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Effect of virulent and attenuated peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus on the immune response to nonspecific antigen (ovalbumin) was investigated. Clinical and serological responses were monitored in goats administered with ovalbumin concurrently with either PPR vaccine or virulent virus. Study showed that PPR virulent virus causes marked immunosuppression as evidenced by leukopenia, lymphopenia, and reduced early antibody response to both specific and nonspecific antigen. These observations were predominant particularly during acute phase of disease (4-10 days post-infection). On the other hand, the vaccine virus induced only a transient lymphopenia without significantly affecting the immune response to nonspecific antigen or to itself during this period. Further, the antibody levels to ovalbumin in the group administered with virulent PPRV increased significantly between days 28 and 35 post-infection in comparison to the titers in other two groups given with either ovalbumin alone or in combination with vaccine.  相似文献   

概述了小反刍兽疫的易感动物、临床症状及病原的理化特征和基因组结构,重点阐述了病毒6种结构蛋白的大小和组成、小反刍兽疫病毒的分离培养、血清学及分子生物学诊断技术,并对其传统疫苗以及新型基因工程疫苗的研制进行了详细论述,以为该病的流行病学研究、诊断和免疫防制提供参考。  相似文献   

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) remains subclinical and self-limiting in small ruminants, but risk of spread of infection to susceptible cohorts is of great epidemiological significance; therefore, small ruminants must be included in vaccination campaigns in FMD endemic regions. Three groups of goats already immunized against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) were vaccinated with FMD and PPR vaccines alone or concurrently. The specific antibody response against three FMD virus strains and PPR virus were evaluated by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). Goats concurrently vaccinated with PPR + FMD vaccines had significantly (p < 0.05) higher antibody titers to two serotypes of FMD virus at 28, 45, and 60 days post-immunization compared to goats vaccinated with FMD vaccine alone, while goats vaccinated with PPR vaccines alone or PPR + FMD vaccines concurrently showed similar antibody kinetics against PPR virus up till 60 days post-vaccination. Overall, antibody kinetic curves for all three tested strains of FMD virus and PPR virus were similar in vaccinated groups during the course of experiment.  相似文献   

A questionnaire-survey data indicated that 26% of 276 farmers reported the presence of respiratory disease in their herds in 2001. The incidence was perceived as "high" in small ruminants and camels, but as "low" in cattle. Simultaneously, 2815 serum samples from camels (n=628), cattle (n=910), goats (n=442) and sheep (n=835) were tested. The peste des petits ruminants (PPR) antibody seroprevalence was 3% in camels, 9% in cattle, 9% in goats and 13% in sheep. The highest locality-specific seroprevalences were: camels 10%, cattle 16%, goats 22% and sheep 23%. The animals had not been vaccinated against rinderpest or PPR. Antibody seroprevalences detected in camels, cattle, goats and sheep confirmed natural transmission of PPR virus under field conditions.  相似文献   

邢泽黎  朱利塞  郭昌明 《中国兽医学报》2014,(5):722-724,726,728
2014年3月底,从吉林省某羊群发生的临床以发热、流涎、口腔黏膜严重溃疡、呼吸困难、严重腹泻和高死亡率为特征的羔羊体内检测到130150nm的病毒粒子,该病毒命名为GZL-14毒株。应用RT-PCR从病羊体内扩增出小反刍兽疫病毒的基因序列。序列分析发现,GZL-14毒株N蛋白基因的核苷酸序列与国外分离株INDIA_1994和PRADESH_95的同源性最高,为99.3%,而与国内分离毒株China/Tib/07的同源性为99%;GZL-14毒株F蛋白基因的核苷酸序列与Izatnagar-94和Morocco-2008毒株的同源性最高,为98.1%,而与国内分离株China/Tib/07的同源性为97.2%,表明GZL-14株可能为新近由国外传入国内的毒株。本研究应用分子生物学手段,从病毒核酸水平首次确定吉林省某羊群新近发生的临床上以发热、流涎、口腔黏膜严重溃疡、呼吸困难、严重腹泻和高死亡率为特征的疫病为小反刍兽疫。  相似文献   

The current situation of PPR in Sudan was investigated. A total of 61 tissue samples were collected from various PPR suspected outbreaks in sheep in Sudan during 2008. Collected tissue samples were tested for PPR antigen using IcELISA, PPR antigen was detected in 26 out of 61 samples (42.6%). Highest antigen detection rate was in specimens collected from western Sudan. A total of 1198 serum samples were collected from sheep (n = 500), camels (n = 392), and goats (n = 306) from different areas in Sudan (Khartoum, Gezira, Tambool, River Nile, Kordofan, White Nile, Blue Nile, Gedarif, Kassala, Halfa ElGadida, Port Sudan). Collected sera were examined for PPR antibodies using cELISA, a total of 336 (67.2%) sheep, 170 (55.6%) goat and 1 (0.3%) camel samples were found to be positive.  相似文献   

以新疆天康畜牧生物技术股份有限公司生产的6批小反刍兽疫活疫苗为材料,对其进行最小免疫剂量、疫苗免疫期和疫苗保存期的研究。结果显示,该疫苗最小免疫剂量为103 TCID50/头份;免疫期至少为26个月,保存期为-20℃保存12个月。结果表明,该疫苗免疫原性好,对山羊和绵羊均可提供良好保护。  相似文献   

Duration of maternal immunity to peste des petits ruminants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A total of 70 sheep and 330 goats were selected randomly. All the animals were kept under same housing and management conditions. Serum samples were collected from all the animals and tested for the presence of antibodies against Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus using competitive ELISA (cELISA). All the animals were found negative showing percentage inhibition (PI) values <50. The animals were vaccinated against PPR with Nig/75/1 strain vaccine of PPR Serum samples were collected from randomly selected 12 sheep and 30 goats at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination. The samples were subjected to cELISA to determine the presence of antibodies against PPRV. The samples with PI >50 were considered as sero-positive. The sheep found positive at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination were 1(8.3%), 7(58.3%) and 12(100%) respectively. In case of goats 3(10.0%), 29(96.6%) and 27(90.0%) animals gave positive results at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination respectively. Mean PI values in sheep at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination were recorded as 37, 65 and 91 respectively, whereas in goats these values were 43, 78 and 86 respectively.  相似文献   

In order to study the pathomorphology and immunohistochemistry of peste des petits ruminants, four goats and two sheep were inoculated intranasally with the Malig-Yemen strain of peste des petits ruminants virus. The animals developed fever, nasal discharge, oral erosions, cough and diarrhea. One goat and one sheep died and one moribund goat was killed. Three animals survived the infection. At necropsy, erosive stomatitis, pneumonia and gastroenteritis were found. Histopathologically the pneumonocytes and epithelial cells of the ileum had eosinophilic cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions. By an indirect immunoperoxidase method, the nuclei and cytoplasm of the ileal epithelial cells of one goat contained positively (brown) stained antigen, which corresponded to viral nucleocapsids by electron microscopy. Virus appeared to be released through the microvilli of the epithelial cells. We also confirmed the formation of giant cells due to peste des petits ruminants virus.  相似文献   

Summary The value of administration of hyperimmune serum in the control of peste des petits ruminants was investigated in goats at different stages of the disease. A group of the goats was given hyperimmune serum intravenously at the fever stage of temperature of 40·5°C or above; another group showing no elevation of temperature but with other clinical signs of the disease were also given hyperimmune serum. Results indicated that hyperimmune serum was very effective in reversing the process of the disease if administered at the fever stage but not in animals that had progressed past the fever stage. The goats given the hyperimmune serum survived for 10 days before showing evidence of reinfection.
Resumen Se investigó en cabras el valor de la administración de suero hiperinmune, en el control de la peste de peque?os rumiantes, en diferentes estadíos de la enfermedad. A un grupo se le administró suero hiperinmune vía intravenosa cuando tenían temperaturas de 40.5°C ó más; otro grupo recibió el mismo tratamiento, sin mostrar elevación de la temperatura pero con otros síntomas clínicos de la enfermedad. Los resultados indicaron, que el tratamiento con suero hiperinmune es eficaz, si se administra en el estado febril, pero nó en animales que pasan el mismo. Las cabras enfermas a las cuales se les suministró suero hiperinmune, sobrevivieron 10 días antes de mostrar evidencia de reinfección.

Résumé La valeur de l'administration de sérum hyperimmun dans la lutte contre la peste des petits ruminants a été étudiée chez des chèvres á différents stades de la maladie. On a administré par voie intraveineuse du sérum hyperimmun à un groupe de chèvres dont la courbe de température avait atteint 40,5°C ou au dessus; un autre groupe ne présentant aucun signe de fièvre mais d'autres sympt?mes de la maladie a aussi re?u du sérum hyperimmun. Les résultats montrent que le sérum hyperimmun est très efficace pour faire régresser le cours de la maladie s'il est administré au stade de la fièvre mais il reste sans effet chez les animaux ayant dépassé ce stade. Les chèvres à qui on avait administré du sérum hyperimmun ont survécu 10 jours sans montrer de signes de réinfection.

Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute febrile, viral, disease of small ruminants with great economic importance. A competitive-ELISA (c-ELISA) test was developed for detection of antibodies to PPR virus in the sera samples of goats and sheep. The test uses monoclonal antibody to a neutralizing epitope of haemagglutinin protein of the virus. Based on the distribution of known negative sera samples (n=933) in respect of PPR virus antibodies in the test, a cut-off value was set as 38%. This value was the result of mean of negative population added with two times the standard deviations. A total of 1668 sera samples from goat and sheep and 32 sera from cattle were screened by c-ELISA and virus neutralization test (VNT). Efficacy of c-ELISA compared very well with VNT having high relative specificity (98.4%) and sensitivity (92.4%). The sensitivity of c-ELISA for PPR sero-surveillance could further be increased (95.4%), if the target population is non-vaccinated. c-ELISA test correlated well with VNT (r=0.845) for end-point titration of PPR virus antibody in 64 goat sera samples. It could clearly separate infected population from uninfected in field sera. Using c-ELISA test paired sera samples from 13 goats provided a clear diagnosis of PPR virus infection. Furthermore, antibodies to PPR virus could be successfully detected during 1 year after vaccination in four goats inoculated with an experimental PPR vaccine. Findings suggest that the c-ELISA test developed can easily replace VNT for sero-surveillance, sero-monitoring, diagnosis from paired sera samples and end-point titration of PPR virus antibodies.  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫(Peste des petits ruminants,PPR)是山羊、绵羊等小反刍兽类的急性接触传染性疾病,国际上将小反刍兽疫归为A类传染病.目前除非洲、中东和南亚次大陆传播外,在我国周边地区的许多国家和地区也频繁出现流行.因此,该病作为一种重大的跨国动物疫病,也在开始危害我国西藏和其他地区的动物生产和卫生安全[1-2].  相似文献   

Summary Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) hyperimmune serum was prepared in cattle and used to protect goats against PPR. The serum was well tolerated by goats and 8 ml of serum was found to protect goats againts 4 ml of pooled virulent PPR virus. A durable active immunity was conferred on goats when serum and virulent PPR virus were given simultaneously. Passive immunity lasted for 15 days.
Metodo Simultaneo Suero-Virus Para La Inmunizacion Contra La Peste De Pequenos Rumiantes
Resumen Se preparó en bovinos, suero hiperinmune de peste de pegueños rumiantes, para inmunizar cabras contra la enfermedad. El suero fué bien tolerado por las cabras, aplicandose hasta 8 ml para protegerlas de 4ml de virus virulento inoculado. El resultado de la aplicación simultánea de suero hiperinmune y virus virulento, fué el de una inmunidad activa y duradera. La inmunidad pasiva tuvo una duración de 15 días.

Immunisation Contre La Peste Des Petits Ruminants Par Inoculation Simultanee De Virus Et De Serum
Résumé Le sérum hyperimmun de la peste des petits ruminants a été préparé sur des bovins et utilisé pour protéger les chèvres contre la PPR. Le sérum a été bien toléré par les chèvres et 8 ml de sérum ont été nécessaires pour protéger des chèvres inoculées avec 4 ml d'un mélange de virus PPR pathogènes. Les chèvres ont acquis une immunité active durable quand le sérum et le virus PPR pathologène étaient administrés simultanément. La durée de l'immunité passive a été de 15 jours.

小反刍兽疫病毒H基因的原核表达与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GenBank中已发表的小反刍兽疫病毒(PPRV)Nigeria 75/1株的H基因序列,设计上下游引物并添加BamH I酶切位点,以含有小反刍兽疫病毒H基因的Topo-PPRVH质粒为模板进行PCR扩增,扩增产物克隆于pEASY-T载体中,用BamH I单酶切后将目的片段连接到原核表达载体pET-32a(+)中,核酸序列分析证明.成功构建了PPRV H原核表达质粒pET-32a-H.将pET-32a-H重组质粒转化大肠杆茵 BL21(DE3)进行融合表达.经SDS-PAGE电泳,可见H蛋白获得了高效表达,融合蛋白的分子量约为87 Ku,表达产物以包涵体的形式存在,其表达量达到茵体总蛋白的38%,占包涵体蛋白的80%以上.Western blot鉴定表明,所表达的重组蛋白能被抗组氨酸单抗、抗PPRV标准阳性羊血清及抗PPRV疫苗的羊血清所识别,具有良好的免疫原性.  相似文献   

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