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鹤类的繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界上现存鹤类15种,其中大多数是稀有珍贵濒临绝灭的物种。目前国内外都很重视鹤类的研究和保护工作,在美国有“国际鹤类基金会”组织,专门研究和保护世界上15种鹤类。我国最近成立了“鹤类联合保护委员会”,为了拯救和保护我国所产占世界鹤类60%的9种鹤类。主要是进行鹤的保护管理、资源考察、饲养繁殖等方面的科学研究工作,对鹤类的繁殖地、越冬地、迁经的地  相似文献   

中国有九种鹤,占世界十五种鹤的百分之六十,是世界上有鹤种类最多的国家,其中有5种鹤已被列入世界濒危鸟类名单。近几年,随着我国野生动物保护事业的蓬勃开展和两个文明的建设,我国部分省区开展了鹤类的保护和研究工作,先后在繁殖地和越冬地建立了鹤类保护区。我国除赤颈鹤外,其它八种鹤都是候鸟,在迁徒过程中路过很多  相似文献   

中国动物园圈养鹤类现状调查及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国动物园协会主要饲养鹤类会员单位的鹤类调查结果,目的是更好地了解中国动物园圈养鹤类的种群数量及目前会员单位鹤类饲养管理的现状、存在的问题与相关需求,从而提高鹤类饲养管理水平,最终形成健康的、可持续发展的种群。本调查于2011年8月向中国动物园协会120家会员单位发出了调查问卷,截止到2011年10月11日共收到中国动物园协会主要饲养鹤类的56家会员单位(包括动物园、野生动物园与自然保护区)的回复(回收率为46.7%)。在回复的56家单位中共饲养鹤类12种1 836只(8只杂交鹤除外)。种群数量比1997年增加了58.4%。近一半的单位认为饲养设施处于一般水平。近80%的鹤类向游客展出,并且大部分都采用成群饲养的展出方式。有85%的单位能够实现个体识别,更多的单位选择脚环和芯片标识鹤类。在人工育雏过程中,雏鹤的腿病和由于混养引起打斗而造成的外伤是存在的主要问题。疾病是造成全国圈养鹤类死亡的主要原因,其次是由于外伤造成骨折引起的死亡。各会员单位希望今后能够开展鹤类性别鉴定、人工育雏、人工授精的培训。根据本次调查结果,提出了8项建议。  相似文献   

世界鹤类基金会主席阿其博士一行9人于1984年10月28日参观访问东北林学院。访问期间,应东北林学院野生动物系付主任马建章付教授的邀请,阿其博博士作了题为《世界鹤类现状》的学术报告。阿其博博士在报告中概括地介绍了三方面的情况。世界濒危鹤类的研究现状:在世界现存的鹤类中有7种是濒危种。野生鹤类濒危与否,除了要确切的调查其分布范围和种群数量之外,还应该进行繁殖生物学的研究,了解鹤类的繁殖周期,进行人工孵化、饲养等。中国对鹤类的保护情况:近年来  相似文献   

中国大鸨研究进展及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过统计1959-2005年关于大鸨的研究文献,分别从就地保护、迁地保护两个方面进行分析。结果表明:有关大鸨的研究虽从1959年开始,但直到80年代才逐渐形成系统,其中,就地保护研究数量(67.2%)多于迁地保护的研究数量(32.8%)。迁地保护和就地保护都存在研究内容比较基础的问题。在大鸨的就地保护中,保护区没有真正发挥其功效;大鸨迁地保护工作虽取得一定成就,能够保持人工饲养种群数量的基本稳定,但人工繁育技术只在部分地区取得成功,另外,应激和疾病仍是影响大鸨迁地保护工作的主要因素。本文针对目前中国大鸨现状提出保护对策,着重强调环境保护和科研合作。  相似文献   

白头鹤为国家一级重点保护动物,1981年出版的世界濒危鸟类《红皮书》中被列为世界濒危物种。开展其驯养繁殖技术的试验研究,对于该物种迁地保护具有十分重要的意义。 齐齐哈尔市龙沙公园自1989年开始进行白头鹤繁殖的研究,1992年成功地繁殖出仔一代92061701号、93051001号、93051202号,1997年对仔一代进行繁殖试验,人工孵化和自然孵化出3只仔二代,成活1只2062501号。迄今为止,国内外尚无白头鹤繁殖仔二代情况报导。 试验材料和饲养条件 种鹤来源:繁殖用的种鹤()9305120…  相似文献   

黑颈鹤(Grus nigricllis )是我国一类保护珍禽,属世界稀有珍贵野禽。灰鹤(Grus grus)是我国二类保护珍禽。它们均是季节性迁徒鸟类,在威宁草海越冬期约为5—9个月。黑颈鹤和灰鹤在我国动物园是观赏珍禽,随着我国自然保护区的不断建立和发展,各地对野鹤的人工饲养、繁殖的研究逐渐增多起来。鹤类生理指标的测定,对于鹤类的人工驯化饲养,提高繁殖能力,了解其健康状况、疫病的诊断、预防和治疗等都有一定的参考价值。此项研究工作在我国极少报导,为此,笔者先后对威宁草海自然保护区管理处饲养的黑颈鹤2只和灰鹤12只,进行了体温、呼吸、心跳、血液常规等项指标的测定,为鹤类研究提供一定的科学依据,以供科研生产上参考。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区是鹤类重要的迁徙中转站,在鹤类保护中具有重要意义。在中国9种鹤类资源中,保护区有7种。2006年鹤类南迁期,作者于10月初至12月初,采用定点观察法,对保护区内的鹤类进行观察,并对鹤类南迁的迁徙规律进行分析。  相似文献   

通过对哈尔滨北方森林动物园内丹顶鹤、白枕鹤、灰鹤、白头鹤共4种7对鹤类自2004~2013年饲养管理及繁殖情况的总结,并进行大量的数据分析和对比,得出在饲料的营养水平以及饲养环境相近的情况下,利用鹤类补卵的习性,通过捡卵人工孵化提高了鹤类的产卵数量,在一定程度上提高了繁殖率。但同时长期人为干涉鹤类的产卵情况,有意识地增加鹤类产卵数量会导致降低种鹤的产卵年限、卵的受精率以及种卵的质量,从而降低鹤卵的孵化率、出雏率,以及鹤雏的质量,成活率降低。以亲鹤自然孵化以及自然孵化和人工孵化相结合的方式代替单纯的人工孵化减少了种鹤的产卵数量,但保持了鹤类原始行为,双亲共同孵化育雏使其关系更加亲密,更有利于繁殖行为的进行,同时提高了鹤雏的出雏率以及雏鹤的成活率,延长产卵年限。  相似文献   

中国黑龙江省扎龙自然保护区,是一个重要的鹤类繁殖栖息地和候鸟的停歇地。它目前正面临着威胁。威胁主要来自于当地人为了从沼泽地中把资源弄走去换成钱的做法。乔治·阿其波博士(国际鹤类基金会主席,WWF为表彰他的自然保护工作,授予他金牌)呼吁要在扎龙自然保护区内妥善安排人类活动与鹤类的保护工作。同时他还希望,爱鸟旅游者能到扎龙去看看鹤类和其它150种鸟类,并对扎龙的保护计划给予财政上的支持。自1981年以来,我就开始在中国黑龙江省扎龙自然保护区进行鹤类研究。扎龙这块  相似文献   

中国鹤类动物发生疾病统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张成林  刘燕  贾婷  郑常明  罗毅 《野生动物》2012,33(6):345-349
依据已有文献资料记载,分析了中国近25a来鹤类动物发生的疾病。丹项鹤、白鹤、黑颈鹤、白枕鹤、灰鹤、蓝鹤、蓑羽鹤、白头鹤,共8种鹤有发病资料,丹项鹤疾病占统计总数的64.12%。营养因素、寄生虫、细菌是引起鹤发病的主要原因,有机磷中毒是造成野生鹤大批死亡的主要原因,球虫病、血液原虫病是造成圈养鹤大批死亡的主要疾病。幼鹤腿部疾病和痛风是主要的营养性疾病,吸虫、球虫、住白细胞原虫是导致发病主要的寄生虫,巴氏杆菌、大肠杆菌是引起发病的主要细菌,有机磷是造成中毒的主要原因,新城疫病毒、马立克病毒、疱疹病毒亦可引起鹤发病。加强饲养管理与合作,改善环境条件,提高饲养人员的业务素质,完善保护法律和落实措施,是减少疾病发生和死亡有效措施。  相似文献   

受自然生境退化和土地利用方式改变的影响,越来越多鸟类依赖于人工生境生存。白鹤为IUCN极危物种,全球种群数量约3 500~4 000只,其中约98%的个体在鄱阳湖越冬。白鹤曾被认为是专性栖息于浅水生境中的鸟类,在鄱阳湖主要在浅水区取食水生植物苦草的冬芽。然而,近几年大量的白鹤离开自然生境,前往稻田和藕田觅食。本研究基于2010/2011~2017/2018年越冬季五星垦殖场(目前发现白鹤数量最多的人工生境)的白鹤调查数据,首次报道了人工生境中白鹤数量的长期动态。结果表明白鹤数量呈现逐渐增长的趋势,2016/2017~2017/2018年越冬季增长至1 115只,约占全球总数量的30%。由此可见,人工生境已成为白鹤的重要觅食地。觅食地改变使白鹤面临高强度的人为干扰,对此,建议加强白鹤对人工生境的适应性研究,评估白鹤的生存现状,为保护政策的制度提供科学依据。白鹤等依赖于水生植被生存的鸟类的觅食生境变化表明鄱阳湖水生植被退化严重,生态环境质量不断恶化。  相似文献   

Red-crowned cranes Grus japonensis, which are an endangered species, have two separate populations, a mainland population in the Eurasian continent and an island population in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Island cranes showed three haplotypes (Gj1, Gj2 and Gj13), whereas ten haplotypes (Gj3–Gj12) were confirmed in captive cranes and stray cranes. We found Gj5 haplotype in feathers of two cranes as well as four new haplotypes in seven wild crane feathers collected in South Korea. We also found feathers in the nest in Sarobetsu Wetland in northwestern Hokkaido. While the haplotype of female-derived feathers was Gj2, that of male-derived feathers was Gj5. The results suggest that there has been crossbreeding between cranes in the island population and cranes in the mainland population.  相似文献   

A herpesvirus was isolated from captive cranes involved in a 1978 die-off. Neutralizing antibody to this virus was detected in this captive population as early as 1975 and consistently thereafter through 1979. Exposure to the virus evidently occurred at least 2 1/2 years before the die-off, without causing any mortality diagnosed as being caused by inclusion body disease of cranes (IBDC). Overcrowding and environmental conditions in 1978 may have contributed to the deaths of certain species of cranes in one area and not in another. Mortality ratios and serological data suggest that crane species vary in their response to IBDC virus.  相似文献   

Rate of appearance, peak concentration, and the biological half-life of gentamicin in the plasma of quail (Coturnix coturnix), pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), and cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) were studied. Gentamicin was given IM in doses of 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg of body weight. Peak plasma concentrations occurred earliest in the quail, latest in the cranes. The peak concentrations varied directly with the administered doses in all species. The biological half-life of gentamicin was 42 +/- 12 minutes in the quail, 75 +/- 15 minutes in the pheasants, and 165 +/- 37 minutes in the cranes. On the basis of the present data, dosage regimens for gentaminic of 5 mg/kg every 8 hours in pheasants and cranes, and 10 mg/kg every 6 hours in quail, would be expected to give constant plasma concentrations greater than 4.0 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

The red-crowned crane Grus japonensis in Hokkaido, Japan forms a closed population as a residence that is independent of the mainland population. Based on observations of a limited number of individuals as well as cranes in captivity, red-crowned cranes are omnivores and eat fish, worms, insects and plants in their own territories except in winter, when they are fed with dent corn that is supplied in eastern Hokkaido. DNA metabarcoding based on high throughput sequencing was carried out using universal primer sets for cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Feces from 27 chicks collected in June and July in the period from 2016 to 2018 and intestinal contents from 33 adult and subadult cranes that were found dead almost throughout year in 2006–2013 in the field in eastern Hokkaido were used. Although compositions varied considerably in the cranes, both insects and fish were found in adults and subadults to the same extents, while insects were predominant in chicks. Both insects and fish were detected in all seasons for adults and subadults. Horse flies, scarab beetles and weevils accounted for the most of the insects regardless of the life stage. Dace, stickleback, flatfish and sculpin were the major fish species in adults, while chicks ate almost only stickleback. The results provide the first comprehensive data on carnivorous diets in wild red-crowned cranes in eastern Hokkaido as basis for conservation of red-crowned cranes, for which the life style and area continue to change.  相似文献   

Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in captivity reared, endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana). Objectives of this retrospective, case series, cross‐sectional study were to describe computed tomography (CT) respiratory anatomy in a juvenile whooping crane without respiratory disease, compare CT characteristics with gross pathologic characteristics in a group of juvenile whooping cranes with respiratory aspergillosis, and test associations between the number of CT tracheal bends and bird sex and age. A total of 10 juvenile whooping cranes (one control, nine affected) were included. Seven affected cranes had CT characteristics of unilateral extrapulmonary bronchial occlusion or wall thickening, and seven cranes had luminal occlusion of the intrapulmonary primary or secondary bronchi. Air sac membrane thickening was observed in three cranes in the cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs, and air sac diverticulum opacification was observed in four cranes. Necropsy lesions consisted of severe, subacute to chronic, focally extensive granulomatous pathology of the trachea, primary bronchi, lungs, or air sacs. No false positive CT scan results were documented. Seven instances of false negative CT scan results occurred; six of these consisted of subtle, mild air sacculitis including membrane opacification or thickening, or the presence of small plaques found at necropsy. The number of CT tracheal bends was associated with bird age but not sex. Findings supported the use of CT as a diagnostic test for avian species with respiratory disease and tracheal coiling or elongated tracheae where endoscopic evaluation is impractical.  相似文献   

Clinical disease and mortalities due to disseminated visceral coccidiosis were identified for the first time in a group of captive juvenile Eurasian cranes (Grus grus) in the UK during 2008. Presumptive diagnosis was made from the finding of granulomatous nodules in the liver, spleen and other organs at gross postmortem examination, and confirmed histologically by the presence of intracellular coccidial stages within lesions. The species of coccidian was determined to be Eimeria reichenowi on the basis of faecal oocyst morphology and sequencing of 18S rDNA by PCR. A further outbreak of clinical disease occurred in the same enclosure in 2009, affecting a new group of juvenile Eurasian cranes and demoiselle cranes (Anthropoides virgo) and indicating the persistence of infective oocysts in the environment. Clinical sampling of birds during both years demonstrated positive results from examination of both faecal samples and peripheral blood smears.  相似文献   

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