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Large mono-dominant stands of Phragmites australis harbour several rare birds in Britain, and their future is threatened both by man's activities and hydroseral processes. A survey in 1979 and 1980 aimed to locate, map and catalogue details of all reed beds in excess of 2 ha in England and Wales. 109 sites were found and their major features, causes of origin and conservation status are outlined. The distribution and habitat requirements of five rare and characteristic breeding birds (bittern, marsh barrier, bearded tit, Savi's warbler and Cetti's warbler) are considered, and other ornithological features outlined. In discussion, the loss of commercial beds and the recent origin of most present day sites is emphasised. A satisfactory number receive some protection as nature reserves, but the scale and cost of the management to improve or merely to maintain them may not yet be fully appreciated. Management should, however, be able to sustain or enlarge populations of birds typically associated with this habitat and there is little reason why new reed beds should not be created.  相似文献   

Without regular monitoring a rare species may slip into extinction unnoticed. We report a possible case from the Galápagos archipelago. The warbler finch (Certhidea fusca) has not been recorded by scientists on Isla Floreana in recent years, and we have been concerned about its status. On a two-day visit to prime habitat in the breeding season of 2004 we used playback of warbler finch song and calls recorded on another island to stimulate an approach of local birds. We failed to find a single warbler finch, whereas we encountered numerous small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus), medium tree finches (C. pauper) and yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). Searches in 1979, 1983, 1997 and 1999 were also unsuccessful. Our continuing failure to find any warbler finches indicates the species must be extremely rare on the island, if not actually extinct. We discuss possible reasons for their demise and draw attention to other species that could be heading in the same direction.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1985,32(2):149-164
Birch invasion is a major problem facing managers of lowland heath in southern England, and herbicides are likely to play a major part in controlling this ‘weed’ species. One herbicide, Krenite, has been tested in two experiments and in larger scale case-study on lowland heaths, and its effect on birch, bracken, and the ground flora noted. In general Krenite produced a good kill of birch, and caused little damage to the underlying Calluna-dominated vegetation, and it appears a suitable herbicide for birch control in lowland heaths, but is less effective against bracken and willows.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of considering within-site habitat configuration when designing reserve networks. This attribute takes all its importance in situations where the long-term integrity of (within-site) habitat patches cannot be preserved without protecting their surrounding environment. We addressed this issue through the concrete problem of selecting a reserve network of natural peatlands in southern Québec, Canada. We used a reserve-selection algorithm that minimized the total number of peatlands to include within networks. The algorithm was constrained to include peatlands containing habitat patches that met specific size thresholds. Five habitat-clustering thresholds were used to set the eligibility of each site to the selection process. The resulting reserve networks were evaluated according to their representation efficiency and to the expected consequences for the Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum), an area and isolation-sensitive bird restricted to peatlands in southern Québec.Constraining the algorithm to include peatlands showing increasingly larger patches of habitats led to larger networks, both in terms of area and number of sites, and to networks composed of smaller sites. These effects increased with the representation target (i.e., the % of each habitat preserved). With respect to the Palm Warbler, selecting peatlands with larger patches of habitats had only an indirect effect on its site-occupancy pattern. Indeed, despite the fact that the probability of occurrence of the warbler was negatively correlated with the size of habitat patches, the habitat-clustering threshold influenced the incidence of the warbler mainly via its effect on the physical attributes of the selected networks - including the area, isolation level, and the number of selected sites. Because increasing the habitat-clustering threshold led indirectly to a greater regional availability of prime breeding habitats for the Palm Warbler, it mitigated the severe negative impact of an hypothetical alteration or destruction of non-selected peatlands. Our study thus emphasizes the importance of determining how the different factors describing within-site configuration are correlated with other intrinsic characteristics of the sites available to the selection process before opting for a site-selection strategy.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into factors which have influenced the decline of natterjack toads Bufo calamita in Britain over the last 40 years. Natterjacks are limited in Britain to two types of habitats, coastal dunes and inland heaths. By comparing the relative declines of the species on these two habitats with other changes which have occurred on them, it became clear: (1) That Bufo calamita has declined much more extensively on heaths than on dunes: (2) that this selective decline cannot be attributed to climatic changes, public pressure or direct development; (3) that large-scale changes in the flora of heathland areas have occurred concurrently with natterjack declines. These changes, which in general have not been reflected on dunes, have occurred subsequent to altered patterns of land use on the heathlands. Cessation of grazing and increased forestry activity have permitted widespread encroachment by tall vegetation, which creates shade, both changes being directly undesirable for natterjacks, and more importantly, enabling the common toad Bufo bufo to enter as a successful competitor. This latter factor is thought to have been one of the most important causes of natterjack declines on heathland.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, but particularly in tropical regions habitat loss and disturbance are considered detrimental to biodiversity. We examine the effects of disturbance by harvesting, burning and habitat fragmentation on six bird species associated with papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) swamps. The presence or absence of these species was verified in 93 wetlands in southern Uganda between June and August 2003. Disturbance was estimated directly by observation and indirectly from examining vegetation structure. Habitat fragmentation was quantified by delineating swamps on Landsat ETM images and applying ‘Fragstats’ to calculate relevant patch metrics. The occurrence of all six species was affected positively by increased swamp size, but birds were more likely to occur in small swamps at high altitude. The shape and proximity of swamps to neighbouring wetlands had little effect on occurrence. As altitude, habitat fragmentation and disturbance were correlated, determining avian responses to disturbance was problematic. However, the occurrence of all species was affected by disturbance, often showing unimodal responses, if disturbance was not considered in conjunction with habitat fragmentation. When the effects of habitat fragmentation and disturbance were analysed together, only the occurrences of papyrus yellow warbler and white-winged warbler were affected (positively) by disturbance. Results suggest that papyrus-dwelling passerines, except papyrus gonolek, are tolerant of low intensities of disturbance, a novel finding in the tropics. We recommend that policy-makers do not prohibit harvesting, thus generating good will and encouraging rural householders to comply with additional conservation policy.  相似文献   

A flow-through system for in situ, near real-time, sequential measurements of rainfall pH and depth was developed for monitoring of precipitation in sites lacking electric power. The system is easily fabricated from readily available instruments and materials, portable, relatively inexpensive and requires minimal maintenance. It also operates independently of AC power making it ideal for use in remote areas. Initial field testing of this system on Camels Hump, Vermont, took place over the period of July to August 1990, during which twenty-seven individual storm events were monitored. The system proved to be robust and reliable, providing rainfall pH and depth information with high (programmable) temporal resolution for unattended periods of up to a week.  相似文献   

Management policies to save threatened species are not always successful, often due to the lack of a scientific basis and evaluation of the species response. We describe the ecological studies and the conservation actions taken between 1985 and 1992 on Cousin Island (29 ha, Seychelles) to safeguard the future of the highly threatened Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), which until 1988 only occurred on this island. A detailed field study was designed to (1) identify the key processes influencing warbler demography, (2) identify appropriate management techniques to increase the warbler population, and (3), assess the influence of the resulting habitat management. Since 1980 the island has been saturated with c. 115 territories and c. 320 birds. The warbler is purely insectivorous. Morinda (Morinda citrifolia), the most insect rich tree, is preferred for foraging. The higher the insect abundance (and Morinda cover) in territories the higher the reproductive success and survival of warblers. Insect numbers were highest in the central part of Cousin and decreased towards the coast. Coastal territories protected by a salt tolerant hedge of Scaevola (Scaevola taccada) had more insects and higher reproductive success than unprotected territories. Between 1990 and 1992 Morinda trees were planted on the island and Scaevola along the coast. Although these habitat restoration measures have not resulted in higher numbers of adult warblers and territories due to habitat saturation, they have been successful in terms of improving the quality of existing breeding territories and with that the reproductive success of breeding birds (including the number of territories producing recruits), and the exchange of individuals (genetic material) between territories. We provide evidence that the high reproductive potential of this species is likely to improve the resilience of the species to catastrophic events.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that drive successful re-creation and restoration of lowland heaths is crucially important for achieving the long-term conservation of this threatened habitat type. In this study we investigated the changes in soil chemistry, plant community and interactions between Calluna vulgaris and symbiotic ericoid mycorrhizas (ERM) that occurred when improved pasture was subjected to one of three treatments (i) acidification with elemental sulphur (ii) acidification with ferrous sulphur (iii) removal of the topsoil. We found that the soil stripping treatment produced the greatest reduction in available phosphate but did not decrease soil pH. Conversely, acidification with elemental sulphur decreased pH but increased availability of phosphate and potentially toxic cations. The elemental sulphur treatment produced plant communities that most closely resembled those on surrounding heaths and acid grasslands. The most important driver was low pH and concomitant increased availability of potentially toxic cations. Plant community development was found to be little related to levels of available soil phosphate, particularly at low pH. The elemental sulphur treatment also produced the best germination and growth of C. vulgaris over 4-5 years. However, this treatment was found to inhibit the development of symbiotic relationships between C. vulgaris and ERM. This may affect the long-term persistence of re-created vegetation and its interactions with other components of heathland communities.  相似文献   

This study considers the selection of sites based on the densities of breeding waders that would be considered to be distributed widely across common habitats in Scotland: so-called ‘wider countryside’ species. Five methods to provide a hierarchical classification of sites are assessed. Fifty percent of the populations of redshank (Tringa totanus) and snipe (Gallinago gallinago) occur on just 2 and 4.5% of Scottish lowlands, respectively, yet neither are suitably protected by conservation measures and both would benefit from a carefully targeted approach to their conservation. Three species, lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), curlew (Numenius arquata) and oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) are more appropriately considered to be dispersed species. We propose that, if the density of a breeding wader on a site exceeds the threshold level predicted for the top 1% of Scottish lowland for that species, and if the area of the site exceeds 1 km2 then that site be considered to be a key site for farmland waders. The minimum density (in pairs km−2) must exceed 16.8 for lapwing, 10.1 for oystercatcher, 6.1 for snipe, 7.5 for curlew or 3.6 for redshank.  相似文献   

Data from annual bird-ringing programs, in which catch effort is standardized, are routinely used to index abundance, productivity, and adult survival. Efficient models have been developed for each. Such monitoring schemes, based on ringing across a number of sites, are perhaps unique in providing this combination of demographic information and make the data particularly amenable to an integrated approach to population modeling. We develop a Bayesian approach and a deterministic population model uniting abundance, productivity, and survival. The method is applied to sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus data from the British Trust for Ornithology’s Constant Effort Sites scheme. The possibility of “transient” birds needs to be incorporated within this analysis. We demonstrate how current methodology can efficiently be extended to use additional data from multiple within year recaptures when controlling for transience. Supplemental materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

Montane heaths dominated by the moss Racomitrium lanuginosum are in decline, for which increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition may be partially responsible. To test this, field plots in northeast Scotland were treated with either low or high (10 or 40 kg N ha−1year−1) doses of nitrogen (as NO3 or NH4+) for 2 years. Although Racomitrium tissue N increased after treatment, with greater response for low than high N application, activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase and Racomitrium growth were severely inhibited by increasing N addition. Racomitrium cover declined following N addition and graminoid cover increased, also with greatest effect at high doses. Of all measurements, only nitrate reductase showed a distinction between NO3 and NH4+ application. The results demonstrate the detrimental effects of even low increases in nitrogen deposition on the moss heath, suggesting that loss of Racomitrium and its replacement by graminoids is strongly linked to increased levels of anthropogenic N pollution.  相似文献   

The impact of long-term heavy grazing pressure on montane vegetation and soils was investigated on the Carneddau plateau in North Wales. At this site, historical information suggests that formerly extensive Racomitrium- and Vaccinium-dominated heaths have become degraded and reduced in extent over the last 40-50 years. This coincides with a period when both sheep numbers and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen have greatly increased. Vegetation composition, plant tissue chemistry, soil chemistry and sheep presence were compared between areas of ‘good’ condition Racomitrium and Vaccinium heath and degraded areas. Comparison of species composition data with sheep presence and environmental data showed no significant link between current grazing distribution and species composition in the areas investigated, with all habitats having sheep presence above the recommended maximum for this habitat. Soil chemistry showed several differences between degraded and ‘good’ condition habitats, suggesting that degraded areas had experienced loss of soil organic matter and upper organic horizons. Comparison of soil and vegetation nitrogen content with data from other UK sites suggests a build up of nitrogen has occurred in Carneddau vegetation and soils, possibly related to high levels of nitrogen deposition. It is concluded that restoration of severely degraded areas of montane vegetation may be retarded by deleterious changes in soil properties which could slow recolonisation by montane species. Reductions in stocking density aiming to restore montane communities might have more immediate impact on less degraded areas.  相似文献   

Understanding the decline and extinction of species has become critical to conservation biology. The five monarch species of the genus Pomarea, endemic to the southeastern Pacific, are all listed as threatened. Introduced mammals and birds are believed to be responsible for their rarefaction. We analyzed the historical and current distribution of monarchs and introduced animals and found no relation between presence of Polynesian rats (Rattus exculans) and monarch distribution. There was a highly significant correlation between the arrival of the black rat (Rattus rattus) and the decline and extinction of monarch populations. The extinction of monarch populations after colonization by black rats tended to take longer on larger islands than on smaller ones. On islands without black rats, monarchs persisted even where forests have been reduced by more than 75%. After an island was colonized by black rats the number of monarch pairs with young decreased dramatically. Eggs in artificial nests placed in sites used by monarchs were only preyed upon by black rats. No eggs were preyed upon by Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) or introduced birds. Monarch nests were mainly placed on horizontal branches inside the canopy and were more accessible than nests of Polynesian warbler (Acrocephalus caffer), a species still locally abundant. Warbler nests were placed higher up on vertical branches near the top of trees. These studies suggest that nest predation by black rats has been the main cause of monarch decline. However observations of direct aggression of adult monarchs by introduced red-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus cafer), especially when monarchs raise their young, suggest that introduced birds could aggravate the decline of monarch populations already weakened by black rats. We discuss the practical implications of these findings for monarch conservation.  相似文献   

A number of alternative approaches have been suggested during recent years to predict species richness of a given taxa, while retaining information on the identities of the observed individuals. Such information can be extremely useful for choosing conservation priority areas, either by using simple richness values or, preferentially, by considering the complementarity of potential sites. Among the most popular approaches is the use of higher taxa surrogates. Both family and genus richness are here tested in their ability to predict the number of spider (Araneae) species independently of sampling effort, geographical location and type of habitat. We use data from three Portuguese protected areas as a test case. Genus richness is considered a good surrogate of species richness, despite some caution being needed regarding the comparison of sites with considerably different sampling effort, the same not happening with families. Only genera are also found to be reliable either for ranking sites according to taxa richness or for determining near-minimum sets of sites for conservation. We therefore recommend surrogacy at this taxonomic level as a promising approach for the prediction of spider species richness or evaluation and ranking of areas according to their conservation importance. The reached conclusions should uphold for Portugal and the entire Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Many natural and semi-natural vegetation communities are sensitive to eutrophication; most eutrophication is caused by human activities. Critical loads have been developed in Europe to provide an effects-based approach to pollutant abatement including nitrogen deposition. Critical loads to protect ecosystems from eutrophication from excess nitrogen are only specified for very broad habitat types (e.g., ‘dry heaths’) and as a range of values (e.g., between 10 and 20 kg N ha?1 year?1). There may be considerable variation in vegetation communities within a broad habitat and there is a requirement (e.g., from conservation agencies, etc.) for more precise critical loads for more clearly specified receptors (habitats, vegetation communities). This paper demonstrates the use of endorsement theory to rationalise incomplete, qualitative and conflicting information on abiotic parameters (e.g., climate, management) that may influence the vegetation response to nitrogen deposition and hence, the critical loads. The endorsement theory approach is tested for 22 heathland community types in the UK (as described by the National Vegetation Classification of Rodwell, Cambridge University Press, vol. 3, 1991) to determine if the critical load for a community should be nearer the upper or lower limit of the published ranges. The results give a ‘confident’ endorsement for one heath community and a ‘likely’ endorsement for a further 13 communities for a critical load at the lower limit. The endorsements suggest that the critical load for most heaths should be at the lower end of the range meaning that current estimates of the exceeded area calculated using the mid-point of the range is an underestimate.  相似文献   

CPPU研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
N-(2-chlor-4-pyridy1)-N'-phenylurea (CPPU)是细胞分裂素类的一种植物生长调节剂。其生理活性高于一般嘌呤型细胞分裂素,而且合成简便,成本低廉,被认为是玉米素的廉价替代品。近年对其作用机理和应用进行了广泛的研究。本文综述了CPPU的主要研究成果:(1)脲型细胞分裂素的分子结构与生理活性的关系;(2)CPPU与BA等嘌呤型细胞分裂素的活性接合位点的研究;(3)CPPU专性接合蛋白的研究;(4)CPPU具有促进座果、果实的膨大以及诱导单性结实等生理作用。  相似文献   

Historical records show that large areas of lowland heath have been planted with coniferous woodland. Such sites will increasingly be targeted for heathland restoration in order to achieve the objectives set by current conservation policy. Therefore information on management to achieve effective restoration is a priority for research. In this study we examined the size, composition and distribution of the seed bank beneath conifer plantations of different ages at two important heathland sites in Britain. Changes in the physical and chemical properties of heathland soil under the plantations were also described. There were significant, exponential declines in the mean density of viable heather seeds with plantation age at both sites. However, relatively large seed banks survived for 40 years and under some circumstances for more than 70 years, suggesting that restoration on first rotation sites is unlikely to be seed limited. There were small, but significant differences in the soil nutrient status under the plantations compared to the adjacent heaths. It was concluded that the main constraint on heathland regeneration is likely to be the burial of the seed bank by a thick layer of conifer leaf litter. The mechanical removal of this layer has been shown to be practically feasible.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that local invertebrate populations persist only because of occasional immigration. Demands on land are so great that suites of reserves within the natural dispersal abilities of most species are unlikely to be obtained. Thus there may be little alternative to occasional reintroduction of stock if some species are to be preserved. Moreover, there may be occasions when a species is threatened with extinction due to destruction of its last habitats, and the absence of other suitable sites to which it could be transferred. In such cases there is a need to maintain stocks in captivity for use in future reintroductions. Indeed, this has been the approach followed by vertebrate conservationists, where the ideal of habitat conservation is often prohibitively expensive. Recent methods of rearing butterflies on artificial diets have allowed cost-effective production of large populations of butterflies and moths, even when their natural foodplant is unavailable. These populations may be considerably larger than their natural counterparts. Since it is more efficient to use resources to produce a number of species on one site, it is proposed that the maintenance of stocks of rare species be entrusted to a Captive Breeding Institute established for this purpose. Since the techniques employed have commercial potential in mass-production of species of economic importance, it is hoped that the Institute will be largely self-financing after its initial foundation. In this manner resources will not be diverted from the essential work of habitat conservation.  相似文献   

The aggregation of individuals into foraging flocks is one behavioural trait that, if disrupted, can cause the Allee effect, which is a slowing in population growth at low density or small population size, and this can greatly increase the risk of extinction. Here, I describe intraspecific flocking behaviour of a colour-banded population of speckled warblers, Chthonicola sagittata, a species that has declined across a large part of its range in the fragmented temperate woodlands of Australia. I make predictions about the context in which the Allee effect might be expressed and the consequences for the viability of populations living in small habitat remnants. Speckled warblers lived in discrete, stable social groups throughout winter, the nucleus of which was the residents from one or more adjacent breeding territories. The timing and mode of flock formation and the size of flocks varied between two winters, apparently in response to the severity of conditions; thus flocking probably facilitates increased foraging efficiency and predator detection, potentially leading to increased survival in harsh conditions. Because flock territories were up to 30 ha each, and larger territories are likely, birds living in remnants smaller than 40 ha may suffer increased mortality if there are too few birds available to form flocks of an appropriate size to facilitate the benefits of grouping when conditions are most extreme. Further, in small remnants where survival is reduced, dominance behaviour and male-male competition may act to compound the Allee effect by reducing reproductive success. Regardless of these predictions, speckled warbler populations may only be viable in remnants that are large enough to support multiple flocks, to enable rapid recruitment to breeding vacancies and thus provide adequate numbers of birds for flocking.  相似文献   

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