区建设,实现小反刍兽疫非免疫无疫区建设标准,长沙市某县拟在本地开展小反刍兽疫退出强制免疫风险评估。通过对小反刍兽疫监测流调、危害识别、风险路径的确定和风险因素层级评估等方法进行的定性风险评估初步显示,在该地取消小反刍兽疫强制免疫后可能会发生小反刍兽疫的风险等级为中。在风险管理措施上,提出该地退出强制免疫应推迟一年,重点完善政策支持、加强监测排查、加强检疫监管、强化培训宣传等建议。  相似文献   

Backyard poultry production systems (BPS) are an important and widespread form of poultry production. There is a common perception that biosecurity standards in BPS are generally poor and BPS are usually associated with animal diseases and zoonoses. In this study BPS were identified in the vicinity of six wetlands, having these a higher risk of presenting and introducing avian diseases such as HPAI and Newcastle disease, as defined by the national veterinary services, in to Chile's main poultry production area. BPS were characterized through a field questionnaire and the main areas covered by the survey were BPS structure, biosecurity and value chain. The BPS identified in this study share most characteristics on biosecurity, poultry management and product commercialization, but it was possible to identify a certain degree of variation within and among the study sites. BPS in Chile are similar to those in other regions, with a relatively small flock size (average 37 birds), a low level of biosecurity measures and lack of poultry disease management. Management findings include that most farmers used mixed/partial confinement, with low or no biosecurity and disease control measures in place. Eggs were the main output and were used mainly for home consumption or sale at local markets. Sick birds' treatment with drugs approved for other species or for human use could represent a risk to human health, owing to the possible presence of drug residues in poultry products. Despite the different structures of the poultry sector worldwide, BPS can play a major role in disease maintenance and spread because its management conditions characteristics and the lack of animal health services adapted to these production systems. This should be an alert message to the veterinary authorities to improve coverage of veterinary assistance and surveillance activities in backyard poultry production.  相似文献   

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