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A comparison of certified and noncertified pet foods.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The market presents the buyer with a wide array of pet food choices. Marketing pet foods has changed in the last decade and today foods may be bought at a variety of outlets. The present study compares nutrient composition, digestibility, and effect on urine pH (cat foods only) of selected certified and noncertified pet foods from different outlets. The selected foods were considered analogous in terms of declared ingredients and macronutrient profiles. The analytical methods used were those of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists as described in the Pet Food Certification Protocol of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. The test foods were sampled 4 times from August 1994 to July 1995. Both certified and noncertified products met the nutritional requirements on a consistent basis, although 1 of the noncertified dog foods consistently failed to meet the zinc requirements. This same product also failed to meet the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association's standards for concentrations of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. One of the noncertified cat foods failed to meet the recommended calcium level. With the exception of fat digestion in 1 noncertified food, there were no statistically significant differences in major nutrient digestibility between certified and noncertified pet foods. There were some statistically significant differences in digestibility within both the certified and noncertified groups of foods. The practical significance of any of the statistical differences in digestibility is uncertain. Urine pH observed in cats fed noncertified test diets was variable, with some values greater than 7.0 as a maximum or 6.5 as an average. The general conclusion of this study was that the commonly available certified products were the nutritional equal of those foods that position themselves as "premium."  相似文献   

近期,针对有些媒体关于"上海、南京等地部分宠物狗食用澳大利亚进口优格牌狗粮后因黄曲霉毒素中毒而死亡"的报道,国家质检总局对此立即进行了核实.经调查,国家质检总局未批准进口过优格牌狗粮,各地出入境检验检疫机构也没有检验检疫和放行过来自澳大利亚的优格牌狗粮.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BVDV-free certification of dairy herds on fertility and udder health. Cases were defined as dairy herds that had at least one BVDV-antigen positive animal, subsequently gained the BVDV-free status by participating in the BVDV-control programme of the Animal Health Service (AHS) and maintained this status for at least 2 years. Controls had an unknown status for BVDV and two controls were matched to one case by region and herd size. Data concerning fertility and milk production of all herds were provided by The Dutch Royal Cattle Syndicate (NRS). After validation, data of 79,607 cows of 392 case herds and 124,831 cows of 730 control herds were analysed on ten fertility and three udder health parameters. For the analyses all observations were aggregated at herd level. To account for the matching, differences for fertility parameters were calculated between each of the two pairs of case-control within a matching code. The analyses were performed with these differences as dependent variables. Mixed models and GEE models were used for the statistical analyses of fertility and udder health. Case herds had a significantly lower abortion rate in the BVDV-free period than controls herds (10.3% versus 11.6%, P<0.01) while there was no significant difference for the other fertility parameters. There was no effect on mastitis prevalence or bulk-milk SCC but the mastitis incidence significantly decreased for case herds in the BVDV-free period (cases 0.6 % lower than controls, P<0.05). In our study the effect of getting the BVDV-free status may have been underestimated for several reasons like an unknown status for control herds, not knowing when an acute infection occurred in case herds and not knowing the management for both cases and controls. Interestingly, both significant variables, being abortions and mastitis incidence, are parameters that are more difficult to influence by the farmer than the other parameters (e.g. calving interval).  相似文献   

执业兽医资格考试制度是在我国推进兽医管理体制改革的大背景下确立的,实行执业兽医资格考试推行执业准入,是提高兽医素质,适应新时期兽医工作需要的必然要求。本文概述了发达国家和地区的考试制度现状,回顾了我国执业兽医制度发展历程,介绍了我国执业兽医资格考试的设计与特点,并展望了执业兽医资格考试制度的前景。  相似文献   

We examined 110 dogs, imported or born to imported females or living together with imported dogs in kennels, for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis, and assessed the climatic conditions in the Czech Republic that may promote spread of the disease. Relevant techniques were used to detect specific antigen, specific antibodies and microfilariae. The presence of antigen was detected in one imported dog, microfilariae were not found and antibodies were detected in 30.5% of the imported dogs. No heartworm was found in dogs, which did not travel outside of the Czech Republic. The evaluation of temperature charts showed that it was possible for at least one heartworm generation to develop under climatic conditions in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

2010年10月24日,全国执业兽医资格考试首次举行.荆州考点作为湖北省8个考点之一,承担了来自荆州、荆门、仙桃、天门、潜江等5市、17个县级行政区域905名考生的考试任务,是参考人数仅次于武汉的第二大考点.  相似文献   

从岷山红三叶Trifolium pratense品种来源、品种特性、示范推广及产业化进程,产业化过程中存在的问题和风险等方面进行了论述,最后提出了解决这些问题的建议。  相似文献   

The decision to perform a procedure in the standing patient rather than in a completely anesthetized patient depends on many factors, such as patient health, cost, time, facilities, and anesthetic expertise. Although the procedure often is technically easier to perform if the patient is anesthetized, cost and patient risk considerations may result in a decision to do the surgery standing. Surgical experience in performing procedures standing is important for a successful outcome.  相似文献   

利用桑苗嫁接直接定植 ,建立速成丰产桑园 ,把培苗与建园结合起来 ,可以大大减少建园时间。该项技术的实施 ,有利于老化桑园的更新改造和良种桑推广。其配套技术简要如下。1 早春温床嫁接1 1 温床设置选择背风向阳、地势平整、排水良好的平地或坡地设温床 ,宜东西走向 ,床基应略高于地面 ,苗床土坑宽 130cm ,长度视嫁接体多少而定 ,一般按每平方米可存放嫁接体 30 0 0株测算。苗床最好冬翻冻土 ,建床时将苗床四周做成高 2 5~ 30cm的土埂。嫁接体移入苗床前将坑内表土 (10cm深度 )耙松、灌水、调成泥浆 ;也可以铺放 10cm深的稀河…  相似文献   

最近,媒体有两条消息引起了畜牧业界的高度关注,一条是据海外媒体报道,麦当劳公司6月19日宣布,将要求公司的肉类供应商停止对动物使用抗生素,以免这些肉类被加工成快餐食品后对人体产生不利影响。业内人士认为,麦当劳作为全球最大的餐饮连锁企业以及最大的肉类采购商之一,它的这项决定将使其它一些餐饮连锁企业和食品企业步其后尘,要求他们的肉类供应商停止使用抗生素。另据麦当劳提供的数据,它在中国市场的食品货源已有90%以上在中国本地生产供应。另一条是中国首例全程无抗生素饲养的猪肉即将在上海上市。这些消息意味着,在日益强调食品安…  相似文献   

本研究利用NO供体以及几种抗氧化剂和NO清除剂来分析外源性NO对E.tenella卵囊孢子生殖的抑制特性.试验结果表明:S-亚硝基硫醇类NO供体(SNAP和GSNO)对卵囊的抑制作用具有明显的剂量-效应荚系,8 mmol/L的SNAP和GSNO均可完全抑制新鲜卵囊的孢子生殖;KCN对卵囊的抑制呈现为剂量-效应关系,但NaN3没有抑制作用.维生素C、甘露醇和水杨酸钠等抗氧化物质以及FeSO4和DTT均不能消除GSNO对卵囊孢子生殖的抑制作用.K2Cr2O7和KMnO4均会明显抑制GSNO对卵囊的作用.NO清除剂血红蛋白(Hb)能够消除NO供体对卵囊的抑制作用,并呈现剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

通过单因素试验及分析确定正交实验参数.对结果进行方差分析得出(1)蜂胶提取最佳工艺参数为:乙醇浓度80%、提取温度60℃、提取时间3 h、超声时间20 min;(2)蜂胶提取得率:黄酮21.4%,干物质50.7%.  相似文献   

饲料加工过程中的粉尘控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉尘问题是饲料厂安全生产和环保工作的重点。饲料生产的很多环节会产生粉尘 ,如物料的输送、混合、破碎、筛分、包装等生产环节。粉尘本身无毒 ,但它与空气混合达一定程度 ,遇明火会引起粉尘爆炸。人长期处于含有大量粉尘的环境中 ,会严重影响身体健康。落在设备上的粉尘会影响操作 ,还会造成电器设备失灵 ,引起事故。因此 ,必须在饲料厂内采取有效措施对粉尘进行控制。控制的主要工作包括除尘风网系统的布置、设计、除尘器的选择以及日常的设备管理等。1 除尘系统除尘点的布置1 1 投料口处 饲料厂的原料投放大多数采用人工将袋料倒入…  相似文献   

It was established that a thermophilic system for the treatment of pig slurry at 55 degrees C rapidly killed the free living stages of three common pig parasites. This treatment could be beneficially incorporated in any pig slurry recycling process, whether to land or to animals.  相似文献   

Beef carcasses (n = 150) of A-maturity were selected randomly to determine baseline shear force and sensory panel ratings, assess variation in tenderness, and evaluate mean value differences between Certified Angus Beef (CAB), commodity Choice, and Select steaks. Three steaks were removed from the triceps brachii (TB), longissimus lumborum (LL), gluteus medius (GM), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris (BF), and quadriceps femoris complex (QF), and assigned to Warner-Bratzler shear (WBSF) and sensory panel analyses. As anticipated, marbling score and measured percentage of i.m. fat were greatest (P < 0.05) for CAB, intermediate (P < 0.05) for Choice, and least (P < 0.05) for Select carcasses. A muscle x quality level interaction (P < 0.05) was observed for WBSF values and sensory panel tenderness ratings. The TB, LL, GM, and BF steaks from CAB carcasses had lower (P < 0.05) WBSF than Select steaks from the same muscles. Even though WBSF values did not differ (P > 0.05) between CAB and Choice QF and TB steaks, the LL and GM steaks from CAB carcasses were more tender (P < 0.05) than Choice-grade LL and GM steaks. The TB from Select carcasses had higher (P < 0.05) WBSF values than TB steaks from CAB or Choice carcasses, but sensory panel ratings indicated that quality level showed little consistency among the GM, SM, BF, and QF. Trained sensory panelists rated CAB LL steaks more tender (P < 0.05) than LL steaks from Choice and Select carcasses, and Choice LL steaks were evaluated as more (P < 0.05) tender than those from Select carcasses. These results demonstrate that the influence of marbling on tenderness was more evident in muscles of middle meats than in end cuts, particularly in muscles of the round.  相似文献   

During monitoring of certified pseudorabies (PRV)-free herds to confirm their PRV -free status, occasional individual gE-seropositive pigs are detected. These single-reactor pigs remain gE-seropositive when further serum samples are collected and tested. For the eradication programme to proceed, it is important to determine whether these pigs are only false positives or are; in fact, infected with field PRV. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) could detect field PRVDNA in single-reactor pigs and so confirm positive reactions in the serologic monitoring programme. First, DNA samples of various tissues from 15 single-reactor pigs all from different herds were examined for field PRV by PCR. Additionally, serum samples from these pigs were analyzed in a gE-confirmation enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (gE-confirmation ELISA). PCR detected PRVDNA in five of the 15 pigs, and these results were confirmed by the gE-confirmation ELISA. The remaining 10 pigs that tested negative in the PCR also tested negative in the gE- confirmation ELISA. We conclude that PCR can be used to discriminate between true and false serological positive single-reactor pigs and, moreover, that the gE-confirmation ELISA confirms these PCR results.  相似文献   

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