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Liu Ju 《保鲜与加工》2013,(Z2):164-169
The Kalman filtering algorithm and commonly used maneuvering target tracking models in the target tracking are firstly studied in this paper, tracking performances of all models based on the Kalman filtering algorithm are simulated and analyzed. Then, multiple model target tracking algorithm is analyzed and studied, which uses multiple motion models to match different target motion models and exists interacting between all models. In this paper,the target tracking of shipboard radar is simulated with MATLAB. It shows the feasibility of the interacting multiple model algorithm composed of a CV model and a CA model. The simulation results indicate,this algorithm obtains a better performance in tracking high speed and high maneuvering targets and a better balance between the performance and computational complexity,as well as very practicability, which is suitable for the tracking target of shipboard radar tracking target.  相似文献   

After analyzing target recognition and tracking technique, a method of developing specifically target tacking system is proposed, which uses digital image manipulation to target recognition. Software and hardware design of intelligent vehicle are presented in detail. The system uses digital image manipulation technology to cognize the certain target through a pickup camera installed on the front of the intelligent vehicle. When the target is moving, singlechip receives the commands from the computer and then control the vehicle to trace target. The system can run by itself, regardless of artificial control. This design provides a platform for the research of Growing Machine Intelligence system.  相似文献   

We developed a model of time dependent resistance for a steel structure project and discuss herein the expression and the primary value of many parameters in the model. On the basis of the APDL language furnished by universal finite element program, we united the functions of structural and statistic analyses. A time dependent reliability analysis was implemented. The result of the time dependent reliability analysis was compared with that of the no time dependent reliability analysis. Through testing a calculated example, we saw that when the time dependent resistance was considered, the factor of time greatly influences structural reliability. In addition, we found that the model of time dependent resistance for a steel structure is reasonable and feasible.  相似文献   

棉花产量目标和产量结构的动态知识模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过分析和提炼棉花皮棉产量及产量结构的最新研究资料,在综合考虑气候条件、土壤肥力和栽培技术水平等影响因子的基础上,建立了棉花产量目标和产量结构的动态知识模型。该模型可用于精确定量不同气候条件、不同土壤肥力和不同栽培技术条件下的产量目标以及基于品种特性的产量结构。利用不同生态点资料对知识模型进行了验证,结果表明模型具有较好的决策性和适用性。  相似文献   

Based on analyzing factor of the effect of technology innovation in enterprise,the distinctive multiple technology innovation system is established. The computing method of index weight is discussed in the face of multiple objective decision making, and the authors construct the quantitative analysis model of multiple fuzzy evaluation through fuzzy transform. With the present situation of certain manufacturing enterprise, some suggestions are given in the end after quantitative analyzing.  相似文献   

The probabilistic model of resistance in the current unified standard for reliability design is imprecise for RC members subjected to eccentric compression. The reason is that it lacks full considerations of influences of varying eccentricities. An improved probabilistic model of resistance with different eccentricities and reinforcement ratios is obtained by using the Monte Carlo sampling method and the current probabilistic models of all resistant factors. The results indicate that it is accurate to fit the probabilistic distribution of resistance with normal distribution. Given that, the applicability of the improved model is analyzed for reliability analysis of RC members subjected to eccentric compression with random eccentricities. It shows that when the design value of eccentricity is close to or larger than the eccentricity producing balanced failure, there would be large errors in reliability analysis if the probabilistic model of resistance given in the current reliability unified standard is used. However, it is accurate when using the proposed probabilistic model. The results also show that the design of RC members subjected to large eccentric compression is unsafe based on the current reliability unified standard because it lacks full considerations of effects that the resistance decreases as eccentricity increases.  相似文献   

The method and principle of the parameter design for the power train of EV is explored and discussed,then the parametersof EV. based on SC7101 are reasonably selected.The method of calculating the SOC of Lead_acid battery is provided and the relation among the electromotive force,the interior resistance, the polarized resistance and the SOC are analyzed. The capacity is compensated according to the relation between the capacity and the temperature, which is the basis on which the energy management system is designed and improved. The dynamic model which reflects the dynamic characteristics of the power train is established,then the dynamic performance of the EV based on SC7101 is simulated, and the factors that affect the continuous mileage of EV are analyzed,the measures to increase the continuous mileage are provided.The result shows that the analysis of the electric characteristics of battery and the dynamic model are correct,and the dynamic performance perfectly meets the need of the design target.  相似文献   

Along with enlargement of scope of distribution, algorithms of reconfiguration for distribution networks become difficult to satisfy real-time require of engineering applications. This paper provides a new algorithm a fast algorithm based on partition-hierarchical model. It is found that partition of loads is relation of the smallest load of vertex that is bigger than average and the biggest load of vertex that is smaller than average. The method reduces the numbers of switches combination by searching smallest load of vertex that is bigger than average and the biggest load of vertex that is smaller than average and realize a fast algorithm of the loads global optimal equalization for distribution networks by transferring the loads. Results of test show that the method presented is applicable and efficient.  相似文献   

家庭阳台水培以观赏性强、整洁方便、绿色安全等特点拥有广阔的市场前景,以家庭阳台水培为设计目的、以用户需求为导向的家庭水培装置能够有效满足当前的市场需求。行为地图法与Kano模型的结合能够准确收集用户需求及重要度,QFD质量屋模型可将产品质量要素按照用户需求重要程度进行排序。据此进行方案优化,指导完成以用户需求为导向的装置设计。装置具有空间集约、造型美观、便于移动及固定、有效减轻水培液浪费污染、电线收纳便捷等优点,更适用于家庭水培。同时,新材料应用等也将成为装置未来提升的方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, the application of modulated ARMA model in simulation of artificial earthquake waves is discussed on the several aspects such as determination of the ARMA model orders, determination of the ARMA model parameters and influence of the initial random series. It is shown from the calculation that the influence of the intensity envelop function on the frequency characteristic of the modulated ARMA model is acceptable and the modulated ARMA model is still an efficient alternative method to generate artificial earthquake wave in practice.  相似文献   

橡胶树光合与干物质积累模拟模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于单叶光合速率的光响应模型和冠层光的分布规律,通过积分形式,构建了橡胶树冠层光合作用模拟模型。模型充分量化了光通量密度、温度、叶面积指数、单叶最大光合速率、光合作用特征参数、消光系数、群体反射率等因子对橡胶树冠层光合速率的影响。在分别确定了叶片和木质器官与环境因子作用关系的基础上,构建了橡胶树的群体呼吸作用模型。在橡胶树冠层的光合作用模型和群体呼吸作用模型的基础上,整合成橡胶树干物质积累模拟模型。模型经初步检验,结果表明模拟值与观测值吻合度较好,模型不仅具有较强的机理性而且具有较高的预测性和实用性。  相似文献   

棉花适宜密度与播种量设计的动态知识模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过分析和提炼有关棉花种植密度与播种量的最新研究资料,在综合量化气候条件、土壤类型、产量目标、管理水平和品种特性等影响因子的基础上,建立了具有时空适应性的棉花种植密度和播种量设计动态知识模型,可用于精确定量不同环境和不同产量目标下的种植密度和播种量。利用不同生态点、不同品种、不同土壤类型和不同产量目标等资料对知识模型进行了验证,结果表明模型具有较好的决策性和适用性。  相似文献   

小麦水分胁迫影响因子的定量研究 Ⅱ.模型的建立与测试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于冬小麦水分生理生态关系,综合考虑土壤水分有效性、作物不同生育阶段对干旱或渍水胁迫的敏感性、作物主要生理过程(蒸腾、光合作用、干物质分配等)对干旱胁迫的差异性、渍水持续天数等确定了支持作物生长模拟的干旱和渍水胁迫影响因子的算法。用独立于建模的盆栽小麦水分试验观测资料对干旱和渍水胁迫影响因子的算法进  相似文献   

Based on the general thermodynamic theory,a mathematical model for thermodynamic parameters of hot-shot steam is derived,it includes the formula of specific enthalpy,specific volume,specific heat at constant pressure and specific entropy.The specific enthalpy formula of steam with a pressure range from 0 MPa to 90 MPa and the specific volume formula of steam with a pressure range from 0 MPa to 40 MPa within permission error of the International Steam Skeleton Tables in 1985,and that all the model with a temperature range from 273.15 K to 1 073.15 K.The model is applied to real-time simulation for supercritical fossil power unit and convenience in application of engineering.  相似文献   

A macroscopic and microscopic coupling mathematical model for solidification process of twin-roll thin strip is developed. In the model, the latent heat is treated by the enthalpy method, and the grid and node are divided by assumed streamline boundary. The heterogeneous nucleation and the columnar-equiaxed transform(CET)model are introduced, together with the revison of the dendrite growth dynamic model of KGT. With the help of solid fraction, the coupling of the macro/micro aspects is realized by using different grid-sizes and time-steps, macro and micro, together with the columnar dendrite front tracing. The columnar dendrite arm spacing and deflection angle calculated by proposed model are in agreement with the experimental ones. Therefore, the model is proved to be reliable, and it can be used to predict the effects of the processing parameters on the solidification structure of twin-roll thin strips.  相似文献   

Four simulation models were tested for their suitability as a basic growth model in a decision support system for sugar beet growing in The Netherlands. SUCROS and SUBEMO are complex, mechanistic models; LINTUL and PIEteR are relatively simple regression models including causal relationships at a higher level of integration. All four models are dynamic, i.e. they calculate daily development and production rates.
The selected model had to be able to predict root and sugar yields accurately and to correct for suboptimal water contents of the soil. It should be possible to include location-specific data and new modules, e.g. for nitrogen fertilization or plant density. Finally, the farmer should be able to collect the required input data easily and cheaply.
The tests showed that PIEteR predicted root and sugar yields best, partly because it contained water-balance corrections, based on location-specific soil characteristics. PIEteR could not be applied universally because of its regression character at a high level of integration, but it met the requirements specified.  相似文献   

The design of propulsion system for CNG-electric hybrid city-bus is introduced based on the selection of driving cycle and the establishment of control strategy. Making program of powertrain’s configuration is included as well as parameters’ selection and matching of components such as engine, motor, battery and transmission. The simulation results show that the design meets the requirements. The components of the propulsion system are integrated together, and then they are installed into the sample city-bus. The roadway test has been done under the target driving cycle. Compared with the peer CNG city-bus, there are 28% increasing in the largest climb degree and the acceleration time of 0~50 km is reduced more than 1.8 s, and the fuel saving rate achieves to 22% under the typical city-bus driving cycle of China.  相似文献   

基于生长类型的棉花不同果枝产量贡献率的模拟模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2004-2005年对湖南省华容县、安乡县、大通湖区和澧县的杂交抗虫棉生长状况进行大田调查的基础上,系统分析了不同生长发育类型棉花果枝产量构成的特点和产量贡献率,构建了基于不同生长发育类型的棉花果枝产量贡献率分布的指数递减曲线、右偏态、左偏态和正态单峰曲线,以及双峰曲线和波动曲线6个模拟模型。2006-2009年在四县以及湖南农业大学进行了模型校验的小区试验,根据多年多点小区试验数据对不同果枝产量贡献率分布的模拟模型进行了校正和检验,使得模型与生长类型匹配较好,各模型的模拟值与观测值的符合度良好,RMSE值较小,在0.3419~0.7092之间,模型具有较好的精准性和适应性。  相似文献   

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