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Lead dietary intake in a Spanish population (Canary Islands)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For most people diet is the main route of exposure to trace metals, so information about dietary intake is also important to assess risks to human health for these elements. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of Pb in the foods and drinks of highest consumption in the authors' our community to estimate daily intakes of Pb for each of the seven Canary Islands. Four hundred and twenty samples were analyzed using GFAAS. The total Pb intake of the Canarian population is 72.8 microg/day, 29.12% (for a person of 70 kg body weight) of the provisional tolerable weekly intake limit of 25 microg/kg fixed by the FAO/WHO. The island that presents the highest lead intake is La Gomera, followed by Lanzarote, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria islands. These four islands present a lead dietary intake over the mean Pb intake for the whole archipelago. The islands with lower Pb intakes are La Palma and Fuerteventura, with intakes under 70 microg/day. These results have also been compared with the values found for other national and international communities.  相似文献   

To compare the in vitro bioaccessibility of lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, and alpha-and beta-carotenes from relevant dietary contributors, a gastrointestinal model was used to assess the stability, isomerization, carotenol ester hydrolysis, and micellarization. Salivar, gastric, duodenal, and micellar phases were extracted, with and without saponification, and analyzed by using a quality-controlled HPLC method. The stability of carotenoids under digestion conditions was >75%, regardless of the food analyzed, whereas micellarization ranged from 5 to 100%, depending on the carotenoid and the food. cis-Isomers were maintained in processed foods, but increased in fresh foods. Xanthophyll ester hydrolysis was incomplete (<40%), and both free and ester forms were incorporated into supernatants, regardless of the xanthophyll involved and the food assessed. In vitro bioaccesibility varies widely both for different carotenoids in a given food and for a given carotenoid in different foods. Although in vitro bioaccesibility may not be enough to predict the in vivo bioavailability, it may be relevant for the food industry and for food-based dietary guidelines.  相似文献   

The carotenoid and chlorophyll contents in the fruit of four species of Actinidia were measured to determine the chemical basis of color in kiwifruit and related Actinidia species. The species studied were the two commercial fruits Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward and a yellow-fleshed genotype Actinidia chinensis cv. Hort16A (known commercially as ZESPRI Gold kiwifruit), the yellow fruit of Actinida polygama, and the orange fruit of Actinida macrosperma. As reported previously, ripe fruit of A. deliciosa contain chlorophylls a and b and the carotenoids normally associated with photosynthesis, beta-carotene, lutein, violaxanthin, and 9'-cis-neoxanthin. The carotenoids in A. chinensis were similar to those in A. deliciosa but also contained esterified xanthophylls. Only trace amounts of chlorophyll were present in A. chinensis. The major carotenoid in both A. macrosperma and A. polygama was beta-carotene, with no chlorophyll detected. The yellow color of A. chinensis was mostly due to the reduction of chlorophyll rather than an increase in carotenoid concentration. In contrast to the three yellow/orange species, the green fruit of A. deliciosa retains chlorophyll during maturation and ripening, and esterified xanthophylls are not produced. This suggests that in fruit of A. deliciosa chloroplasts are not converted to chromoplasts as is typical for ripening fruit.  相似文献   

Plant sterols (PS) are minor lipid components of plants, which may have potential health benefits, mainly based in their cholesterol-lowering effect. The aim of this study was to determine the composition and content of PS in plant-based foods commonly consumed in Spain and to estimate the PS intake in the Spanish diet. For this purpose, the determination of PS content, using a modern methodology to measure free, esterified, and glycosidic sterol forms, was done. Second, an estimation of the intake of PS, using the Spanish National Food Consumption data, was made. The daily intake per person of PS--campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and stigmastanol--in the Spanish diet was estimated at 276 mg, the largest component being beta-sitosterol (79.7%). Other unknown compounds, tentatively identified as PS, may constitute a considerable potential intake (99 mg). When the daily PS intake among European diets was compared in terms of campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and stigmastanol, the PS intake in the Spanish diet was in the same range of other countries such as Finland (15.7% higher) or The Netherlands (equal). However, some qualitative differences in the PS sources were detected, that is, the predominant brown bread and vegetable fat consumption in the northern diets versus the white bread and vegetable oil consumption in the Spanish diet. These differences may help to provide a link between the consumption of PS and healthy effects of the diet.  相似文献   

Changes in breeding bird diversity in the Netherlands between 1973-1977 and 1998-2000 were evaluated by testing three hypotheses related to the loss of biodiversity: (1) species diversity is declining, (2) biotic homogenization is increasing and (3) rare species are declining more severely than abundant species. Using data collected for two successive national breeding bird atlases, changes in diversity were assessed at different spatial scales (local, regional and national) and among species characteristic for different landscapes (farmland, woodland, heathland, wetland, coastal habitats and urban habitats). National species richness, diversity and equitability had increased between the two atlas periods, with more species increasing than decreasing in range and abundance. Most species in the large groups of woodland and wetland birds showed positive trends, whereas most in the smaller groups of heathland, reed-breeding and meadow birds showed negative trends. However, findings varied between regions and localities. Increases in species richness occurred mainly in regions in the low-lying, western part of the country which were previously relatively poor in species. By contrast, species richness decreased in some previously species-rich regions in the eastern part of the country. This has resulted in a homogenization of breeding bird communities between regions. We advocate the conservation and restoration of regional identity as a priority for landscape planning in the Netherlands. We did not find a clear relation between species abundance and trends, although both rare and very abundant species tended to decrease on average.  相似文献   

For the first time, a cytosolic carotenoid cleavage enzyme isolated from quince (Cydonia oblonga) fruit is described. The enzyme was partially purified by using centrifugation, acetone precipitation, ultrafiltration (300 kD, 50 kD), isoelectric focusing (pH 3-10), and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.5%). In this way, an enzymatically active protein fraction was obtained that contained three similar proteins, all exhibiting molecular weights in the range of 20 kD. Using beta-carotene as substrate, the enzyme activity was detected spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 505 nm. The time constant of the reaction was 8.2 min, the Michaelis constant (K(m)) was 11.0 micromol x L(-1), and the maximum velocity (v(max)) was 0.083 micromol x L(-1) x min(-1) x mg(protein)(-1). The optimum temperature was above 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

Oxidative derivatization of 10 organothiophosphorus insecticides at nanogram levels, with neutralized sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) produced their respective P=O oxygen analogs, as shown by GC/MS and FT-IR analysis.In addition, phorate resulted in phorate oxon sulfoxide while methidathion gave a mixture of oxidation products. Four macro-scale oxidation products of methidathion were isolated by thin layer chromatography and 3 were identified, namely, methidaoxon, bis(2-methoxy-delta2-1,3,4-thiadiazolin-5-on-4-yl) sulfide, and the corresponding disulfide, by comparison of their infrared and mass spectra with those of authentic samples. The relative response to sulfide and disulfide products of the flame photometric detector in both the P- and S-modes is discussed. This derivatization is applied to the confirmation of chlorpyrifos, ethion, phorate, DMPA (Zytron), leptophos, and methidathion in celery, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, and apples at 0.25-0.5 ppm fortification levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate flavonoid intake in the Australian population. DESIGN: Flavonoid consumption was estimated from 24-hour recall data and apparent consumption data using US Department of Agriculture flavonoid composition data. SUBJECTS: The National Nutrition Survey 1995 assessed dietary intake (24-hour recall) in a representative sample (n=13,858) of the Australian population aged 2 years and over. RESULTS: Analysis of the 24-hour recall data indicated an average adult intake (>18 years) of 454 mg day(-1) (92% being flavan-3-ols). Apple was the highest quercetin source until age 16-18 years, after which onion became an increasingly important prominent source. Variations in hesperetin consumption reflected orange intake. Apple, apricot and grapes were the major sources of epicatechin and catechin for children, but subsided as wine consumption increased in adulthood. Wine was the main source of malvidin. Naringenin intake remained static as a percentage of total flavonoid intake until age 19-24 years, corresponding to orange intake, and then increased with age from 19-24 years, corresponding to grapefruit intake. Apparent dietary flavonoid consumption was 351 mg person(-1) day(-1), of which 75% were flavan-3-ols. Black tea was the major flavonoid source (predominantly flavan-3-ols) representing 70% of total intake. Hesperetin and naringenin were the next most highly consumed flavonoids, reflecting orange intake. Both 24-hour recall and apparent consumption data indicated that apigenin intake was markedly higher in Australia than reported in either the USA or Denmark, presumably due to differences in consumption data for leaf and stalk vegetables and parsley. CONCLUSIONS: Tea was the major dietary flavonoid source in Australia. Flavonoid consumption profiles and flavonoid sources varied according to age. More consistent methodologies, survey tools validated for specific flavonoid intakes and enhanced local flavonoid content data for foods would facilitate better international comparisons of flavonoid intake.  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of soil profiles, down to 70 cm depth in mineral soil, sampled for measurements in 1927 revealed a general decrease in pH for spruce and hardwood stands with 0.3 to 0.9 units. The pH-changes in the top soil can partly be explained by biological acidification, increasing with stand age. Stand age and species composition have less influence in deeper soil horizons and much of the acidification there is ascribed to acid deposition.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase class 1 enzyme (FaCCD1) was identified among a strawberry fruit expressed sequence tag collection. The full-length cDNA was isolated, and the expression profiles along fruit receptacle development and ripening, determined by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction, showed that FaCCD1 is a ripening-related gene that reaches its maximal level of expression in the red fully ripe stage. FaCCD1 was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the products formed by the recombinant protein through oxidative cleavage of carotenoids were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses. The FaCCD1 protein cleaves zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta-apo-8'-carotenal in vitro. Although beta-carotene is not a good substrate for FaCCD1 in vitro, the expression of FaCCD1 in an engineered carotenoid-producing E. coli strain caused the degradation of beta-carotene in vivo. Additionally, the carotenoid profile in strawberry was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode detection, and a correlation between the increase of the expression level of FaCCD1 during ripening and the decrease of the lutein content suggests that lutein could constitute the main natural substrate of FaCCD1 activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The carotenoid composition of persimmon fruit purees of two cultivars, cvs. Rojo Brillante and Sharon, grown in Spain was determined by HPLC to assess the effects of high-pressure processing on some sensory (carotenoids), nutritional (provitamin A value), and health-related (radical-scavenging capacity) parameters. Total carotenoid content was higher in untreated Rojo Brillante puree (22. 11 microg g(-)(1)) than in untreated Sharon puree (15.22 microg g(-)(1)). Purees of both untreated cultivars showed similar carotenoid patterns after saponification with beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin as the main pigments. A high content of lycopene was quantified in Rojo Brillante (5.34 microg g(-)(1)), whereas only traces were detected in Sharon. The provitamin A value, reported as retinol equivalents (RE), was in untreated Rojo Brillante puree (77 RE/100 g) similar to that of Sharon (75 RE/100 g). Scavenging free radical capacity, measured as antiradical efficiency (AE), showed in untreated Rojo Brillante puree a value (12.14 x 10(-)(3)) 8.5 times higher than that in untreated Sharon (1. 42 x 10(-)(3)). Nonuniform behavior of high-pressure treatment was detected. Pressure treatments at 50 and 300 MPa/15 min/25 degrees C for Rojo Brillante and at 50 and 400 MPa/15 min/25 degrees C for Sharon increased the amount of extractable carotenoids (9-27%), which are related with the increase of vitamin A value (75-87 RE/100 g). No correlation with the increase of AE (from 1.42 x 10(-)(3) to 16.73 x 10(-)(3) and 19.58 x 10(-)(3)) after some pressure treatments (150 and 300 MPa/15 min/25 degrees C) was found.  相似文献   

1961-2014年中国干湿气候时空变化特征及成因分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
利用全国701个气象站点1961-2014年逐日地面观测资料,基于降水量和参考作物蒸散量(ET0)计算的湿润指数研究了近54a中国干湿气候时空变化特征,并利用敏感性和贡献率法分析了气候变化背景下主要气象因子对ET0的影响,对干湿气候变化的成因进行了探讨.结果表明:全国气候在3个时间段(时段1:1961-1980;时段2:1981-2000;时段3:2001-2014)中经历了变湿到变干的过程;不同地区干湿状况变化差异很大,干旱趋势主要发生在中国的半干旱半湿润气候区;1961-2014年降水量变化趋势不显著,ET0呈显著下降的趋势,61.6%的站点出现"蒸发悖论"现象.南方大部分地区和新疆的西北部由于降水量增加和ET0减少,气候变湿;西北和西南大部分地区由于年降水量减少和ET0增加,气候呈显著变干的趋势.ET0对相对湿度的变化最敏感,风速的负贡献率是引起ET0变化的主导因子.研究时段内风速和日照时数的减少对ET0的负效应超过温度上升对ET0的增大作用,导致全国ET0总体呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

The vitamin C content of several fresh fruit and vegetables was determined by a liquid chromatographic (LC) method which gave simultaneous separate values for ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) and by the official AOAC methods of microfluorometry and dye-titration. The levels of ascorbic acid obtained by LC and dye-titration were in good agreement, except for a few colored products where it was difficult to determine the end point of the titration. The combined values for ascorbic acid and DHA obtained by LC and microfluorometry were in agreement for most produce, but for about one-third of the samples, the values obtained by microfluorometry were significantly higher.  相似文献   

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