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The allelopathic water extracts (AWEs) may help improve the tolerance of crop plants against abiotic stresses owing to the presence of the secondary metabolites (i.e., allelochemicals). We conducted four independent experiments to evaluate the influence of exogenous application of AWEs (applied through seed priming or foliage spray) in improving the terminal heat and drought tolerance in bread wheat. In all the experiments, two wheat cultivars, viz. Mairaj‐2008 (drought and heat tolerant) and Faisalabad‐2008 (drought and heat sensitive), were raised in pots. Both wheat cultivars were raised under ambient conditions in the wire house till leaf boot stage (booting) by maintaining the pots at 75% water‐holding capacity (WHC). Then, managed drought and heat stresses were imposed by maintaining the pots at 35% WHC, or shifting the pots inside the glass canopies (at 75% WHC), at booting, anthesis and the grain filling stages. Drought stress reduced the grain yield of wheat by 39%–49%. Foliar application of AWEs improved the grain yield of wheat by 26%–31%, while seed priming with AWEs improved the grain yield by 18%–26%, respectively, than drought stress. Terminal heat stress reduced the grain yield of wheat by 38%. Seed priming with AWEs improved the grain yield by 21%–27%; while foliar application of AWEs improved the grain yield by 25%–29% than the heat stress treatment. In conclusion, the exogenous application of AWEs improved the stay green, accumulation of proline, soluble phenolics and glycine betaine, which helped to stabilize the biological membranes and improved the tolerance against terminal drought and heat stresses.  相似文献   

A. F. Stelmakh 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):513-519
Summary A study of the Vrn genotypes of 642 spring wheats supports the theory that only Vrn1, Vrn2 and Vrn3 exist in Tricticum aestivum. In none of the varieties investigated Vrn4 was present. Seven varieties, which according to literature carry Vrn4, showed to carry Vrn1, Vrn2 and/or Vrn3. Some varieties were mixtures of Vrn-genotypes, which could mislead geneticists in pooled data analysis. Other causes for misinterpretation of the data could be hybrid necrosis, hybrid dwarfness or a wrong determination of plants with a winter habitus. Only Hope was dominant on another Vrn locus. Its haploid Vrn-genotype is Vrn1 vrn2vrn3 Vrn5.  相似文献   

Substitution analysis of drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E. Farshadfar    B. Köszegi    T. Tischner  J. Sutka 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(6):542-544
Chromosome substitution lines of the wheat variety ‘Cappelle Desprez’ into ‘Chinese Spring’ were tested for drought tolerance in growth chambers in the Martonvásár phytotron. Three different moisture regimes were created: E1, fully irrigated control; E2, mid-season water stress (preanthesis); and E3, terminal water-stress during grain filling. Data were analysed to estimate the chromosomal location of the genes controlling relative water-content (RWC), relative water-loss (RWL), drought-susceptibility index (DSI) and phenotypic stability in each substitution line. Simultaneous consideration indicated that most of the genes controlling these characters are located on chromosomes 1A, 5A, 7A,4B, 5B, 1D, 3D and 5D.  相似文献   

S. R. Bhat  J. V. Goud 《Euphytica》1978,27(3):805-810
Summary A study was conducted to locate the genes responsible for the determination of kernel protein content and tyrosinase activity in a hexaploid wheat variety UP 301 using Pb. C591 monosomic series. Genes located on chromosomes 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 3D and 7D of UP 301 controlled protein content of UP 301. Of these the B genome chromosomes were found to have genes for increased protein content while the D genome chromosomes were found to carry genes for low protein content. A major gene coding for tyrosinase enzyme was detected on chromosome 6B of UP 301 and a modifier on chromosome 5B. This indicated the possibility of improving these quality characters through chromosome manipulation.  相似文献   

The Triticum dicoccoides-derived wheat line Zecoi-1 provides effective protection against powdery mildew. F3 segregation analysis of Chinese Spring × Zecoi-1 hybrids showed that resistance in line Zecoi-1 is controlled by a single dominant gene. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of bulked segregants from F3s showing the homozygous resistant and susceptible phenotypes identified eight markers, of which four were associated with the resistance allele in repulsion phase. Following the assignment of these four repulsion phase AFLP markers to wheat chromosome 2B with the aid of Chinese Spring nulli-tetrasomic lines, they were physically mapped in the terminal breakpoint interval 0.89 (2BL-6)–1.00 (telomere) of chromosome 2BL. Genetic and physical mapping of simple sequence repeat markers from the distal half of chromosome 2BL located the wild emmer-derived powdery mildew resistance gene distal of breakpoint 0.89 in deletion line 2BL-6. Based on disease response patterns, genomic origin and chromosomal location the resistance gene in Zecoi-1 is temporarily designated MlZec1.  相似文献   

A widely grown but rust susceptible Indian wheat variety HD2932 was improved for multiple rust resistance by marker‐assisted transfer of genes Lr19, Sr26 and Yr10. Foreground and background selection processes were practised to transfer targeted genes with the recovery of the genome of HD2932. The near‐isogenic lines (NILs) of HD2932 carrying Lr19, Sr26 and Yr10 were individually produced from two backcrosses with recurrent parent HD2932. Marker‐assisted background selection of NILs with 94.38–98.46% of the HD2932 genome facilitated rapid recovery of NILs carrying Lr19, Sr26 and Yr10. In the BC2F2 generation, NILs were intercrossed and two gene combinations of Lr19+Yr10, Sr26 + Yr10 and Lr19+Sr26 were produced. A total of 16 progeny of two gene combinations of homozygous NILs of HD2932 have been produced, which are under seed increase for facilitating the replacement of the susceptible HD2932 with three of the sixteen improved backcross lines with resistance to multiple rusts.  相似文献   

Summary Grain filling rate in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.) positively influences grain yield under a wide range of conditions. The effective utilization of this trait in breeding depends on an understanding of its genetic control. A study was, therefore, conducted to determine the genetic basis of grain filling rate in six crosses of wheat. Higher order genic interactions and/or linkage were important in the genetic regulation of grain filling rate (GFR) in the majority of crosses. Additive ([d]) and dominance ([h]) gene effects were important in the control of GFR in main ears (ME) and whole plant ears (WPE). Additive and additive × additive epistatic effects were the most important in the genetic control of GFR in last ears (LE). Location effects on genetic effects for GFR were significant (P < 0.05) in all ear types of some crosses except in ME. Genotype × environment interaction effects were important (P < 0.001) in LE and WPE.It was concluded that the inheritance of GFR is complex and is dependent on ear type. Breeding procedures that facilitate the exploitation of non-additive and additive gene effects were recommended for the genetic improvement of grain filling rate of wheat.  相似文献   

Viable embryos have been recovered from fertilized wheat (Triticum aestivum) ovaries detached on the day of, or up to 7 days post-, anthesis and cultured aseptically fur up to 18 days. The most significant factors in determining the yield of embryos was the plating density, age and complexity of the explants. 26% of ovaries excised on the day of anthesis produced viable embryos if cultured as pairs of florets. The potential use of detached ovary cultures in gametophyte microinjection experiments, rescuing embryos from wide crosses and in chemically manipulating the early stages of embryo development are discussed.  相似文献   

Complementary genes for purple grain colour Pp1, Pp2, Pp3 (now designated Pp1, Pp3b, Pp3a, respectively) were mapped using crosses between purple-grained hexaploid wheats ‘Purple Feed’ – Pp1Pp1/Pp2Pp2 (Pp1Pp1/Pp3bPp3b), ‘Purple’ – Pp1Pp1/Pp3Pp3 (Pp1Pp1/Pp3aPp3a) with non-purple-grained cultivars ‘Novosibirskaya 67’ (‘N67’) and ‘Saratovskaya 29’ (‘S29’). The genes Pp2 (Pp3b) and Pp3 (Pp3a) were inherited as monofactorial dominant when purple-grained wheats were crossed to ‘N67’. Both were mapped in the centromeric region of the chromosome 2A. Therefore, they were suggested being different alleles at the same locus and designated Pp3a and Pp3b. In the crosses between purple-grained wheats and ‘S29’ a segregation ratio of 9 (purple) to 7 (non purple) was obtained suggesting a complementary interaction of two dominant genes, Pp1 and Pp3. To map Pp1 as a single gene, the influence of the other Pp gene was taken into consideration by determining the Pp3 genotype of the F2 plants. The gene was mapped on chromosome 7BL, about 24 cM distal to the centromere. The Pp1gene was shown to be non allelic to the Rc-1 (red coleoptile) and Pc (purple culm) genes, contrary to what was previously suggested. The colouration caused by the Pp genes has no effect on pre-harvest sprouting.  相似文献   

Drought is a major abiotic stress affecting banana production worldwide, leading to yield losses of up to 65%. Consequently, numerous efforts to understand and mitigate drought effects that include developing tolerant crop varieties are ongoing in several banana breeding programmes. The breeding efforts, however, have been greatly slowed down by inherent banana problems (polyploidy and male or female sterility) and complexity of drought tolerance (reportedly controlled by several genes). This review summarizes the pertinent research findings on water requirements of banana for its proper growth and productivity, symptoms of drought-sensitive varieties and field management strategies to cope with drought stress. The coping strategies deployed by resistant cultivars include high assimilation rates and water retention capacity as well as minor losses in leaf area and gaseous exchange. Reduced bunch weight, leaf chlorosis, wilting and strangled birth are underlined to be directly associated with drought susceptibility. Integration of conventional, molecular breeding and biotechnological tools as well as exploitation of the existing banana genetic diversity presents a huge opportunity for successful banana improvement.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of spikelet number per ear and rate of spikelet initiation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) was studied in the land race spring wheats, 8–23 and 8–27 from Afghanistan, under controlled temperature and photoperiod. Spikelet number per ear was found to be under simple genetic control with dominance for high spikelet number. It is suggested that the gene determining spikelet number does so by determining the rate of spikelet initiation.  相似文献   

Yellow berry (YB) is a serious seed disorder in durum wheat, bread wheatand triticale, which arises due to deficiency in nitrogen concentration in thesoil. YB seriously affects the grain protein content (GPC) thereby affectingbread making quality in bread wheat and pasta making quality in durumwheat. In order to study the inheritance and to identify DNA markersassociated with YB tolerance, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) populationof 113 individuals was developed by making a cross between RyeSelection111 (RS111), highly resistant to YB and Chinese Spring (CS), asusceptible parent. Phenotyping of this population to YB incidenceindicated that, at least one major gene/QTL and few minor genes governthe tolerance to YB. DNA marker analysis revealed linkage of twomicrosatellite markers Xgwm174 and Xgwm190 from chromosome 5Dwith YB tolerance while one ISSR marker UBC842600 and oneRAPD marker OPR81000 from chromosome 6B were found to beassociated with YB tolerance in repulsion phase. Association of YBtolerance with that of GPC was analyzed using the markers associated withYB tolerance. It was found to be reciprocal in this population in accordancewith the previous reports.  相似文献   

In Southern Brazil, under ideal conditions Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) induces yield reductions to the wheat crop of over 50%. The only effective way of controlling the disease is through resistance. However, the inheritance of resistance is not been fully understood. The purpose of this work was to study the genetic control of resistance to SBWMV. Crosses were carried out between the resistant wheat cultivar Embrapa 16 and the susceptible cultivars BR 23 and IAC 5-Maringá, at the National Wheat Research Centre, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil. The parents, F1, F2, and backcrosses were sown in plots in a field where soil was naturally infested with the vector of the virus, the fungus Polymyxa graminis, in order to promote natural infection. All plants were individually evaluated for severity and type of lesions, according to a scale of 0 to 5, where, 0 = absence of symptoms and 5 = plants severely affected by mosaic plus dwarfing and rosetting. The statistical analyses of the data showed broad sense heritability values between 43% and 55%. The data suggested the presence of two genes controlling resistance to SBWMV in the segregating population of both crosses. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Common wheat cultivar Virest possesses mildew resistance which is different from resistances expressed by currently documented mildew resistance genes, detected by response to eleven differential wheat powdery mildew isolates. F2 populations from hybrids of the 21 Chinese Spring monosomic lines with Virest revealed one major dominant gene, located on wheat chromosome 1D. The new gene is designated Pm22. Italian cultivars Elia, Est Mottin, Ovest and Tudest also showed the disease response pattern corresponding to Virest.  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization and linkage mapping of a powdery mildewresistance gene were conducted in the resistant wheat line Pova, derivedfrom a Triticum aestivum cv. Poros-Aegilops ovata-alien additionline. Monosomic analysis revealed that a major dominant gene was locatedon chromosome 7D. This gene possessed a distinct disease response patternagainst a differential set of Blumeria graminis tritici isolates andsegregated independently from resistance gene Pm19 also located onwheat chromosome 7D. Molecular genetic analysis showed that theresistance gene in Pova was specifically located on the long arm ofchromosome 7D closely linked to one RFLP and three AFLP markers. It isproposed that the new gene be designated Pm29.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic control of tolerance of wheat to high concentrations of soil boron was studied for five genotypes. Each genotype represented one of five categories of response to high levels of boron, ranging from very sensitive to tolerant. Tolerance to boron was expressed as a partially dominant character, although the response of an F1 hybrid, relative to the parents, varied with the level of boron applied. The F1 hybrids responded similarly to the more tolerant parent at low B treatments and intermediate to the parents at higher treatments. Ratios consistent with monogenic segregation were observed for the F2 and F3 generations for the combinations (WI*MMC) × Kenya Farmer, Warigal × (WI*MMC) and Halberd × Warigal. The three genes, Bo1, Bo2 and Bo3, while transgressive segregation between two tolerant genotypes, G61450 and Halberd, suggested a fourth locus controlling tolerance to boron.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important legume crop as a protein source across the world. It is mostly grown on arid and marginal lands where it faces drought stress at different growth stages. Drought stress exerts drastic effects on nutrient uptake, hinders the nodule formation and adversely affects yield and yield components. Generally drought at any growth stage and organizational level is responsible for reduction in economic yield. Significant variability in chickpea germplasm is present on the basis of responses to drought stress in the form of drought escape, drought avoidance and drought tolerance; these mechanisms prevent chickpea crop from harmful effects of drought. Improvement in chickpea germplasm against drought stress could be made by using several breeding approaches, that is introduction, hybridization, mutation breeding, marker‐assisted breeding and omic techniques. These breeding approaches, especially marker‐assisted breeding and omics, are further strengthened with the availability of the chickpea genome sequence. This review highlighted the significance, status and advances in different breeding strategies for improvement of drought tolerance in chickpea.  相似文献   

S.S. Dhanda  G.S. Sethi 《Euphytica》1998,104(1):39-47
Little information is available on the genetics of excised leaf water loss and relative water content in wheat. An experiment conducted on the F1 generation from a half-diallel set of crosses involving two drought tolerant, two moderately tolerant and two sensitive varieties was initiated to investigate the inheritance of excised-leaf water loss and relative water content. This experiment was conducted under glass-house and field conditions at tillering and anthesis stages of plant development. Additive gene action, in general, played a major role in determining the inheritance of these traits. General combining ability (GCA) was the main source of genetic variation among crosses, while specific combining ability (SCA) was negligible. Strong phenotypic correlations existed between per se performance and GCA effects in the majority of cases. Heterosis was unimportant. Genotype-environmental interactions and/or differential gene expression appeared to account for different results found between environments and growth stages, respectively. Selection for relative water content appeared to be more effective at anthesis, while for excised-leaf water loss at both stages of plant growth. In addition to drought resistance, wide differences for morphological characters and relative positions of parental arrays revealed the possibility of obtaining desirable segregants for drought stress conditions from the cross Kharchia 65 × WH 147. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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