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Methods and results of the measuring of the rumen volume and the passage rate as well as the dependence of the production of volatile fatty acids on the parameters mentioned are described. The correlative relations between rumen volume on the one hand and feed passage on the other hand to the production quotas are investigated. Passage rates and rumen volumes were determined with the help of the isotope dilution method. In the course of reproduction rumen volumes of 7.81, 6.41, 8.91, 7.11 in experiment 1 and 5.41, 5.81, 9.51 and 4.71 in experiment 2 were measured in the sequence early stage of gestation, late stage of gestation, lactation and the period between pregnancies. The average total production of volatile fatty acids within 12 hours amounted to 475 mmol, 265 mmol, 313 mmol and 351 mmol in experiment 1 and 155 mmol, 175 mmol, 271 mmol and 144 mmol in experiment 2 in the same sequence. The average passage duration of the feed through the digestive tract of the ewes was 32.4 h in experiment 1 and 33.6 h in experiment 2. The relatively high feed intake of the ewes resulted in a short passage duration and could be a cause of the low production quotas of the volatile fatty acids.  相似文献   

Two N balance experiments were conducted on growing pigs to study the effect of essential and nonessential amino acids added to a protein-free diet on N retention. In Expt. 1, the addition of sulphur amino acids, threonine and tryptophan to a protein-free diet at levels two times the maintenance requirements reduced (p > 0.1) daily N loss from –131 to –108 mg/kg0.75. A further addition of nonessential amino acids equivalent to 250 mg N/kg0.75/d resulted in a marked increase (p < 0.01) in daily N retention to 28 mg/kg0.75. In Expt. 2, nonessential amino acids were added to a protein-free diet supplemented with sulphur amino acids, threonine and tryptophan at levels corresponding to 100, 200 and 300 mg N/kg0.75/d. N retention increased linearly as dietary nonessential N increased. The slope of the best-fit regression line indicated that the marginal efficiency of nonessential N utilization for protein accretion was 0.26. The results suggest that nonessential amino acids may be a limiting factor for the re-utilization of amino acids released by body protein breakdown or that they may serve as precursors for de novo synthesis of amino acids by gut microorganisms, thus contributing to the amino acid requirements of the pig.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the ileal digestibility values of NDF, CP, and AA associated with NDF in different samples of wheat shorts consisting of different proportions of wheat bran, shorts, and flour, hereafter referred to as wheat fractions. Six barrows (average initial BW 37.2 kg, and fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum) were fed one of six experimental diets, formulated to contain 17% CP (as-fed basis), according to a 6 x 6 Latin square design. Diets A, B, C, D, and E contained 17.53% soybean meal (SBM), which contributed 50% CP to these diets. The diets contained shorts, bran, or flour alone or in combination, contributing the remaining 50% CP to these diets. The proportions of shorts, bran, and flour in the wheat fractions were 70% shorts and 30% bran in diet A, 85% shorts and 15% bran in diet B, 100% shorts in diet C, 85% shorts and 15% flour in diet D, and 70% shorts and 30% flour in diet E. Diet F contained 35.05% soybean meal, which provided the sole source of dietary CP. Chromic oxide was used as a digestibility marker. During the first experimental period, the daily dietary allowance was provided at a rate of 5% (wt/wt) of the average BW. Thereafter, the allowance was increased by 100 g at each successive period. Each experimental period comprised 12 d. Following a 7-d adaptation period, feces were collected for 48 h and ileal digesta for a total of 24 h. The contribution of CP and AA associated with NDF gradually decreased from wheat fraction A to E, reflecting a decrease in NDF content from 42.3 to 29.5%. Of the indispensable AA in wheat fraction A, the contributions ranged from 12.9 to 15.9%. In wheat fraction E, these values ranged from 9.0 to 11.3%. The ileal digestibility values of NDF ranged from 11.8% in diet E to 17.1% in diet C (P > 0.05). There were usually no differences (P > 0.05) in the ileal digestibilities of AA associated with NDF between the wheat fractions. However, with the exception of lysine and tyrosine, there were negative correlations (P < 0.05) between the apparent ileal AA digestibilities and the content (%) of CP associated with NDF in the wheat fractions. Furthermore, there was no effect (P > 0.05) of the diets containing wheat fractions on the recovery of bacterial protein and mucin in ileal digesta.  相似文献   

After a first report on the nutrient composition and the digestibility of some newly bred varieties of cereals, information on the apparent digestibility of the amino acids in growing female pigs ascertained with the same test material is given. These data serve the evaluation of the quality of such cultivation products and the completion of the data in of feedstuffs tables and tables of the amino acid content. The newly bred barleystrains meet the requirement of digestible protein of pigs, wheat exceeds it whereas the maize samples fall short of it. The content of digestible lysine in the newly bred barleystrain approximate the requirement of growing pigs. There is ample digestible methionine + cystine in all samples. This again proves that newly cultivated barley and wheat rich in protein and lysine if accordingly supplemented with the limiting amino acid lysine can be used as sole feed for fattening pigs. Moreover, it becomes again obvious that the apparent digestibility of the amino acids can, for practical purposes, be sufficiently exactly evaluated with the help of the apparent digestibility of the crude protein of the respective feedstuff.  相似文献   

随着遗传育种的不断改良,现代猪的瘦肉增重会越来越快,而且随着低蛋白氨基酸加强型日粮的广泛使用,在过去的几十年里,人们对于育肥猪氨基酸的需求做了大量的研究。本文主要概述了体重70 kg左右至出栏的育肥猪对氨基酸和净能的需求。过去几年里,对于现代高瘦肉型的猪,在70~115 kg这一阶段,赖氨酸的需求量有所提高,而最佳的净能需要略微下降。结果显示,低蛋白日粮和额外添加晶体氨基酸对于控制成本是可行有效的,只要日粮中氨基酸和净能的水平可以满足产肉需要就不会影响猪的生长性能和胴体参数。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of adding fiber sources to reduced-crude protein (CP), amino acid-supplemented diets on N excretion, growth performance, and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs. In Exp. 1, six sets of four littermate barrows (initial weight = 36.3 kg) were allotted randomly to four dietary treatments to determine N balance and slurry composition. Dietary treatments were: 1) fortified corn-soybean meal, control, 2) as fortified corn-soybean meal with CP lowered by 4 percentage units and supplemented with lysine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, isoleucine, and valine (LPAA), 3) same as Diet 2 plus 10% soybean hulls, and 4) same as Diet 2 with 10% dried beet pulp. Nitrogen intake, absorption, and retention (g/d) were reduced (P < 0.04) in pigs fed the low- protein diets, but they were not affected (P > 0.10) by addition of fiber sources to the LPAA diet. However, N absorption, as a percentage of intake, was not affected (P > 0.10) by dietary treatment. Nitrogen retention, expressed as a percentage of N intake, was increased (P < 0.02) in pigs fed the low-protein diets, but it was not affected by fiber addition to the LPAA diet. Urinary and total N excretion was reduced (P < 0.01) by 50 and 40%, respectively, in pigs fed the low- protein diets, but it was not affected (P > 0.10) by fiber addition. However, fiber addition to the LPAA diet tended to result in a greater proportion of N excreted in the feces than in the urine. Slurry pH, ammonium N content, and urinary urea N excretion were reduced (P < 0.10) in pigs fed LPAA, and a further reduction (P < 0.06) in slurry ammonium N content and urinary urea N was observed with fiber addition. Also, fiber addition to the LPAA diet increased (P < 0.02) slurry VFA concentrations. In Exp. 2, 72 pigs were blocked by body weight and sex and allotted randomly to three dietary treatments that were similar to those in Exp. 1, with a corn-soybean meal control diet, LPAA diet, and a LPAA diet with 10% soybean hulls. Pigs were fed the diets from 28.6 to 115 kg, and all pigs were killed for collection of carcass data. Growth performance and most carcass traits were not affected (P > 0.10) by dietary treatment. These data suggest that reducing CP with amino acid supplementation markedly decreased N excretion without influencing growth performance. Fiber addition to a LPAA diet had little effect on overall N balance or growth performance, but tended to further reduce slurry ammonium N concentration and increase volatile fatty acid concentrations.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted with weanling pigs fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, to determine the effect of phytase supplementation to four diets on the apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA, and the apparent total-tract digestibilities (ATTD) of CP and DE. Phytase (Natuphos, DSM Food Specialties, Delft, The Netherlands) was supplemented at rates of 0, 500 or 1,000 FTU/kg to the four diets. A 20% CP (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet was used in Exp. 1; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal diet in Exp. 2; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal-canola meal diet in Exp. 3; and a 19% CP barley-peas-canola meal diet in Exp. 4. In each experiment, six barrows, fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, were fed the basal plus phytase-supplemented diets according to a repeated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Each experimental period comprised 14 d. The piglets were at fed 0800 and 2000 daily, equal amounts for each meal, at a daily rate of at least 2.4 times the maintenance requirement for ME. Feces were collected from 0800 on d 8 until 0800 on d 12 of each experimental period. Ileal digesta were collected from 0800 to 2000 on d 12, 13, and 14. Chromic oxide was used as the digestibility marker. The average initial and final BW (average of all experiments) were 7.9 and 16.5 kg, respectively. Phytase supplementation did not improve the AID of CP and AA in Exp. 1, 2, and 4; however, there were improvements (P < 0.05) or tendencies (P < 0.10) toward improvements in the AID of CP and AA or the ATTD of CP and the content of DE with phytase supplementation in Exp. 3. These results suggest that the AA response factor to microbial phytase supplementation depends on diet composition.  相似文献   

The crude protein digestibility and the amino acid absorption of six female pigs (average live weight 61 kg) with duodenal and ileocecal re-entrant cannulae, which were fed with a wheat + wheat gluten + lysine ration and an N-free ration, were determined in various segments of the intestines. Comparative experiments concerning the N-metabolism with pigs without and with cannulae showed that the animals renormalised their metabolism 14 days after narcosis and fistulation of the intestines. The extents of secretion and absorption of the various amino acids vary as it is shown from the values of the apparent and true digestibility resp. rate of passage through various segments of the intestines. While for methionine and glutamic acid absorption exceeds endogenous secretion already in the duodenum, the amino acids with a high endogenous quota (glycine, alanine, threonine, tryptophan) are, even at the terminal ileum, not as well absorbed as the others. Methionine is obviously synthesised on a large scale by the colon flora and excreted in feces. The fractionation of the duodenal and ileum chyme after feeding wheat + wheat gluten + lysine as well as N-free mixture, into the fractions "solid particles", "peptides-free amino acids" and "proteines precipitable by trichlor-acetic acid" supplies information on the degree of protein degradation in various segments of the intestines.  相似文献   

通过对4个安装了简易T型瘘管的断奶仔猪研究表明,添加植酸酶并没有提高玉米-豆粕型日粮(试验组1)、小麦-豆粕型日粮(试验组2)和大麦-豌豆-菜籽粕型日粮(试验组4)粗蛋白和氨基酸的回肠表观消化率(AID),而使小麦-豆粕-菜粕型日粮的粗蛋白和氨基酸回肠表观消化率或粗蛋白和消化能的总消化道表观消化率(ATTD)得到了显著的提高(P<0.05)或呈提高的势态(P<0.10)。这些结果表明,氨基酸对细菌性植酸酶的反应因子取决于日粮的组成。  相似文献   

Studies of the apparent and true ileal digestibility of crude protein and the apparent and true amino acid (AA) absorption were carried out with 7 female pigs in the live weight range between 22 and 34 kg after ileorectostomy. Protein sources of varied quality with regard to the method of treatment (toasted) and untoasted soybean oilmeal) and to the AA composition (vital gluten or vital gluten + L-lysine X HCl) were used. Distinct differences regarding the apparent ileal digestibility of crude protein and the apparent absorption of amino acids were discovered between the protein sources, the cause of which is to be seen in the different amounts of endogenous N. The true ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acid absorption were partly distinctly higher than the values of the apparent ileal digestibility of crude protein and AA absorption. On the whole one can say that the results of the investigation gained by means of ileorectostomy can be compared to the values gained from cannulated animals. Thus the experimental method used is suitable for studying the absorption process to the end of the small intestine of pigs.  相似文献   

Inclemency of weather frequently causes critical water contents in cereal grains above 15%. Ensiling in pre‐mature condition may be an alternative to other techniques of preservation. Aim of this study was to compare apparent total tract digestibility (Dt; barley, wheat, triticale, rye) of proximate nutrients and pre‐caecal digestibility (Dpc; barley, wheat) of amino acids (AA), respectively, from cereal grains in ensiled and almost dry condition. Moistly harvested cereal grains (67–73% dry matter) were milled through a 4‐mm sieve and ensiled with lactic acid bacteria (LAB, 3 × 105 colony forming units/g Lactobacillus plantarum DSMZ 8862 and 8866). To investigate Dt, two trials were conducted with six Mini‐Lewe pigs and four German Landrace pigs, respectively. Dpc of AA was determined using four German Landrace pigs with ileo‐rectal anastomosis. Dt of proximate nutrients did not differ between cereal grains and their silages, except for ether extract, which was more digestible in ensiled than dry wheat, triticale and rye (p < 0.05). Lysine content was lower in ensiled than dry barley and wheat. In barley, ensiling was accompanied by reduced Dpc of lysine and histidine (p < 0.05). In wheat, ensiling increased Dpc of lysine, methionine, threonine and leucin (p < 0.05). Ensiling of pre‐mature cereal grains with LAB can serve as a reasonable storage alternative. However, as limited data are yet available, further research is required to understand completely the impact of ensiling on nutritional value as indicated, for example, by the lysine content and the Dpc of certain AA.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation is one of the the major causes of deterioration in the quality of meat and meat products. In addition to its nutrition value, meat has other aesthetic attributes, including its attractive sensory properties and therefore, lipid oxidation in meat and adipose tissue is undesirable. It can be reduced by the addition of antioxidants to feeds. Vitamin E functions is a lipid-soluble antioxidant in the cell membranes. One of the most potent forms is α-tocopherol. It is capable of quenching free radicals and thus protects susceptible cellular structures, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes, against oxidation and subsequent breakdown to potentially harmful, chemically reactive products (Packer and Fuchs 1993). Vitamin E supplementation above the physiological demand enhances the vitamin E concentration in tissue samples, milk and eggs (Leonhardt et al. 1997). Furthermore a positive effect on the various quality criteria of products of animal origin such as shelf life, colour, taste, etc. can be realized to meet the expectations of consumers (Asghar et al. 1991b; King et al. 1995). In another article it was demonstrated that supplementing diets with phytase had a positive effect on the digestibility of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc (Gebert et al. 1999). The results indicated that dietary fat digestibility was significantly decreased due to the phytase supplementation. In addition, the α-tocopherol digestibility had a tendency to be impaired in the phytase- or vitamin E (200 p.p.m. α-tocopheryl acetate)-supplemented diets, indicating that the released minerals of the phytic acid complex could act as bi- and trivalent cations and might damage those nutrients which are susceptible to oxidation (mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids) or could use up the antioxidative vitamins in the digesta. Therefore it was of interest to investigate the effect of phytase and vitamin E (α-tocopheryl acetate) supplementation in pig diets on the carcass characteristics as well as meat and fat quality, mainly with respect to stability against oxidative destruction.  相似文献   

12 pigs were divided into 4 groups. All animals received an identical basal diet deficient in lysine and additional isonitrogenous amounts of 66.4 mmol N in the form of 15N-lysine and 15N-urea resp. orally or caecally. Caecal application was carried out as permanent infusion through caecal cannulae. N- and 15N-balances were ascertained of all animals and the remain of the labelled nitrogen was determined. From the comparison of the N-balances the conclusion can be drawn that though caecally applied N-compounds, whether they were infused as amino acids or as non-amino acid-N, disappear in the large intestine, i.e. are digested, do not, however, improve the N-balance but are excreted as additional urine-N. Subsequent to oral application, lysine or urea are almost quantitatively absorbed in the small intestine. Absorbed lysine is used in the synthesis of body protein, absorbed urea, however, is almost completely excreted in urine (83% of the 15N-amount absorbed). 15N-excretion in faeces after the oral application of 15N-lysine and 15N-urea resp. was less than 1% of the 15N-amount applied, after caecal infusion, however, it was approximately 6%, the biggest part of which (70-77%) was incorporated in bacteria protein. After caecal infusion the main quota of the infused 15N-amount (greater than or equal to 80%) was excreted in urine, most of it in the form of urea. After the oral application of 15N-lysine this could be detected in both the TCA-soluble fraction of the serum and the serum protein. After caecal infusion 15N in the TCA-soluble fraction of the serum could mainly be found as NPN, absorption and incorporation of intact 15N-lysine were considerably lower. An calculation showed that the maximum of the absorbed 15N-amount in the form of lysine was 3% and that of the infused amount was 1.8%. It can generally be doubted that the absorption of lysine in the large intestine is significant in the protein metabolism. The absorption of utilizable lysine is practically completed at the end of the ileum. In the large intestine mainly the ammonia by the catabolic activity of the intestinal flora is absorbed and subsequently excreted through the intestines.  相似文献   

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