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ABSTRACT The welfare effects of public versus private waste disposal with and without flow controls are analyzed. The pricing of private waste disposal services is modeled as being bounded above by the public entity's average disposal cost, but constrained by potential entry of private competitors. It is found that once a publicly owned disposal facility has been built, waste generators are almost always better off if their local government has flow control authority. This results from the necessity of covering the fixed costs of the public facility once it has been built, in conjunction with the expected pricing behavior of private firms.  相似文献   

The flow of people changes very greatly in the public areas of public buildings, so the energy demand should also change with the flow of people. However, under the traditional model, the pedestrian flow is rarely considered when accounting energy output, which causes some of the energy invalid. How to assess the energy efficiency to reduce energy waste is an emergent problem to be solved for building energy conservation. The concept of energy utilization efficiency is put forward to judge the degree of utilization of energy, and the formula for calculating energy utilization efficiency is also provided. In a hospital public waiting area, a lot of experiments have been carried out. By comparing the energy consumption before and after the experiments, it is found that energy utilization efficiency can assess the effectiveness of energy. And to improve the energy efficiency of buildings greatly in public areas can be realized by promoting the energy utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

家庭阳台水培以观赏性强、整洁方便、绿色安全等特点拥有广阔的市场前景,以家庭阳台水培为设计目的、以用户需求为导向的家庭水培装置能够有效满足当前的市场需求。行为地图法与Kano模型的结合能够准确收集用户需求及重要度,QFD质量屋模型可将产品质量要素按照用户需求重要程度进行排序。据此进行方案优化,指导完成以用户需求为导向的装置设计。装置具有空间集约、造型美观、便于移动及固定、有效减轻水培液浪费污染、电线收纳便捷等优点,更适用于家庭水培。同时,新材料应用等也将成为装置未来提升的方向。  相似文献   

Currently approximately 9 million tons of plastic enter the world's oceans annually. This is a major transboundary problem on a global scale that threatens marine wildlife, coastal ecologies, human health and livelihoods. Our concern in this paper is with the environmental governance of marine plastic pollution that emanates from Thailand, the sixth biggest contributor globally. By zooming in on land‐based polluters in Thailand, we highlight both the systemic nature of the marine plastic problem and the relative impunity with which drivers of transboundary environmental harm function at all levels of governance. Drawing from 19 interviews conducted with actors from the public, private and non‐profit sectors, we examine three stages of the problem: production, consumption and waste management. We found that three major barriers prevent Thailand's government, private sector and citizens from engaging in the sort collective action needed to reduce marine plastic pollution. They are: (i) insufficient incentives to enact political change; (ii) scalar disconnects in waste management; and (iii) inadequate public and private sector ownership over plastic waste reduction. As the state alone cannot change corporate and consumer behaviour, we argue that multi‐stakeholder efforts across organisational scales of governance and administrative boundaries are needed to address the barriers.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that the land storage system is beneficial not only to strengthen the country's macroscopic regulation of city land market, accelerate healthy development of city economy and increase the financial income, it can also be advantageous to carry out the economic reform and public facilities construction without a hitch. On the basis of this, in this paper, the increment of the land price and house price as well as the high risk of fund due to lack of related laws is analyzed. Corresponding legal regulations, such as polishing the legislation of land right, implementing the land utilization planning, reinforcing the legislation of city development, land requisition and countryside residential land administration are put forward.  相似文献   

原生态椰子油的相关标准分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李瑞 《中国农学通报》2009,25(23):122-125
摘要:原生态椰子油是国外市场上最新出现的一种重要的功能性椰子产品,目前在科学领域和普通人群中获得了广泛的赞誉,具有很好的应用前景。本文详细介绍了其市场前景及国外相关标准,并对这些标准进行分析。  相似文献   

Testing Research on Development of Perilous Rock in Tension-shear Fracture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a game model for the effect of corporation control on the financial contract efficiency under imperfect financial contract has been set up.With introducing the factor of control power,the factors influencing the efficiency of the financial contract are not only the efforts of investors and administrators and the welfare of the administrator but more important is the imperfectness of the financial contract,which can be used for discussion on transformation mechanism of the influence of the funding behavior.  相似文献   

The development of socialist market economy brings great chances to the urban construction. However, utilitarianism and blindness in urbanization show deficiency in idea of environmental design, system and public participation. To resolve this problem, a fair system of environmental design with healthy system of examination and approval, post occupancy assessment with public participation are discussed after analysis of Chinese environmental design.  相似文献   

“农村市场”己不是地域的意义,而代表了一种消费能力和层次。农村市场消费需求的市场化、商品化程度提高;农民消费升级较快,消费亮点不断涌现,具有和城市消费不同的特点.企业在开拓农村市场时总体上采用“全面进攻+重点突破”的广告策略,具体地,做好五结合,即中央媒体与地方媒体相结合,商业广告与公益广告相结合,媒体广告与口碑营销相结合,固定媒体与移动媒体相结合,空中广告与地面推广相结合。  相似文献   

赵金阳 《中国农学通报》2012,28(11):150-154
面对油脂企业原料短缺、农民有豆惜售的局面,传统的“企业挂牌收购、农民送粮”购销模式对油脂行业已呈现出不适应。“企业+农户”模式通过改变油脂行业的产业链结构,使商品市场和原材料市场联动,从源头消除价格风险可望解决上述难题。利用博弈模型分析油脂行业中推广“企业+农户”模式可行性后,结果表明:订单合同中违约金额的设定是制约“企业+农户”模式推广的重要因素,并提出提高订单合同执行率、建立企业和农户的声誉监督机制、重视政府和合作社的作用和运用期货工具等建议来促进油脂行业“企业+农户”模式的发展。  相似文献   

许坦 《中国农学通报》2009,25(10):300-302
地处京郊的北京昌平回龙观文化居住区是中国最大的居民住宅区之一,交通拥堵是它在现实生活中存在的主要问题,分析目前在这个超大型社区中,政府公共管理的缺位以及如何改善现状和缓解问题。  相似文献   

On the basis of discussing the importance and significance of the material carrier in public art, this paper analyzed the main categories and performance characteristics of public art materials, especial y the application of stone, metal materials, novel materials and waste materials, and summarized the problems that should be paid attention to in the application of materials in public art creation.  相似文献   

植物源药肥的研究及开发应用前景   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
不合理的施肥、用药制度严重阻碍着当前农业的可持续发展。以经过无害化技术处理的工农业、畜牧业生产废弃物与植物源农药合理组配,研制开发植物源药肥,符合目前无公害农业以及有机农产品产业的发展趋势,具有广阔的市场开发前景。  相似文献   

Credibility mechanism is the corn stone to ensure the transaction in the market economy. By the one-time game and repeated game models, the article explains that the message can be easily spread, and the bad businessman can be punished, and in the repeated games, credibility mechanism can develop. But the characteristics of the tourism market cause more difficulty in developing credibility in it. According to the problem, the authors make some suggestions on it.  相似文献   

At present,it is difficult for medium and small enterprises in China to circulate funds. It is a key problem concerning China's economic development. Since the capital market of China still has a long way to go, it is realistic to discuss the indirect finance. This paper studies the indirect finance channels on two levels.  相似文献   

Solid waste pollution in small towns of the Three Gorges Reservoir area in P. R. China has become increasingly serious. To solve this problem and discover the properties of solid waste, on site investigations were conducted in the region in thirteen typic  相似文献   

In recent years, economic has developed with the high-speed in China, which leads advance of urbanization rapidly. Development of economic expands the gap between the rich and the poor, leads to house prices rise rapidly. The housing problem is tricky for low-income people. Resolving the housing problem has become one of the hot topics in China. It is so difficult to buy a house with high rent and high price of house, and this is the common difficulties for urban low-income people. The current public housing construction has been launched in most cities, but the public housing system in Shanxi province, construction, management and future problems that exist in the operation process is worth thinking about. For public housing development status quo carries on the analysis of current, the study of public housing security system is of help, through the analysis of the problem can solve the problems existing in the public housing, to consummates our country housing guarantee system.  相似文献   

Although the commercial real estate in our country has made a great progress in these years,the vacancy rate is very high.It is not only a loss to the developer,but also a waste to the social resources.As keen competition between the commercial real estate developers is on coming,the market orientation will be decisive.The Analytic Hierarchy Process(or AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method,the application of which to the business orientation can make our item more easily to succeed.In this paper,the AHP is applied to the market orientation of an item in Shenzhen.It is hoped that this will contribute to raising the decision accuracy,by formatting pair wise comparative matrixes according to the rate of contribution the variant factors applied to the target.  相似文献   

近年来由于我国肉类食品安全问题严重,为了保障猪肉食品的公共安全,政府监管猪肉的安全生产和食品消费者的知情权,我国建立了猪肉质量安全可追溯系统。我国的猪肉消费主要以生鲜肉为主,冷却猪肉生产起步较晚,消费量的市场份额不到10%。通过市场调查的方式对本市杨浦区的大中小型超市、冷鲜肉专柜和菜市场等地的生鲜肉的溯源性现状进行了调研。在一共60份采样中,可溯源样品44份,占总数的73%,其中标有溯源码的样品只有10份,且全部来自大型超市,占总数的16.7%。由此可见,目前国内市场的猪肉溯源性现状还是不容乐观。  相似文献   

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