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SUN Hong-jie 《保鲜与加工》2003,(12):117-118121
Generally, low efficiency in information-sharing and the information distortion are came into being because of the conflicts in interests among the partners in the supply chain. This article discusses the phenomenon of information distortions and bullet effect in brief. It focuses on the information distortion caused by mechanism, and analyses the problem with game theory. In our discussion, a supply chain formed by a producer and a retailer is supposed, and to avoid information distortions, the producer how to design its mechanism.  相似文献   

Partial monopoly market structure in reform. Based on nondiscriminatory pricing , the and the effect of price cap regulation policy. some infrastructure paper analyzes the industry will exist for a long period after deregulation behavior of price competition in new market structure  相似文献   

According to earnings information of annuals and grade regulation,50 low_grade and 50 high_grade Chinese listed corporation are chosen,through building model and calculating the excess yield.This article educes demonstration result,which is analyzed by game theory.  相似文献   

农业社会化服务供给博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王洋  郭翔宇 《中国农学通报》2010,26(14):443-448
农业社会化服务主体在农业社会化服务体系中扮演重要角色,各服务主体提供的服务能否为农户带来长远利益并最终被农户持续接受是农业社会化服务持续发展的关键问题。本文以博弈论为基础,通过分析公共服务机构及中间服务组织与农户之间的博弈过程发现:公共服务机构和中间服务组织为农户提供的社会化服务的质量及其自身的成本收益成为影响农业社会化服务持续发展的重要因素,农业社会化服务若要持续稳定的发展,离不开服务主体高水平的服务和农户的积极参与。只有适应市场需求,真正能够给农户带来实惠的服务才会最终被农户所接受。  相似文献   

Under the conditions of shortage of demand on goods, the prices of goods and the economic benefit of enterprise will fall. The enterprise should adjust management and decision-making and some employees whose output values are lower than their wages from the enterprise will be fired. The layoff mechanism from the enterprise can provide an efficient way for these employees to leave voluntarily. As long as the total value of reword outward of the enterprise can exceed their total output values, the layoff mechanism can be put in practice. There is the economic game on the final price for the layoff during the process. In the cases of reaching consistent agreement on it or not between the employees and the enterprise, the results of game such as Nash equilibrium and stratagem are respectively discussed. The degree of uncertainty of the faith on the price from the arbitrator will affect largely the equilibrium when the arbitrator is involved.  相似文献   

考虑到生鲜电商平台销售过程中价格参考效应对消费者需求的影响,构建了价格参考效应影响下的消费者需求函数,研究由一个生鲜供应商和一个生鲜电商组成的生鲜电商供应链的协调问题。根据模型比较分散式决策与集中式决策下产品的最优定价、生鲜电商供应链成员的收益等,发现合作能够提高双方的利润,因此构建收益共享契约模型。结果表明,存在价格参考效应的情况下,生鲜产品的批发价格、契约参数、参考价格对于需求量的敏感程度对于生鲜电商最优定价、供应链成员收益有着不同程度的影响,同时契约参数的确定取决于生鲜电商、生鲜供应商在供应链的议价能力。  相似文献   

In the course of running after shareholder wealth maximization, the quantities of taxes influence directly profit that corporation gets. So tax planning is the point of corporation financing. It has theoretical inevitability if it is explained by economics and game theory. It is a general-purpose profitability plan. One side corporation reaches its goal of maximal value, on the other side it make consumer surplus increased.  相似文献   

At present the contradiction between the supply and demand of the commercial real estate becomes more and more acute. There are two sides of unbalance, one of them relates to the total amount about the supply and demand, the other relates to the structure of them. Either of them can block the circulation of the market and restrict the development of the real estate if any inconsistency happened. The most important reason, which results in the disharmony, in the author's opinion, lies in the inefficiency of the price mechanism in real estate market.  相似文献   

Banking has a high gearing lever and its operators are keen to the risk projects with the lure of high income. The supervision sector should regulate the banks and force them to reduce risks to ensue the healthy circulation of county's economy. The supervisor should report the disclosed risks to the supervision sector so that they can alert the risks in advance and control them ,but the sector must take action to prevent the collusion between the operators and supervisors.  相似文献   

The management of urban reconstruction is a process of game between the government and developers.It is helpful that the interest and its equilibrium for the relative parties involved in the reconstruction process are considered during the formation of government policy.This paper analyzes the environment for the policy constitution and establishes a model for strategy making based on the game theory.This model provides a basic foundation to improve the management ability of the government in the reconstruction process.Finally,in this paper some strategic issues are suggested to cope with the challenges from urban reconstruction in China.  相似文献   

Under the condition of market economy, the price of goods changes with internal rule and relation of supply and demand in the micro-market. Because of complexity of real economic system, the fact that supply is not all equal to demand every time needs use the disequilibirium analysis which nears well reality instead of traditional equilibirium analysis. In the state of disequilibirium market, according to the adjustment function for market and under synthesizing two basic adjustment equations of price, the stability of price for disequilibrium system has been studied based on the equations of supply and demand and using the adaptive expectation mode to forecast price .These conditions of stability of the system have also been given, which benefit to study structure and capability so as to search for dynamic law for the economic system .  相似文献   

Small sum credit is a efficient way to help farmer shake off poverty. The opportunity cost of win the loan, refinancing rat and the probability of success of have effects on the development of this item. In many areas, if the loan can't be paid in time, farmer will be punished. The way has great efficiency on the farmer who owes the loan on purpose. But the effect on the farmer who doesn't owe the loan on purpose of the way hasn't been studied. The relationship between the probability of winning the loan and these factors has been studied by a simple method in this paper. The conclusion is, the decrease in the opportunity cost and refinancing rat, the increase in the probability of success can help farmer win the loan. If there is no outstanding payment on purpose, the punishment has no advantage.  相似文献   

Based on introducing the concept of Leveraged Buy-outs (LBO) briefly, in this paper, the basic characters of LBO are analyzed. The choice of payoff function and game process in financing game of LBO for both sides by asymmetric information dynamic game model are analyzed as well. Finally, the game equilibrium is gained and the means of some relative policies are discussed.  相似文献   

何静  马青 《中国农学通报》2015,31(14):114-118
为突出食品供需网(FSDN)理念在可追溯体系构建上的优势,论文构建了食品供应链的Nash博弈均衡模型与食品供需网的Pareto博弈均衡模型,分析2种情况下企业构建食品可追溯体系的投入水平。结果发现在食品供应链中,企业在政策、法规等强制约束下会对可追溯体系的构建有一定的投入,但是投入水平较低。在食品供需网中,由Pareto均衡模型得出,企业对可追溯体系构建的投入高于Nash均衡水平。因此,食品供需网的构建可提高企业可追溯体系构建的投入水平,促使企业主动参与可追溯体系的构建和实施。  相似文献   

The essay analyses first cause of formation of price big increasing of China in1994,and forecasts prics situation in 1995 according to the diversity and complexity of price in-creasing cause and Box-Jenkins model,via test the forecasting result is gualified and is quite a greedwith practice,Finally,we put forward several views of controling price increase in 1995.  相似文献   

胡一朗 《中国农学通报》2012,28(20):307-311
将农业废弃物资源化利用分为低效利用和高效利用,运用演化博弈论探讨农业废弃物资源化利用的演化。研究表明,农业废弃物资源化高效利用的收益和投入成本对农业废弃物资源化利用的演化起着重要作用。如果农业废弃物资源化高效利用的收益大于低效利用的收益,农业废弃物资源化的高效利用将充满整个农村社会;反之相反,农业废弃物资源化的低效利用将充斥整个农村社会。  相似文献   

Swindle exists commonly in any securities markets, where swindle has led to serious influences on regulations and the normal development of our securities market. The paper attempts to develop a game model of supervision on swindle in the securities market so as to investigate the relationship between supervisor and supervisee from the microcosmic aspect, and analyze the microcosmic mechanism resulting to swindle in the securities market, and enlighten our securities supervision as to swindle in the securities market.  相似文献   

According to our country's conditions, consumer selects prepaying loan,paying loan on time or branking contract,and commercial bank selects lawsuiting or not. Through the game analysis of two sides,it discusses relations between the loan of bank and the development of credit system,and give us some suggestions in order to the development of MBS in our country.  相似文献   

In the distribution channel management, a good cooperation relationship between manufacture and wholesaler is an effective way for them to complement each other with their respective advantages, improve channel competitive abilities and adapt to market fluctuations. Based on their mutual cooperative relationship, a mixed game model is constituted by introducing the characteristics and postulating the prerequisites of trade between manufacturer and wholesaler, then the factors affecting their mutual cooperative relationship and the conditions of their stable cooperation are found through analyzing the mixed game model. Furthermore, a finitely repeated game model is used to analyze the cooperation between manufacturer and wholesaler, the conclusion of the cooperative qualification that influences the cooperation of both sides is given. As a result, the strategies employed by the manufacturer and wholesaler are pointed out.  相似文献   

近年来国内理论界和学术界对农村土地流转(本文指农村土地承包经营权的流转。主要包括转包、出租、互换、转让、股份合作等流转形式)问题进行了大量研究,但对具有典型意义的某一地区或者村落进行全方位调查和透彻剖析的文献还相对较少。本文借助西万村的典型案例运用现代经济学的分析思想,并运用调查研究法,博弈分析法,在博弈分析的过程中发现了中介组织的突出作用,并总结出维护博弈动态均衡的运行机制,以期为中西部地区乃至全国完善农村土地流转提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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