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为促进上海市宝山区城镇犬狂犬病免疫点社会化认定工作全面开展,首先分析2023年前宝山区狂犬病免疫工作特点,然后介绍了2023年宝山区首批启动的狂犬病免疫点社会化认定工作的法律依据与条件、开展情况,并从政府部门加强监管、形成多部门协作机制、加强宣传与提升服务水平、完善相关法律法规、拓展服务功能等方面提出开展狂犬病免疫点社会化认定工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

做好农村犬狂犬病免疫工作是防控狂犬病的难点和关键,也是有效防控狂犬病流行的基础性工作。近年来,上海市浦东新区在农村犬狂犬病免疫工作上积极探索,免疫犬只数量和免疫接种率持续上升,效果显著。本文介绍了该区免疫工作模式和农村犬免疫情况,并对该区在犬防示范村建设、宣传、部门协作、规范免疫、督查监测、防疫考核等方面的探索经验进行总结,为从源头上切断狂犬病传播途径提供参考。  相似文献   

上海作为国际化大都市,随着养犬数量的不断增加,犬伤人引起人狂犬病事件时有发生,引起了社会广泛关注和市民一定程度的恐慌。本文总结近年上海市金山区犬狂犬病免疫工作,分析存在的问题并提出相应的对策,为做好犬狂犬病免疫工作、从源头上减少人感染狂犬病概率、保障公共卫生安全提供参考。  相似文献   

动物卫生监督机构是养犬管理的职能部门之一。本文对上海养犬管理中存在的犬只销售备案制度,违法行为定性与法律适用,以及非狂犬病强制免疫点的监督执法等问题进行了法理分析,提示有关部门应明确备案条件,统一备案口径;发现未经工商登记、未经备案以及销售无检疫证明犬只等违法行为时应正确定性,准确适用法律;对未经认定为狂犬病强制免疫点的动物诊疗机构可依法给予行政处罚。  相似文献   

狂犬病致死率高达100%,目前尚无有效的治疗药物,只能通过预防措施减少发病和死亡率。广东省相关职能部门依据地区实际情况提出,在珠三角地区先行先试建设犬类狂犬病免疫安全区的构想。佛山市处在即将颁布《佛山市养犬管理条例》之际,通过大力加强狂犬病免疫、监测、规范犬类饲养、宣传教育等措施,争取全市犬只免疫覆盖率早日达到70%,实现狂犬病的有效防控。各项工作相互配合,齐头并进,共同助力珠三角地区犬类狂犬病免疫安全区建设。  相似文献   

上海犬类狂犬病免疫工作始于上世纪70年代末。30多年来,通过一系列工作措施的有效落实,狂犬病免疫工作取得了积极成效,有效降低了狂犬病发生风险。本文总结了2011—2014年上海市犬类狂犬病免疫工作成果,分析存在的问题,提出下一步防控对策,为上海市犬类狂犬病防控工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了解上海市人间和畜间狂犬病流行状况以及犬免疫情况,探查感染来源和防控漏洞,采用摸底调查和数据分析方法开展调查,并分析流行原因。调查显示,自2009年以来,上海市几乎每年都有人间狂犬病病例出现;2019年5—6月发生的3起犬咬伤事件中,有2起确定感染来源为流浪犬;2011—2018年上海市免疫犬的狂犬病免疫合格率一直保持在75%以上,但2019年1—5月流浪犬猫的抗体阳性率仅为11.32%,远低70%的国际要求。结果表明,上海市流浪犬中存在狂犬病流行,并导致了人的发病死亡,它是上海市狂犬病流行的主要风险源。因此,要加强流浪犬的管理、监测和免疫,降低流浪犬的数量,提高流浪犬的免疫密度和免疫质量;加强防控技术培训和防治知识宣传,提高公众防范意识;完善相关法规,进一步明确相关部门的工作职责。本调查探明了上海市狂犬病流行的主要原因,并提出了可行性建议,为上海市控制和消灭狂犬病提供了参考。  相似文献   

3月1日举行的上海市第十三届人大常委会第十七次会议审议《上海市动物防疫条例修正案(草案)》,其中规定上海对饲养的犬只实施狂犬病强制免疫,狂犬病免疫接种的成本费用由饲养者承担。  相似文献   

在国内犬只总量不断增多的背景下,开展狂犬病疫苗强制免疫工作应得到社会关注和有关部门的大力支持。本文主要对狂犬病免疫率低问题研讨,优化升级犬只管理、增加犬只免疫密度,从而保证犬只免疫工作高效开展,有利于社会稳定发展和国民身心健康。  相似文献   

犬类狂犬病定点免疫在很大程度上提高了免疫质量,也可对犬类动物的免疫密度、免疫数量进行准确统计,有利于政府有关部门在第一时间内精确掌握当前的免疫工作情况,定点免疫已成为防控犬类狂犬病的主要措施之一。本文分析了当前狂犬病免疫存在的问题,结合多年的工作经验,深入探讨了强化犬类狂犬病免疫工作的具体流程:(1)犬类狂犬病定点免疫工作;(2)做好免疫前的准备工作;(3)选择正确的接种方法;(4)科学选用疫苗;(5)主动开展宣传教育活动。  相似文献   

Canine rabies vaccination is delivered in Thungsong District, Thailand, as an annual campaign between March 1 and 31, and also at other times through private veterinary clinics, para-veterinarians and health-care staff residing in the villages. The current questionnaire-interview survey was conducted between June 23 and July 18, 2002 to determine: rabies-vaccination coverage amongst the owned-dog population; basic dog-population information; and community awareness about rabies. The modified expand programme on immunization cluster-survey method was used to collect information about dog demography and management characteristics. Household knowledge about rabies and sources of rabies information were assessed. Vaccinated dogs were identified from vaccine certificates or owner reports confirmed by vaccinators. Seventy percent (95%CI 62-78) of 364 eligible owned dogs were vaccinated within the 6 months prior to data collection. Of these 255 vaccinated dogs, 44, 21, 13, 17 and 5% were vaccinated through the annual vaccination campaign, veterinary clinics, para-veterinarians, other vaccinators and owners, respectively. Fifty-four percent of households owned dogs. The sex ratio in dogs was 2 males per female; the dog: human ratio was 1: 4.6 with an average of 0.9 dogs per household (1.7 dogs per dog-owning household). Most dogs roamed freely and these were less likely to be vaccinated compared to dogs being kept on premises or on a leash. Almost all households were aware of rabies and the need for dog rabies vaccination as a control method. Seventy-six percent believed that rabies only occurred in summer. There was little awareness about cat rabies amongst households. Vaccination coverage in the total dog population clearly has not yet reached the 80% target level set by Thailand's official rabies-control programme. Improved effectiveness of the owned-dog rabies-vaccination campaigns in each community is needed-perhaps by more community education about dog management or by better management of ownerless dogs.  相似文献   

As a result of oral vaccination of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies, this virus disease has almost been completely eradicated from West- and Central Europe. In most countries, vaccine baits were distributed twice a year: during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to October). This strategy has shown to be able to control and eventually eradicate rabies. However, it remains to be clarified if this is the most cost-effective strategy. Astonishingly, the behavioural ecology of the target species, the red fox, did receive only limited attention selecting the periods when baits should be distributed. Considering the behavioural ecology and rabies epidemiology of foxes, territory owners seem to play a key role in the spread and maintenance of rabies. Thus, oral vaccination campaigns should be targeted primarily at these animals. It is suggested that the optimal timing for bait distribution in Europe is late autumn (November) or early winter (December), depending on the prevailing climatic conditions. Additional campaigns, when financially feasible, can be implemented in order to maintain a high vaccination coverage during the remaining year. Furthermore, different baiting strategies can be selected in case of re-infection or persistent residual foci.  相似文献   

In Tunisia, rabies continues to be considered as a serious public health concern. Very costly mass vaccination of dogs against rabies and expensive post‐exposure prophylaxis are prerequisites to maintain a low level of human rabies cases. In Tunisia, the implementation of mass vaccination campaigns at the national level has undoubtedly contributed to the drop of rabies endemicity, but the overall outcome is rather suboptimal. In this investigation, we wanted to estimate the extent of the vaccination coverage in dogs in three Governorates (Manouba, Kassrine and Mednine), by collecting data through questionnaires and interviews relevant to 1470 owned dogs. When the campaign is correctly applied, as in Manouba, almost all the targeted dog population can be reached by parenteral vaccination and an almost elimination of the disease can be evidenced. However, in Kasserine and especially in Medenine, where the vaccination coverage is lower than 31%, a reservoir for the disease can be maintained. To match the official figures of vaccination coverage, we should update the statistics of the size of dog population which seems to be bigger than what is assumed. In addition, we wanted to assess the level of involvement of the local population with the vaccination campaigns by marking vaccinated dogs with necklaces and establishing later on the vaccination coverage accordingly. The highest levels of vaccination coverage can be reached in the rural regions. Therefore, the low vaccination coverage in rural areas, reported at the national level, is more attributable to the lack of human and financial resources to reach remote regions. We think that rabies control programmes in Tunisia can be successful if vaccination coverage can reach 70% in all parts of the country. The achieved vaccination coverage should be estimated after random visits in many parts of the country and by checking valid vaccination certificates.  相似文献   

Large-scale oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies using aerial bait distribution has been successfully used to control terrestrial wildlife rabies in Europe and North America. A technical milestone to large-scale oral rabies vaccination campaigns in Europe was the development of fully-automated, computer-supported and cost-efficient technology for aerial distribution of baits like the SURVIS -system. Each bait released is recorded by the control unit through a sensor, with the exact location, time and date of release and subsequently the collected data can be evaluated, e.g. in GIS programmes. Thus, bait delivery systems like SURVIS are an important management tool for flight services and the responsible authorities for the optimization and evaluation of oral vaccination campaigns of wildlife against rabies or the control of other relevant wildlife diseases targeted by oral baits.  相似文献   

Rabies is endemic in wildlife or domestic carnivore populations globally. Infection of domestic dogs is of particular concern in many areas. In regions where domestic animals are at risk of exposure to rabies virus, dogs should be routinely vaccinated against rabies to protect both pet and human populations. Many countries require demonstration of an adequate level of serum rabies neutralizing antibodies to permit entry of dogs during international travel. We analysed rabies titres of dogs seeking travel certification in Israel to assess demographic and vaccine history factors associated with antibody titres below the acceptable threshold for travel certification. Having received only one previous rabies vaccination and a longer duration since the most recent vaccination was received were primary risk factors for not achieving an adequate rabies virus neutralizing antibody titre for travel certification. These risk factors had stronger effects in younger animals, but were consistent for dogs of all ages. In particular, these findings reiterate the importance of administering at least two rabies vaccinations (the primo vaccination and subsequent booster) to ensure population‐level protection against rabies in dogs globally.  相似文献   

We used a simulation model to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of a potential rabies outbreak in an immunized fox population after the termination of a long-term, large-scale vaccination program with two campaigns per year one in spring and one in autumn. The 'worst-case' scenario of rabies resurgence occurs if rabies has persisted at a low prevalence despite control and has remained undetected by a customary surveillance program or if infected individuals invade to the control area. Even if the termination of a vaccination program entails such a risk of a subsequent new outbreak, prolonged vaccination of a wild host population is expensive and the declining cost-benefit ratio over time eventually makes it uneconomic. Based on the knowledge of the spatio-temporal dynamics of a potential new outbreak gained from our modelling study, we suggest "terminating but observing" to be an appropriate strategy. Simulating the decline of population immunity without revaccination, we found that a new outbreak of rabies should be detected by customary surveillance programs within two years after the termination of the control. The time until detection does not depend on whether vaccination was terminated within the fourth, fifth or sixth years of repeated biannual campaigns. But it is faster if the program was completed with an autumn campaign (because next-year dispersal then occurs after a noticeable decrease in population immunity). Finally, if a rabid fox is detected after terminating vaccination, we determine a rule for defining a circular hazard area based on the simulated spatial spread of rabies. The radius of this area should be increased with the time since the last vaccination campaign. The trade-off between the number of foxes potentially missed by the emergency treatment and the cost for the emergency measures in an enlarged hazard area was found.  相似文献   

Veterinary surgeons in Australia must be aware of the emerging viral diseases and their potential effects on public health generally and, more specifically, on the veterinary profession. Australian bat lyssavirus was identified in 1996 and causes rabies-like disease in bats and humans. Two humans from Queensland have died of Australian bat lyssavirus encephalitis. Surveillance has shown that all Australian bats must be considered carriers of this new virus, therefore protective apparel should be used when handling bats. The pre-exposure regimen of inactivated rabies vaccine (Pasteur Mérieux) provides protection against infection. As part of the preventive regimen, at risk groups, such as veterinary surgeons, should seriously consider pre-exposure rabies vaccination. The post-exposure protocol involves administration of human rabies immunoglobulins and five intramuscular injections of the inactivated rabies vaccine.  相似文献   

Canine vaccination--providing broader benefits for disease control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the broader benefits of canine vaccination to human and animal health and welfare with an emphasis on the impacts of mass dog vaccination against rabies in countries of the less-developed world. Domestic dogs are the source of infection for the vast majority (>95%) of cases of human rabies worldwide, and dogs remain the principal reservoir throughout Africa and Asia. Canine vaccination against rabies has been shown to dramatically reduce the number of cases in dogs, the incidence of human animal-bite injuries (and hence the demand for costly post-exposure prophylaxis) and the likely number of human cases, primarily in children. Further benefits include the mitigation of the psychological consequences of rabies in a community, improved attitudes towards animals and animal welfare and reduced livestock losses from canine rabies. Mass vaccination has recently been used in the conservation management of wild carnivore populations threatened by transmission of rabies and canine distemper virus from domestic dog populations. Vaccination of wildlife hosts directly may also provide an option for mitigating infectious disease threats. The development of integrated control measures involving public health, veterinary, wildlife conservation and animal welfare agencies is needed to ensure that control of canine diseases becomes a reality in Africa and Asia. The tools and delivery systems are all available--all that is needed is the political will to free the world from the ongoing tragedy of these diseases.  相似文献   

OverviewRabies virus belongs to the genus Lyssavirus, together with European bat lyssaviruses 1 and 2. In clinical practice, rabies virus is easily inactivated by detergent-based disinfectants.InfectionRabid animals are the only source of infection. Virus is shed in the saliva some days before the onset of clinical signs and transmitted through a bite or a scratch to the skin or mucous membranes. The average incubation period in cats is 2 months, but may vary from 2 weeks to several months, or even years.Disease signsAny unexplained aggressive behaviour or sudden behavioural change in cats must be considered suspicious. Two disease manifestations have been identified in cats: the furious and the dumb form. Death occurs after a clinical course of 1–10 days.DiagnosisA definitive rabies diagnosis is obtained by post-mortem laboratory investigation. However, serological tests are used for post-vaccinal control, especially in the context of international movements.Disease managementPost-exposure vaccination of cats depends on the national public health regulations, and is forbidden in many countries.Vaccination recommendationsA single rabies vaccination induces a long-lasting immunity. Kittens should be vaccinated at 12–16 weeks of age to avoid interference from maternally derived antibodies and revaccinated 1 year later. Although some vaccines protect against virulent rabies virus challenge for 3 years or more, national or local legislation may call for annual boosters.  相似文献   

The Bolivian government issued a regulation for rabies control in November 2005, owing to increasing the prevalence of dog and human rabies cases in recent years. An assessment of rabies-vaccination coverage and other factors that might influence the success of the on-going vaccination campaign was needed. The objective of this study was to investigate dog rabies vaccination coverage and risk factors associated with dogs being unvaccinated against rabies, and profiles of the owned-dog population in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, where dog rabies was endemic. Mainly due to logistical reasons, the WHO's expanded programme on immunization cluster-survey method was used. The 390 households were included in the study. Information about dog population and management characteristics was obtained for 542 dogs from 301 households. On average, households had 1.4 dogs and 1.8 dogs per dog-owning household (median = 1). The human-to-dog ratio was 4.6 : 1. During the last 1 year prior to the study, of the 539 dogs aged >or=1 month, 463 (85%; 95% CI 79-91; design effect 3.6) were classified as vaccinated. Amongst the study dogs, dogs aged 1-11 months were the higher risk of dogs not being vaccinated (OR = 8.2; 95% CI 4.3-15.6; P < 0.01). Almost two-thirds of the study dogs were allowed to roam freely throughout the day or in part. Community education efforts should address the importance of dog ownership and movement restriction, and the need to vaccinate young dogs.  相似文献   

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