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板栗从播种到嫁接成苗,一般需3~4年时间,育苗期太长。为此,我们研究了板栗的快速育苗——子苗大田嫁接。板栗子苗嫁接的方法,国内外虽已有报道,但他们的工作均在优越的条件下进行,尚未进入大田试验,难于推广。为寻求在我县具体条件下板栗子苗大田嫁接技术,我们于1984年进行了试验,已取得初步效果。其方法不仅有操作方便、简单易行、易于推广的特点,而且在包扎幼嫩子苗用的绑扎物研究方面有所创新。1985年嫁接的5400株,分  相似文献   

板栗在育苗生产中,往往采用茅栗、野板栗1年生实生苗做砧木嫁接培育苗木,在我国大部分地方培育板栗苗都是采用这种常规方法。该法不仅培育时间长,而且嫁接成活率低,生产成本高。采用芽苗砧嫁接技术培育板栗苗木,生产周期短(1年出圃造林),成活率高(95%以上)...  相似文献   

板栗芽苗砧嫁接技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以前的板栗嫁接多采用一年生实生苗作砧木嫁接,作者尝试了一种用板栗芽苗嫁接的新方法,取得了较好的效果。用板栗芽苗砧嫁接可缩短板栗嫁接苗培育周期,节约育苗地和时间,成活率高达95%,成本低,效益高,技术实用。  相似文献   

本文针对当前各地在板栗嫁接育苗方面,普遍采用常规育苗方法的生产现状,提出了板栗子苗大田嫁接育苗的方法,并详细阐述了各个生产环节中的技术要点。  相似文献   

板栗芽苗移栽育苗技术谢留运(湖北省钟祥市林业科技推广中心,431900)板栗种皮致密、坚硬,用常规方法育苗,发芽慢、易霉烂、出苗不整齐,不便于田间管理。采用芽苗移栽育苗,于前1年秋冬季播种,塑料薄膜拱棚内培育芽苗,春季移栽,比大田直播育苗出苗早、苗木...  相似文献   

板栗子苗嫁接具有以下特点:1.嫁接和田间定植成活率高,当年成苗,成活率可稳定在80%以上;2.经济效益显著,和板栗常规育苗相比,可缩短育苗周期2—3年,降低成本60%左右,嫁接效率比枝接苗提高2—3倍;3.采用电工黑胶布包扎,不需解绑,可提高成活率。  相似文献   

板栗属深根性树种,主根发达,俗称“胡萝卜根”。板栗育苗,特别是培育2~3a生大苗起苗困难,起苗过浅伤根过多,造林成活率低,起苗过深费工费时,且因根系过长造林不方便。在育苗实践中,我们摸索出“控制主根,增加侧根”的断胚根育苗方法,使栗苗从原来育苗产生的...  相似文献   

板栗子苗嫁接技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板栗子苗嫁接 ,又称芽苗砧嫁接 ,是一种实用型嫁接新技术 ,比常规培育板栗嫁接苗从时间上可缩短 1~ 2年 ,做到当年嫁接当年出圃造林 ,具有成活率高、成本低、繁育快、见效快、效益高等特点。信阳市 1993年以来 ,一直推广应用此嫁接技术 ,取得明显效果 ;每年培育板栗良种苗上千万株 ,除支持本市板栗大发展外 ,还支援了四川、重庆、湖南、湖北等 7个省市和河南其他城市 ,同时致富了一部分栗农 ,很有扩大推广的必要。现将板栗子苗嫁接技术简介如下。1 种子处理1 1 精选栗种在板栗充分成熟的栗园选粒大、粒匀、饱满、无虫粒、无霉变、无机械…  相似文献   

随着全国各地发展板栗生产积极性高涨,对板栗苗需求量也越来越多,尤其是良种板栗嫁接苗更显得缺乏。为适应板栗生产的发展,现将培育板栗当年育苗、当年嫁接、当年出圃的方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

优质壮苗是搞好板栗生产的基础。板栗常规育苗两年地径达0.8厘米以上为合格苗。河北抚宁县林业局成功地培育了一年生地径0.8厘米以上的板栗合格苗,而且占产苗量的85%以上。主要技术要点是:一、选地选地势平坦,水源方便,土层深厚的微酸性或中性砂壤土做育苗地。二、种子沙藏处理  相似文献   

采用实验室检测和野外调查相结合方式,对板栗1年生嫁接苗生长发育动态、生理指标以及光能利用效率等内容进行研究,研究结论表明:板栗1年生嫁接苗地径和树高生长趋势均呈单"S"曲线变化,其中邵阳城步和常德石门板栗品种幼苗生长量,叶片蛋白质含量和叶绿素含量表现突出;邵阳城步板栗品种地径递增量为1.57cm,树高递增量为144.87cm,叶片蛋白质含量保持在6.42%,叶绿素含量为17.68g·L^-1;常德石门板栗品种地径递增量为1.46cm,树高递增量为142.07cm,叶片蛋白质含量维持在4.64%,叶绿素含量为21.92g·L^-1,说明邵阳城步和常德石门板栗品种幼苗生命活动较为旺盛。依据硝酸还原酶活性大小变化,岳阳临湘晚熟,岳阳临湘早熟和常德石门品种抗逆性较强,而邵阳城步品种抗逆性相对较弱。  相似文献   

对芳樟组培、扦插和嫁接苗的幼林生长节律和生物量的积累及分配格局进行了分析,结果表明:芳樟无性系6-11月生长较快,12月到翌年1月生长缓慢,2-3月又恢复高生长量.生长性状大小排序:组培苗>扦插苗>嫁接苗.生物量的分配各不一致,组培苗:枝>茎>叶>根;嫁接苗:枝>茎>根>叶;扦插苗:枝>茎>根>叶.不同类型幼树主要器官生物量的分布,根部:嫁接苗>扦插苗>组培苗;枝:组培苗>扦插苗>嫁接苗;叶:嫁接苗>扦插苗>组培苗.  相似文献   

Gradual reinvigoration of adult chestnut (Castanea sativa M. cv. Montemarano) shoots was obtained by serial grafting onto juvenile rootstocks. The phenomenon was evaluated on the basis of percentage of primary nodes regenerating axillary shoots and length and number of shoots (> 10 mm) per primary node. In vitro growth of explants from serially grafted shoots was significantly lower than that of explants from seedlings at the end of the establishment phase. Only microshoots from seedlings and plants that had been serially grafted four times could be subcultured on proliferation medium. Repeated subculture on medium containing a low cytokinin concentration induced progressive reinvigoration of microshoots derived from plants that had been serially grafted four times. The number of axillary shoots per explant increased significantly after six subcultures. After 12 subcultures, microshoots from serially grafted plants showed an increase in stem elongation, rooting and plantlet survival. After in vitro stabilization, there was no difference in in vitro performance between microshoots derived from seedlings and serially grafted plants. Microshoots multiplied from serially grafted plants displayed only a transitory appearance of juvenile traits.  相似文献   

板栗品种与不同砧木嫁接成活率的差异显著,它栗与4种砧木的嫁接成活率由高到低依次为本砧、锥栗、野板栗、茅栗。板栗品种在不同区域嫁接成活率有差异。不同品种与本砧嫁接成活率最高,不同品种在同一区域嫁接成活率差异不显著,但同一品种在不同区域的差异显著。根据板栗生产的不同情况选择不同类型的砧木,可提高嫁接树适应不同环境的能力,使板栗品种在性状的表现上保持一定的稳定性。  相似文献   

3号ABT生根粉在板栗嫁接苗移栽上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用不同浓度的3号ABT生根粉对板栗嫁接苗作不同时间浸根处理后的移栽试验。试验结果表明,使用3号ABT生根粉处理板栗嫁接苗能提高其的移栽成活率,促进板栗植株的生长,并能提高其的开花结实株率。其中以用100 mg/L浓度的3号ABT生根粉溶液浸根1 h处理的效果最佳。  相似文献   

After more than 50 years of research and selective breeding, blight-resistant American chestnut (Castanea dentata) trees will soon be available for planting into the species’ pre-blight range. Increased understanding of the regeneration requirements of pure American chestnut (C. dentata [Marsh.] Borkh.) will increase the success of future efforts to establish blight-resistant chestnut. We quantified survival and initial growth of bare-root American chestnut seedlings at five locations in eastern Kentucky, USA. We used a split-plot design to compare seedlings planted within adjacent mesic and xeric sites treated with either a two-age shelterwood overstory treatment or a midstory removal treatment. The silvicultural treatments and topographic settings allowed us to evaluate chestnut seedling performance under four light and site productivity combinations. Seedling survival was 57% and seedling height averaged 94 cm following two growing seasons. Seedling survival was negatively related to sand and coarse fragment content, but was unrelated to silviculture treatment or topographic position. Chestnut seedlings grew best in shelterwood overstory treatments areas on mesic sites. Seedlings growing in shelterwood overstory treatment areas added 3- and 3.5-times more height and stem increment compared to seedlings planted after midstory removal. Seedling leaf mass and foliar nitrogen (N) content were also greatest in shelterwood plantings on mesic sites. The high-light environment created by shelterwood overstory removal resulted in better initial seedling growth, but the moderate-light of the midstory removal treatment may ultimately provide chestnut seedlings a greater advantage over competing vegetation.  相似文献   

针对核桃实生苗建园良种化及相应的配套技术进行了试验与探讨。试验结果表明,利用实生苗建园可通过低龄幼树嫁接、合理整形修剪等配套技术措施实现核桃良种化栽培,与直接采用良种嫁接苗建园效果相比,成本低、效果好;立地条件的优劣、接穗的系列保湿技术及幼树的整形修剪技术措施均对核桃建园效果产生显著影响。  相似文献   

实生板栗幼树从定值后第3年开始地径和树高生长超过嫁接苗。平均地径、树高和冠幅以永仁实生板栗最大。实生板栗早实性仅表现在形成雄花序和雌花簇,定值后第4年所有实生板栗幼树所结的球苞均为空苞,并以永仁实生板栗平均单株球苞数量多。达到104.6个。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances such as mining for coal have caused significant disturbance to the Appalachian forests of North America. Recovery of these disturbances is highly dependent on restoration methods that encourage natural succession. Unfortunately, current reclamation protocols have resulted in soil compaction and aggressive herbaceous groundcovers that impede the recovery of native trees. To overcome this, methods such as deep ripping and plow and disking were applied to a reclaimed mine land in Ohio, USA Plantings of pure American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and two seedling types (BC1F3 and BC2F3) bred for resistance to chestnut blight fungus (Cryphonectria parasitica) were assessed among different soil preparation treatments over five field seasons. Seedling mortality due to natural infection by chestnut blight was recorded and related to the disease resistance potential of the BC1F3 and BC2F3 seedlings. The growth and survival of chestnuts in plots that employed either ripping, plow disking, or the combination of the two methods were significantly greater than the control plots. After five seasons, differences existed among the soil treatments; plots that applied deep ripping had the highest survival and growth. When chestnut types were compared, pure American chestnut was the tallest. However, BC2F3 chestnut seedlings had the highest survival and lower disease incidence. Results suggest that employing deep ripping with backcrossed chestnut seedlings provides a method for establishing hardwood seedlings in soils impacted by surface mining. Planting methods that promote vigorous growth can be applied more broadly to other regions where anthropogenic disturbances create soil conditions that hinder seedling establishment.  相似文献   

为解决遵化市部分实生老栗树产量极低、存在部分低产栗园等问题,于2012年在遵化市马兰峪镇魏进河板栗园进行了低产板栗树高接换优试验。结果表明,通过改接燕山早丰、遵化短刺和紫珀等优良品种,嫁接成活率达到了97.6%~98.2%,改接当年3个品种单株产量分别为1.77kg、1.83k和1.84kg,极显著高于对照;改接第2年3个品种单株产量分别为3.0kg、3.2kg、2.8kg,极显著高于对照,其中以改接遵化短刺产量最高,实现了改接当年丰产、第2年高产。  相似文献   

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