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LED在植物工厂中的研究现状与应用前景   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
随着光电技术的发展,LED发光效率不断提高,LED光源在植物栽培领域的研究逐渐受到世界各国的广泛重视。该文综述了LED在植物工厂中的研究现状,重点介绍了LED光源特性、光源系统的开发以及LED在植物栽培领域的应用研究,并对LED在植物工厂中的应用前景和发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

密闭式植物种苗工厂的设计及其光环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密闭式植物苗工厂具有节能、环保、控制精度高、生产成本低等特点,发展前景广阔。利用不透光的绝热材料建设人工光型密闭式植物工厂,设计开发了高精度的环境控制系统,为植物生长提供优化的物理环境。研制了种苗繁育LED光环境调控装置、光照距离可调式荧光灯板,有效地改善植物生长所需的光环境,提高植物的光能利用率。通过对环境控制系统的试验研究以及相关的生物学试验,为密闭式植物工厂以及人工光源在育苗领域的应用研究提供了理论和试验依据。LED、荧光灯与自然光条件下黄瓜育苗对比试验表明LED光环境下植株生长速率高于其他处理,表现出一定的生长优越性。  相似文献   

Simulative experimental research and theoretic analysis on the characteristics of unfree inundation water-flow field and circular field in rock salt well water-mining have been done by glass equipment.The tracer particles spirally circumferentially ascend from bottom to stoma in the triangle vase flow field during the process of unfree inundation efflux flow by positive-cycle pouring water,and the tracer particles fast move up and down in the columnar flow field(jar) as the spouting interval,height of columnar flow field and diameter of the tracer particles are less.While contrary-circular pouring water is done,the water location of centric pipe flow water for the triangle vase is tangential with the down of telescopic pipe and steadily maintains the state.For the columnar flow field,water location is higher than the down of telescopic pipe while the circulation field is just formed and gradually drops until it is tangent with the down of centric pipe.Theory analysis and calculation show that the tracer particles spirally ascend owing to the competition between the up return rate(V_H) and the axial rate(V_m).The fanning orientation of pasting line is the vector sum between V_H and V_m.  相似文献   

Maintenance cost is one of the most difficult parts to calculate in variant-cost, for it s decided by the reliability of components. As an important factor of reliability, life is largely affected by maintenance. The proportional life prolonged model based on maintenance is presented firsdy. Based on this model, the function of Mainenance--Life--Cost is deduced. Which provides a new method for power plant to calculate maintenance cost more accurately.  相似文献   

对中亚食品研发中心(有限公司)车间节能减排措施进行统计分析。统计结果显示,喷淋杀菌机冷却水的循环利用使工厂生产节约水160 m3/班次,直接节约经费355.2元/班次;蔬菜罐头的清洗浸泡用水工艺经改良后,现在可以浸泡黄瓜7~8 t/m3;车间安装高压杀菌锅后,天然气的使用量由2 000 m3/d降至200 m3/d,直接节约2 754元/d;车间照明节能系统的整改大大降低了工厂的用电量;环保节能包装材料EVOH的应用降低了生产运输成本,又符合环保卫生。中亚食品企业车间节能减排措施显著提高企业系统能效。  相似文献   

青花菜主要农艺性状相关性、主成分与聚类分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
揭示青花菜各农艺性状间的相关性和特征规律,以期为种质资源改良与创新,新品种选育提供理论依据。从主要种植区搜集76份种质材料,观测生育期、单球重等16个主要农艺性状,并对其进行相关性、主成分和聚类分析研究。青花菜各性状间存在较高相关性。在主成分分析中,选取方差累积贡献率为73.104%的前6个主成分来评价青花菜种质材料。可将其归纳为产量因子,生长势因子和花球特征因子,是青花菜种质评价的主要指标。聚类分析将76份种质分成3类;第Ⅰ类主要为早中熟种质,侧枝多,球形中高圆,单球重低;第Ⅱ类主要为晚熟种质,株型开展,球高圆紧实,单球重中等;第Ⅲ类主要为中熟种质,株型较直立,球形极高圆,单球重高。可利用相关性、主成分与聚类分析方法对青花菜农艺性状进行分析和综合评价,筛选特异种质,指导育种。  相似文献   

油楠(Sindora glabra)作为极具开发潜力的能源植物,在分子水平上的研究仅局限于ISSR分子标记。本研究利用Trinity软件对油楠转录组数据进行组装,共得到总长为48307806 bp的283998条Unigenes。利用MISA软件寻找到97443个含有SSR的重复基元。SSR位点中主要重复序列为单核苷酸和二核苷酸,分别占总SSR位点的67.68%和22.56%,其次是三核苷酸,占8.54%。利用Primer 3.0设计引物,并从中随机选择200对引物进行PCR扩增,其中有13对扩增出清晰条带,多态性高,重复性好。油楠SSR分子标记的开发对于研究其遗传多样性、重要性状基因定位及分子标记辅助选择育种等起到重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

水稻资源全生育期耐盐性鉴定筛选   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对来自国内外不同地区的550份水稻资源进行全生育期耐盐性鉴定。设置淡水、0.3%和0.5%盐溶液浇灌3个处理,插秧10d后,通过浇灌不同体积的淡水与海水调至设计浓度对水稻进行不同浓度的盐胁迫处理。分别调查了淡水及0.3%盐处理下水稻株高、有效分蘖数、主穗长度、主穗结实率、单株产量、抽穗期6项农艺性状和0.5%盐处理下的水稻耐盐表型。与淡水浇灌相比,全生育期在0.3%盐溶液处理下,550份水稻(100%)株高显著降低;124份(22.55%)水稻有效分蘖数(90份增加, 34份减少)、414份(75.27%)水稻主穗长度(405份变短、9份增长)、145份(26.36%)水稻主穗结实率(84份减少, 61份增加)、375份(68.18%)水稻单株产量(343份减少, 32份增加)存在(极)显著差异;水稻资源的抽穗期无显著差异。主成分分析表明,主穗结实率、有效分蘖数及单株产量3项性状累计贡献77.25%的变异。根据产量耐盐系数筛选了121份耐盐水稻资源(产量耐盐系数≥0.8),在0.5%盐胁迫持续处理42 d后,筛选了78份耐盐水稻资源(耐盐表型为3级),其中25份水稻资源全生育期在0.3%盐处理下单株产量耐盐系数≥0.8,在0.5%盐胁迫持续处理42 d后的耐盐表型为3级。筛选的耐盐水稻资源为培育耐盐新品种及深入研究耐盐机制提供材料。  相似文献   

谷子白发病是谷子生产上的重要病害,可严重影响谷子的产量和品质。WRKY转录因子广泛参与植物的抗病,生长发育等多种生理过程。为了探究谷子WRKY转录因子对白发病菌胁迫的响应,进而发掘谷子特有的抗病基因并为以后的抗病研究提供参考,本研究以感病品种‘晋谷21’为试材,基于前期对转录组测序的基础上,筛选出8个与谷子白发病相关的WRKY转录因子基因,然后通过生物信息学技术,对这8个WRKY转录因子基因特征,基因序列及所在染色体位置,基因组结构模式启动子序列元件,与白发病菌相关的调控元件以及表达模式等进行了分析。研究发现,8个WRKY转录因子基因中5个基因分布在5号染色体上,在受白发病菌胁迫后其表达水平存在显著差异。启动子顺式元件分析的组成和分布也存在较大差异,8个基因的蛋白大小是202~440个氨基酸,系统进化树分析表明,基因Seita.8G123100,Seita.5G261700的亲缘关系较近,并且受侵染后的表达水平均高于正常水平。发现8个基因中5个基因在受到病原菌侵染时其表达水平高于其正常状态下的基因表达水平,可以作为谷子抗病的重要候选基因。本研究结果为后续筛选谷子抗病基因及谷子抗病机制的研究奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

bZIP转录因子广泛地存在于真核生物界中。大量研究表明,种类丰富的bZIP转录因子存在于所有植物的细胞核中并参与植物体内的各种生理反应。多种恶劣环境造成的非生物胁迫,是影响植物生长发育的重要因素,bZIP转录因子在植物对非生物胁迫抵抗中起关键作用。本综述着重于植物bZIP转录因子参与非生物胁迫调控的研究进展,并对今后通过基因工程手段提高植物的抗逆性,培育多抗性植物新品种提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

夏梦  王吉  孙丹 《中国农学通报》2016,32(35):24-29
Prohibitins(PHBs,抗增殖蛋白),又称抑制素,作为一种肿瘤抑制蛋白,首先是在人类中被发现并进行研究的。植物中PHBs的发现只有20年的时间,并且相关的研究报道不多,因此对植物PHBs及其功能的了解比较少。截至目前的数据显示,PHBs的氨基酸序列在各种生物中高度保守,基于酵母的PHBs的分类,所有生物的PHBs都被分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种类型。这两类蛋白在线粒体内膜形成一个环状的大分子结构。尽管最初研究者推测PHBs基因对植物的生长可能有负调控效应。然而,近些年的研究表明其对植物的生长发育具有促进作用,通过参与线粒体的形成和提高植物对逆境的反应等行使多项生物学功能。本文主要从PHBs的分类、结构、亚细胞定位和PHBs的功能等方面,对植物PHBs的研究进展进行了简单的总结。  相似文献   

This study examines two important issues concerning the evaluation of business location factors. First, in contrast to many analyses that seek to determine the influence of a single factor or set of factors on site selection, this study aims to measure the relative importance of a wide range of factors. Second, it investigates the extent to which the perceived importance of a given location factor varies based on the type of facility in question. While there is a substantial amount of research devoted to identifying industry‐specific location factors, little is known about the influence that facility type has on the assessment of location criteria. Drawing on original survey data collected from real estate professionals in the U.S., we found significant differences in the mean ratings for more than half of the 39 location factors on the basis of facility type. In particular, “corporate/office” respondents were significantly more likely than “manufacturing” or “retail” respondents to assign higher ratings to “quality‐of‐life” location factors, such as crime rates, amenities, housing, and schools. We discuss the implications of these findings for future research on location theory.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the requirements of standards for aircraft power supply firstly,and then points out that the input current harmonic and output DC voltage ripple should be considered seriously when designing three-phase power factor correction (PFC)for aircraft under variable line frequency and unbalanced line supply. Based on reviewing the topologies for aircraft three-phase PFC,three typical topologies,i.e. three-phase pulse width modulation (PWM)rectifier,traditional shunt active power filter (APF)and generalized APF,are picked up. A unified single-phase equivalent model is developed for comparing the harmonic suppression performance of the three active PFC schemes. And the switching stress is also calculated for evaluating their efficiency and power density. Three 5 kW PFC are designed by employing each of the three selected schemes. Simulation is carried out to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. The theory and simulation results indicate that the generalized APF topology shows the most technical merit for aircraft three-phase PFC. Future research works on generalized APF are also pointed out,which are solving the uncontrollability of its DC output voltage and optimal designing the filter inductors.  相似文献   

植物抗逆相关ERF转录因子研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在它的生命周期中要经历各种逆境胁迫。植物许多胁迫相关基因的表达主要受特定转录因子在转录水平的调控。ERF转录因子家族参与植物的生物胁迫和非生物胁迫的应答,是同植物抗逆应答密切相关的一类转录因子大家族。它们通过识别不同的顺式元件,调节多种功能基因的表达,调节植物抗性应答。综述简要介绍ERF转录因子及其相关顺式作用元件。阐述植物ERF转录因子家族在植物抗逆应答中的功能。  相似文献   

Molecular markers: It’s application in crop improvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past few decades, plant genomics research has been studied extensively bringing about a revolution in the field of plant biotechnology. Molecular markers, useful for plant genome analysis, have now become an important tool in crop improvement. The development and use of molecular markers for the detection and exploitation of DNA polymorphism is one of the most significant developments in the field of molecular genetics. The presence of various types of molecular markers, and differences in their principles, methodologies and applications require careful consideration in choosing one or more of such methods. No molecular markers are available yet that fulfill all requirements needed by researchers. In this article we attempt to review most of the available DNA markers that can be routinely employed in various aspects of plant genome analysis such as characterization of genetic variability, genome fingerprinting, genome mapping, gene localization, analysis of genome evolution, population genetics, taxonomy, plant breeding, and diagnostics. The emerging patterns make up a unique feature of the analyzed individual and are currently considered to be the ultimate tool for biological individualization.  相似文献   

玉米杂交种产量与产量构成因素的相关和通径分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过玉米产量构成因素与产量的相关和通径分析,研究产量构成因素对产量的作用方式和大小,为玉米高产育种提供理论依据.本试验以85个玉米杂交组合为研究对象,通过随机区组试验进行鉴定,收集参试品种的穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、500粒重、出籽率等6个主要产量构成因素与单株产量,采用DPS数据处理软件的回归分析程序进行遗传相关和通径分析.结果表明:对产量影响最大的因素是行粒数,其次是粒重和穗粗,它们与产量呈极显著正相关(r=0.421 1,0.450 2,0.473 7),对产量的直接通径系数也较大(P=0.562 5,0.449 9,0.370 8);增加行粒数、粒重和穗粗,并兼顾其他农艺性状是提高玉米产量的有效途径.  相似文献   

Automatic distinction of weed species using form parameters by means of digital image processing
In former investigations the possibility to distinguish weed from soil background by computerized quantitative image analysis has been reported. In the present studies image analysis technique are applied to identify different weed species. From six typical winter weed species including various growth stages, 300 color slides were taken at the research station in Bonn on the 4th of February, 1988. From each slide a number of form parameters were measured automatically out of the digitized shape of each weed plant. Form parameters including area, perimeter, minimum and maximum diameter of the plants are taken from the digitized shape of each weed as well as figures representing the relative proportions of these parameters. For automatic discrimination up to 9 of the parameters were selected to compute five so-called canonical variables. The values of these variables are typical for each weed species and can be interpreted as their "finger prints". The average rate of correct identification was 82.3 %. The scientific and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

转录因子作为生物体内发挥重要调节作用的蛋白质,在分子生物学各个领域被广泛研究。转录因子PLETHORA (PLT)属于ERF/AP2 (ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR/APETALA 2)家族,在植物体胚胎发育、器官发育、分生组织的维持等方面发挥重要的作用。PLT基因在过表达时会诱导细胞获得多能性,使其在植物体中具有非常广泛的功能。在模式植物拟南芥中PLT转录因子的功能已经有了较充分的研究,而在其他物种的研究还不深入。本综述总结了近年来在PLT转录因子功能研究上取得的成果,以期为发掘该转录因子新功能提供帮助,为深入研究该转录因子在不同物种中的功能提供参考。  相似文献   

卢春生 《中国农学通报》2005,21(11):140-140
通过对台湾加工专用型花生品种台南选9号春、秋两季的播种期、穴播粒数、种植密度、施肥水平(以N为代表)4个栽培因子的研究,明确了台南选9号春、秋季的最佳栽培技术为:春季以播期3月底至4月初,株距12cm,穴播2~3粒种,施纯N60kg/hm2为最适宜;秋季以播期8月初,株距12cm,穴播3粒种,施纯N45kg/hm2为最适宜。  相似文献   

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