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鸡慢性呼吸道病又称鸡枝原体病,是一种由枝原体感染引起的急性接触性传染性呼吸道疾病。其病原与火鸡传染性窦炎相同,两者可交互感染,均可使鸡、火鸡及其他野禽感染。纯种鸡最易感,1~2月龄  相似文献   

当代一些新技术目前正在集中用来攻克枝原体性乳房炎的诊断和乳汁或乳房分泌物中分离出枝原体种的鉴定这个困难、费时的问题。分离出枝原体种的鉴定非常重要。因为有些枝原体致病力强,有些致病力弱,而有些枝原体来自于环境,根本不致病。传统的抗细菌、病毒和枝原体血清是通过注射大量微生物到健康动物而产生的,结果是抗血清或抗体对一系列与注射微生物有关系的蛋白质起作用。就枝原体而言,我们发现一些抗体对某一种枝原体有特异性,一些抗体是许多枝原体共同的;一些抗体对枝原体生长的介质有作用;一些起保护作用,一些可用于诊断;一  相似文献   

近年来美国养禽业虽在降低疾病损失方面取得了很大成效,但仍受多种疾病的严重威胁。1 枝原体病目前危害美国养禽业比较严重的疾病之一,是感染率明显增高的肉用种鸡群中滑液枝原体(MS)病或鸡败血枝原体(MG)病。对于 MS 感染的种鸡,许多鸡场并不淘汰,只将被感染的鸡及其雏鸡分开饲养,而未造成严重危害。但有的鸡场却因保留了MS 感染种鸡而损失严重,这与对 MS 感染种鸡的隔离程度及 MS 菌株的毒力强弱有关。某些 MS 株致病力低,而某些菌株却与MG 一样能严重致病。总之,保留 MG 感染种鸡总是有害无益的。  相似文献   

达诺沙星和太乐菌素控制鸡脓毒枝原体感染的比较TannerACetal前言呼吸道疾病可以引起家禽业严重的经济损失。特别是鸡败血枝原体(MG)感染,因其能使鸡易患大肠杆菌继发感染,导致屠宰时胴体禁食率高,造成损失更大。虽然在主要家禽生产地区大多已成功地从...  相似文献   

鸡毒枝原体(Mycoplasmagallisepticum,MG)和滑液枝原体(MycoplasmaSymoviae,MS)为主要病原的鸡枝原体病又称慢性呼吸道病(CRD),是鸡呼吸道病的一种。在亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲和东欧相当普遍,我国大部分鸡场和专业户的鸡群存在此病。本病的特点是感染率高,发病率低,发病缓慢而病程长。引起轻度呼吸道症状、气囊炎和窦炎,有时引起滑膜炎,有时发生其他病毒或细菌混合感染,有的呈隐性感染。病原传播还可以经蛋垂直传给后裔,使本病在鸡场绵延不断。但由于该病病死率低,人们不如对新城疫、马立克氏病和传染性法氏囊病那样重视,也不如对鸡传染性…  相似文献   

一、引言枝原体是人类、畜类、禽类的一种正常菌群或致病菌。直到最近为止,所发现的主要是那些在兽医上具有重要意义的枝原体。第一种是丝状枝原体,即系从患传染性胸膜肺炎的牛分离到的(1898年)。二十五年以后,从患缺乳症的山羊和绵羊分离到第二种枝原体。因为这种微生物与牛传染性胸膜肺炎微生物近似,  相似文献   

秃鹫枝原体病一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秃鹫枝原体病一例张琼汤锡珊吴华(上海动物园)潘良言(上海农学院)秃鹫(Aegypiusmonachus),属隼形目,国家二级野生保护动物。我们发现在人工饲养条件下,秃鹫极易感染枝原体病,且发病缓慢,病程长。临床主要表现是呼吸急促,眶下窦肿胀,最后呼吸...  相似文献   

枝原体病的问题使鸡只损失超过13%,鸡的体重下降38%,饲料转化率降低21%。作为家禽公司来说要增加饲养规模和密度,枝原体病防治方法也就越显得重要。除了采用检疫彻底根除枝原体的方法外,其它防治方法也有了一定的进展。下面对几种用来防治枝原体病的方法作以介绍:  相似文献   

滑膜枝原体(MS)的防治方法与鸡败血枝原体(MG)基本相同。其细则已作为日本农林水产省畜产局长颁发的通告“孵化卫生指南”而公布(参考鸡病研究报12,22——32)。这就是说,防止通过卵感染而传播是极为重要。另一方面,当家禽受本病的侵害后,常常伴同疾病的发生和病变的形成而使其  相似文献   

Alstrom(1955)首先在健康牛和乳房炎病牛的乳中发现枝原体,而P.Stuart等(1960)第一次用实验证实枝原体在乳房炎病原学上的作用。以后,欧、亚、美和澳洲的许多国家相继发表了许多报导。目前,人们已知能引起乳房炎的枝原体有8种。  相似文献   

俄罗斯是紫貂的主要分布区,野生紫貂资源量约为100~130万只,且人工饲养紫貂技术先进、圈养紫貂规模较大。据统计,近年来俄罗斯每年产30~40万张野生紫貂皮、10~20万张圈养紫貂皮。相对而言,中国紫貂资源状况堪忧,启动我国对紫貂保护和发展资源的措施已经刻不容缓。本文从俄罗斯与中国野生及圈养紫貂种群现状及利用的角度出发...  相似文献   

Some observations are recorded on blood parasites of sable antelopes. Blood smears of 124 of these antelopes from South Africa and Zimbabwe were examined and 7 were found to be positive for a Babesia sp., identified as Babesia irvinesmithi Martinaglia 1936. A total of 70 of the smears were positive for theilerial piroplasms, while 1 smear had macroschizonts (with cytomeres) and microschizonts of a Theileria (= Cytauxzoon) sp. One blood smear was positive for an Anaplasma sp. Attempts to isolate the Babesia sp. by subinoculating blood from sable to splenectomized and intact sable and splenectomized cattle were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect sable with Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina were likewise unsuccessful. Theilerial piroplasms reached high levels in a splenectomized sable but could not be transmitted with blood to cattle. The Anaplasma sp. was found to be infective for sheep but not for cattle.  相似文献   

为探讨紫貂育成前期饲粮适宜的能量浓度与蛋白质水平 ,本研究选用 90只 8周龄断奶紫貂幼兽 (公、母各半 )进行了 (GE:2 0 934,2 2 1 90 .0 4和 2 3446.0 8KJ/kg)× 3(CP:35%、40 %和45% )二因子交叉饲养试验和消化代谢试验。试验结果表明 ,紫貂育成前期饲粮适宜能量浓度和蛋白质水平分别不应低于 2 2 1 90 .0 4 KJ/kg和 40 %。随着饲粮能量浓度的提高 ,育成前期紫貂的干物质消化率、日食入总能、日食入消化能、日食入代谢能、能量代谢率、日存留氮和氮存留率均逐渐提高。随着饲粮蛋白质水平的提高 ,育成前期紫貂日进食干物质量、日食入总能、日食入消化能、日食入代谢能和能量代谢率均逐渐降低 ,而日食入总氮和日食入可消化氮随之逐渐提高。  相似文献   

应用嗜肺性军团菌(Lp)共同抗原建立了微量间接血凝试验(MPHA),并以此方法对马鹿、梅花鹿、紫貂、水貂、貉、獭兔、熊、蓝狐、银狐及雉鸡等10种特种经济动物的830份血清样本进行了Lp抗体水平的检测。结果表明,紫貂和水貂血清的Lp抗体滴度1:32为阻抑试验阳性,而梅花鹿、马鹿、貉等8种特种经济动物血清的Lp抗体滴度1:64为阳性。按此标准,獭兔血清Lp抗体的阳性率为30.0%(9/30),梅花鹿15.3%(19/124),紫貂8.7%(2/23),马鹿8.45%(6/71),貉2.94%(6/204),水貂1.1%(8/273)。熊、蓝狐、银狐及雉鸡等血清样本全部呈阴性反应。  相似文献   

Theileria parasites commonly infect African wild artiodactyls. In rare roan (Hippotragus equinus) and sable (H. niger) antelopes, Theileria sp. (sable)-associated calf mortalities constrain breeding programs. The pathogenicity of most leukocyte-transforming Theileria spp. originates in their invasion of and multiplication in various mononuclear leukocytes, the transformation of both infected and uninfected leukocytes, and their infiltration of multiple organs. Understanding the pathogenesis of theileriosis can be improved by the use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) to identify the localization of the parasites in tissue sections. Our aim was to develop a reproducible IHC assay to detect leukocyte-associated Theileria parasites in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded roan and sable tissues. Polyclonal antibodies were purified from the sera of 5 roans from an area endemic for Theileria sp. (sable) and tested for IHC reactivity in 55 infected and 39 control roan and sable antelopes, and for antigen and species cross-reactivity in an additional 58 cases. The 3 strongest antibodies consistently detected intraleukocytic theilerial antigens in known positive cases in roan and sable antelopes, and also detected other Theileria spp. in non-hippotraginid wild artiodactyl tissues. The antibodies did not cross-react with other apicomplexan protozoa, with the exception of Cryptosporidium. Given that PCR on its own cannot determine the significance of theilerial infection in wild ruminants, IHC is a useful laboratory test with which to confirm the diagnosis in these species.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus was detected electron microscopically in cutaneous fibropapillomas of a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and a sable antelope (Hippotragus niger). The virus particles measured 45 nm in diameter. Histopathologically, the lesions showed histopathological features similar to those of equine sarcoid as well as positive immunoperoxidase-staining of tissue sections for papillomavirus antigen. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA. Bovine papillomavirus-1 was characterised by real-time PCR in the sable and giraffe, and cloning and sequencing of the PCR product revealed a similarity to BPV-1. As in the 1st giraffe, the lesions from a 2nd giraffe revealed locally malignant pleomorphism, possibly indicating the lesional end-point of papilloma infection. Neither virus particles nor positively staining papillomavirus antigen could be demonstrated in the 2nd giraffe but papillomavirus DNA was detected by real-time PCR which corresponded with BPV-1 and BPV-2.  相似文献   

牦牛ETEC灭活疫苗的研制及免疫效力试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
制备了耗牛ETEC铝胶灭活苗、油佐剂苗和蜂胶灭活苗。分别使用3种佐剂灭活苗进行对比试验。经抗体监测表明在免疫后7天,蜂胶苗产生的抗体效价最高(2^7),随着时间的推移,油苗抗体儿价最高(2^9-10),于免疫后29日,使用ETEC进行攻毒,免疫兔全部保护,对照兔全部死亡。证明牦牛ETEC3种佐剂灭活疫苗均能有效保护家兔免受ETEC攻击。  相似文献   

为初步了解水貂隐孢子虫病的流行情况,作者于2005年11月份用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法检查了河北省肃宁县某水貂养殖场的469份粪便样品。结果,8份粪便样品为隐孢子虫阳性,总感染率为1.71%(8/469)。其中,白貂感染率为2.15%(5/233)、灰貂感染率为2.08%(1/48)、黑貂感染率为1.06%(2/188)。所查的8份隐孢子虫阳性样品均来自5~6月龄的水貂,表明幼龄水貂容易感染隐孢子虫病而老龄水貂不易感染。另外,8份阳性样品多数来自雄性水貂,显示水貂的隐孢子虫感染可能存在性别的差异性。根据卵囊形态和大小将水貂隐孢子虫初步鉴定为小球隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium parvum)。同时,利用所收集的隐孢子虫卵囊进行了小白鼠感染试验,结果表明水貂源隐孢子虫不感染免疫抑制状态下的昆明系小白鼠。  相似文献   

Parelaphostrongylus tenuis caused neurologic disease in 6 reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and 2 sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) that were housed at the National Zoological Park Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Va. Progressive hindlimb ataxia and weakness were seen in all affected animals. The parasite was recovered from the subdural space of one reindeer and was seen histologically within the neuropil of another reindeer and a sable antelope. In the other reindeer and sable antelope, diagnoses of parelaphostrongylosis were based on clinicoepidemiologic findings and microscopic lesions. Because parelaphostrongylosis is a density-dependent disease and because the number of white-tailed deer probably will increase, the incidence of P tenuis infections in domestic and nondomestic animals probably will increase as well. Zoos and wildlife parks especially should be cautious when introducing exotic hoofstock to areas with Parelaphostrongylus tenuis-infected white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

A 5-year old, neutered, male, domestic sable ferret presented 24 hours after escaping outside and sustaining unknown trauma. Physical examination findings included tachycardia, tachypnea, and hind limb paresis in a laterally recumbent patient. Radiographs, laboratory evaluation, and abdominocentesis revealed the presence of hemoperitoneum, blunt hepatic trauma, pneumothorax, and a small abdominal hernia. The ferret was treated with resuscitative fluids, thoracocentesis, abdominal counterpressure, and blood transfusion. This is the first case report of multi-systemic trauma in a ferret. The ferret made a complete recovery and was discharged to the referring veterinarian three days after presentation. (Vet. Emerg. Crit. Care, 10:13–18, 2000)  相似文献   

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