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Summary InDactylis glomerata L. subsp.lusitanica, triploid and tetraploid plants were obtained by bilateral sexual polyploidization in crosses between diploid parents known to produce 2n gametes. The polyploid and diploid progeny were compared for allozyme diversity (allele number and heterozygosity), phenological (pollen fertility, inflorescence emergence date), cellular (stomatic cell size) and morphological characters (vegetative biomass, seed weight, total seed number per plant, panicle number and seed number per panicle length) in four contrasting growing conditions. Stomatal cell size and the total number of alleles were significantly lower in diploids than in polyploids which sometimes recovered more than two distinct alleles at a locus via 2n gametes possessing heterozygous loci. Pollen fertility was similar in diploids and tetraploids, but significantly lower in the triploids. Seed weight was significantly higher in polyploids, although the average number of seeds per panicle length and the total number of seeds was higher in the diploid sibs. No phenological differences occurred among ploidy levels whereas such differences were observed inDactylis in all the natural areas of sympatry between diploids and their related polyploids. Our results provide evidence for an instantaneous effect of polyploidization on certain traits and suggest that natural selection would act subsequently on several other traits to allow the establishment of new polyploids.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum and L. hybridum (331, 51 and 18, respectively) were screened for 2n pollen production. The screening was based on the size differences that are expected to be found between n and 2n pollen of a plant. It was found that 28 plants of perennial ryegrass-belonging to 13 cultivars-produced produced pollen grains of heterogenous size (big and small). The estimated frequency of big pollen grain production was higher than 10% in ten out of 28 plants and in three of them it reached a value of 100%. Eight plants obtained from two 4x × 2x crosses, in which the male parent had been previously identified as producing pollen grains of heterogenous size, was tetraploid. The cytological mechanism of big pollen grain formation observed in three plants consists in the lack of spindle formation and, consequently, of chromosome migration in anaphase II. From these breeding and cytological results, it was concluded that the big pollen grains observed were viable 2n pollen grains. The nuclei of the 2n pollen grains produced by this mechanism are genetically equivalent to those formed by the restitution of the second meiotic division. The value of these gametophytes in a breeding program of Lolium is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The extent and pattern of polyploidy in the tuber-bearing Solanums varies among the many taxanomic series that have been identified in this subsection of Solanum. While several series appear to be entirely diploid, others exhibit a range of ploidy levels from 2x to 6x, and some contain only polyploid species.In many diploid, triploid and tetraploid species 2n gametes (gametes or gametophytes with the sporophytic chromosome number) have been detected. Both 2n eggs and 2n pollen occur. 2n gametes provide the opportunity for unilateral and bilateral sexual polyploidization. The genetic determination and consequences of sexual polyploidization strongly suggest that 2n gametes have been the major instrument in the polyploid evolution of the tuber-bearing Solanums. Somatic doubling of species and interspecific hybrids appears to be of very limited importance.New evidence for the occurrence of 2n eggs and 2n pollen in many species is reported, and data from the literature are added to illustrate the widespread distribution of 2n gametes throughout the subsection. A very high correlation is found between polyploidy and 2n gametes, and its significance is discussed. Proof is presented for the occurrence of alleles governing 2n pollen production in the cultivated tetraploids, providing additional evidence for the hypothesis that 2n gametes have been involved in their origin.Multiple unilateral and bilateral sexual polyploidizations are proposed for the origin of the cultivated tetraploids: this accounts for the large variability encountered in this group, which closely resembles that of the related diploids. Similar evolutionary pathways are hypothesized for the other polyploid complexes in the subsection.A scheme is proposed in which participation of both 2n and n gametes link together all ploidy levels in the tuber-bearing Solanums, thus overcoming the ploidy barriers and providing for gene flow throughout the sympatric species of the subsection.Paper No. 2093 from the Laboratory of Genetics. Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, a gift from Frito-Lay, Inc., and grants from NIH (GM 15422) and The International Potato Center. Plant materials, unpublished chromosome counts and technical help of IR-1 are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Fenny Dane  T. Tsuchiya 《Euphytica》1979,28(3):563-567
summary Meiotic chromosome studies of polyploid Cucumis species revealed the presence of bivalent chromosome configurations in the tetraploid C. aculeatus and C. zeyheri and hexaploid C. figarei, while a maximum of ten quadrivalents were observed in pollen mother cells of a tetraploid species, C. heptadactylus.Allotetraploidy was not accompanied by an increase in the number of pores per pollen grain, but the autotetraploid and hexaploid species showed a relatively high percentage of 4-porate pollen. The pollen fertility of the tetraploid species was normal.Contribution from the Department of Horticulture and Department of Agronomy. Supported by the Colorado State University Experiment Station and published as Scientific Series Paper No 2403.Former Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Horticulture (present address, 1030 Sanders St., Auburn, Alabama 36830 USA) and Professor, Department of Agronomy, respectively.  相似文献   

L. Crespel  S. C. Ricci  S. Gudin 《Euphytica》2006,151(2):155-164
Based on the size differences found between haploid and diploid pollen produced by diploid and tetraploid rose cultivars, respectively, 2n pollen producers were identified in a population of 53 diploid hybrids from a cross between a dihaploid rose, derived from the haploidization of a tetraploid modern cultivar and the diploid species R. wichuraiana. Frequency of 2n pollen producers was estimated in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Highly variable frequencies were found i) within population; ii) during years of observation (between years and between different months in the same year). The variation of 2n pollen production could be related to environmental fluctuations. A cytological analysis of male meiosis was carried out in 10 hybrids randomly chosen. Among meiotic abnormalities leading to 2n pollen formation, triads (containing a 2n microspore at one pole and two n microspores at the other) resulting from abnormal spindle geometry were frequently observed. The mode of 2n pollen formation is genetically equivalent to a First Division Restitution (FDR) mechanism. FDR 2n pollen transmits a high percentage of the heterozygosity from the diploid parent – 2n pollen producer-to the tetraploid offspring.  相似文献   

Triploid tulips have agronomically desirable traits such as vigorous growth and large flower size, but only a portion of all cultivated tulips is triploid. To apply 2n pollen to polyploid breeding of tulips, the polyploidizing agent, nitrous oxide gas (N2O), was applied to bulbs. In tulips, meiosis in anthers occurs inside the bulbs from mid- to late-October. When meiosis in anthers (excised from bulbs) reached metaphase I, we treated other bulbs of the same clones with N2O for 24–48 h. Most of the treated plants produced pollen grains with a wide-ranging or bimodal size distribution, indicating a mixture of n, 2n and aneuploid pollen grains. The use of pollen containing a relatively high proportion of giant pollen grains tended to yield larger numbers of triploids in the progeny. The number of giant pollen grains could be increased when N2O-treated pollen grains were suspended in 10% sucrose and then sieved through a nylon mesh. Very few polyploids were observed in some cross combinations, even those involving pollen with a relatively high proportion of giant grains. Even so, this low polyploid yield most likely is due to a triploid block, because the capsules obtained in the crosses of the diploid×N2O-treated plants contained some abnormal seeds, which were mostly triploid. Embryo culture was useful in rescuing abnormal embryos. The present study reveals that 2n pollen can be produced at high frequency using N2O during tulip breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen competition in vivo was studied by placing two pollen samples on one stigma and comparing the length of the tubes under a U.V. microscope. Comparisons involving pollen of Solanum tuberosum and S. phureja showed that 2x pollen grew faster than x pollen, both in 2x and x styles. Consequences for induction of dihaploids in S. tuberosum are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytological analysis on 112 Brazilian accessions of Paspalum showed that 52 were affected by failure of first or second cytokinesis during microsporogenesis. When the failure of cytokinesis occurred only in the first division and in the second division the cytokinesis was normal, a dyad of microspores was formed. In most of them the two cells remained binucleate, but in some a restitutional nucleus was observed. When the first division was normal and the failure of cytokinesis occurred only in the second division, dyads and triads were observed. A restitutional nucleus in one or both cells of the dyad, or in the binucleate cell of the triad was also observed. The percentage of dyads and triads varied among accessions, reaching 15.75 of the sporads in some. The absence of cytokinesis indicates the possibility that the widespread occurrence of polyploidy in the genus Paspalum originates from 2n pollen grains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The F1 hybrids of seven diploid Alstroemeria species (2n=2x=16) were investigated for the production of numerically unreduced (2n) gametes and their mode of origin. Based on a survey of 17 interspecific hybrid combinations,consisting of 119 genotypes, it was found that the F1 hybrids of Chilean-Brazilian species mostly produced first division restitution (FDR) 2n gametes. These F1 hybrids were self-pollinated in order to obtain F2 seeds, which was an indication that the F1 plants also produced 2neggs simultaneously. All the F2 progeny plants were typical allotetraploids, most of which formed 16 bivalents and a small proportion formed multivalents during metaphase I stages of meiosis. Through genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) it was proved that multivalent formation in F2plants, derived from A. inodora ×A. pelegrina hybrid, was due to homoeologous recombination but not from reciprocal translocations. In order to test the segregation pattern of the recombinant chromosomes, an F3 population from one genotype, P6C49-6, was investigated. The recombinant chromosomes assorted independently from each other supporting the hypothesis that the segregation of chromosomes in ring quadrivalents did not behave like those in translocation heterozygotes. It was concluded that in allopolyploids of Alstroemeria,bilateral sexual polyploidisation could accomplish genetic recombination by both homoeologous crossing-over as well as through the assortment of chromosomes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) found in tuber-bearing Solanum species was transferred into a diploid potato breeding population. Simultaneous selections were made for agronomic characters, production of first division restitution (FDR) 2n pollen, and resistance. Diploid resistant genotypes were identified via inoculation with a virulent isolate (CIP-204) of race 3 of Pseudomonas solanacearum. These resistant diploid genotypes were crossed to susceptible tetraploid potatoes. An investigation was made to assess whether resistant diploid genotypes transmit resistance to bacterial wilt, which is a quantitatively inherited trait, to tetraploid potatoes via FDR 2n pollen. Tetraploid seedlings from 4x×2x crosses were inoculated with the same isolate CIP-204, and the percentage of surviving seedlings was scored. Some 4x×2x families from resistant diploid genotypes demonstrated a high level of survival rate. The transmission of bacterial wilt resistance was achieved by the use of FDR 2n pollen. It was speculated that a female x male interaction effect on the survival rate of the evaluated progeny may exist. Selecting proper 4x and 2x parents would be important for obtaining a higher frequency of transmission of resistance to bacterial wilt in the progeny.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the production of numerically unreduced (2n) gametes in Actinidia species. Their occurrence was apparent from direct observations of microporogenesis in 2x, 3x, 4x and 6x plants and was inferred from ploidy analysis of progenies from 4x-2x and 2x-4x crosses. Both male and female plants were found to produce 2n gametes. 2n gamete producers were detected only in interploidy crosses. The observed frequency of 2n gametes was either similar to or towards the lower end of the ranges reported for other genera. The role of sexual polyploidization in the evolution of the genus is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. Tavoletti 《Euphytica》1994,75(1-2):1-8
Summary Gametes formed without meiosis in alfalfa would be useful in basic and applied research. Therefore, the cytological analysis of macrosporogenesis of a diploid plant of Medicago sativa subsp. falcata (L.) Arcangeli (named PG-F9), previously selected as a good 2n egg producer, was conducted. A stain-clearing technique was applied which also allowed the analysis of microsporogenesis to be performed. Two mechanisms of 2n egg formation were determined: absence of the second meiotic division (mechanism of the SDR type) and apomeiosis. In particular, it is noteworthy that 2n eggs produced via apomeiosis should retain the same parental genotype, because apomeiotic cells give rise directly to the female gametophyte without undergoing meiosis. The presence of binucleate female gametophytes in the ovules at an early stage of development confirmed the presence of apomeiosis in PG-F9. These abnormalities concerned only macrosporogenesis; in fact, the analysis of microsporogenesis showed the production of normal tetrads of microspores after normal meiosis. Possible application of the discovered mechanisms of 2n egg production in breeding research are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytological modes of the origin of 2n gametes were investigated in six different genotypes of F1 hybrids between Oriental and Asiatic (OA) lilies (Lilium, 2n = 2x = 24). Chromosome pairing between the parental genomes was very low, the average frequency range from 0.3 to 1.2 bivalents per cell among the genotypes. Within a genotype the frequency of bivalents varied from 0 to 6 in some cases. The normally occurring haploid pollen grains were totally sterile. In contrast, in different genotypes, variable percentages of 2n pollen were found and shown to be fertile as estimated from pollen germination. A cytological analysis of Metaphase I and subsequent stages of meiosis using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) revealed that there was intergenomic recombination between the alien genomes. Following Metaphase I stage, three different types of abnormal cytological events led to the formation of 2n pollen: (i) Post-Metaphase I division (PMI), (ii) Post-Metaphase II division (PMII) and (iii) Asymmetric Cytokinesis of the pollen mother cell followed by chromosome division. All three cytological events led to first division restitution (FDR) gametes. Based on in vitro pollen germination it was proved for two genotypes that 2n pollen was viable only during the first day of anthesis. It was possible to use 2n pollen successfully for backcrossing. Implications of 2n pollen for intergenomic recombination in BC1 progenies are discussed.  相似文献   

M. S. Ramanna 《Euphytica》1979,28(3):537-561
Summary The claim that first division restitution gametes are produced through the unique meiotic abnormality of parallel spindle formation at anaphase II of microsporogenesis in Solanum species appears to be not justified. An examination of the phenomenon of meiotic nuclear restitution in fifty-six diploid Solanum clones revealed that the parallel orientation of spindles either at metaphase or anaphae II does not necessarily lead to dyad or unreduced microspore formation. However, the fused spindle formation at metaphase II of microsporogenesis invariably leads to dyad and unreduced microspore formation. The 2n gametes produced through fused spindles may be genetically equivalent to first division restitution gametes, and therefore, they may be useful in potato breeding. In addition to fused spindle formation, at least three other types of meiotic abnormalities that could lead to 2n gamete formation were also observed. Although any one, or two, of these mechanisms were predominantly observed in certain clones, it was by no means certain that other mechanisms did not operate in these clones at the same time, or at a later stage. Because of the great modifying influence of environment on the process of meiosis, and meiotic nuclear restitution, it might be erroneous to conclude that one or the other meiotic nuclear restitution mechanism alone operates at a time in a given clone. In order to elucidate the genetic basis of 2n gamete formation in potato, it is desirable (i) to answer whether there are exclusive genetic mechanisms for the formation of first or second division restitution gametes; (ii) to establish reliable cytological criteria for their detection; and (iii) to determine the effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Production of 2n pollen of Asiatic hybrid lilies by nitrous oxide treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tetraploid varieties of lilies have superior agronomic traits such as large flowers and resistance to physiological disorders. In the present study, we attempted to induce 2n pollen of Asiatic hybrid lilies by arresting the meiotic process with nitrous oxide (N2O) gas. To determine which meiotic stage is optimal for induction of 2n pollen, plants with attached buds at different meiotic stages were treated with N2O for 24 h in a pressure-tolerant cylinder. A few 2n pollen grains were induced using plants with anthers in prophase I, whereas mixed pollen grains of differing size were produced using plants undergoing meiotic metaphase predominantly in anthers. Although normal lily pollen grains are elliptical, nitrous oxide exposure induced giant pollen grains that appeared spherical. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the giant pollen grains were diploid. When mixed pollen that included normal and giant pollen was crossed to tetraploid cultivars, the resulting seedlings were tetraploid and aneuploid, indicating that the giant pollen grains were diploids that could generate tetraploid seedlings through fusion to diploid eggs supplied from a tetraploid female parent. Thus, treatment with N2O is useful for the production of 2n lily pollen and may provide a new approach for tetraploid lily breeding.  相似文献   

The germplasm for modern sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp. hybrids)has been derived principally from S. officinarum (2n = 80), and S. spontaneum (2n = 40 to 128). Diploid gamete formation has been significant in developing cultivated sugarcane, but the cytological basis for the processes involved is not clearly understood. This research investigated microsporogenesis in nine clones of Saccharum spp. Hybrids and in S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. Diploid gamete formation occurred in all 11 lines, but was least frequent in S. spontaneum and S. officinarum which produced 0.5% and 0.8%2n gametes, respectively. In the hybrid lines, 2n gametes were formed infrequencies ranging from 0.9% to 4.4%. Cytological evidence was obtained for dyad and triad formation during microsporogenesis. Detailed analysis of chromosome behaviour at meiosis indicated that 2n male gamete formation is probably attributable to the absence of cytokinesis rather than a combination of asynchrony and non-disjunction. The clones were ranked on the basis of the frequencies with which they formed 4 × 1n microspores and the data were analysed using χ 2 tests for homogeneity. These established that theSaccharum spp. hybrids could be designated as either ‘high’ or ‘low’ frequency haploid gamete producers. Conversely, the latter group, which formed diploid gametes most frequently (2.2%–4.4%), can be described as high frequency diploid gamete producers. The identification of clones most frequently forming diploid gametes may facilitate the more rapid recovery of desirable sugarcane genotypes because such clones could be selected for preferential use in clonal improvement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

B. S. Jalani  J. P. Moss 《Euphytica》1980,29(3):571-579
Summary Seven genotypes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were crossed with rye (Secale cereale L.) in order to find the site or sites of action of the crossability genes, Kr 1 and Kr 2, of wheat. The data obtained, by fluorescence microscopy, were compared to the controls (wheat x wheat). The results indicate that the crossability genes have little effect on pollen germination and on the time taken for the pollen tubes to reach the microphyle, irrespective of their crossabilities with rye. The number of pollen tubes reaching the microphyle is, however, affected by the Kr-genes, as high crossable genotypes have more pollen tubes than the low crossable ones. There was a high correlation between the mean number of pollen tubes at the micropyle with seed set, which also reflects the crossability. The Kr-genes seem to manifest themselves in the retardation and inhibition of pollen tube growth between the style base and the top of the embryo sac, where the effect is most distinct in the low crossable genotypes.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of 2ngametes (i.e. gametes with the somatic chromosome number) in the Medicago sativa-coerulea-falcata complex supports the concept that gene flow from diploid to tetraploid species occurs continuously in nature and plays a key role in alfalfa evolution. Breeders realized early that gene transfer between ploidy levels via 2n pollen and 2n eggs would have had potential use in cultivated alfalfa improvement. Cytological investigations provided insights into the types of meiotic abnormalities responsible for the production of 2n gametes. Alterations were defined as genetically equivalent to first (FDR) or second division restitution(SDR) mechanisms. For breeding purposes,data have proven that 2n gametes of the FDR type are more advantageous than those obtained by SDR for transferring parental heterozygosity and retaining epistatic interactions. The use of diploid meiotic mutants that produce 2ngametes is now recognized as one of the most effective methods available for exploiting heterosis and introgressing wild germplasm traits into cultivated tetraploid alfalfa via unilateral (USP) and bilateral sexual polyploidization (BSP) schemes. Both2n egg and 2n pollen producers could be used for direct gene transfer from wild diploid relatives into cultivated alfalfa by means of 2x-4x and4x-2x crosses. Although data have shown that forage yield improvement can be achieved when plants are sexually tetraploidized, problems related to reduced plant fertility and seed production remain largely unexplained. Apomixis has the potential of cloning plants through seed and thus provides a unique opportunity for developing superior tetraploid cultivars with permanently fixed heterosis and epistatic effects. A main goal in alfalfa breeding could be the introduction of functional apomixis (i.e. Apomeiosis and parthenogenesis) in cultivated alfalfa stocks. In the future, the efficiency of alfalfa breeding programs based on the use of reproductive mutants could be improved by direct selection at the genotype level using RFLPs and PCR-based markers. Suitable DNA markers and detailed linkage maps of alfalfa mutants should help to discover apomictic mutants and address basic genetic issues such as the extent of genomicre combination in polyploid hybrids and the effect of sexual polyploidization on heterosis. Molecular markers have recently been used in alfalfa for studying the inheritance of 2n gamete formation and identifying polymorphisms associated to genes involved in meiotic abnormalities. Molecular tagging of 2n egg and 2n pollen formation not only should explain the genetic control and regulation of these traits, but may also be an essential step towards marker-assisted selection of 2n gamete producers and implementation of USP and BSP breeding schemes. Future perspectives include strategies for the map-based cloning of genomic DNA markers,and screening of EST mini-libraries related to flowers at different developmental stages from meiotic mutants and wild-type scan lead to the identification of mRNAs and thus of candidate genes that control 2n gamete formation in alfalfa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Sexual polyploidization via the action of 2n gametes (gametes with the sporophytic chromosome number) has been identified as the most important evolutionary mode of polyploidization among plant genera. This study was conducted to determine whether 2n gametes are present in the tetraploid level of the genus Avena (2n=4×=28) Twenty tetraploid Avena lines, representing four species and one interspecific hybrid, were screened for pollen grain size in order to differentiate between n and 2n pollen. Avena vaviloviana (Malz.) Mordv. line PI 412767 was observed to contain large pollen grains at a 1.0% frequency. Cytogenetic analyses of pollen mother cells of PI 412767 revealed cells with double the normal chromosome number (i.e., 56 chromosomes at metaphase I and anaphase I). The mode of chromosome doubling was found to be failure of cell wall formation during the last mitotic division that preceded meiosis. The resulting binucleate cells underwent normal meiotic divisions and formed pollen grains with 28 chromosomes. Based on the formation and function of 2n gametes, three models involving diploid and tetraploid oat lines are proposed to describe possible evolutionary pathways for hexaploid oats. If stable synthetic hexaploid oat lines could be developed by utilizing 2n gametes from diploid and tetraploid oat species through bilateral sexual polyploidization, the resulting hexaploids could be used in breeding programs for transferring genes from diploids and tetraploids to cultivated hexaploids.  相似文献   

K. H. Lee  H. Namai 《Euphytica》1992,60(1):1-13
Summary Aneuploids with 2n=21 and 2n=22 derived from crossing of sesquidiploids (2n=29, AAC) and Brassica campestris (2n=20, AA) were selfed successively in order to follow the changes in chromosome number of the progenies for three consecutive generations. Progenies with 2n=22, 23 and 24 obtained after selfing of S0 generation and the succeeding S1, S2 and S3 generations were analyzed in terms of pollen stainability, % seed set as well as cytogenetically based on meiotic behaviour with the aim of determining the possibility of addition of one or more alien chromosomes into n=10 species which may lead to differentiation of single or plural disomic addition lines. The generation of aneuploids with 2n=21 progressed in such a way that most plants seem to revert to the 2n=20 chromosome number of B. campestris after selfing. From 2n=22 aneuploids, however, the succeeding progenies showed high frequency of plants with two additional chromosomes which accounted for 50.6% and 52.9% of total S3 progenies via 2n=22 and 2n=24 S2 generations, respectively. The meiotic behaviour of these progenies indicated evidence for a rule governing the frequency distribution of chromosome number among these addition lines and high possibility to breed such disomic plants with 2n=22. A method of selecting stable aneuploids was suggested in addition to the possible role of pollination biology at various processes of such breeding program.  相似文献   

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