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Public Key Infrastructure and Certification Authorities (PKI/CA) have been used to support secure unclassified transactions over open networks, thus it promotes e-commerce, e-government, and electronic transactions protection. But the problem of PKI interoperability caused by the difference of the realization of technique and certificate policy has restricted the application of PKI. This article introduces the technique of Cross-Certification and its realization models. The emergency of Cross-Certification research and application landscape are described also. Furthermore, this article discusses several key problems those should be solved when preparing to carry the Cross-Certification model into practice.  相似文献   

There are a large number of malicious attack nodes and collusion groups in P2P(peer to peer) network, and the existing trust models improve the P2P network environment to some extent, but the emphasis of the models are different, which are unable to fully solve large-scale malicious attacks and deception. Therefore, a P2P trust model based on equilibrium theory is presented. The model consists of the construction of the trust structure, the malicious node detection and trust speculation. It constructs trust network according to the equilibrium theory, uses the equilibrium theory to define nodes balance factor, detects balance malicious nodes by calculating the impact of malicious behavior on the network, and adopts trust inference algorithm to estimate trust nodes to prevent distrust network nodes being added. Experimental results show that the model is reliable, and the algorithm is efficient and robust.  相似文献   

对风险问题的准确把握,是保证信任决策科学性的关键。针对目前在动态信任关系研究中对信任与风险本质关系理解不够和研究的不足,提出了风险视角下的信任关系理论模型和决策模型,详细分析并给出了信任与风险,以及信任决策与风险决策的本质关系,认为信任是风险的另一种表达形式,信任决策就是风险决策。通过对信任、风险和可信决策三者为一体的安全决策过程的分析,增强了安全决策的科学性,使得安全决策更加理性、全面和客观。  相似文献   

Trust is the most basic operation mechanism. From the embedded visual angle, the cooperation relation is considered as the inter-continuation.The trust relation in virtual enterprise is embedded in the network of social relation and will evolve dynamically. The interaction between partners, which is composed of information communion and learning, plays an important role in the creation mechanism of VE's trust . Firstly, this article starts with the time dimension of cooperation relation in VE, compartmentalizes the trust relation of VE as two parts: initial trust and continuous trust. Secondly, it argues that the prior experience of cooperation, reputation and commitment can affect the initial trust obviously, accordingly, the life cycle of VE, opportunism, interdependence and the distance of culture and geographic distribution can determine the generation and development of the continuous trust. Finally, it develops a dynamic process model based on information communion and learning, which perfects Nielsen's static conception model.  相似文献   

为进一步完善有机产品认证制度,规范有机产品生产、加工和销售活动,国家认证认可监督管理委员会(以下简称国家认监委)对《有机产品》国家标准和对《有机产品认证实施规则》进行了修订,并制定了《有机产品认证目录》。在当前新标准和新法规出台的形势下,从事有机产品生产的企业如何做好有机产业,是一个大家共同关注的问题,也是迫在眉捷、亟需解决的问题。笔者重点介绍了中国新版有机产品标准和法规体系修订的重点内容,同时指出在新版有机产品标准及相关法规体系下企业如何做好有机产业,即:(1)企业领导应该高度重视;(2)注重人才培养;(3)选择合适的有机农业生产模式;(4)加强与认证机构、地方质检和工商部门的沟通。  相似文献   

用系统管理理论,说明系统内的各个分系统和子系统的内在矛盾性对系统存在的制约。在企业内部构建管理高层和员工的互信机制对提高企业效率和减少内耗具有重大的意义。对互信机制主要的影响因素进行分析,并针对企业高层和员工之间缺乏互信机制产生的问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

It is difficult to distinguish the cheating and other malicious behaviours in the grid service trust evaluation. A trust evaluation model for grid service based on compensation is proposed.With market mechanism, service provider and demander present the expected profit and compensate price for their behaviours to maximize their own profit. The game theory is applied to balance the expected profit and compensate price. Based on the game theory, evaluation trade strategy achieves perfect Bayesian equilibrium. Service provider and demander can choose their own trade strategy to maximize profit. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the service demanders can abandon the cheating motivation voluntarily, while the service providers can make right decision to choose trust evaluation. Compared with the existing model, the precision and security of the trust evaluation is enhanced greatly, while the calculating and communication cost is reduced remarkably.  相似文献   

Mobile Ad hoc NETworks(MANET) is a totally new concept in which mobile nodes are able to communicate together over wireless links in an independent manner,without needing any fixed physical infrastructure and centralized organizational/administrative infrastructure.However,the nature of ad hoc networks makes them very vulnerable to security threats.Generation and distribution of shared keys for CA(Certification Authority)is challenging in security solution based on distributed PKI/CA.Those solutions that have been proposed in the literature and some issues are discussed.This paper propose the solution of distributed generation of shared CA keys based on threshold RSA cryptosystems,with which the security and robustness of system is enhanced.  相似文献   

The security issues in mobile Ad hoc network, especially caused by inner malicious nodes are analyzed. By tracking the behavior of nodes, trust level of each node can be evaluated and managed; then actions of malicious nodes will be constrained and the security and reliability of entire network are enhanced. According to the features of Ad hoc. The scheme proposed in not only extends the conception of trust but also include the trust computation model and trust management mechanism. Simulation experiments show the novel scheme is more efficient than other trust schemes in traditional protocols.  相似文献   

为了深入研究不同因素特别是食品标签信任对消费者“三品”认证食品购买行为的影响,以及解决食品标签信任变量的内生性问题,利用西安市实地调查的392份消费者问卷数据,以猪肉产品为例,选用双变量Probit模型,分析了消费者对“三品”认证食品标签的信任程度等因素对消费者“三品”认证食品购买行为的影响。研究发现:消费者对“三品”认证食品标签的信任程度正向显著影响消费者的猪肉购买行为,忽略“标签信任”变量的内生性,会明显低估该变量对消费者购买行为的影响;另外,标识认知、个人月平均收入、小孩情况、老人情况等变量显著影响消费者对“三品”认证猪肉的购买行为。政府应主要从加大对“三品”认证标识的宣传力度、加强对“三品”认证猪肉质量安全标准的执行力度和监管力度两方面努力。  相似文献   

Some thoroughly research on the basic method for load state detection in MIN is introduced. Load sources of SCP and SSP in MIN are analyzed in detail after investigating the relationship between inter resource and load state in the system. And load detection parameters and model are presented. Moreover, a novel strategy to detect system load state based on fusion of multi detection data is presented. By some test, the theory and method are proved most feasible. Our research show that load state of MIN can be recognized by detecting utility of internal resource utilizing of single node in MIN, and multi redundant detecting data fusion is effective approach to improve the reliability and trust degree of the result.  相似文献   

梁伟森  方伟 《中国农学通报》2021,37(25):157-164
研究旨在提高农户贷款信用风险度量的准确性,降低银行涉农贷款的不良率,促进银行对农户的信贷覆盖。从农户户主特征、资产负债、家庭收支和还款意愿4个方面选取违约判别指标,运用因子分析法克服多重共线性,基于Logistic原理构建适用于农村中小银行的农户贷款违约风险评估模型,并以中国家庭动态跟踪调查CFPS2018数据为样本进行实证研究。研究发现,农户的资产状况是影响贷款违约最主要的因素,资产负债率与其贷款信用风险正相关;家庭消费性支出越多,贷款违约的可能性越大;信任认同是重要因素,农户与人合作的信任度越高,违约风险越小。构建模型的预测准确率超过90%,具有普遍适用性。鼓励有条件的农村中小银行实施信用风险内部评级,提高农户的信贷覆盖,同时要加强相关配套建设,如优化风险组织架构、完善风险管理制度、优化风控人才队伍。  相似文献   

目前在食品行业中存在数量众多的认证体系,但是与认证的经济学研究却很少。认证是在市场交易中可确保商品某种隐藏质量声明真实性的有效工具。在信息不对称的情况下,诸如有机生产、动物福利、公平贸易等"过程导向"的品质特性容易产生不正当使用标志问题。从长远来看,只有可靠的控制程序才能减少食品安全事件的发生。首先提出了一个影响认证结果和认证标志有效性的模型,然后探讨了认证市场价格战的趋势和认证制度变革的必要性,提出了减少对检查员的依赖程度、强化职责、增加公信力效应和降低认证费用等策略,最后讨论了对官方和非官方监管的政策内涵。  相似文献   

This paper presents two trust region algorithms for solving general nonlinear equality constrained optimization problems. The different techniques are used in minimizing a quadrdtic approximate model of the original optimization problems in trust region. By the convergence analysis, the global convergences and local superlinear convergences of the algorithms are obtained. Finally,the implementations of the algorithms are given.  相似文献   

汪爱娥 《中国农学通报》2016,32(26):175-180
为了了解消费者对猪肉质量安全的态度和对安全猪肉的消费倾向,构建消费者支付意愿的理论模型,利用CVM法测算武汉市城市消费者对安全猪肉的支付意愿,通过Logit模型分析消费者对安全猪肉支付意愿的影响因素。研究表明,消费者对安全猪肉的支付溢价为30.9%,安全猪肉随机价格、消费者对猪肉质量安全的关注和信任评价对其支付意愿产生显著影响。由此,从改善消费者的信任、评价的角度提出了建议以促进武汉市生猪产业的发展。  相似文献   

Many studies in economics and regional science claim a positive link between interpersonal trust and innovation by demonstrating a positive effect of trust on patenting. This contrasts many findings from organization level studies on trust and innovation, who report a variety of findings including inverted-U type relations. A possible explanation is that trust exhibits different roles in invention and innovation, as the former relies on knowledge commons while the latter directly embeds commercialization and the market context. This study attempts to reconcile the two set of findings by studying indicators of invention and innovation in relation to trust at the same unit of observation, by using the regional variation in Europe. I study the relationship between interpersonal trust and patent applications (a measure of invention), trademark applications (a composite indicator) and the share of innovative sales in turnover by SMEs (a direct indicator of commercialization), across European regions. I show that trust positively affects trademark applications with an effect that is comparable to that on patent applications. However, trust exhibits an inverted-U type relationship with innovative sales. Results collectively point to a strong role of trust in all three creative activities, including a negative effect at the higher end when the indicator is directly contingent on commercialization and sales. I also estimate the extent of spatial spillovers in the effect of trust on all three creative outcomes.  相似文献   

A new trust region algorithm is proposed for solving unconstrained optimization problems. According to the quadratic approximate model of the original optimization problem,the trust region algorithm uses directions,a convex combination of the quasi-newton direction and the steepest descent direction. This algorithm with new strategy is analyzed and the global and local quadratic convergent theorems are proved. At last,the implementation and computational results of the algorithm are demonstrated.  相似文献   

为培育高产、高抗、米质优的杂交稻新组合,选用福建省农业科学院水稻研究所的优质、抗稻瘟三系不育系繁源A与强优势恢复系帮恢609配组,选育出籼型三系杂交稻繁优609,该品种经多地试种,表现出较强的杂种优势。2013年参加长江上游中籼迟熟组区域试验,表现出群体整齐、熟期转色好、丰产性突出、米质优等特点,适宜我国长江上游作一季中稻种植;2016年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会稻专业委员会审定(国审稻2016018)。本文总结了该品种的选育过程、特征特性,以及在区域试验、生产试验中的产量、抗性和米质的表现,并对杂交稻育种技术理论进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着消费者对农产品质量安全的要求不断提高,快速响应、高效控制、安全保障成为现代农产品安全领域的重要课题。由于传统溯源系统存在原始信息少、信息不透明和可靠性差等问题,消费者对农产品溯源技术并不信任。且各组织之间互不信任,信息断层现象时常发生,出现问题后职责追溯困难,安全管控的效果难以满足社会需求。区块链技术的可追溯性、不可篡改和去中心化等特点,可以很好的解决传统溯源系统的缺陷。区块链作为一项新兴技术,在农产品溯源方面具有巨大的潜力。然而,基于区块链技术的农产品溯源系统的优势、挑战和亟需解决的问题,还没有得到充分探讨。本研究以大米溯源系统为例,提出了基于区块链技术的农产品溯源系统的框架设计。详细介绍了如何通过物联网技术获取大米的供应链数据信息。最后,分析了基于区块链技术的农产品溯源方法的优势和挑战。本研究为研究人员和从业人员提供了基于区块链技术的农产品溯源系统的宝贵信息,并对改善农产品可持续性产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the influences of Malaysia's Federation Land Development Authority (FELDA) scheme in fostering inclusive rural development. Based on the model of holistic inclusive development, the paper investigates the performance of FELDA from four perspectives: social development, industrialisation, modernisation and basic needs. The main findings of the study indicate that, to a large extent, the scheme has successfully stimulated both the social and economic development of the community. Nonetheless, establishing a strong trust, social cohesion and rapport between the public authorities and community remain the main challenges in determining the success of this state‐led agenda. Moreover, keeping traditional values in the modern system will be the key principle for the sustainability of the programme if plans are made to adopt the scheme in other regions.  相似文献   

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