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Grid applications have evolved from science research to business and manufacture field, in these fields, tasks always process in workflow mode. In order to found a workflow management system in grid , the authors adopt a hybrid grid workflow engine after analyzing the characteristics of grid environment and give a referenced model of workflow management system in grid that is based on the engine. Through the examination, the authors prove the original intention is feasible.  相似文献   

A distributed Client/Multi-Server system is developed, in which the multi-server system controlled the collaborative clients by the mechanism of collision arbitration. This is made to avoid collaborative clients to become completely dependent on the single server and to improve the stabilization and reliability of the server system. A mathematic model of multi-server system based on queuing theory is presented. The solution of mathematic model is analyzed, which includes the average utilization frequency of servers, the length of queuing and waiting time. The theory system, which is intuitionistie and convenient, is redounded to reflecting the dynamic data change of the system, reasonably organizing the system and optimizing the design methodology of the multi-server system.  相似文献   

Introduced by a seminar about minimalism in art and architecture, and based on the comparative research under multi-dimension, in this paper, the genesis of minimalism in architecture is retraced, its design principles are deeply explored and its design features as well as inspirations for architecture design in China are summarized through some cases study related to minimalism. At the end, it points out that the minimalism in architecture is a feasible way in the multi-direction architecture designs.  相似文献   

Taking a project practice for example,this paper probed into the design methods of regional architecture in such aspects as geographic environment,traditional folk residence style,space environment and construction material etc.In this paper,one of the developing directions of modern architecture,i.e.the regional architecture design is pointed out first,then,the correlation between regional architecture and natural environment as well as historical culture tradition,space environment and material application of regional architecture,etc.were systematically discussed,it also indicated that the regional architecture should be an organic renewal of traditional folk residence style.It is concluded that the regional architecture should be in accordance with the nature.  相似文献   

The present status and problem for collaborative design are analyzed. A communication system structure based CORBA principle and the Java distributed programming technology is developed. The capability of CORBA and Java supplying is compensated each other in this structure system. The integration of CORBA and Java is proved to be a more effective designing platform for distributed collaborative design in the area developing WWW-based applications. Highly efficient safe communication is realized for collaborative design.  相似文献   

It is hard to realize the Realtime Collaborative Design due to the limitation of network bandwidth and some other reasons over Internet. A Realtime Collaborative Design System is constructed with complete distribution construction and concentrated distribution construction. Based on the research of outcome of the research group, the dynamic data format is modified and optimized, it reduces the load of network in collaborative design to meet the requirement of realtime and enhances the capacity of rapid response and stability of the system.  相似文献   

朱琳  宋磊 《中国农学通报》2010,26(6):223-225
线是造型要素中最基本的元素,也是设计师表达设计理念的基本语言。通过对线的特质、线在园林景观中运用形式以及具体应用的研究,使设计师更加明确线的灵活运用在园林景观设计中存在的精神内涵和艺术价值,以提高中国现代园林设计水平。  相似文献   

基于VRML的虚拟园林设计要素构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟现实技术应用于园林设计,可利用动态和交互方式对未来的园林进行身临其境的全方位审视,可达到传统的园林效果图所无法达到的效果,然而目前虚拟技术在园林中的应用比较少。笔者基于VRML技术对园林设计要素的(植物、建筑、地形和水体)构建进行探索,实现了园林设计四大要素的三维模型构建和互联网上的漫游与交互功能。研究表明基于VRML构建园林设计要素的方法是行之有效的,而且效果比较好。  相似文献   

The dynamic data exchange is the key to the realization of the collaborative design based on Internet. The features of data for collaborative design based on Internet are analyzed. The data transformation, the data transmission and the data transaction of collaborative design based on Internet are researched. The system configuration and organization mode of dynamic data exchange for collaborative design Internet-based are developed, in which, STEP serves as the product data exchange standard, and ORACLE is the kernel database of the system, so that each of the CAD systems can synchronously access the ORACLE database, share and exchange the design information. The STEP-ORACLE serves as the organizing mode of dynamic data exchange for the collaborative design based on Internet, which realizes the real-time exchange and consistency of the dynamic data between the different platforms and CAD systems.  相似文献   

中国渔政管理指挥系统是服务于渔业管理业务的大型管理信息系统,随着信息化建设的深入和需求的提高,越来越多的管理业务将纳入到系统中来,系统的运行效率与业务协同性将会面临挑战。笔者通过架构设计关键技术的分析研究,基于企业架构(EA)和面向服务的体系结构(SOA)技术,提出了面向渔业管理的系统架构框架,优化了中国渔政管理指挥系统的总体设计方案。总体设计根据业务需求和管理战略从全局的角度对系统的业务架构、应用架构、数据架构、技术架构进行设计,构建基于SOA的业务服务技术架构,以解决系统的灵活性与可扩展性,满足不断发展的信息化需求,为系统信息共享、互联互通和业务协同提供技术模型,为系统的可持续建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

网格技术是网络环境下海量数据管理和信息共享的有效方法。地理信息网格是网格技术在地理空间技术领域的应用,作为农业空间信息网格的基础,它是实现农业信息共享与服务的有效途径。地理信息网格在数字农业领域的广泛应用将深刻影响农业信息系统的规划部署、运行和管理机制,提高农业信息资源共享程度和使用效率,推进数字农业建设的步伐。  相似文献   

西南典型喀斯特洼地风景园林规划设计探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于风景园林多学科交叉的性质,以毕节撒拉溪示范区风景园林规划为例,探讨喀斯特洼地景观规划设计与水土保持措施。通过文献法、实地调查法、多学科综合研究法,分析喀斯特洼地在空间、视觉、文化等方面的特征,从自然条件、环境容量与规模预测、区位交通、资源分析、使用人群以及SWOT分析等方面,对喀斯特洼地进行功能分区、景观空间布局、道路布局、植物配植以及园林建筑营造研究,将景观营造与石漠化治理相结合,探索一种适宜喀斯特洼地的风景园林规划设计方法。  相似文献   

Architecture of Logistics system is the interior operation environment and business platform for Logistics companies, which is to steer to build special logistics system and tactics frame-saw to realize the company's objectives. Further more, characteristic and design principle of architecture are mentioned. There are 4 levels in this article to discuss the architecture of TPL system. Six elements contained in the architecture are mentioned: information platform, tech-equipment platform, knowledge platform, organization platform, business platform and functional platform, Furthermore, the mutual connection among which is analyzed as a whole. In conclusion, measure of the transfer from traditional storage and transportation to modern logistics is discussed.  相似文献   

According to the researches in Fujian and Taiwan and the analysis of historical documents and activities of academic communication,this paper presents different cultural types in Fujian and Taiwan and their corresponding architectural modes including temples of literature,cloisters,Mazu Temple,Guandi Temple,residence,ancestral temples and club houses,etc.It suggests that Fujian and Taiwan,both surrounded by the sea,were the immigration society in the history and their continual merge into and impact on each other contribute to the unique architectural cultures characterized by nationality and locality.  相似文献   

According to the development trends of modem industrial architecture and combining with the situation of China, the essay first proposes the design strategies of modern industrial architecture in China, and then strongly verifies these strategies with deep analysis of advanced design precedents, in the end points out these strategies are very necessary and appropriate in China.  相似文献   

The characteristics of flow and combustion in micro gas turbine engine with the low Reynolds number and the high Mach number, the high Couette number and the low Biot number, as well as the ultra high duty ratio of combustion in very small space are analyzed, which are remarkably distinguished from those on macro scale. At the meantime, the limitation of traditional dynamic lubrication theory at ultra high speed on micro scale is presented, and the possibility of making the gas bearing to be able to work at ultra high speed by utilizing boundary slip is investigated. Due to the applied prospect of silicon carbide in the field of MEMS especially under high temperature and high strength conditions, the technical process of combining silicon etching with reactive sintering and grinding machining of silicon carbide is put forward so that the miniature machining of silicon carbide for micro gas turbine engine becomes possible.  相似文献   

Architecture market is a typical dynamic game market with incomplete information, in which exists three principal parts who are proprietors, supervising companies and contractors. There is a complex principal-agent relationship among them. With the analysis of the principal-agent relationship among proprietors, supervising companies and contractors, two dynamic games of incomplete information have been established and analyzed. If the proprietor only pay instant fee to supervising company, the supervising company will take weak supervise. Only with appropriate incentive way, the strong supervise can be done. Based on it, an incentive system is established to make the supervising companies and contractors work hard, to realize the given purpose of the proprietors.  相似文献   

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