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According to the randomness of human pulse signals,the multiresolution analysis of the wavelet transform is used to analyze such signals.Its purpose is to extract the abnormal information from the pulse signals of heroin druggers and to obtain the primary judgment criterion which can be used to identify druggers from healthy persons.The scale spectrum based on the wavelet transform of pulse signals carries the important characteristic information of the health situation of human body.The pulse signals of 15 heroin druggers and 15 healthy persons are analyzed and the scale spectrum and the total signal energy of every signal are extracted.It is found that the ratio between the sum(i.e.,scale-wavelet energy) of the scale spectrum in a specific scale-time region and the total signal energy for heroin druggers is generally higher than that of healthy persons.Using the percentage of the ratio between the scale-wavelet energy in the specific scale-time region and the total signal energy as characteristic parameter,a critical parameter is determined that is used to classify heroin druggers and healthy persons.Thus,all of the 15 healthy persons are identified correctly from 30 subjects.Only two heroin persons are misjudged.The experiment results of classification show that the method presented is feasible and effective for detecting the pulse abnormalities of heroin druggers.  相似文献   

The conceptions of mother wavelet and complete wavelet system are introtuced.Their digital features are described in detail.The definitions of con ti n nons, discrete, and dyadic discrete wavelet transforms are given,and their inverse transforms are deduced with reference to thevector expressions in R2 space.  相似文献   

In this paper,a method of constructing the wavelet neural networks for nonlin-ear fun ctional approximation is discussed.The expon ential convergence of the training process andits robust stability to the noise perturbances and the network design errors are also proved.  相似文献   

The R-wave of ECG signal represents the electrical activation of the ventricles, which initiates ventricle contraction, and the typical peak value singular signal, so the R-wave of ECG signal is localized precisely and analyzed accurately using the wavelet transform. The principium of the precise detection method for R-wave in ECG signal is researched. The special properties of Mexican hat wavelet in time-domain are analyzed, too. This wavelet has every order continuity, symmetry, exponential attenuation and one vanishing moment. For this reason, the mexican hat wavelet basis has the excellent localization and analyzing precision. Using the MIT/BIH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Boston's Beth Israel Hospital) Arrhythmia Database and the applications in clinic, the precise detection method can detect accurately and localize precisely to the R-wave in ECG signal in the serious noise signal. This method has the quite high locating precision (its error is not more than one sampling point and the points of the R-wave in ECG signal about 80 percent are localized precisely) and analyzing accuracy (no accumulative error). The real-time of the method is excellent, and the real-time detection to the R-wave of ECG signal can achieve using this method.  相似文献   

Based on the characteristic of the continuous wavelet transform for the impact echo signal,the wavefronts of longitudinal waves and transversal waves in the impact echo signal can be estimated precisely,and it is improved that the precision of the dynamic elastic properties of materials evaluated through impact echo.  相似文献   

The research of neural network has been maturated both in theory and practical application since 1980's, and also been employed into the prediction and analysis of nonlinear time series signal in the field of signal process system. Concerning with the problem of time series signal prediction based on traditional neural network, such as black box, poor accuracy, and facing the shortage of post knowledge, this paper presents a different neural network prediction model from the traditional ones, based on intelligent neural cell model and employing the iterative prediction method. Through the example on stock price prediction, the prediction accuracy and practical value are proved.  相似文献   

A virtual wavelet transform analyzer for the signal analysis based on the direct algorithm is introduced so that the discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform is maken to signal in the direct algorithm. The authors first introduce the direct algorithm of the WT, which is numerical algorithm obtained from the original formula of the wavelet transform by directly numericalizing. Then some conclusions are drawn on the direct algorithm. The examples are the sampling principle and technology for the wavelets, the limitation of the scale range of the wavelets and the measures to solve the edge phenomenal in the direct algorithm of the discrete wavelet transform, and some conclusions in the direct algorithm of the continuous wavelet transform. The virtual wavelet transform analyzer for the signal analysis based on the direct algorithm explored based on these studies and combined with virtual instrument technique can make the discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform to signal with any basic wavelet. It can be applied in studying the property of any basic wavelet and learning the theory on the wavelet transform, and also in making some engineering signal analysis. In the end, the authors give some typical examples for the application of the virtual analyzer. These examples show that the analyzer can be applied in many situations.  相似文献   

To associate the discrete wavelet transform with the continuous wavelet transform, an iterative convolution algorithm is given by analyzing the and scaling function using coefficients of wavelet filter. usually used methods of the computation The way of judging the convergence of improved algorithm on of the wavelet function iterative convolution is given. The advantages of improved algorithm is analyzed. The experimental result shows that the modified algorithm is effective.  相似文献   

The method to carry out time frequency analysis of engineering signal using wavelets transform is discussed and the formuli of quantitative relationship between the position & width of time frequency window of wavelet transform and the scale & sampling interval is put forward.  相似文献   

By CD ROM and Internet Service System,lots of references on wavelet are searched.These references are analysed in the paper,a new viewpoint is put forward by the authors.Recent studies by the authors on wavelets are also introduced.  相似文献   

The application of wavelet analysis in fault diagnosis is growing rapidly.There are many different wavelet base to use but no accepted procedure for choosing among them, the analysis results by using them have great difference. This paper describes the significant properties of wavelet base, and analysis behavior of transient signal in wavelet transform, result on some methods for how to choose wavelet base in analysis transient signal.  相似文献   


为了区分鉴别8种根茎类作物,通过采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)结合小波变换(WI)、主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(HCA)的方法,测试研究了8种根茎类作物40个样品的红外光谱。结果表明:8种样品红外图谱相似,但在1800~700 cm-1范围内,红外光谱的峰位、峰形及吸收强度差异明显。对此范围内的原始红外光谱进行连续小波和离散小波变换。提取连续小波变换的第15层系数和离散小波变换的第5尺度细节系数数据,进行主成分分析和聚类分析。连续小波和离散小波的前3个主成分的累计贡献率分别为93.12%、89.78%,主成分分析和聚类分析正确率为100%。最终结果显示:傅里叶变换红外光谱技术结合小波变换的方法可以区分鉴别不同种的根茎类作物。


为了区分鉴别8种根茎类作物,通过采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)结合小波变换(WI)、主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(HCA)的方法,测试研究了8种根茎类作物40个样品的红外光谱。结果表明:8种样品红外图谱相似,但在1800~700 cm-1范围内,红外光谱的峰位、峰形及吸收强度差异明显。对此范围内的原始红外光谱进行连续小波和离散小波变换。提取连续小波变换的第15层系数和离散小波变换的第5尺度细节系数数据,进行主成分分析和聚类分析。连续小波和离散小波的前3个主成分的累计贡献率分别为93.12%、89.78%,主成分分析和聚类分析正确率为100%。最终结果显示:傅里叶变换红外光谱技术结合小波变换的方法可以区分鉴别不同种的根茎类作物。  相似文献   

In neural network based short-term load forecasting, complexity and redundancy of input data have a negative effect on network training efficiency and forecasting precision. Focusing on solving this problem, a multiple method of data processing is developed. Firstly a method called input variable contribution analysis is applied, which divides input variables into primary variables and minor variables according to their contribution to network output. Minor variables are tossed out. Then principal component analysis is applied to primary variables to eliminate linear correlation among them, thus reduce the variable dimension. Based on this method, the main components are gotten, and then simplified network structure is designed. The result shows that after data processing, the training time is reduced noticeably and forecasting precision is enhanced.  相似文献   

近10年尺度成都市空气污染指数变化小波分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了找出成都市空气污染的变化规律与影响因素,为空气污染治理提供依据。基于一维连续Meyer小波,对2000年6月底以来近10年成都市逐日空气污染指数(air pollution index, API)的时间序列进行小波分析,得到该市API时间序列的多尺度变化特征、主周期,对影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:成都市API“高—低”交替演化规律明显,主周期约320天,次周期约120天;受盆地地形与气候等条件影响,大气污染呈“冬重夏轻”格局,春季污染次高峰常伴随北方沙尘暴而产生;成都市10年来大气污染状况总体趋向于好转,但局部时段污染加重的现象时有发生。结果表明,小波变换分析对于研究API时间序列的变化规律非常有效,也适用于其他污染物的时间演变规律的研究。  相似文献   

介绍了人工神经网络的原理、结构、算法和研究进展,以及该方法在近红外光谱分析中的重要地位和应用。  相似文献   

土壤类型分析的自组织人工神经网络模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出土壤类型分析,识别的人工神经网络模型,并对黑龙江省松花江地区的土壤类型进行了研究,结果表明,该方法具有容错能力强,识别速度快的优点,可望成为土壤分类工作的有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   

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