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基于QFD和TRIZ集成的油辣椒灌装机创新设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对概念设计阶段质量功能展开(QFD)与发明问题的解决理论(TRIZ)作用特点的不同,提出了一种集成QFD与TRIZ理论的产品创新模型。首先运用QFD的质量屋分析用户需求,确定设计冲突,然后结合TRIZ理论进行描述,得出问题的解决方案,并对模型中多目标问题的求解做了一定的改进研究。最后将该模型用于油辣椒灌装机的创新设计,较好地解决了普通灌装机存在的不足,验证了模型对设计过程指导的有效性。  相似文献   

基于需求驱动的茶叶产业互动式信息服务技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信息服务技术是用户与信息源之间的沟通桥梁,是信息服务质量优劣的决定性因素。笔者针对茶叶产业信息服务特点,强调信息服务的需求驱动性和信息服务的互动性,以用户和市场作为检验信息服务质量的重要标准,以实现信息服务价值的最大化为目的,提出基于需求驱动的互动式信息服务模式。该模式将用户的需求作为驱动因子,并引入信息需求循环优化的互动思想,结合信息的推送和反馈机制,进一步优化信息服务机制,使信息服务更加贴近用户的实际需求。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, a formal model for the relationship between innovation and growth in European Union regions is developed drawing upon the theoretical contribution of the systems of innovation approach. The model combines the analytical approach of the regional growth models with the insights of the systemic approach. The cross‐sectional analysis, covering all the Enlarged Europe (EU‐25) regions (for which data are available), shows that regional innovative activities (for which a specific measure is developed) play a significant role in determining differential regional growth patterns. Furthermore, the model sheds light on how geographical accessibility and human capital accumulation, by shaping the regional system of innovation, interact (in a statistically significant way) with local innovative activities, thus allowing them to be more (or less) effectively translated into economic growth. The paper shows that an increase in innovative effort is not necessarily likely to produce the same effect in all EU‐25 regions. Indeed, the empirical analysis suggests that in order to allow innovative efforts in peripheral regions to be as productive as in core areas, they need to be complemented by huge investments in human capital.  相似文献   

细胞工程实验是细胞工程课程的重要组成部分,是一门实践性和综合性很强的实验。传统的实验模式比较单一,对于培养学生创新能力不利。而设计性实验以提高学生的综合素质、培养创新能力为教学目的。探讨了设计性实验在细胞工程学实验教学中的重要性及实施步骤,为进一步完善"细胞工程"教学改革奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为发展我国现代农业,提升采后科技创新能力,本文提出了我国现代农业采后科技创新与发展对策,主要包括:产学研结合,加快农产品采后科技创新步伐;选准方向,加强共性技术攻关,解决产业化关键技术;加强农产品保鲜国内外技术交流与合作,加快与国际接轨的步伐等。  相似文献   

An approach based on hybrid semantic model (HSM) was proposed to the solve problem raised in the retrieval process of product knowledge documentation. It expands the traditional user query to a semantic set composed of user preference, context and query, while representing the knowledge documents and user interest with an ontology based fuzzy concept. The leaves in the ontology are selected as components of the document concept vector with the weight determined by the depth of the concept in the ontology graph, the quantity of the information contained, and occurrence in the document and the whole repository. Furthermore, ontology is used to express context and query, and to construct a user preference model. Different relevancy computation methods are adopted for different retrieval models. The semantic similarity between query or user preference and documentation is computed by cosine method. The semantic similarity of context is estimated by the concept distance in the concept hierarchy. Finally, the method is shown by experimentation to be more effective than the classic vector space method.  相似文献   

土地利用平衡研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖轶 《中国农学通报》2012,28(29):235-241
本文通过对土地利用平衡的内涵、困境、途径以及保障等方面研究的归纳总结,发现目前研究中存在的不足,对未来发展趋势和研究重点进行了展望。未来土地利用平衡研究应加强以下3个方面:(1)加强土地利用平衡影响因素的研究。特别是土地利用过程中相关利益主体的行为倾向和博弈行为分析。(2)加强土地利用平衡制度的研究。农村土地制度的改革是当前土地改革的核心,研究土地利用平衡制度,突破土地资源瓶颈,为区域经济社会发展提供更大的空间。(3)加强土地利用平衡创新途径研究。应该在提高耕地质量和土地利用效率的基础上,做好区域相关产业用地的梯度转移,实现城乡统筹的均衡发展与资源互补,发展基础设施,改善产业结构,改善生态环境等。研究结果和结论将对促进区域土地利用平衡研究具有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

There is strong social and political pressure to reduce pesticide use in European agriculture. Evaluating the sustainability of cropping systems is a complex task due to the conflicting objectives underlying its economic, social and environmental dimensions. Multi-criteria assessment of different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) scenarios and evaluation of the most sustainable options at regional, national and European level is essential. Within the EU Network of Excellence ENDURE, two expert-based surveys were conducted (i.e. interviews), where experts from four European regions (northern region, Denmark and The Netherlands; central-eastern, Tolna and Békés counties in Hungary; south-western, Ebro Valley in Spain; southern, Po Valley in Italy) determined which are the main current maize-based cropping systems (MBCSs) in their region and proposed innovative IPM-based systems. The DEXiPM® (DEXi Pest Management) model for arable cropping systems was used to evaluate and compare the economic and environmental sustainability of these systems. The social sustainability was evaluated by adapting indicators of this model to the specificities of maize systems. The assessments showed that all innovative rotated MBCSs proposed in the four regions can have a higher environmental sustainability than and maintain the same economic sustainability as current rotated systems. These cropping systems are thus acceptable for testing under “real” field conditions. Only the innovative continuous maize system proposed in the central-eastern region was both economically and environmentally more sustainable than the current system. All innovative systems had a positive impact on work safety but according to local expert opinion producers and consumers are not ready to implement them or to accept their higher-priced products, with the exception of consumers in the northern region. These results suggest the need for European and regional policies to encourage the adoption of innovative rotated MBCSs that have positive agronomic and environmental impact through IPM implementation. The major constraints that inhibit this adoption were predominantly relating to (1) the lack of access that farmers have to the practical knowledge needed to effectively manage these systems and (2) the insufficient consumer awareness and acceptance of product improvements associated with IPM. To overcome these constraints supportive policy environments, well-functioning knowledge management systems (including good farmer support networks) and effective marketing is required.  相似文献   

通过查阅大量课程改革文献资料,笔者发现食品行业越来受到社会各界关注,来自不同食品岗位的工作者各抒己见,为食品人才培养献计献策,但是围绕这一核心理念有一条始终不变的主线,那就是实践和创新思维在其中的运用。只有具备了反复精进的实践和不断追求创新的思维,食品专业人才培养才是有回报的。  相似文献   

The paper proposed an innovative optimized design philosophy of the optimal arch axis of steel box-concrete arch bridge. Formulas to calculate the arch axis at the arch crown and the arch springing of this type of arch bridge were respectively derived wit  相似文献   

开放性实验室在创新型人才培养中起着重要作用,逐渐成为各高校实验室建设的一种重要模式。笔者以食品加工与质量控制课程为试点,探索和尝试建设食品加工开放式实验室,实施开放性实验教学,创新实验教学模式,培养学生的创新意识和创新能力,并对开放性实验室进一步建设提出思考与建议。  相似文献   

研究生联合培养基地是实现专业学位研究生创新实践能力培养的重要保障。以河南工业大学粮油食品学院为例,论述了食品工程专业学位研究生联合培养基地建设的必要性及成效,同时分析了实践基地建设目前存在的问题,并从建设数量、培养模式和考核机制等方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Regional development theories have experienced a transition from Keynesian state‐led economic development models to development based on public–private partnerships, innovation, industrial districts, etc. With the increasing concern for innovative milieu, products, process, organizational, and institutional innovations have assumed an important place in regional development policies. All these regional development paradigms have formed the basis of the initiation of a new process in regional development called the new regionalism, which includes cumulative efforts to revitalize local economic growth. In this paper, we identify technological levels of 26 NUTS 2‐level regions according to the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD)'s classification. Then, we develop an innovation and competitiveness index for Turkey by employing principal component analysis. In conclusion, we formulate some workable policy solutions and suggestions for regional economies in Turkey. According to the results, Istanbul is the most innovative and competitive region in Turkey. Ankara is becoming a regional knowledge cluster, thanks to its strong R&D infrastructure and highly qualified researchers.  相似文献   

标记辅助选择育种中QTL基因型的多点联合推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的育种方法对数量性状的选择存在很大难度,现代分子标记技术为实现控制数量性状基因的准确选择提供了有效的技术手段。目前分子标记辅助选择实践仅是对标记基因型的选择,而非直接对QTL基因型进行选择。尽管标记基因型容易获得,但标记基因型通常并非QTL基因型,除非有关的QTL恰巧在标记座位。因此,如何鉴别QTL的基因型成为分子标记辅助选择的关键。QTL基因型通常需要通过分子标记基因型进行推断,由于标记信息的不完全或缺失,使得对个体QTL基因型的鉴别会发生困难。本文在四向杂交设计的基础上,结合贝叶斯理论和马尔可夫链原理,提出一种通用的QTL基因型多点联合推断方法,该方法能够很方便地处理显性标记和缺失标记,同时结合标记信息和表型数据联合推断QTL基因型的条件概率。模拟研究发现,表型数据选择的效果较差,其选择的个体QTL基因型基本上都是错误的,而应用本文所论述的方法,将表型数据与标记数据相结合选择,对QTL基因型的判断正确,且推断的把握性很高。  相似文献   

创新型人才的培养是高校育人的根本任务,具备创新能力是当今社会对人才的基本要求。以培养创新型包装工程人才为目标,对包装工程专业设计类课程设计的教学方案进行改革,分析目前教学中存在的问题,从选题方式、设计要求、课程设置和评价方式等方面提出了改革方案并实践。实践证明,该方案能够充分激发学生的创新意识,增强学生的实践能力,为专业知识的应用与实践奠定了扎实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the establishment of the teaching mode of innovative and practical architectural professionals, which is assisted by colleges and universities, enterprises, governments and research institutions. This paper believes that through the reform of the teaching mode, we can solve the problems such as the ivory-towered teaching of architecture in colleges and universities, the superficial teaching contents, inadequate teaching staff, students' poor innovation practice ability and tight professional funds. It is expected that this paper can provide assistance for architecture majors in the guidance of innovative ideas, the building of practical ability, and the establishment of knowledge system.  相似文献   

The increase of requests often results in performance degradation of the web server cluster. The quality of service (QoS) expected by users can't be guaranteed. This is the problem that service-level web server cluster must cope with. In this paper, two strategies are proposed including classification of the user requests and request admission control, the different quality of service can be reached and the QoS of service-level users is guaranteed. The simulation experiments proved, the load balance of the system is improved and average response time of the system is decreased.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more people pay attention to the pollution and destruction of water resources. Due to lack of administrative law and civil law, it is necessary for the criminal law to deal with the water problems. In this paper, the necessity and shortage of protection of water resources by the criminal law is discussed. Then, based on the current criminal law, in this paper, some beneficial suggestions with the water liability principle are proposed. The criterion by which to decide whether a person violates the criminal law or not as well as the water criminal object and the water criminal objective conditions are proposed.  相似文献   

培养应用型人才是地方高校适应社会经济发展的客观要求,也是高等教育大众化的必然选择。运用WSR理论,以食品科学在校学术型研究生和包装工程专业本科生为例,对应用型创新人才培养模式进行研究,围绕培养目标和培养规范对食品和包装专业人才培养方案进行细化,调整专业设置和课程结构体系,构建应用型创新人才培养模式。  相似文献   

As a main application of information hiding technique to multimedia copyright protection, the digital watermarking technique, which embeds an invisible signal (watermark) to the original multimedia data (image, audio, and video), has been proposed as a viable solution for the copyright protection and authentication of multimedia data in a networked environment since it makes it possible to identify the author, owner, distributor or authorized consumer of multimedia data. So it has drawn extensive attention in recent years and has been widely applied. A new image watermarking scheme is proposed by incorporating the DCT transform and an edge detection technique. Experimental results show that this method is more robust against the common signal processing attacks than the traditional Cox's method.  相似文献   

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