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黄土高原地区水土流失严重,气候干旱,多风沙和土地生产力低。综合治理的方略是充分开发利用土地和降水等资源,建设好基本农田,带动这一地区的水土流失综合治理工作,同时还必须控制人口数量,提高人口素质。在方法上应当以小流域为单元,贯彻综合治理、集中治理和连续治理的方针。为了实现本区经济振兴应积极发展水土保持产业。主要途径包括:发展经济林,种草种灌。发展畜牧,开发和利用沙棘资源;改造沙漠,发展“绿洲农业”和治理“四荒”资源,发展水土保持股份合作制等。  相似文献   

基于AVC理论,据景区村庄相关界定及相关领域研究,提出景区村庄"三力"重要评价影响因素,吸引力:村庄特色资源、旅游环境设施要素、区位条件;生命力:社会经济、居民生活、产业结构、综合管理运营能力;承载力:生态环境承载力、旅游资源空间承载力、经济承载力、心理承载力,并构建AVC景区村庄景观综合评价研究体系,为景区村庄今后的建设发展提供了建设指导依据。并将此体系运用于实际案例中,对案例"三力"发展现状进行评价分析,以三力提升为目标进行一系列规划设计。  相似文献   

【目的】为了更科学系统地评价喀斯特区石漠化综合治理的土壤效应,揭示小流域石漠化综合治理土壤水分-物理性状的演变趋势,为喀斯特地区生态恢复以及石漠化综合治理提供理论基础和技术支持。【方法】以黔中喀斯特区杠寨小流域为例,于2009年、2012年和2018年分别对不同石漠化程度下各工程治理措施、植被类型以及不同土层深度土壤的水分-物理性状进行了长期、持续的动态监测。【结果】不同石漠化程度,土壤水分-物理性状以非石漠化的最佳,潜在石漠化的次之,中度和重度石漠化的居中,轻度石漠化的最差,且非石漠化与轻度石漠化间差异显著;随着石漠化治理年限的增加,流域内土壤容重的变化不明显,但土壤总孔隙度、持水量和渗滤率则均呈增加趋势,土壤质量总体得到了一定提升;土壤水分-物理性状随土层深度的加深基本上呈降低趋势;不同工程治理措施,荒山造林和封山育林土壤水分-物理性状的改善程度较大,而退耕还林的则恢复较慢;不同植被恢复模式,针叶林、针阔混交林和灌木林的土壤水分-物理性状其改善程度均要高于阔叶林和经果林。对区域土壤水分-物理性状的解释程度依次为土层深度(39.10%)>坡度(26.32%)>监测年限(18.05%)>石漠化程度(11.65%)>工程措施(3.20%)>植被类型(1.69%)。【结论】喀斯特区石漠化综合治理要防治结合,因地制宜,综合考虑各影响因素,采取适宜的工程治理措施,最终达到恢复生态的目的。  相似文献   

凤山河小流域石漠化土地面积占总面积的31.6%,造成石漠化的主要原因有过牧、陡坡开荒、不合理耕种等.文中分别阐述了重度石漠化和潜在石漠化的治理对策以及综合治理模式.综合治理方案重点以恢复生态—拦水、引水一圈养建设为主,具体包括林业植被建设、小型水利水保措施、草地建设和草食畜牧业发展等措施,确定了治理率达90%以上,乔木林面积增加近500 hm2的治理目标,并对产生的效益和存在的问题作了进一步分析.  相似文献   

巢湖流域湿地环境质量问题及其生态重建对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对环巢湖流域湿地的现状调查,发现巢湖及其流域存在着水质污染、富营养化、农药残留入湖、毁林开荒、水土流失、防浪林丧失、崩岸严重、湖水封闭、水生生态环境恶化等诸多问题。提出除结合工程治理措施外,应大力营造水源涵养林、低丘冈地水土保持林、巢湖平原圩区防护林、建设环湖园林生态隔离带等生物防治措施,意在为巢湖流域水环境综合治理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

该文旨在揭示重庆市山区小流域不同土地利用方式下的土壤肥力状况,为土壤培肥管理提供依据.以重庆市南川区山区小流域为例,选取3种不同的土地利用方式,共采集样品81个,结合主成分分析法与隶属度函数,分析山区小流域的土壤养分状况与肥力质量水平.结果表明,研究区土壤酸化严重,林地的有机质含量最高,旱地全氮、全磷和速效磷较为丰富,...  相似文献   

黄土高原和六盘山区森林面积增加对产水量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]定量评价黄土高原地区造林对流域产水量的影响,指导林水协调的林业发展和森林管理。[方法]综合分析多年在黄土高原、泾河流域、六盘山区开展的森林产流影响的多尺度研究结果。[结果]在黄土高原区域尺度,林地平均年径流(16 mm)比非林地(39 mm)减少59%;在典型流域尺度(泾河干流上游流域),森林年均产水量(76 mm)比自然草地减少51%,其中,半湿润土石山区的森林年均产水量(88.8 mm)比自然草地减少58%;在典型小流域尺度(半湿润的香水河小流域),完全覆盖森林后的年均产流比无森林覆盖情景减少59%。森林增加导致的年产流减幅在干旱地区和干旱年份会更大,并可能超过100%,如年降水量低于450 mm的黄土流域、半干旱的泾河上游黄土区的林地及半干旱的叠叠沟小流域的坡面乔木林分样地,其年产水量常为零或负值,即需消耗土壤水分和坡上汇入径流等维持生存。低度间伐不能显著减少森林蒸散耗水。[结论]在黄土高原研究的小流域、流域和区域空间尺度内,造林减少年产流量的平均幅度都在50%~60%以上,且随干旱程度的增加可达到100%,并因消耗降水外的其他水源而出现负产流。需依据水分承载力合理选择待恢复植被类型和确定森林覆盖率,这是保障区域供水安全和实现林水协调管理的基本途径。  相似文献   

丹江口库区环境承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者从理论上阐述了环境承载力的概念及计算模型,并将这一理论运用在丹江口库区环境承载力研究。通过建立环境承载力指标体系,分析了丹江口库区从2001~2005年综合环境承载力状况。研究表明:丹江口库区环境处于可载阶段,环境承载力具有逐步增强的趋势。最后提出了提高环境承载力的策略,为丹江口库区持续协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

分析贵州百里杜鹃煤矿采矿区的生态环境现状,遵循自然和经济规律,以科技为先导,采取生物治理为主,结合水土保持工程、科技支撑体系建设,有计划、有步骤地进行矿区生态环境综合治理。  相似文献   

山区综合治理开发与持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要论述了国外山区流域治理的概况。发达国家山区流域治理的目标是以防治泥石流、山洪等山地灾害为主。发展中国家山区流域治理的目标是在有限的土地上解决山区居民的温饱问题。作者根据我国的实情,提出了我国山区综合治理开发应以县为操作单元及实现社会、经济和环境可持续发展的基本思路。  相似文献   

温州蜜柑无公害丰产栽培技术研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
橘果品质的好坏和单位面积的产量,不仅影响其市场的占有率,同时还直接影响着产品的单价和果农的经济收入.兢如何提高橘果品质和单位面积产量,从水肥管理、土壤改良、修剪抹梢、保花促果、防治病虫等多方面进行了3年的技术改造和试验研究,结果表明:橘果产量由原来的15 173.25 kg/hm~2增加到试验研究后的65 897.25 kg/hm~2,后者是前者的4.34倍,最高的达103 455 kg/hm~2,是试验研究前平均产量的6.82倍;纯收入由试验研究前的7 095元/hm~2提高到试验研究后的72 790.35元/hm~2,后者是前者的10.26倍.  相似文献   

头塘小流域不同植被类型对土壤物理性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区域位于云南省东北部会泽县城东郊的头塘小流域,属金沙江支流牛栏江水系上游。以自然植被针叶混交林地为参照,与针叶人工纯林地、阔叶人工纯林地、针叶人工混交林地进行比较,分析不同植被类型土壤物理性状的差异和动态过程,以及土壤物理特性变化与人为干预影响之间的关系。结果表明,阔叶林和混交林对土壤性状的恢复作用大于纯林,华山松对土壤环境的恢复作用大于云南松,且与林龄正相关。  相似文献   

康平县位于我国最重要的一条生态过渡带上,生态环境异常敏感而脆弱。为全面了解康平县的生态环境和可持续发展状况,进一步改善康平县的生态环境,运用生态足迹理论对康平县2008年生态足迹和生态承载力进行对比分析,结果表明,2008年康平县人均生态足迹为3.227 8hm2,人均生态承载力为1.458 5hm2,人均生态赤字为1.769 3hm2。说明康平县当前经济社会处于不可持续发展状态,显示了当前人地关系紧张和生态形势的严峻性,生态安全受到威胁。康平县生态赤字的主要原因为农产品过度消耗,需通过发展生态产业,调节能源结构,提高生态承载力,降低生态足迹,实现康平县的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The dynamic change of soil water as a function of leaf area index and the soil water deficit value, prerequisites for assuring the survival of plants, were simulated. We established a dynamic soil water model based on a theory of water balance, the characteristics of the environment, and the physiological ecology of the plants in the Ulan Buh Desert, northwestern China. We estimated the soil water carrying capacity of the vegetation in our study area of the desert. The results showed that the proportion of soil evaporation in the total amount of precipitation was greater than 60% in the wandering and semifixed sands and 44.8%in the fixed sand. When the leaf area index was less than 1.7 m2/m2, the soil water deficit was maintained at a low level, but when the leaf area index continued to increase, the soil water deficit increased rapidly as well. In consequence, we come to the conclusion that the leaf area index of the soil water carrying capacity of the vegetation is 1.7 m2/m2 in our study area. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2008, 44(9): 13–19 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

对桉树人工林间种象草(Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum)×(Pennisetum purpureum)复合经营模式的土壤物理性质及养分含量进行研究.结果表明:对比桉树纯林,桉-草经营模式的土壤容重降低了14.75%~22.12%,土壤总空隙度和毛管孔隙度分别提高了3.57% ~ 16.51%和15.39% ~ 18.67%,土壤饱和持水量和田间持水量分别提高了6.01%~34.14%和16.95% ~43.99%,林地土壤物理性质得到改善.桉-草模式下林地土壤pH值降低了9.2%~10.5%,土壤有机质含量提高87.5%~24.2%;土壤全量N、P和速效N、P的含量提高7.06% ~89.99%,提高幅度的大小排列顺序为速效N>全量P>全量N>速效P,全量K和速效K含量减少,单位面积蓄积量提高14.14%.A层土壤理化性状改善幅度大于B层.桉树人工林间种象草复合经营模式,有助于改善林地土壤结构,提高林地养分含量,促进林木生长,是比较适宜推广发展的桉树复合经营模式.  相似文献   

Ecosystem health is the object of water and soil conservation and ecological building in loess hilly areas under erosion environment. Using principles of ecosystem health quantitative assessment and diagnosis index selection, 17 factors were considered from three aspects: resource and environmental capacity, social and economic impact, and ecological services. An evaluation index system on ecosystem health was established for a small watershed under erosion conditions. Mean-square deviation was employed to determine the weight of each factor and then step-up multilayer synthesis with linear weighting function was used to build a two-level hierarchy and collection index health consultation model. The health dynamics of the ecosystem in the small watershed under erosion conditions was analyzed. Results show that the watershed ecosystem is relatively stable and has an increasing annual fluctuation (0.370 in 1985 to 0.573 in 2003) for the health index. This increasing trend indicates an adequately strong ability for sustainable development. At the same time, obstacles and advantages to the watershed ecosystem health were studied by introducing the concepts of obstacle degree and advantage, and path analysis method, considering the real economic optimal level as the uppermost goal. Finally, suggestions on ecological building were provided as a scientific basis for ecosystem rehabilitation in the small watershed. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(7): 2,219–2,228 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

为探讨人为干预下黄土高原清水河流域土地利用类型变化及其对生态系统服务的影响,以清水河流域1959,1986和2007年3个时期的土地利用类型为对象,对该流域的生态系统服务价值进行了研究,结果表明:三个时期清水河流域总面积的97%以上为林地、草地和农田;从1959—2007年土地利用表现为林地面积的增加,草地和农田面积的减少;3种生态系统的综合服务价值除废物处理和食物生产外,其他各项服务价值从1959—2007年均表现为递增,增幅由大到小依次为气体调节>原材料>水源涵养>生物多样性保护>土壤形成和保护>气候调节和娱乐文化。由此可见,在追求总生态服务价值的基础上,在该流域不能只追求林地面积的增加,在进行生态环境建设时应充分考虑当地的水资源和经济发展的需要。  相似文献   

修建东江水库对生态环境的影响和恢复对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省东江水库总水面面积160km^2,总库容81.2亿m^3,由于修建中的淹没指数高于全国其他水电站,造成了对森林植被的破坏,增加了单位面积上人口的压力、加剧了水土流失。为迅速恢复生态环境,提出了实行林业分类经营、实施绿色食品工程、增加环保投入等发展对策。  相似文献   

Montado decline has been reported since the end of the nineteenth century in southern Portugal and increased markedly during the 1980s. Consensual reports in the literature suggest that this decline is due to a number of factors, such as environmental constraints, forest diseases, inappropriate management, and socioeconomic issues. An assessment on the pattern of montado distribution was conducted to reveal how the extent of land management, environmental variables, and spatial factors contributed to montado area loss in southern Portugal from 1990 to 2006. A total of 14 independent variables, presumably related to montado loss, were grouped into three sets: environmental variables, land management variables, and spatial variables. From 1990 to 2006, approximately 90,054 ha disappeared in the montado area, with an estimated annual regression rate of 0.14 % year?1. Variation partitioning showed that the land management model accounted for the highest percentage of explained variance (51.8 %), followed by spatial factors (44.6 %) and environmental factors (35.5 %). These results indicate that most variance in the large-scale distribution of recent montado loss is due to land management, either alone or in combination with environmental and spatial factors. The full GAM model showed that different livestock grazing is one of the most important variables affecting montado loss. This suggests that optimum carrying capacity should decrease to 0.18–0.60 LU ha?1 for livestock grazing in montado under current ecological conditions in southern Portugal. This study also showed that land abandonment, wildfire, and agricultural practices (to promote pastures, crops or fallow lands) were three significant variables influencing montado loss.  相似文献   

In the last 20?years, the Mocotíes watershed in the Venezuelan Andes has experienced an intense process of land-use change, with natural forests being replaced by ??sun grown coffee?? (Coffea arabica) monocultures in sites of high slope, increasing risk conditions and the vulnerability of people living in lower parts of the watershed. Using a local-scale approach, 37 productive units (10% of total) in the San Isidro micro-watershed (51.85?km2) were assessed in order to evaluate local socioeconomic conditions and perceptions of ecosystem services, and how both are affected by human activity. Almost 65% of residents work in small farms of less than 5?ha, while family ownership remains the most important form of management. A significant lack of financial support was detected, support which is required to improve coffee productivity and improve conservation practices. Severe soil loss was detected in 45% of the area, associated with cultivation on steep slopes and the use of chemical fertilizers. Agroforestry and tree planting are well-regarded, as locals tend to recognize soil protection and climate change mitigation as two of the most important ecosystem services. Using a small-scale forestry approach, it is believed that current land management could be greatly improved to: (1) progressively introduce tree cover into coffee monocultures; (2) restore degraded areas where forest cover is lost and (3) reduce deforestation. Recommended policies and actions include institutional strengthening, decentralization and the development of community-based forest enterprises. The general principles presented in this work could provide a preliminary basis for basin-wide land restoration.  相似文献   

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