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Basing eliminating on the idea that the generator who has the most influence on the power flow of line is mostly in favor of transmission congestion, the model of congestion management with the object of minimizing adjustments of bufions varied with generation outputs is proposed. It can eliminate the congestion effectively by judging the generators who should be adjusted and the amounts of adjustment. The test on IEEE-RTS24 buses system and other practical systems show that the proposed method is effective.  相似文献   

【研究目的】在加强土地经营权流转日益成为农村改革和发展重要课题的背景下,分析如何促进农村土地经营权合理流转。【方法】采用文献资料法搜集资料,用调研法、经验总结法等对课题内容进行深入分析研究。【结果】尽管土地经营权流转对于农村经济的发展和产业结构优化具有重要的推动作用,但由于各种主客观因素的作用,目前我国土地经营权的顺利流转仍面临很多障碍。应做好宣传工作,调动基层干部群众进行土地流转的积极性,进而建立健全农地流转的市场机制和正确发挥政府作用来促进农村土地经营权流转。【结论】只有充分发挥市场机制的作用和政府方面的服务保障,实现农村服务业的发展创新,才能促进土地经营权的合理流转和农村经济的发展。  相似文献   

A new congestion management model based on high low settlement is proposed for the electricity market. The model combines the transaction mechanism and congestion management to eliminate congestion in branches with the minimum equivalent increase in the system regulating fee. The equality constrains are the branch overloads, the generator sensitivities, and the corresponding adjustments, respectively. By introducing the Lagrange multiplier and a relaxation factor, the nonlinear programming problem with constraints can be translated into an unconstrained nonlinear programming problem. The regulating values of the generators thus can be obtained. The proposed algorithm is verified by a 6 bus system.  相似文献   

Rights control is the central part of MIS(management information system) security management .Common rights control which bases the character and the operator can resolve the One-dimension rights management.Rights control based on the operator leads to the large workloads, the operation becomes unpractical when it is dealing with those units that are big and multiclass. On the other hand, rights control based on the character can release the workloads but it also brings us the confusion of duties and the data operation. The model and the practice of Two-dimension rights control are mentioned.The key property is the rights' self-maintenance of the units and the operators. It strongly supports the least work of the DBA(Database Administrator), insure the security of database and the exclusive DBA in the system. The two-dimension rights control has been used in the road transportation management system for 4 years by 42 units all over the Chongqing City with high praise of the users.  相似文献   

A Survey of Power Flow Tracing Algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Competition in the electricity markets requires identifying the responsibility in the use of transmission networks or the associated effects. Power Flow Tracing algorithms have been developed recently to enhance the transparence of transmission system. This paper focuses on power flow tracing procedures and provides a detailed comparison of three classified algorithms: 1) power flow tracing based methods; 2) current tracing based methods; and 3) power flow analytic methods. The advantage and disadvantage of each method are discussed. Finally, the potential applications and development of the methodology is presented for furthermore research.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing connotation of congestion pricing,through the qualitative analysis of the main content and implementation effect of the congestion policy in cities such as Singapore,London and Stockholm,the basic conditions for urban congestion charges were summarized.Compared with Beijing’s urban development,traffic development status,urban transport infrastructure and social factors,the current policy of traffic congestion charging is still not available from the perspective of the current status of car ownership in Beijing,residents’ travel composition,and population density distribution.  相似文献   

Combined with the development flow of real estate project,firstly a flow analysis is put forward for land investment risk identification of real estate projects,then by method of list analysis and method of expectancy computing to determine the risk level and the gain and loss of expectancy of land investment.Based on the relation and flow chart of land investment risk,the risk intensity of land investment is computed,in order to achieve an objective,effective and scientific dynamic management of land investment risk.  相似文献   

杨宇  杨宇 《中国农学通报》2011,27(2):463-466
基于产权理论角度分析中国农地征收中存在的产权弱化问题。经过分析发现,农地产权的弱化导致农地征收的租值消散问题、农地征收定价困难问题与农地产权保护薄弱问题,这些问题都是造成农地征收补偿矛盾的重要原因。因此,中国农地征收可以从建立农地使用权交易市场、建立第三方评估制度、转变政府职能、加强农地产权保护等方面进行农地征收的制度完善,以强化农地产权,解决征地补偿中出现的诸多矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

李兵  吴平 《中国农学通报》2011,27(8):407-410
为了分析与地权利益相关的农户对确权内容的认知及其参与确权的影响因素,笔者利用邛崃市近期组织第三方调查问卷数据,描述分析农户对确权内容的认知特征,并构建logistic模型估计影响农户参与确权的因子。结果表明,农户的经营理念发生深刻变化,可选择的经营方式丰富多样;影响农户确权参与的主要因素是务农收入占家庭收入比重、土地功能,土地面积和是否有土地流转行为也对确权参与度有一定的影响。本研究认为,农地法权和经营性权利得以强化,农地之于农户的生存重要性是影响农户参与行为的主要方面。  相似文献   

Branch -like pipeline is a common structure in gas transmission pipeline. In the light of the constituent properties of natural gas branch - like pipeline system, the system can be divided into fundamental constituent units. This paper presents a realistic unsteady flow model consisting of simple models of pipeline units and connecting conditions, boundary conditions and initial condition associated with units by using system analysis method. The solutions in wide sense are obtained by theory of functional analysis and operator series method, Such a method has the properties of both analytical solution and numerical solution methods. When the divided pipeline unit is larger, an intuitive approximate analytical solution may be obtained; while the one is smaller, a more accurate numerical solution may be acquired. Based on this, a general computer program has been developed for this model and solutions have been used successfully in a local natural gas transmission network in Sichuan. It is proved that the model and algorithm proposed in this paper are of the advantages of convenient calculation, high precision, time saving and wide application range by way of analysis and application.  相似文献   

With interconnecting and developing of power system, the problem of power flow computation on dispersed data resource need to be solved. A new distributed computation method of power flow based on Ward equivalent is presented. According to master-slaver splitting principle, multi-area interconnected power system is divided into master-slaver areas. Boundary buses in different areas are defined as different bus-types. Neighborhood areas are equivalent by Ward equivalent principle, and the equivalent injection power and equivalent impedance are worked out. Power flows from master area to slaver areas are solved by Newton method, and the equivalent injection power and equivalent impedance on the boundary are modified by their solutions. The process above repeats until to convergence. The proposed distributed power flow method takes full advantage of the information of power, voltage, network configuration in neighborhood areas, so it is better on convergence and quality of solution. The proposed algorithm is testified by IEEE 14-bus system and a practical 181-bus system.  相似文献   

在城乡中国的背景下,“三权分置”的新时期中国农地制度创新理论为土地产权改革提供了机遇,农地承包权价值内涵构成及价格评估是值得深入研究的课题,这不仅给农用地流转提供依据,也是自然资源资产价值核算的关键。本研究从“三权分置”的政策背景演变入手,重释了承包权内涵及价值构成,并在分析影响价值因素的前提下探讨了采用收益还原法与叠加法来评估承包权基准地价。研究认为,(1)承包权是因农户具备了集体经济组织成员身份,从而享有对农村集体土地承包的权利;身份权特征明显,具有主体专一、财产收益、效益处分及有效占有等4个特点;(2)集体成员身份权具有身份性、平等性、共同性及约束性等4个特性,享受成员权的主体形式可以是农户家庭也可以是集体经济组织的个人或是两者的结合;(3)依据农地承包权的生产收益权价值和社会保障价值构成,采用收益还原法和叠加法两种方法来评估承包权价格,在确定社会保障价值时可以借用征地区片综合地价中的社保费用值来量化。本研究在维护农户土地权益前提下,以期为全面有序开展农地质量价格评估和价值核算提供有益参考。  相似文献   

According to Coase and Alchian's definition ,the corporation is a contract consisting of variety essential factors.The essential factors of the firm can be separated into human capital and non-human capical. The owner of the factors will be confronted with rearrangement of the property rights when forming a contract. At the same time, the firm is a special contract which different from other short-term contract. Therefore, its property rights arrangement is dynamic and its surplus distribution is dynamic ,too. By analyzing the arrangement process of the property rights and surplus, the paper draws a conclusion about distribution equilibrium.  相似文献   

The listed companies have strong motivation earnings management beforerights issue (RI) in order to achieve the qualification of equity refinancing. After dealed with a positive study on earnings management of RI in 242 Chinese list companies, it is discovered that Chinese RI firms have earnings management that is much more than developed securities market and other emerged securities market before announcing year, but there is not earnings management after announcing second third year, and it is discovered credit business is a main tool of earnings management.  相似文献   

土地承包经营权流转市场的健全,是发展和完善农村家庭联产承包制、改造传统农业、构建现代农业的目标,也是提高土地产出率和劳动生产率、转移农村剩余劳动力、增加农民收入的有效途径。但目前农村土地承包经营权流转市场体制不够健全,存在着缺乏市场流转中介组织,缺乏土地的定级及价格评估机构等问题。针对存在的这些问题,本文提出了大力发展市场经济,完善农村市场经济体制,完善农村土地承包经营权流转市场以及农村土地承包经营权流转自身的法律制度等一系列的措施,达到稳妥推进适度规模经营的目的。  相似文献   

长期以来,农民的文化权益遭受了不同程度的损失,广大农民群众享受不到应有的文化权益,这将非常不利于推动农业现代化和新农村建设的开展。当前农民文化权益受损的原因主要在于:新农村建设对经济发展的路径依赖,忽视了农村文化建设;农民是文化的被动受众,未能成为农村文化建设的主体;传统文化的裂隙和现代文化的陷阱制约着农村文化自身的发展等。切实保障农民的文化权益必须在新农村建设中重视农村文化建设,充分肯定农民主体地位,发挥农民主体功能,在社会主义核心价值的引领下很好的继承传统文化,避免现代文化的陷阱,建设符合新农村发展、满足农民文化需求的农村文化,农民的文化权益才能得到切实保障。  相似文献   

The flow coefficient of the typical doors and windows in different states between opening and closing was tested in a high rise experimental fire tower. It can be used for the prediction calculation of the fire smoke flow and the calculation of the positive air supply as well as for the ventilation. Using the prediction software of the fire smoke flow properties in the building, the effect of the flow coefficient on the fire smoke flow was also studied.  相似文献   

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