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阿维菌素类药是目前最优良、应用最广泛的一类新型广谱、高效、安全和用量小的理想抗内外寄生虫药,但对柯利犬和有柯利犬血统的犬有很强的毒副作用.近日,我院收治了一例苏格兰牧羊犬服用阿维菌素引起中毒的病例.  相似文献   

犬伊维菌素中毒的救治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊维菌素是由阿维链霉菌产生的半合成大环内脂类多组分抗生素,具有高效广谱,用量小,药效持久,安全等优点,对体内外寄生虫特别是线虫和节肢动物均有良好的驱杀作用。近年来在兽医临床上得到广泛应用,更是防治犬体内外寄生虫病的首选药物。但不合理地应用本品,亦会引起犬的中毒。  相似文献   

阿维菌素是新型广谱、高效、低毒抗生素类抗寄生虫药.时牛、羊、猪、犬、家禽体内外寄生虫,特别是线虫和节肢动物均有良好的驱杀作用,对体外蜱、螨、蝇等寄生虫有极强的驱杀作用,并能促进增重,改善皮毛。  相似文献   

阿维菌素类药是伊维链霉菌的发酵产物及其衍生物,不仅对动物的体内线虫,而且对体外节肢动物均具有优良驱杀作用,具有广谱、高效和低毒等优点,兽医临床上常用的产品有阿维菌素或称阿维菌素B1,是应用最为广泛的一种新型广谱抗寄生虫药。2005年6月14日,因拦隆口粮站蒋某的要求,对其饲养的一只藏狗进行了驱虫,驱虫前该狗健康灵敏,体重32kg,用2.5mg/片规格虫克星(阿维菌素)按每公斤体重0.3gmg的剂量,应该给予10mg,计4片。但蒋某认为4片太少,要求给服10片,因此,该狗服阿维菌素25mg,我们也认为在安全范围。但服药1.5小时该狗随即发生中毒症状。1症…  相似文献   

岳宇涵 《警犬》2012,(3):16-17
伊维菌素注射液为广谱抗生素类驱虫药,皮下注射、口服或局部外用对体内外寄生虫均有较强的杀灭效果,具有用量少、作用强、安全性高、毒副作用低等优点,是畜禽、宠物、野生动物驱杀体内外寄生虫的最佳药物。  相似文献   

<正>阿维菌素是一种高效、低毒、安全、抗虫谱广的新型驱虫药,对绝大多数线虫、体外寄生虫及其他节肢动物都有很强的驱杀效果。内服时对体内外寄生虫有作用,外用时对体外寄生虫有较好的驱杀  相似文献   

阿维菌素是一种高效、低毒、安全的新型驱虫药,兽医临床上广泛用于驱除畜禽体内线虫和体外寄生虫。但是,阿维菌素造成猫、狗、鸡、羊、牛等动物中毒的情况时有发生。  相似文献   

伊维菌素属新型大环内脂类抗生素阿维菌素的衍生物(22,23-二氢阿维菌素B1a和22,23-二氢阿维菌素B1b).除了对吸虫、绦虫、细菌无效外对畜禽的线虫、螨、蜱、虱、蝇蛆等体内外寄生虫均具有驱杀作用,有高效广谱、用量小、药效持久、残留少、无抗药性、安全范围大等优点,但如果使用方法不当也会出现不同程度的不良反应.我园2只幼龄东北虎在注射伊维菌素治疗螨虫时曾出现中毒现象. 1 发病情况 2010年4月,我园成功繁殖东北虎3只.  相似文献   

阿维菌素(Arermectin)是由阿佛曼链霉菌发酵产生的一种大环内脂类抗生素。该药对多种家畜及家禽等动物的线虫、蜘蛛昆虫类等体内、外寄生虫均有很强的驱除作用。该药具有广谱、高效、安全、使用方便等优点,是目前兽医临床上最佳的抗寄生虫新药之一,其剂型有片剂、针剂、粉剂、口服剂、糊剂、涂抹剂,阿维菌素与其它驱虫药复方制剂,并有缓  相似文献   

伊维菌素是土壤微生物阿佛曼链霉菌经发酵后产生的半合成大环内酯类多组分抗生素,是高效、广谱、低毒的抗寄生虫药物,对犬的体内外寄生虫特别是对某些线虫及节肢动物具有良好的驱杀作用,但没有驱除吸虫和绦虫的作用.近年来广泛应用于犬病临床.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old male German Shepherd dog was referred for evaluation of progressive exercise intolerance. Clinical examination revealed a stiff, stilted gait and marked atrophy and hypotonia of skeletal muscle. The dog had raised creatine kinase (181 U/liter), lactate dehydrogenase (510 U/liter), and aspartate aminotransferase (123.6 U/liter) levels, suggesting a muscle disease. Histochemical evaluation of muscle biopsies revealed the presence of subsarcolemmal oxidative activity, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and succinate dehydrogenase, and the absence of cytochrome oxidase activity. Ragged red fibers were demonstrated with Gomori trichrome stain. Ultrastructural examination of the muscle confirmed the presence of subsarcolemmal accumulations of mitochondria and morphologically atypical mitochondria.  相似文献   

犬巴贝斯虫病是严重危害警犬、军犬及宠物犬健康的虫媒性血液原虫病之一,在蜱滋生的地区春、夏、秋季均可发病。现将临床遇到的1例德国牧羊犬巴贝斯虫病的诊治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

A 9 yr old spayed female German shepherd dog was referred for MRI of the thoracic and lumbar spine because she had clinical signs of chronic neurogenic bladder dysfunction of an unknown cause. Transverse T2-weighted images identified a type II split cord malformation (i.e., diastematomyelia) in the thoracic spine. Split cord malformations are forms of spinal dysraphism where the abnormal development of spinal cord results in sagittal splitting of a portion of the cord into two hemicords. The location of the lesion in the thoracic spine was consistent with the dog's clinical signs of an upper motor neuron bladder. Split cord malformations that occur in humans have similar MRI characteristics and can result in similar clinical signs as those identified in the dog described in this report.  相似文献   

A kindred of German shepherd dogs with a moderately severe form of classic hemophilia was studied. The propositus was presented at five months of age because of a persistent hind limb lameness and swelling of the left stifle joint. Unclotted blood was aspirated from the swelling. A brother of this dog's dam had been diagnosed as a hemophiliac.Hemostatic tests were performed on the propositus and on ten available related dogs. On the basis of pedigree analysis, sex and specific factor VIII related activity levels in their plasmas, the dogs were classified as affected, carriers, or unaffected. The propositus and one male relative were identified as classical hemophiliacs and were classified as moderately severely affected on the basis of apparent bleeding tendency and factor VIII procoagulant levels (FVIII:C 8-10% of normal). The propositus' signs were confined to those of lameness and joint soreness and postmortem lesions were confined to a few joints (hemarthrosis). The affected male relative was asymptomatic up to the time of euthanasia (three months of age) and did not have postmortem lesions attributable to hemophilia.Although classic hemophilia (particularly in large breeds of dogs) is often a severe clinical disease, more moderate forms of the disease do occur. Such forms may be more difficult to recognize early in life.  相似文献   

In German shepherd dogs pituitary dwarfism is known as an autosomal recessive inherited abnormality. To investigate whether the function of cells other than the somatotropes may also be impaired in this disease, the secretory capacity of the pituitary anterior lobe (AL) cells was studied by a combined pituitary AL stimulation test with four releasing hormones (4RH test) in four male and four female German shepherd dwarfs. In addition, the morphology of the pituitary was investigated by computed tomography. The physical features of the eight German shepherd dwarfs were primarily characterized by growth retardation and stagnant development of the hair coat. The results of the 4RH test confirmed the presence of hyposomatotropism. The basal plasma TSH and prolactin concentrations were also low and did not change upon stimulation. Basal plasma concentrations of LH were relatively low and responded only slightly to suprapituitary stimulation. With respect to the plasma FSH levels there was a clear gender difference. In the males plasma FSH concentrations remained below the detection limit throughout the 4RH test, whereas in the females the basal plasma FSH levels were slightly lower and there was only a small increase following suprapituitary stimulation, compared with the values in age-matched controls. In contrast, basal and stimulated plasma ACTH concentrations did not differ between the dwarfs and the controls. Computed tomography of the pituitary fossa revealed a normal sized pituitary with cysts in five dogs, an enlarged pituitary with cysts in two dogs, and a small pituitary gland without cysts in the remaining dog. The results of this study demonstrate that German shepherd dwarfs have a combined deficiency of GH, TSH, and prolactin together with impaired release of gonadotropins, whereas ACTH secretion is preserved. The combined pituitary hormone deficiency is associated with cyst formation and pituitary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

本实验遵循警犬生理结构原理和警犬鉴别训练原理,科学合理地设计了警犬鉴别训练实验内容和指标.用15头鉴别联系较牢固的德国牧羊犬,在同一气味条件下采取三种嗅源嗅认方式(握嘴嗅认嗅源、罐内嗅认嗅源、隐蔽式嗅认嗅源)进行鉴别并对全过程的表现分别记录并统计.通过此实验来研究同一气味条件下不同嗅源嗅认方式对德国牧羊犬鉴别训练效果的影响,以便为警犬鉴别训练补充相关的理论依据,总结不同嗅源嗅认方式的优缺点,为探索更好的鉴别训练方法及嗅源嗅认方式积累相关数据和经验.  相似文献   

A 10‐week‐old spayed female German Shepherd Dog was presented for acute vomiting and diarrhea. There was no reported foreign body or toxin ingestion. Radiographs showed a severely (~11 × 7 cm), focally distended right abdominal intestinal segment containing gas and soft tissue material. Other small intestinal segments were segmentally gas distended. Celiotomy identified a ~9 cm focally dilated segment at the jejunoileal junction with no aborad luminal obstruction. Resection and anastomosis of the dilation was performed. Histopathology showed mild mucosal inflammation, but otherwise normal wall layering and autonomic ganglia. Radiographic and histopathologic findings were consistent with congenital segmental dilation of the intestine.  相似文献   

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