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Gully erosion: Impacts, factors and control   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
C. Valentin  J. Poesen  Yong Li 《CATENA》2005,63(2-3):132
Gully erosion attracts increasing attention from scientists as reflected by two recent international meetings [Poesen and Valentin (Eds.), Catena 50 (2–4), 87–564; Li et al., 2004. Gully Erosion Under Global Change. Sichuan Science Technology Press, Chengu, China, 354 pp.]. This growing interest is associated with the increasing concern over off-site impacts caused by soil erosion at larger spatial scales than the cultivated plots. The objective of this paper is to review recent studies on impacts, factors and control of gully erosion and update the review on ‘gully erosion and environmental change: importance and research needs’ [Poesen et al., 2003. Catena 50 (2–4), 91–134.]. For the farmers, the development of gullies leads to a loss of crop yields and available land as well as an increase of workload (i.e. labour necessary to cultivate the land). Gullies can also change the mosaic patterns between fallow and cultivated fields, enhancing hillslope erosion in a feedback loop. In addition, gullies tend to enhance drainage and accelerate aridification processes in the semi-arid zones. Fingerprinting the origin of sediments within catchments to determine the relative contributions of potential sediment sources has become essential to identify sources of potential pollution and to develop management strategies to combat soil erosion. In this respect, tracers such as carbon, nitrogen, the nuclear bomb-derived radionuclide 137 Cs, magnetics and the strontium isotopic ratio are increasingly used to fingerprint sediment. Recent studies conducted in Australia, China, Ethiopia and USA showed that the major part of the sediment in reservoirs might have come from gully erosion.Gullies not only occur in marly badlands and mountainous or hilly regions but also more globally in soils subjected to soil crusting such as loess (European belt, Chinese Loess Plateau, North America) and sandy soils (Sahelian zone, north-east Thailand) or in soils prone to piping and tunnelling such as dispersive soils. Most of the time, the gullying processes are triggered by inappropriate cultivation and irrigation systems, overgrazing, log haulage tracks, road building and urbanization. As exemplified by recent examples from all over the world, land use change is expected to have a greater impact on gully erosion than climate change. Yet, reconstructions of historical causes of gully erosion, using high-resolution stratigraphy, archaeological dating of pottery and 14C dating of wood and charcoal, show that the main gully erosion periods identified in Europe correspond to a combination not only of deforestation and overuse of the land but also to periods with high frequency of extreme rainfall events.Many techniques have proved to be effective for gully prevention and control, including vegetation cover, zero or reduced tillage, stone bunds, exclosures, terracing and check dams. However, these techniques are rarely adopted by farmers in the long run and at a larger spatial scale because their introduction is rarely associated with a rapid benefit for the farmers in terms of an increase in land or labour productivity and is often contingent upon incentives.  相似文献   

History, origin and extent of soil erosion on Easter Island (Rapa Nui)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The isolated Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is an outstanding example of land degradation caused by land use in a sensitive ecosystem. The focus of the investigation was placed on Poike peninsula, the most eastern part of Rapa Nui. While Poike peninsula was once supplied with fertile soils, in large areas desertification takes place today. Detailed analysis of soil profiles allowed the reconstruction of the history and of causes and effects of soil erosion and gullying in the context of land use history and cultural evolution. The results of the stratigraphic analysis prove that from the beginning of human settlement around AD 300/600 until AD 1280 the agriculture on Poike peninsula was characterised by sustainable land use and a traditional type of agro-forestry. Soil erosion was not significant. At around AD 1280 the woodland on Poike, dominated by the endemic palm Jubaea sp., was cleared by slashing and burning. Intensive farming on the upper slopes of the volcanic peninsula resulted in sheet erosion lasting until the 20th century. Settlements and ceremonial places which were built around AD 1300 on downslope areas were buried soon by sediments. Agriculture ceased around AD 1400 on downslope areas as the fertile soils were completely eroded. From AD 1400 until the late 19th century sheet erosion and the accumulation of fine-layered sediments migrated upslope. On average 8.6 Mg of soil per hectare and per year were reworked by erosion (eroded and accumulated within the catchment). Gullying began on Rapa Nui with the sudden increase in the number of sheep during the early 20th century. Gullies are still developing on the island and their ongoing enlargement created extended badlands on Poike which pose a significant problem for ecological and archaeological conservation strategies. Gullying rates exceed 190 Mg ha− 1 y− 1.  相似文献   

Key catchments of the Roztocze loess area in south-east Poland have a great potential of revealing the history of long-term soil erosion and changes in land use. The knowledge of how and when soil erosion took place in the past helps one understand the impact of land use changes on the landscapes [Bork, H.-R., 1989. Soil erosion during the past Millennium in Central Europe and its significance within the geomorphodynamics of the Holocene. Catena 15, 121–131]. The Jedliczny Dol gully system near the town Zwierzyniec in south-east Poland was investigated by using detailed field stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of charcoal and wood.In connection with new settlements which were established between the 14th and 16th centuries, arable land was cultivated and forests were used much more intensively. As a consequence, the loess soils were strongly eroded during heavy rainfalls. Up to 4 m of colluvial sediments were deposited in the gully system during the 15th and/or 16th centuries. The thickness of the colluvial sediments indicate severe erosion which might be related to excessive timber exploitation for the local glass and iron production. With the foundation of the so-called Ordinariat Zamoyski at the end of the 16th century, some parts of the area were presumably reforested. High pressure on the land at the beginning of the 19th century enabled a second main phase of gulling before 1900.Since 1890 at the latest, almost the whole catchment is used as a forest, however, concentrated runoff on compacted forest roads can still be high after heavy rainfalls.In loess areas soil erosion caused by intensive land use, triggered by heavy rainfalls, can change the landscape drastically. These changes will continue to influence how catchments react, even if land use gets less intensive again. This knowledge should be considered regarding future, sustainable land use and recent changes in land use in the south-eastern Polish loess regions.  相似文献   

Gully erosion and environmental change: importance and research needs   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Assessing the impacts of climatic and, in particular, land use changes on rates of soil erosion by water is the objective of many national and international research projects. However, over the last decades, most research dealing with soil erosion by water has concentrated on sheet (interrill) and rill erosion processes operating at the (runoff) plot scale. Relatively few studies have been conducted on gully erosion operating at larger spatial scales.Recent studies indicate that (1) gully erosion represents an important sediment source in a range of environments and (2) gullies are effective links for transferring runoff and sediment from uplands to valley bottoms and permanent channels where they aggravate off site effects of water erosion. In other words, once gullies develop, they increase the connectivity in the landscape. Many cases of damage (sediment and chemical) to watercourses and properties by runoff from agricultural land relate to (ephemeral) gullying. Consequently, there is a need for monitoring, experimental and modelling studies of gully erosion as a basis for predicting the effects of environmental change (climatic and land use changes) on gully erosion rates.In this respect, various research questions can be identified. The most important ones are:
What is the contribution of gully erosion to overall soil loss and sediment production at various temporal and spatial scales and under different climatic and land use conditions?
What are appropriate measuring techniques for monitoring and experimental studies of the initiation and development of various gully types at various temporal and spatial scales?
Can we identify critical thresholds for the initiation, development and infilling of gullies in different environments in terms of flow hydraulics, rain, topography, soils and land use?
How does gully erosion interact with hydrological processes as well as with other soil degradation processes?
What are appropriate models of gully erosion, capable of predicting (a) erosion rates at various temporal and spatial scales and (b) the impact of gully development on hydrology, sediment yield and landscape evolution?
What are efficient gully prevention and gully control measures? What can be learned from failures and successes of gully erosion control programmes?
These questions need to be answered first if we want to improve our insights into the impacts of environmental change on gully erosion. This paper highlights some of these issues by reviewing recent examples taken from various environments.  相似文献   

研究计算四川省土地利用结构特征指数和土壤侵蚀强度指数结果表明,该省土地利用结构特征指数与土壤侵蚀强度指数的变化具有同步性,用土地利用结构特征指数预测其土壤侵蚀强度变化是合理可行的。  相似文献   

Simulation models are frequently used tools for suspended sediment load quantification in mesoscale catchment areas. To improve the simulation results, it is important to compare and verify different models using measured data. In this study, we tested two continuous simulation, semi-distributed erosion and sediment transport models AnnAGNPS and SWAT for the period of 1995–2004 in the Blšanka river basin. The catchment (374 km2) is an agricultural hop-growing region in the north-western part of the Czech Republic. Both models were calibrated using the first 5 years of data, and then validated using the second 5 years of daily discharge and suspended sediment yield values. For the long-term continuous simulation, the results of SWAT model simulation showed a better agreement to the measured data, while for short-term rainfall-runoff event simulation, especially short duration intensive rainfall events, suspended load was more accurately predicted by AnnAGNPS. Land use changed significantly in parts of the river basin during the observation period. Many hop-gardens were dismantled and arable land was partially converted to grassland and pasture. This enabled us to test the applicability of AnnAGNPS and SWAT models under changing land use conditions. According to both models, suspended sediment load was reduced after the land use changes by 10%–30%, which was in agreement with decreasing sediment discharge observed at the watershed outlet.  相似文献   

Many studies across the central and southern Maya Lowlands of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico have produced records of land degradation, mostly sedimentation and soil erosion, during the ancient Maya period from before 1000 BC to the Maya Collapse of c. AD 900. This paper provides new data from two sites (Blue Creek and Cancuén), synthesizes more than a decade of the authors' research in Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico, and synthesizes other findings from this region. These research projects analyzed more than 100 excavations in upland and depression sites, cored lakes and wetland sediments, and studied sediments in the field and laboratory using radiocarbon dating, a battery of soil chemistry tests, stratigraphic analysis, magnetic susceptibility, elemental analyses, and artifact identification. Our objective was to date when sedimentation and soil erosion occurred, identify stable surfaces, and correlate them with the state of knowledge about past land use. These findings indicate three general epochs of accelerated soil erosion and identified two major paleosols. The three waves of soil erosion occurred in the Preclassic period (c. 1000 BC to AD 250), the Late Classic (AD 550 to 900), and in the last several decades. The major paleosol (‘Eklu'um’) in these sites is a well-developed Mollisol or Vertisol that started forming in the early Holocene and was buried in either the Preclassic or Classic periods (AD 250 to 900). At some sites the Eklu'um paleosol lies beneath sediments with a fainter paleosol, which in turn lies buried below Classic period and later sediments. This picture shows higher than expected soil erosion linked to the region's first pioneer farmers in the Preclassic and less than expected soil erosion in the Late Classic when population peaked and land use was the most intensive. In other regions like Cancuén, Guatemala, however, most soil erosion occurred during the Maya Late Classic (AD 550–830). Erosion here was intense but short-lived: depressions record 1–3 m of aggradation in two centuries. A third epoch of accelerated soil loss and aggradation arose with the rapid land use changes brought by new pioneers during the last several decades.  相似文献   

Recently the effect of plant hedgerows on controlling soil and water loss has been well recognized, and this technology has been widely applied in the world. However, there are few studies on hedgerows’ effect on soil fertility of sloping lands. With an 8-year fixed field experiment, we investigated the effect of two different hedgerows on soil fertility through comparing with the control. Our results showed that along contour lines across the field, clay particles tended to accumulate above plant hedgerows but to be eroded downward below hedgerows. Except for potassium (K), all plant nutrients and soil organic matter showed the same distribution pattern as clay particles. K, however, was evenly distributed in the field without any noticeable influence from hedgerows. Since the beginning of our field experiment, soil phosphorus (P) kept accumulating, while soil organic matter and K were in depletion. Taken together, our results suggest that better nutrient management for the sloping lands should reduce P but increase farm manure and K. As far as the whole sloping field is concerned, special attention in nutrient management should be paid to the soil stripes below hedgerows, the portions suffering from more serious soil erosion.  相似文献   

Ninety per cent of the sediment load of the Yellow River, the world's muddiest river, comes from the loess plateau region in the middle course of the river. Control of this sediment supply is essential to avoid the danger of flooding in the lower reaches on the South China Plain. Since 1971, sediment loads entering the lower reaches have decreased, by 20 per cent as a result of lower precipitation, and by 27 per cent through soil conservation works and reservoir construction. Reductions in erosion can be obtained by restraining the formation of overland flow through promotion of an effective vegetation cover and elimination of the soil surface cover to encourage infiltration. Reservoir operation is a key to control of sediment movement through tributaries and along the main river. Water demands often conflict with sediment control, and, as a consequence, reservoir operation systems have changed several times in the past decade. The possibility of a further reduction in the sediment load of the Yellow River exists, but much depends on how rapidly control of grazing and deforestation leads to the establishment of plant cover on the loess plateau.  相似文献   

Soil erosion in southeast Spain is a complex process due to strong interactions between biophysical and human components. Significant progress has been achieved in the understanding of soil hydrological behavior, despite the fact that most investigations were focused on the experimental plot scale. Although experimental plots allow exploring the effect of multiple biophysical and anthropogenic factors, they provide limited insights in the combined effect of all factors acting together at the landscape scale. In this study, area-specific sediment yields (SSY) have been estimated based on the volume of sediment trapped behind 36 check dams in the southeast of Spain. Low SSY-values were reported (mean = 1.40 t ha−1 year−1: median = 0.61 t ha−1 year−1). SSY variability could be explained for 67% by catchment characteristics such as drainage area, soil characteristics, land cover, average catchment slope, and annual rainfall. The low SSY values are probably caused by the agricultural abandonment that occurred over the past decades and allowed the recovery of natural vegetation. Furthermore, our results suggest that the soils have eroded in the past to such an extent that nowadays not much sediment is detached by overland flow due to residual enrichment of clay and stones. Also, sediment is to a large extent trapped locally in the catchment, as indicated by the negative relationship between SSY and catchment area.  相似文献   

The effects of different vegetation types on runoff generation and soil erosion were investigated. The study was conducted at the Southern part of West Bank, about 10 Km north-west of Hebron city, during 2005, 2006 and 2007. Five treatments were implemented; forests planted with P. halepensis (F), natural vegetation dominated by S. spinosum (W.S), natural vegetation where S. spinosum was removed (W/o.S), cultivated land (C), and deforestation (Df). Three types of data were estimated in each plot: runoff after each rainfall event, sedimentation at the end of the rainy season, and chemical and physical soil properties. The obtained results indicate that there are significant and important differences in runoff generation and sediment production with respect to the different types of vegetative cover. Forest and natural vegetation dominated by S. spinosum treatments exhibited the lowest amounts of runoff, with averages of 2.02 and 1.08 mm, respectively, in comparison to other treatments. The removal of S. spinosum significantly increased the total amount of runoff and sedimentation compared to the forest and S. spinosum treatments. In addition, runoff significantly increased (4.03 mm) for the Df treatment compared to that of the forest site. The greatest amount of sedimentation was observed in cultivated land and with deforestation.  相似文献   

近十年土壤侵蚀与水土保持研究进展与展望   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
在当今生态文明背景下,土壤侵蚀与水土保持研究迎来了新的发展机遇和挑战。本文首先采用文献计量学方法,定量分析了近10年来国内外土壤侵蚀与水土保持学科发展现状。在此基础上,结合社会需求的变化,阐明了学科发展需求与存在问题。最后,提出了本学科研究的重点领域与方向:水文过程与侵蚀产沙机理,土壤侵蚀过程及其定量模拟,全球变化下土壤侵蚀演变及其灾变机理,社会经济系统—水土流失的互馈过程,以生态功能提升为主的土壤侵蚀防治,以及土壤侵蚀研究新技术与新方法等。  相似文献   

Historical land use changes may have significant impact on erosion and agricultural soil properties, including soil degradation by acidification, nutrient leaching and organic matter depletion. The Kali Basin study area, a small catchment of high landscape value located in a national park at Lake Balaton, Hungary, with its historical agricultural records, together with the available unique historical land use data for the last 200 years, provides an opportunity to study and model impacts of historical land use changes on erosion and agricultural soil properties. Comparison of long-term land uses with present soil degradation indicator parameters showed that permanent arable land use has led to degradation of both the physical and chemical properties of soils in the Kali Basin. Application of the SEDEM/WATEM distributed erosion and sediment transport model showed that, despite the low overall sediment export from the catchment, land use changes introduced by property ownership and agricultural changes have decreased average soil erosion in the catchment but increased relative sediment export to Lake Balaton. This is due to changes in the land cover pattern that allow more sediment transported to the river system. The overall conclusion of this study is that besides the size and area proportion of land use types, land use pattern seems to be equally important in soil erosion and degradation processes, thus land use pattern is a key factor for landscape planning and development in the Kali Basin. A relationship between the sociological and agro-ecological reasons for the recorded land use changes is also shown in this study.  相似文献   

以皇甫川流域西五色浪沟小流域为研究区,以高分辨率遥感影像为信息源,通过GIS技术,提取小流域沟缘线,将小流域分为沟谷地、沟间地2大地貌类型。基于沟蚀和面蚀及其影响因子切割裂度、水土保持措施及土地利用方式、坡度、植被覆盖度等数量和分布以及通过项目布设的雨量站、把口站和径流场观测资料2种方法对在水土流失治理背景下小流域泥沙来源进行比较。结果表明,2种方法均显示,西五色浪沟小流域泥沙主要来源于沟谷地,沟谷地土壤侵蚀量约占流域侵蚀量的73%,是沟间地侵蚀量的2.73倍。  相似文献   

Soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China is a major concern and the Central Government has initiated the Grain‐for‐Green Programme to convert farmland to forests and grassland to improve the environment. This paper analyses the relationship between land use and soil erosion in Zhongjiang, a typical agricultural county of Sichuan Province located in areas with severe soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In our analysis, we use the ArcGIS spatial analysis module with detailed land‐use data as well as data on slope conditions and soil erosion. Our research shows that the most serious soil erosion is occurring on agricultural land with a slope of 10∼25 degrees. Both farmland and permanent crops are affected by soil erosion, with almost the same percentage of soil erosion for corresponding slope conditions. Farmland with soil erosion accounts for 86·2 per cent of the total eroded agricultural land. In the farmland with soil erosion, 22·5 per cent have a slope of < 5 degrees, 20·3 per cent have a slope of 5∼10 degrees, and 57·1 per cent have a slope of > 10 degrees. On gentle slopes with less than 5 degrees inclination, some 6 per cent of the farmland had strong (5000∼8000 t km−2 y−1) or very strong (8000∼15000 t km−2 y−1) erosion. However, on steep slopes of more than 25 degrees, strong or very strong erosion was reported for more than 42 per cent of the farmland. These numbers explain why the task of soil and water conservation should be focused on the prevention of soil erosion on farmland with steep or very steep slopes. A Feasibility Index is developed and integrated socio‐economic assessment on the feasibility of improving sloping farmland in 56 townships and towns is carried out. Finally, to ensure the success of the Grain‐for‐Green Programme, countermeasures to improve sloping farmland and control soil erosion are proposed according to the values of the Feasibility Index in the townships and towns. These include: (1) to terrace sloping farmland on a large scale and to convert farmland with a slope of over 25 degrees to forests or grassland; (2) to develop ecological agriculture combined with improving the sloping farmland and constructing prime farmland and to pay more attention to improving the technology for irrigation and cultivation techniques; and (3) to carry out soil conservation on steep‐sloping farmland using suggested techniques. In addition, improving ecosystems and the inhabited environment through yard and garden construction for households is also an effective way to prevent soil erosion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work focuses on a new approach to quantify the effects of above-ground earthworm's activity on soil erosion in steep slope ecosystems such as in Northern Vietnam. In these areas and in many others in the world, soil erosion becomes a major issue while the factors that determine it are still misunderstood. Earthworm's activity is believed to influence soil erosion rate, but we are still unable to precisely quantify their contribution to soil erosion. In this study, we used Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to quantify the proportion of soil aggregate in eroded soil coming from earthworm activity. This was done by generating NIRS signatures corresponding to different soil surface aggregates (above-ground soil casts produced by earthworms vs. surrounding topsoil).  相似文献   

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