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Housing market is not similar to other markets, it is difficult for non-professional people to know the quality of the house in a short time. So the asymmetric information situation between the purchaser and the seller exists during the exchange process. The result is that bad quality houses wash out good ones. In this paper, a detailed analysis is given to the phenomenon and some ways are put forward to avoid the appearance of this problem.  相似文献   

Chongqing is the sole municipality in the west of China directly under the China central government and it is an important site for the movement of west development. This paper analyzes the present situation of Chongqing housing market and puts forward suggestions for the prospect of Chongqing housing market.  相似文献   

Through the detail analysis for the development of the housing property right and it's present situation, this paper points out the problems existed in the housing property right which will influence the development of Chinese housing industry. A constructive discussion on resolving these problems was made in this paper.  相似文献   

Based on the Modigliani's Life-Cycle Hypothesis of consumption,and relevant data,the paper empirically studies stock market and real estate market wealth effect in China by using the method of unit root test and cointegrating regression.The results show that,regardless of short-run effect and long-run effect,the stock market wealth has significantly negative effect on civil' consumption level,but real estate market wealth or housing market wealth has significantly positive effect on civil' consumption level.  相似文献   

高云 《中国种业》2018,(10):4-8
玉米是我国第二大粮食品种,更是全国农产品供给侧改革的典型代表。随着当前玉米临储政策取消、价补分离、调减非优势区玉米等政策的推行,玉米种子推动供给侧改革就更加至关重要。目前,国内玉米种子供给大于需求,且预测供需形势将会持续,高库存短期内不会有大的改变,但是玉米种子结构性短缺问题依然存在,如何通过种业推动产业发展成为亟需解决的问题。通过对玉米种业供需结构的定性和定量分析,提出应分散玉米制种、培育大型制种主体、加大基地玉米种子开放力度、创建完善的玉米制种体系等措施,提升国内玉米种业竞争力,争取全球玉米种业话语权。  相似文献   

In order to shift the risks of housing finance, thus support the development of housing finance in China, this paper puts forward two patterns of instrument for shifting the risks: market transaction and non-market promise on a voluntary basis.  相似文献   

With the trend of developing industrialised housing in China, based on analyzing and studying the development of industrialised housing abroad, this paper puts forward the enlightenment to us and the emphases, adopted approaches in the development process.  相似文献   

Based on the present conditions of China, this paper analyzes the developing trend of housing industry. Through the statistical figures, it anticipates that the housing industry will become the new hot spot with the increase of people's revenue. Moreover, some advice on the development of the housing industry is provided in order to adapt to the trend.  相似文献   

中国罗非鱼产业供求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从供求的角度,对当前罗非鱼产业供求的情况、特点、存在问题和未来的发展趋势进行分析.罗非鱼的供求发展呈现出供给高度集中,国内消费分散;产品以供给国际市场为主,对外依存度高;需求国多元化,贸易量受美国市场影响大等特点.中国罗非鱼需求变动幅度较大,尤其是美国市场未知性的影响,使得罗非鱼供给存在部分过剩的现象.预计未来一段时间...  相似文献   

中国农村宅基地整理潜力估算   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
宋伟 《中国农学通报》2014,30(33):301-307
由于土地利用分类中缺乏农村宅基地的用地类型,中国目前尚缺乏全国尺度的农村宅基地整理潜力估算结果,不利于农村宅基地整治工作的开展和部署。笔者建立了依据农村居民点整理潜力推算法、户均宅基地标准法和农村人口等比例缩减法3种方法,估算了中国2020年的农村宅基地整理潜力。研究表明:(1)2020年,依据农村居民点整理潜力推算法测算的宅基地整理潜为239.05×104 hm2,户均宅基地标准法的测算结果为597.50×104 hm2,农村人口等比例缩减法的测算结果为130.36×104 hm2;(2)户均宅基地标准法测算的农村宅基地整理潜力由于缺乏对农村宅基地整理中自然、经济、社会限制性因素的考虑而明显偏大,综合修整后,该方法测算的中国农村宅基地整理潜力约为191.20×104 hm2;(3)统筹考虑各种测算方法的结果,中国2020年的农村宅基地整理潜力约为200×104 hm2。空间上,中国农村宅基地的整理潜力主要分布在东部和中部区域;相对而言,东北区和西部地区的整理潜力较小。各省份中,山东、安徽、河南、江苏、辽宁、黑龙江等省份的整理潜力较大;西藏、青海、上海、福建、海南5个省份的整理潜力较小。  相似文献   

This article introduces that there are good basic conditions and big development space for the industrialized housing development in Chongqing Municipality-the biggest municipality in the country.And it introduces the capabilities of horizontal transportation by land or sea and vertical lifting in Chongqing. And it puts forward that is more economical, reliable and safer than which has the advantages of best weight lifting capacity, service radium. Lifting height and smallest site occupation and the assemble of bigger components even the whole industrialised house.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates that the financial risk is the biggest barrier for development of personal housing mortgage. It discerns these financial risks and introduces two methods for measuring the risks. Finally, it presents the antidotes to the financial risks and gives some ideas for establishing management system of housing mortgage risk.  相似文献   

回迁居住区是城市化推进的产物之一。回迁居民在这里的生活模式和物质环境都与其本来状态存在许多矛盾与冲突,使得回迁者常出现“回而不适”现象,对农民生活、心理产生极大负面影响。文章以哈尔滨市城郊失地失宅农民为研究对象,通过对哈尔滨市现有回迁居住区进行实地调研,总结出农民回迁者审美的特异性和行为活动需求及农民回迁居住区户外空间环境存在的主要问题,最后提出满足于哈尔滨失地失宅农民审美情趣及行为需求的农民回迁居住区户外空间设计策略,让农民回迁者有一定的家园感与归属感。  相似文献   

邓梁虹  张方  王晗  潘明  刘君 《保鲜与加工》2017,17(6):112-121
本文归纳了即食食品的种类和特点,综述了罐头类、烘焙类、干果类等七大类即食食品的发展现状,对其市场未来发展趋势进行分析展望,以期为未来我国即食品产业的发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

在对农产品加工业现状分析的基础上预测了我国农产品加工业市场特征的发展趋势,并为我国农产品加工企业做大做强提出了对策意见。  相似文献   

广西区2011年早稻的种子市场已经启动, 种子生产企业和代理商正忙于种子的调运和销售等工作, 准备迎接种子购销高峰的到来.为做好2011年早稻杂交种子的销售工作, 笔者经过认真深入市场调查了解, 综合各个方面的信息研究后认为, 广西201 1年早造杂交稻用种供应充足, 可满足杂交稻种植的需要, 除部分受保护品种价格稍涨外, 整体价格从高走低, 商家利益分化, 市场扑朔迷离.  相似文献   

For designing a reasonable housing supply system for the civil servants,the sorted Multinomial Logistic Model is adopted to appraise the match-up level of current housing supply policy and the actual housing demand of the civil servants.Those unmarried,on department level and below,discontented with current housing subsidy method,or those who acquired their houses from the non-market source are likely unsatisfied with the current housing conditions.The result of the Unsorted Multinomial Logistic Model identifies the housing affordability and the housing subsidy standard as the key factors to affect the housing choice of the civil servants.The supply sources,the housing modes for the special civil servants group and the subsidy standards should be focused on when constructing the whole civil servant housing supply policy system.  相似文献   

水产加工位居渔业生产延长线上,且与水产品流通具有不即不离的关系,其发展将决定整个水产业的兴衰成败。通过对中国水产加工业的发展历程、产品形态和需求市场分析,认为中国水产加工业发展模式由外延扩张型向内涵增进型转变,对整个水产业发展起到了重要作用;产品形态上由传统加工向现代加工方向发展,加工技术得到提升和深化;需求市场由国内拓展向海外扩大,产业规模呈现持续增长的势头。  相似文献   

促进农业增产,保障农产品供给一直是中国农业发展主要任务,但是中国的农业生产并没有同中国居民的膳食需求相结合制定合理的发展目标,生产存在一定的盲目性。依据中国营养学会制定的《中国居民膳食指南》中的膳食标准,计算出平衡膳食条件下中国各类农产品的需求量,通过与目前中国各类农产品的产量对比发现中国大部分农产品的产量已经超过了平衡膳食条件下中国居民的合理需求量,调整中国的农业生产结构,倡导平衡膳食,成为解决中国农产品供求平衡问题的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

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