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Seeds of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) are moved between and within fields on combine harvesters. The dispersal of seeds of two biotypes of P. miliaceum by combine harvesters was quantified. The golden-seeded biotype of this weedy annual grass was known to have larger seeds and to experience less seed shattering than the black-seeded biotype. An average of 3·3% of the seeds on the plants of the black-seeded biotype was carried more than 50 m by combines, while 0·9% of the golden seeds were carried the same distance. The densities of the seed rain within 50 m of the weedy patches were 3·7 seeds m−2 for the black-seeded biotype and 9·7 seeds m−2 for the golden-seeded biotype. This difference was proportional to the difference in the number of seeds in the respective source patches. The numbers of seeds deposited at various points within 50 m of source patches were close to uniform for both biotypes. There was, however, a significant difference (P < 0·05) in the distributions of the seeds of the two biotypes.  相似文献   

以糜子抗旱种质为实验材料,采用cDNA-AFLP技术分析四叶期糜子幼苗叶片在干旱、复水与对照等条件下的基因表达差异。选取了36个引物组合(6个荧光标记TaqⅠ引物×6个非荧光标记MseⅠ引物)进行选择性扩增,结果表明,这些引物组合都有很好的扩增效果,在三种处理之间均能扩增出表达模式不同的差异片段。随机选取了8个干旱特有和4个复水特有的差异片段进行了克隆测序。利用NCBI的Blastn进行序列的dbEST比对结果表明,12个EST序列中有2个分别与小麦、玉米的EST序列有较高的相似性,其余10个与已知EST序列的同源性都很低,可能为新的糜子抗旱相关基因。用Blastx与Genebank的非冗余蛋白数据库进行比较结果表明,其中的一个序列(DR007245)与N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-N-乙酰胞壁酸五肽(UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--N-acetylmuramyl-(Pentapeptide))的同源性较高,两个序列(DR007249,DR007250)与水稻的反转录转座子蛋白具有较高的同源性,反转录转座蛋白在植物抗旱、耐盐等抗逆境方面有重要作用。另外还有两个序列(DR007251,DR007252)与两种假定蛋白同源性较高。  相似文献   

糜子叶片衰老与活性氧代谢研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以榆糜3号为试验材料,研究糜子叶片衰老与活性氧代谢特性。结果表明,随着植株衰老,不同叶位超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶等保护性酶活性呈由高到低的变化趋势,旗叶活性氧保护酶含量高且下降缓慢,丙二醛含量低且增长缓慢,在籽粒灌浆中后期表现更为明显。研究认为,在旱作农业生产中,延缓叶片衰老,对促进糜子籽粒充实,提高糜子产量和品质具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the differential activities of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) with respect to atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-S-triazine] and EPTC (S-ethyldipropyl thiocarbamate) metabolism. GSH-S-transferase was isolated from proso millet shoots and roots. When assayed spectrophotometrically using CDNB (1-chloro 2,4-dinitrobenzene) as a substrate, the shoot enzyme had only 10% of the activity of corn shoot enzyme while the root enzyme had 33% the activity of corn root enzyme. However, when proso millet shoot GSH-S-transferase was assayed in vitro using 14C-ring-labeled atrazine, it degraded the atrazine to water-soluble products at the same rate as the corn shoot enzyme. Incubation of excised proso millet and corn roots with [14C]EPTC indicated that uptake of EPTC was similar in both plants. However, proso millet metabolized the EPTC to water-soluble products at only half the rate of corn. Glutathione levels of proso millet roots were 35.9 μg GSH/g fresh wt, compared with 65.4 μg GSH/g fresh wt for corn. However, a 2.5-day pretreatment with R-25788 (N,N-diallyl-2-2-dichloroacetamide) elevated proso millet GSH levels to 62.7 μg GSH/g fresh wt. R-25788 did not elevate the activity of proso millet GSH-S-transferase, in contrast to its effects on corn. We conclude that differences in response to atrazine and EPTC in proso millet and corn are a result of their differential metabolism.  相似文献   

Trifluralin in cotton and benfluralin in groudnut. incorporated pre-planting. gave satisfactory control of grass weeds and increased crop yields substantially. Oxadiazon as a pre-planting treatment did not give satisfactory additional control of dicotyledons resistant to the first two herbicides. A post-sowing mechanical ridging operation controlled some herbicide resistant weeds, but its effects depended on timing, weed species and growing conditions. Supportive hand weeding of resistant weeds (mainly dicotyledons) was most effective 4 weeks after crop emergence. Crop yields similar to clean weeded controls were achieved by combining trifluralin or benfluralin with moderate supportive hand weeding and re-ridging. Herbicide applications could be made several months before crop planting during the dry season, giving more effective use of spray equipment and operatives. Delays of up to 24 hours between spraying and incorporation by normal cultivation could be tolerated without loss of herbicidal activity.  相似文献   

Although large numbers or viable seeds of C. arvense arc formed in some districts of Victoria, the germination percentage declines rapidly in the first 2 years. No seedlings were established from seed artificially spread on pastures, although at two sites 6–8% and 12–6% of seed sown 0–5–1′0 cm deep into bare soil gave emerged seedlings, and 78% and 93% respectively of the seedlings survived. It is unlikely that C arvense is spreading rapidly by seed under the present management of permanent grassland. Patches of C. arvense were shown to have a pattern of development similar to plants such as Pteridium and Calluna that degenerate behind an advancing front. The annual rate of vegetative spread in pastures was about 150 cm and extremely variable (range 4–341 cm).  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different rates (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 kg ha?1) of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application on the growth, biomass production and N‐uptake efficiency of torpedograss. The growth responses of torpedograss to the N application were significant throughout the observation periods. Torpedograss grown for 60 days obtained the highest total biomass of 23.0 g plant?1 with an application of 200 kg ha?1 N, followed by 20.4 g plant?1 with an application of 100 kg ha?1 N; when it was grown for 90 days a significantly higher biomass of 102.3–106.0 g plant?1 was obtained with the 200–400 kg ha?1 N than the biomass (68.0 g plant?1) obtained with the fertilizer applied at a lower rate. When the torpedograss was grown for 130 days the highest biomass was 230.0 g plant?1 with the 400 kg ha?1 N application, followed by a biomass of 150.0 g plant?1 with the 200 kg ha?1 N application, but the above‐ground shoot in all treatments was over mature for animal food. The ratio of the above‐ground shoot to the underground part increased with the increase in N application up to 400 kg ha?1 during the 90 days after planting (DAP), but the above‐ground shoot biomass was the same with the 200 and 400 kg ha?1 N. The agronomic efficiency of the N application decreased to 5–38 with the increase in N application to 400 kg ha?1, which was less than half the agronomic efficiency with the 200 kg ha?1 N. The agronomic efficiency of N was very low (5–22) during the 60 DAP, which indicated that the N application would not be economically viable in this period for torpedograss as a pasture, and short‐duration plants could be cultivated in torpedograss‐infested fields to minimize weed‐crop competition. The nitrogen concentration (%) in the torpedograss increased with the increase in N application, but N‐uptake efficiency was the opposite and the value was very low with the 400 kg ha?1 N. The above results lead us to conclude that the N application rate of 200 kg ha?1 is the most effective for torpedograss growth.  相似文献   

Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted from 1995 through 1996 to evaluate application timing of asulam (methyl sulfanilylcarbamate) for torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) control in relation to plant age in sugarcane. Above‐ground shoots of torpedograss were completely controlled with asulam at 2–4 kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha?1 applied 60 or 80 days after planting (DAP) in artificially infested pots. But some newly developed rhizome buds survived after asulam application resulting in 1–25 and 76–100% or more regrowth in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied pots, respectively. Whereas the herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP completely controlled above‐ground shoots, applied 80 DAP at 2 kg a.i. ha?1 it did not completely control the weed in the artificially infested field. Regrowth levels were 1–25 and 76–100% or more in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied plots, respectively. Asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 applied 20, 40, 60 or 80 DAP in a naturally infested field completely controlled above‐ground shoots and regrowth levels were 76–100 or more, 51–75, 1–25 and 26–50% in these same DAP applied plots, respectively. The herbicide applied at 4 kg a.i. ha?1 caused chlorosis on younger sugarcane leaves (one‐leaf stage), but when applied at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1, no injury symptoms were shown. The herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP resulted in remarkably higher yield and shoot biomass of sugarcane than that applied 80 DAP. This study suggested that asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 should be applied 60 days after planting for the maximum control of torpedograss regrowth and better yield of sugarcane. This study also indicated that torpedograss cannot be completely controlled with a single application of asulam in a naturally infested field because of rhizome fragmentation by cross plowing and distribution of rhizomes into different soil layers that require different times to emerge. The shoots emerging after asulam application could not be controlled. Another study is required to determine the interval between sequential applications of asulam for better control of torpedograss in a naturally infested field.  相似文献   

In pot experiments on Panicum repens manual and chemical defoliation at intervals of 2–6 weeks decreased the growth of shoots, roots and new rhizomes and reduced the carbohydrate reserves. The most frequent manual defoliation did not completely suppress growth even when continued for 9 months. The plants were killed, however, by application of paraquat at doses of 0–14-0′56 kg/ha every 2 weeks for a period of 3 months. It is suggested that repeated mechanical defoliation may help to reduce plant vigour and limit the rate of spread in the field and that it may be possible to develop a method of more permanent control based on repeated application of paraquat. Quelques effets de la ddfoliation manuelle et chimique sur la croissance el les reserves en hydrates de carbone de Panicum repens (L.) Beauv. Dans des expériences en pots sur Panicum repens, des défoliations manuelles et chimiques effectuées à des inter-valles de 2 à 6 semaines ont diminué la croissance de la partie aérienne, des racines, et des nouveaux rhizomes et ont réduit les réserves en hydrates de carbone. Dans la plupart des cas, Ia défoliation manuelle n'a pas complétement supprimé la croissance, mêmc lorsquété a ete poursuivie pendant 9 mois. Toutefois, les plantes ont été tuées par une application de paraquat à des doses de 0,14 à 0,56 kg/ha, toutes les deux semaines pendant une pédode de 3 mois. Ceci suggére que les défoliations mécaniques répétées peuvent contribuer à la réduction de la vigueur de la plante et à la limitation du taux d'infestation au champ, ce qui rendrait possible l'établissement d'une méthode de lutte plus définitive, basée sur des applications répétées de araquat. Einige Auswirkungen von mechanischer und chemischer Blattabtötung auf das Wachstum und die Kohlehydratreserven von Panicum repens (L.) Beauv. Bei Topfversuchen mit Panicum repens verminderte mechanische und chemische Blattabtötung in AbstSaUden von 2–6 Wochen das Wachstum von Spross, Wurzel und neuen Rhizomen. Ebenso wurden die Kohlehydratreserven herabgesetzt. Die in Abstönden von zwei Wochen durchgeführte mechanische Blattabtötung führte auch nach neun Monaten nicht zu einer vollständigen Unterdrückung des Wachstums. Jedoch wurden die Pftanzen durch Paraquat abgetötet wenn dieses in zweiwöchigem Abstand drei Monate hin-durch in Aufwandmengen von 0.14–0.56 kg/ha angewandt wurde. Es wird angenommen, dass wiederholte mechanische Blattabtötung dazu beilrägt, die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Pflanzen zu vermindern und die Ausbreitung im Feld zu begrenzen, Es wird der Hoffnung Ausdruck gegeben, dass es möglich sein wird, eine Methode fur länger anhaltende Bekämpfung auf der Grundlage von wiederholt ausge-brachtem Paiaquat zu entwickeln.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were conduced to evaluate the effect of Abutilon theophrasti on dry matter, branching and flowering node, and seed production of soybean. Low populations (2.4–4.7 plants m?2) of the weed reduced soybean dry matter, flowering node and seed production. The effect was most pronounced on soybean seed yield, and less on flowering node and dry weight production. These effects were due to the presence of A. theophrasti with soybean, and not to changes in plant population. The effect on soybean branching node production was inconsistent between years.  相似文献   

Soil incorporated. pre-sowing application of trifiuralin in cotton or of benfluralin in gruundnut, each at 1–68 kg a.i., ha, cut labour requirement for handweeding to levels where the tenant could he largely independent of hired labour, Economic returns from a combination of these herbicides plus supportive hand- weeding for herbicide-resistant species compared favourably with those from hand- weeding only as presently recommended. Application and incorporation of trifluralin and benfluralin fited well into existing practices for seedbed preparation and any likely modifications of these. There was no evidence of crop phytoxicity and crop maturity was not affected. Residue analysis indicated no soil residue problems for crops in rotations and no residues were detected in crop seed. Trifluralin applied many months in advance of cotton planting in the dry season, did not start to disappear until the soils were wetted just before couon planting.  相似文献   

Absorption, translocation and metabolism of 14C-pyridate were compared in tolerant maize. moderately susceptible Polygonum lapathifolium and susceptible Chenopodium album. Foliar absorption was limited in all species, but comparatively higher penetration levels were observed in younger leaves of dicotyledonous species. The absorbed radioactivity was not very mobile and translocation appeared mainly sym-plastic. Herbicide selectivity could not be explained on the basis of absorption and transport. Chenopodium and P. lapathifolium degraded pyridate and formed unstable water-soluble conjugates that easily released a phytotoxic metabolite. By contrast, more stable unidentified water-soluble metabolites were found in maize. That metabolic difference could explain the selectivity of pyridate.  相似文献   

甘肃糜子(Panicum miliaceum L.)生态气候适宜性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨糜子种植的生态气候适宜性,运用积分回归方法,对庆阳西峰区、天水麦积区、定西安定区及武威凉州区1985~2008年糜子产量受气候因子的影响进行了分析。结果表明:水热因子在不同的生育阶段对不同地点糜子的产量影响各不相同;在抽穗~开花期间,旬平均气温对安定、凉州、西峰、麦积糜子产量影响较大,分别为10.5 kg/(hm2.℃)9、.0 kg/(hm2.℃)8、.0 kg/(hm2.℃)及5.6 kg/(hm2.℃),在拔节期旬降水量对产量影响较大,分别为8.0 kg/(hm2.mm)3、.0 kg/(hm2.mm)5、.2 kg/(hm2.mm)及5.2 kg/(hm2.mm);甘肃各地光照基本上都能满足糜子的生长发育需要;最适宜种植区为陇东的塬区、渭河谷地及河西海拔在1 600 m以下灌溉区及敦煌盆地;最具有潜力的种植区为陇中地区及陇东的北部。  相似文献   

Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) are of economic importance worldwide. In Europe, Amaranthus retroflexus is one of the ten weed species of greatest economic importance. It is a serious problem weed in several field crops (e.g. maize), as well as in vegetables, orchards and grape vines. It is an annual spreading by seeds which have a long viabilityand are dispersed principally by wind and water, but also by machinery. There is great variability in seed germination which renders control with post-emergence herbicides difficult. In addition, triazine herbicide-resistant populations occur in ten European countries. The aim of this subproject of COST action 816 is to investigate the possibilities of classical and inundative biological control of Amaranthus spp., to characterize potentialbiological control agents and to develop methods for their integration with current phytosanitary measures in the target crops. The project was initiated with an extended literaturesurvey followed by field surveys for insects and pathogens associated with Amaranthus spp. in several European countries. Promising isolates of fungal pathogens have been tested ondetached leaves and whole plants, and initial studies on the application of pathogens causing damping off in seedlings have been made. Further, the variability of different provenances ofAmaranthus spp. in response to fungal attack has been investigated  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken from May 1996 to October 1997 in the glasshouse of the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan to investigate standing water (12 cm deep) and shoot removal plus standing water regimes on morphological changes, growth, regrowth and biomass production of torpedograss ( Panicum repens L.). The stem internode was longer in standing-water-treated plants than that in untreated plants. The root-crown was developed from the submerged stem-node. Spike-like tillers and sheath-like leaf blades were observed in water-treated plants. Higher shoot biomass and lower rhizome biomass were obtained in standing-water-treated plants than that in untreated plants. Standing-water-treated plants attained higher total biomass than untreated plants. Standing-water stress was the factor that inhibited regrowth of torpedograss when the above-ground shoot was removed. Rhizomes without shoots of 6-month-old torpedograss did not survive in standing water for more than 6 months. The results indicate that torpedograss can survive in standing water if the shoots remain above the water surface. Shoot removal is one effective way to control torpedograss regrowth in standing water. The results of this study may be dependent on season, day length, water temperature, water pH, water depth and salt concentration in water.  相似文献   

Knock-down resistance in Musca domestica, which provides cross-resistance between DDT and pyrethroids, has been genetically separated from three different resistant populations. After careful purification of each factor, the cross-over rates between them and the visible mutants brown body and green eye were estimated. This indicated that these factors are probably identical. The influence and implications of the knock-down resistance factor, kdr, on the total resistance of populations that include it are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The present study describes the influence of temperature levels and planting time on the sprouting of rhizome-buds and the biomass production of torpedograss ( Panicum repens L.) in the Okinawa prefecture, Japan. Torpedograss planted in each month (1994–95) was grown for 210 days. Sprouting of the rhizome-bud of torpedograss was 92–96% at the temperature range of 20–35°C in an incubator, and the sprouting was not observed at the extreme low and high temperature of ≤5 and ≥45°C, respectively. The plant showed 40–72% emergence when grown in pots throughout the year in the ambient temperature range of 17–29°C. The percentage emergence was comparatively higher in March to September, and shoots elongated rapidly in the period from April to October when the temperature range of 22–29°C prevailed. Torpedograss-rhizome sown in the period from January to June obtained significantly higher biomass because higher temperatures prevailed in the following growth period from May to October, as compared with the torpedograss-rhizome sown in the period of July to December. The plant required higher temperatures for proper growth and development during the period of moderate (70–110 days after planting (DAP)) and fast growth phases (110 DAP to the last harvest).  相似文献   

Very few seeds of M. pulegium germinated in the absence of light, but relatively high levels of germination were attained over a wide range of temperatures when seeds were exposed to light. This response to temperature was reflected in patterns of seedling appearance in several field sites, where new plants were recorded between autumn and early summer. Initial mortality rates differed between cohorts which occurred within and outside a pasture community, and were higher in the presence of pasture species. Seedlings survived prolonged periods of inundation and new plants were detected under water to a depth of 10 cm. The capacity for growth under water is considered to be an important aspect of the ability of M. pulegium to invade and persist in sites which are flooded seasonally.  相似文献   

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, were collected from commercial onion fields in 2001, 2002 and 2003 to assess resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin and diazinon. In 2001, six of eight adult populations were resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin, with resistance ratios (RR) ranging from 2 to 13.1 and four of these were also resistant to deltamethrin, with RR ranging from 19.3 to 120. Three of four adult populations were resistant to diazinon with RR ranging from 2.5 to 165.8. In 2002, four of seven nymphal populations and three of six adult populations were resistant to deltamethrin, with RR ranging from 4.3 to 72.5 and 9.4 to 839.2, respectively. Only one of six nymphal populations and one of five adult populations were resistant to diazinon, with RR of 5.6 and 2.3, respectively. In 2003 diagnostic dose bioassays, 15 of 16 onion thrips populations were resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin and all were resistant to deltamethrin. Eight of the 16 were resistant to diazinon. These results indicate that insecticide resistance is widespread in onion thrips in commercial onion fields in Ontario.  相似文献   

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