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Efforts in Europe to convert Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations to broadleaf or mixed broadleaf-conifer forests could be bolstered by an increased understanding of how artificial regeneration acclimates and functions under a range of Norway spruce stand conditions. We studied foliage characteristics and leaf-level photosynthesis on 7-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) regeneration established in open patches and shelterwoods of a partially harvested Norway spruce plantation in southwestern Sweden. Both species exhibited morphological plasticity at the leaf level by developing leaf blades in patches with an average mass per unit area (LMA) 54% greater than of those in shelterwoods, and at the plant level by maintaining a leaf area ratio (LAR) in shelterwoods that was 78% greater than in patches. However, we observed interspecific differences in photosynthetic capacity relative to spruce canopy openness. Photosynthetic capacity (A1600, net photosynthesis at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 1600 μmol photons m−2 s−1) of beech in respect to the canopy gradient was best related to leaf mass, and declined substantially with increasing canopy openness primarily because leaf nitrogen (N) in this species decreased about 0.9 mg g−1 with each 10% rise in canopy openness. In contrast, A1600 of oak showed a weak response to mass-based N, and furthermore the percentage of N remained constant in oak leaf tissues across the canopy gradient. Therefore, oak photosynthetic capacity along the canopy gradient was best related to leaf area, and increased as the spruce canopy thinned primarily because LMA rose 8.6 g m−2 for each 10% increase in canopy openness. These findings support the premise that spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of beech through processes that determine N status of this species; leaf N (mass basis) was greatest under relatively closed spruce canopies where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing light harvesting mechanisms. Spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of oak through processes that control LMA; LMA was greatest under open spruce canopies of high light availability where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing CO2 fixation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Quercus rugosa Nee (section Quercus) has a distribution from the southern United States to Honduras. This study characterized leaf variation across the whole distribution of the species in Mexico. Ten foliar morphometric characters were scored in each of 241 individuals from 25 localities. A principal component analysis resolved four principal components (PCs) that explained 76.4% of the total variation. A nested analysis of variance revealed significant differences among populations (29.2% average contribution to total variance for the four PCs) and among-trees within populations (39.2%), while 31.6% was due to intra-individual variation. For the first PC (related to leaf size), 52.1% resulted from among population differences. This variation was negatively correlated with latitude (r = −0.86; P < 0.0001), indicating a steep clinal reduction in leaf size from south to north. Mean annual precipitation and an annual aridity index also significantly decreased and increased with latitude, respectively. It is suggested that the morphological cline is the result of plastic and/or adaptive responses to environmental conditions, and indicative of further ecophysiological latitudinal differences among Q. rugosa populations. Additionally, we estimated the magnitude of the least significant difference among populations for the first PC and translated it into a delineation of six latitudinal zones (each with a width of 2°30′), to be considered as preliminary zones for the movement of Q. rugosa seeds with management and conservation purposes, including management in response to global warming.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration is an important process to reverse the loss of forests. Understanding the process of natural regeneration is crucial for achieving sustainable forest management. In this study, we examined the effects of seed and pollen dispersal in naturally regenerated populations of Castanopsis fargesii. Genetic variation in six populations along two successional series (three successional stages in each series: early, pre-climax, and climax) was assayed using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. High genetic variability was observed as measured with Shannon's information index. A majority of genetic variation was distributed within populations (Φst = 0.1271) and significant isolation by distance existed among populations. A contrasting pattern of genetic variation along these two series was observed, representing different scenarios of natural regeneration processes. The ratio of the number of migrants between the mature populations to the number of migrants from the mature to immature populations was estimated as 1.146 ± 0.099 to 1.981 ± 0.164, implying that comparable seed and pollen dispersal might exist at a fine spatial scale (∼2 km2). The results suggest the critical role of seed dispersal in shaping genetic composition and diversity in the second-growth forests. Barriers to seed dispersal from a variety of genetic sources could result in low genetic diversity in naturally regenerated populations. Management that facilitates the connectivity of newly regenerated stands with mature forests could be effective for natural regeneration given the predominant role of short-distance dispersal of seeds in this species.  相似文献   

栎属树种生长模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栎属树种是亚热带常绿阔叶林和温带落叶阔叶林的主要建群树种之一,分布范围极为广泛,在国内外被广泛应用于城市园林绿化、水源涵养林、水土保持林,也是重要的珍贵用材树种,同时其果实、栓皮等具有重要的工业和药用价值.研究栎林的生长过程,对其经营抚育决策具有重要的参考意义.文中对近年来国内外关于栎属树种的生长过程,特别是栎属树种生长模型的研究进行了综述,包括栎属树种全林分生长模型、单木生长模型、径阶分布模型等;阐述了栎属树种生长模型的研究现状及发展趋势,以期为栎林的经营抚育决策提供参考.  相似文献   

采用固定样地和样方法调查了小陇山林区百花林场3个实施不同经营措施的锐齿栎天然林林分特征和物种组成,运用4种常用的物种多样性指数对调查林分的乔木层、灌木层和草本层的物种多样性进行对比分析,结果表明:3种类型锐齿天然林的灌木层相对于其乔木层和草本物种组成丰富,多样性高;长期封育后的锐齿栎天然林群落在3种天然林类型中物种组成最丰富,乔木层、灌木层和草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数和Margalef指数值在3个林分中最高;近自然技术单株经营后的锐齿栎天然林各层次的物种组成相对较少,多样性较低,但其林分中保留的乔木树种个体较大;结构优化抚育后的锐齿栎天然林的物种组成和多样性介于二者之间.抚育经营措施对林分的影响与抚育经营强度密切相关,适当的抚育经营强度能够促进林分多样性提高,否则会带来不利的影响,结构化森林经营技术是一种有效的经营方法.  相似文献   

对秦岭西段小陇山林区腹地和林缘区的锐齿栎群落的大小分布和多样性进行了分析,结果表明:林区腹地分布区锐齿栎群落的个体较多,锐齿栎成年林木树高频度分布的峰值出现在7 - 19 m间,占总数的73.54%, 3 m以下的幼苗幼树占总数的18.43%,锐齿栎幼苗的萌发受中成林木、灌木的影响较大。在林缘分布区内,小于3 m以下的幼苗幼树与林区腹地分布相类似,但3 m以上各树高阶的数量都很少,特别是成熟林木较少,群落处于不稳定状态。林区腹地锐齿栎群落不同层次的物种组成丰富,物种数均高于林缘区,林区腹地锐齿栎群落多样性灌木层>草本层>乔木层,林缘区锐齿栎群落多样性草本层>灌木层>乔木层。  相似文献   

我国栓皮栎分布及其生态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栓皮栎作为广泛分布的树种之一,在全球气候变化的大环境下,成为研究树木生长应对气候变化的重要树种。文中分析了我国栓皮栎水平分布和垂直分布的特点及其与气候的关系,栓皮栎在不同地区的森林类型,主要包括栓皮栎纯林、松栎混交林、栎类混交林等类型;综述了我国对栓皮栎生态学、群落结构、更新等研究的最新进展和主要结论;提出今后开展栓皮栎研究的重点和方向,以期为栓皮栎生理生态学及其对气候变化响应研究提供参考。  相似文献   

A low tree stand density has been showed as necessary to thrive with summer drought in semiarid Mediterranean open woodlands. Shrub encroachment of these open woodlands is currently recommended to guarantee the persistence of the system, due to the nursery effect of shrubs on tree seedling. However, the increase in abundance and cover of a shrub understory in these water limited woodlands could bring consequences to tree overstory functioning. The present study analyzes the physiological status of scattered Quercus ilex L. trees in paired adjacent plots with and without the presence of a shrubby understory in CW Spain. Two contrasting shrub strategies were addressed in order to take into account possible species-specific effects: a dense-shallow rooting shrub (Cistus landanifer L.) and a sparse-deep rooting shrub (Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss). Leaf water potential (at predawn and midday), leaf gas exchange parameters (net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance), leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll fluorescence transients (maximum photochemical efficiency and performance index, sensuStrasser et al., 2004) were measured during three consecutive summers. Trees growing with Cistus as understory showed significant lower leaf water potential, leaf gas exchange parameters, leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll photochemical efficiency than trees growing without shrub competence. However, the presence of the legume Retama did not affect significantly the physiological state of Q. ilex. Thus, we conclude that the presence of a shrubby understory has the potential to modify the functioning of scattered trees, but these effects are species-specific.  相似文献   

Because of their high growth rate and tolerance to bare soil, two exotic Acacia species, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium, have been commonly planted in degraded areas of South China. With their large canopies and ability to fix nitrogen, the two Acacia species have also been considered to act as nurse plants for understory plants. The current study clarified the nursing effects of the Acacia species by comparing microclimate characteristics and physiological traits of native plant seedlings at three sites: under the canopies of the each Acacia species and on bare land (open site). Although the sites were not replicated, the results indicated that adult trees of both Acacia species can facilitate native species, but that A. mangium has greater facilitating effects due to greater temperature buffering, radiation reduction, and nutrient amelioration. In response to facilitation, three species (Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurei, and Manglietia glauca) with different shade-tolerant traits growing under Acacia canopies expressed distinct adaptations. For the three species, the chlorophyll fluorescence curves of rETR and ΔF/Fm′ were higher under A. auriculiformis and on the open site than under A. mangium. The maximum quantum yield in PSII(Fv/Fm) in diurnal changes of the three species showed that all the Fv/Fm values were between 0.70 and 0.84 and that the Fv/Fm values were mostly higher under A. mangium than on the open site or under A. auriculiformis. Total chlorophyll content and both chlorophyll a and b contents in the three species were higher under the Acacia species than on the open site, while chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher on the open site. In contrast, the carotenoid content in C. hystrix and M. macclurei was lower under the two Acacia species than on the open site, while the opposite was true for M. glauca. The results demonstrate that the adaptation of the understory species to abiotic environmental factors is not restricted to a single mechanism but apparently involves a group of interrelated, adaptive suites. And also these adaptations were species-specific and especially related to their shade tolerance.  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber) is an evergreen tree characterized by a thick bark, which grows in Mediterranean schlerophyllous forests. It is most prevalent in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Despite the potential of the province of Huelva (southwestern Spain) to maintain mature forests of cork oak, the tree has been severely depleted and most forests have either disappeared or are seriously threatened. This paper presents a spatial distribution model of cork oak for the province of Huelva with a view to determining the optimal areas for reforestation. The model draws on all available digital cartographic information with respect to cork oak distribution: topographic data (altitude, slope and orientation) were obtained from a Digital Terrain Model (20 m scale); rainfall, temperature and PET models were based on data collected from a network of meteorological stations; litologic data derive from the litologic map of Huelva (1:100,000). The result of this work is a mesh of points at a resolution of 100 m, sufficient to meet the needs of any kind of reforestation or management programmes in the area studied. Each point of this mesh contains the corresponding values for bioclimatic, topographic and litologic variables in a georeferenced data matrix. The independent variables responsible for cork oak distribution (binary dependent variables) were then identified by means of binary logistic regression analysis. North-facing slopes, abundant annual rainfall and litology were the main explaining variables. The spatial distribution model was produced by applying the formula obtained to spatial analysis software. This model is proposed as a basis for future reforestation plans, especially in those areas most affected by forest fires.  相似文献   

For north-eastern Germany regional climate models project rising temperatures in combination with decreasing summer and increasing winter precipitation. The resulting overall drier conditions during the growing season will considerably impact forest growth there. We evaluate the consequences of increasing drought on the growth of the two locally most important broadleaf tree species common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Three mixed forests of beech and oak were sampled along a west-east gradient of declining precipitation. In total we used 257 ring-width samples from 133 trees to build six species and site specific chronologies. Additionally, we modelled the soil water budget for each site. We performed continuous and discontinuous (pointer year) analysis of climate-tree-growth relationships with particular emphasis on inter-annual-variations and their dependence upon climatic factors (temperature, precipitation, soil moisture) and on the stability of the obtained relationships. Results of climate-growth correlations together with pointer year analysis indicate a strong dependency of growth of both species from water availability, especially during early summer (June and July). General correlation pattern between growth and climate are similar for both species, but climate sensitivity of beech is generally higher. We identified drought as the main driver of negative growth depressions in both species. Increasing drought stress along the gradient is expressed in higher correlations to climatic variables, higher sensitivity (variance) of growth, and a higher number of negative pointer years for both species. For beech we also found a significant trend of decreasing average growth rates along the gradient. Growth superiority of beech compared to oak declines with decreasing precipitation. The relationships were generally stable throughout the 20th century. A rise of sensitivity together with a higher frequency of negative pointer years during the last decades suggests that increasing climatic variability together with rising temperatures might be influencing growth of Fagus at the more humid sites. If we substitute space by time it seems that already small changes in precipitation regime can have considerable impact, especially on the growth of beech. Other, more drought tolerant species like oak might gain competitive advantages under the projected climatic changes.  相似文献   

Six flavonol glycosides, compounds 1-3 from A. burnatii Gáyer and 4-6 from A. variegatum L., were obtained from their methanol extracts of aerial parts. The identified structures were quercetin 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside-7-O-(6-E-p-coumaroyl)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 3)-α-l-rhamnopyranoside (1), quercetin 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside-7-O-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 3)-α-l-rhamnopyranoside (2), quercetin 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside-7-O-(6-E-caffeoyl)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 3)-α-l-rhamnopyranoside (3), kaempferol 3-O-β-d-galactopyranoside-7-O-α-l-arabinopyranoside (4), quercetin 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (5), and kaempferol 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (6). Compounds 1, 2 and 4 were isolated for the first time. The antioxidant potential of the methanol extracts and pure compounds was tested with different assays.  相似文献   

通过样方调查,采用物种多样性指数和DCCA排序方法,并结合种间联结、种间协变和系统聚类分析,对藏东南川滇高山栎(Quercus aquifolioides)群落的物种多样性及其分布格局进行了研究。结果表明:1)川滇高山栎群落物种数(丰富度)随海拔增高而降低,一定程度的人为干扰(即中度干扰)、较大的林分郁闭度和较矮的林冠层有利于群落物种多样性的增加;另外干旱河谷现象对群落物种多样性格局也有影响。2)群落各层次间物种多样性呈现出草本层>灌木层>乔木层的特征。3)群落种间较高的正负关联比理论上说明川滇高山栎群落结构较为稳定,生态习性和分布差异造就了种间的联结和协变格局。海拔梯度和年均降水量是影响各种群空间分布的主要因素。4)结合种-环境DCCA排序结果、种间关系和聚类分析结果可将川滇高山栎群落中除川滇高山栎之外的48个主要物种划分为4个生态种组。  相似文献   

血皮槭(Acer griseum(Franch)Pax)是无患子科(Sapindaceae)槭树属(Acer)落叶乔木,为我国特有种。其树干赭褐色,树皮卷曲状剥落,秋季叶色红艳或黄色,是世界著名的观赏树种。1901年,西方植物学家威尔逊在湖北发现血皮槭,将其和珙桐一起作为园林树种引入欧洲[1],继而血皮槭又被引入美国等其他西方国家。1993年,血皮槭获得英国皇家园艺学会园艺奖,目前在国外用于庭院观赏。血皮槭不仅具有观赏价值,而且具有用材和药用价值[2-3]。血皮槭在2004年出版的《中国物种红色目  相似文献   

The study aims at compare and analyze the variation pattern of the phenotype characters and starch content of Quercus mongolica seed of different provenances. The length, width, length/width ratio, single kernel weight of Q. mongolica seeds from 16 natural distribution regions in China were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there were extremely significant differences among seeds from different region in seed characters. The length and width of seeds ranged from 14.76 mm to 21.08 mm and from 11.87 mm to 15.31 mm, respectively. The length/width ratio of seeds ranged from 1.21 to 1.49. The single kernel weight ranged from 0.60 g to 1.78 g and the contents of starch ranged from 4.42 g·kg-1 to 5.48 g·kg-1. The length of seeds has a extremely significant positive correlation with the width and weight of seed, and the width of seed had a significant positive correlation with the weight of seed. The seed width has a significant positive correlation with contents of starch. The width of seeds had a significant negative correlation with altitude, and had a positive correlation with July’s mean temperature. The weight of seed had a significant positive correlation with July's mean temperature too. The correlation of the other phenotypic character and starch content of Q. mongolica seed to geographical climate factors was not significant. According to the results of cluster analysis, sixteen Q. mongolica provenances could be divided into three groups with big fruit and high starch content, middle fruit and starch content, small fruit and low starch content, in which the provenances from Dailing of Heilongjiang Province, Benxi of Liaoning Province and Dayangshu of Inner Mongolia were the superior provenances.  相似文献   

采用种群大小级结构、生命表、生命曲线和秩相关分析对西藏色季拉山川滇高山栎种群的结构与数量动态以及种群高度—环境关系的研究得出:川滇高山栎种群总体呈增长型,不同地段种群的年龄分布差异较大(P<0.001),种群表现出林隙更新和阶段性更新的特征,迹地型种群以大量同龄或近同龄林出现,幼苗缺失,呈现出偏途顶极的特征,存在被其他树种替代的可能。川滇高山栎存活曲线介于DeevyⅡ与DeevyⅢ型之间,整个生命过程出现4次死亡高峰,以幼苗进入幼树时期最为强烈(死亡率77.3%),高死亡率会带来高的生命期望值,种内资源竞争是影响个体寿命和造成种群波动的主要原因。环境因子对川滇高山栎种群高度的影响程度排序为:土壤湿度>年降水量>坡位>坡向>坡度>海拔,土壤湿度和年降水量是影响川滇高山栎种群高度分化的显著因子,另外种群对海拔的适应幅度较宽,对坡度响应不强,水分格局是影响个体增长和种群发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

三年桐、千年桐感染枯萎病病原菌后的生理反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
枯萎病是油桐毁灭性病害。中国广泛种植的油桐有三年桐和千年桐,三年桐易感枯萎病,千年桐抗枯萎病。为探讨三年桐与千年桐在枯萎病应答过程中的差异,在对油桐枯萎病灾区调研的基础上,进行枯萎病病原菌的分离、鉴定,并进一步探讨三年桐、千年桐接种枯萎病病原菌后超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。结果表明:油桐枯萎病病原菌为尖孢镰刀菌,接种试验显示千年桐在接种尖孢镰刀菌后SOD、POD、CAT较三年桐均呈现较高活性,在接种后SOD、POD活性先升高后降低,CAT活性升高并维持高活性,MDA含量变化不明显;三年桐SOD活性和MDA含量均先升高后降低,POD活性先降低再升高,CAT活性先降低后升高又降低。千年桐作为抗病种,其抗病性可能与其本身具有较高的SOD、POD、CAT活性有关,并且和病原菌感染后酶活上升有关;三年桐为易感病种,接种后SOD、POD、CAT活性有变化,但仍不能抵御病原菌的危害。  相似文献   

正截止到2014年,全国水土流失面积已高达294.91万km2,占国土总面积的30.72%[1-2]。水土流失造成生态环境脆弱,植被破坏促使水土流失加剧是区域环境恶化的主要原因之一[3]。众多研究表明,植被恢复可有效地减少水土流失,是遏制生态环境恶化、改善脆弱生态系统的有效措施[4-6]。在森林生态系统中,土壤微生物对土地利用的变化、管理措施、耕作和肥力水平等外界条件的变化十分敏感,  相似文献   

Genetic analysis was carried out in order to provide insights into differentiation among populations of two interfertile oak species, Quercus petraea and Quercus robur. Gene flow between the two species, local adaptation and speciation processes in general, may leave differential molecular signatures across the genome. Three interspecific pairs of natural populations from three ecologically different regions, one in central Europe (SW Germany) and two in the Balkan Peninsula (Greece and Bulgaria) were sampled. Grouping of highly informative SSR loci was made according to the component of variation they express—interspecific or provenance specific. ‘Species’ and ‘provenance discriminant’ loci were characterized based on FSTs. Locus specific FSTs were tested for deviation from the neutral expectation both within and between species. Data were then treated separately in a Bayesian analysis of genetic structure. By using three ‘species discriminant’ loci, high membership probability to inferred species groups was achieved. On the other hand, analysis of genetic structure based on five ‘provenance discriminant’ loci was correlated with geographic region and revealed shared genetic variation between neighbouring Q. petraea and Q. robur. Small sets of highly variable nuclear SSRs were sufficient to discriminate, either between species or between provenances. Thus, an effective tool is provided for molecular identification of both species and provenances. Furthermore, data suggest that a combination of gene flow and natural selection forms these diversity patterns. ‘Species discriminant’ loci might represent genome regions affected by directional selection, which maintains species identity. ‘Provenance specific’ loci might represent genome regions with high interspecific gene flow and common adaptive patterns to local environmental factors.  相似文献   

本研究克隆了日本落叶松体细胞胚胎发生相关受体类蛋白激酶基因 LaSERK1,并检测了在不同培养条件下LaSERK1的表达情况,发现LaSERK1与已发现的其他物种SERK1 基因有高度相似性,qRT-PCR结果显示: LaSERK1在体胚发生早期高表达。结果表明:LaSERK1可能在落叶松体胚发育早期起重要作用,LaSERK1 也可能成为早期胚性细胞的标记基因。  相似文献   

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