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TllcbiologicalcycIingofnutricntclc-lllcntslntl1cccosystclnisthecyclingbctweentllcplantconununityandsoilwitl1intheccosys-tclll(Ot/ington,l986).ltformsol1ebranchofbiogQochcn1icalcyclesandislnarkedwitl1higl1spccdal1dil1tcl1sit}'.Biologicalcyclcofnutri-cntclenlcntsiscorrelatedwithforestproduc-tit'it3'closcly-tbeabsorptionandutilizatio11ofthe11utricntelemcntsoftheplantareillflu-cnccddircctl3'orindirectlybykindsofenvi-ronn1cntallbctorsandsomephysiologicalandlllatcrialproducingprocessareattectcd.Sot…  相似文献   

落叶松树皮厚度变化规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑龙江省带岭林业局大青川林场84株人工落叶松解析木数据为例,研究胸径处树皮厚度(BT)与胸径(D)、树高(H)、树冠宽度(CD)、冠长率(CR)、冠长(CL)和相对高度(RH)的关系。用多元逐步回归的方法建立落叶松人工林树皮厚度模型。结果表明,人工落叶松树皮厚度最优模型为BT=0.4221+0.0583D-0.046H。模型检验(F=32.46,P〈0.0001)及拟合统计量(R2=0.5155,RMSE=0.1507)都表明该模型较好的描述落叶松树皮厚度的变化。这对于合理的经营和管理落叶松人工林具有重要的理论和实际指导意义。  相似文献   

Effect of spatial heterogeneity on natural regeneration of Manchurian ash   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
lntr0ducti0nSpatialheterogeneityisanimportantcharacteristicofecoIogicatsystem,itisreceivingm0reandmoreattentionbecauseofitsdeterminingroIeinecoIogicaIpatternandprocess(Robertsonetal1993,CadweIletal.1994,W8ngetal1997,1998,Lieta/1998,W8ng1999,Davieetal.1998).Spatialstructurecre-atedbymanyfactorsprofOundIyinfIuencesthedy-namics,composition,andbiodiversity0fcommunity(Tilman1994).DimensionanaIysisinspaceisindis-pensabletoexplaintheage-oIdquestionsaboutthemechanismsofplantcoexistenceinseeming…  相似文献   

Based on the main characteristies of growth,ohenology and resistance at both seed-ling stage (one year old) and sampling stage (seven years old) of Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.) from seventeen provenances in China ranging from 47°10′ to 52°25′N and 119° 57′to 130°25′E,the rules and patterns of infraspecific geolgraphic variation have been studied by using variance analysis,corelation analysis,partial correlation analysis and regression analysis.The best provenance for local site and its neighborhood was selected according to the growth char-acteristies of seven years provenance test on Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm of NortheastForestry University.  相似文献   

In order to understand the effects of thinning on microsite conditions and natural regeneration in the larch plantation, thinning experiment was conducted in a 40-year-old Larix olgensis plantation in Qingyuan County in eastern Liaoning Province, China in 2003-2004 Five thinning treatments (0%, 10.2%, 19.8%, 29.7% and 40.3% thinned) were designed on the same site. After thinning, canopy openness and the microsite conditions such as photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), soil moisture content, and soil temperature were measured in one growing season. Meanwhile, the investigation of natural regeneration was conducted at the end of the growing season. The results showed that the canopy openness increased with the increase of thinning intensities. PPFD and soil temperature and soil moisture content in different soil layers were positively relative with canopy openness after thinning. The richness of regenerating tree species did not significantly increase (p=0.30) after one growing season since thinning, but the regeneration density and frequency of tree species increased significantly (p〈0.05). In addition, the number of regenerating tree species increased, and the increment was correlated with the characteristics of iudividual tree species. The increasing percentage of regenerating seedlings of the shade-intolerant tree species was more than that of shade-tolerant tree species. Among the investigated regeneration species, the biggest response of seedling emergency to the canopy openness was Phellodendron amurense. This paper confirmed the following conclusions: after thinning, the variety of regenerating tree species was correlative with the characteristics of regenerating tree species, and the distribution of unthinned trees and the site conditions in the investigated larch plantation were the additional factors influencing, the regeneration.  相似文献   

为弄清间伐对落叶松人工林内环境因子,进而对落叶松林内天然更新的影响,在辽东山区对40年生落叶松人工林进行了5种不同强度的间伐试验(分别为0%、10%、20%、30%和40%)。间伐后,对环境因子和更新状况进行了观测。结果表明,林冠开阔度随间伐强度增大而增加,间伐后其林冠下光量子数量、地表平均温度、不同层次土壤平均含水量与空隙度大小成线形关系;落叶松人工林间伐一年内,更新树种丰富度没有显著变化,而更新密度和更新频度都明显增加(p<0.05)。更新树种数量增加与树种特性有关,增长幅度为阳性树种>耐荫树种。所有的更新树种中,对林冠开阔度变化响应最大的是黄波罗(Phellodendronamurense)。实验结果证实了辽东地区落叶松人工林间伐后,更新数量变化与周围保留的树种分布、树种特性和立地条件有关。图9表2参43。  相似文献   

人工落叶松采伐迹地更新针叶树种试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工落叶松采伐迹地上更新长白落叶松、樟子松,红松、云杉,与荒山荒地造林相比,长白落叶松增长4.2%,樟子松,红松、云杉增产幅度在35.3%至38.5%之间。  相似文献   

Investigations were made in korean pine, mongolian scots pine and dahurian larch plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. Data are tabulated on the amount and seasonal and annual fluctuations of fractional composition of the litter (conifer needles, branches, cones, bark scales, broad leaves) in the three plantations. The accounts of conifer needle branch and bark scale litter are as follows: korean pine: 71.16%, 6.23% and 7.32%; mongolian scots pine: 43.65%, 18.52 % and 32.12%; dahurian larch: 90.30%, 7.83% and 1.85%. There are certain broadleaf litter in dahurian larch and mongolian scots pine plantations (account for 7.61% and 8.92% respectively). The litter wither and fall concent ratively in autumn in dahurian larch plantation and scattered all year long in korean pine and mongolian scots pine plantations. Along with the increase of stand age, the absolute amount of litter tend to increase, the relative amount of main fractional compositions (conifer needle, branch and bark scale) in korean pine and mongolian Scots pine plantations maintain stead, whereas in dahurian larch plantation, the relative amount of conifer needle is decreased gradually and the relative amount of other fractional compositions are increased gradually.  相似文献   

吴俊民  吴保国 《林业研究》2000,11(2):103-105
lntroductionConcerningthemechanismoftheinteractionbe-tWeentreespeciesinthelarch(LafisgmelinI)-ash(PraxiPusmandShuFbe)mixedforest,wehavestudiedtheaIIelopathiceff6ctsoftheIarchvolatilematter,litterandrootsecretion.onthegroWthofash.TheobtainedresultsshowedclearIythatthelarchvoIatiIematt6rplayedaninhibitivepart,andboththeIarchIitt6randrootsecretionpIayedanobviousfystimuIatingpaFtontheashgroWth(Wu2oooa,2ooob,2oooc).Thispapermakesastudyofanotherallelo-pathicway(Ieaching)betWeenlarchandash.T…  相似文献   

水曲柳落叶松混交林中细根空间分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王庆成 《林业研究》2002,13(4):265-268
采用根钻取样方法对年生水曲柳落叶松混交林中细根空间分布状况进行了研究。结果表明,水曲柳落叶松地下生物量的空间分配差异显著。在林分水平上,水曲柳的根生物量密度高于落叶松(分别为4442.3和2234.9g/m3)。两树种在相邻区域中分配的细根生物量较高,表明种间根系竞争较弱。落叶松行间的水曲柳细根生物量密度和根长密度均高于水曲柳行间的落叶松细根,表明水曲柳地下部分具有较强能力。根系的空间分布有利于混交林中水曲柳的生长。图1表4参19。  相似文献   

落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林根际土壤中养分浓度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彦东 《林业研究》2002,13(4):269-272
在落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林中,采集林地土和根际土,测定了氮、磷、钾浓度,目的是探讨养分条件变化在混交林增产上的作用。结果表明:混交林林地土全氮浓度和水解氮浓度与水曲柳纯林相近,但要高于落叶松纯林。水曲柳在混交林中根际土全氮和水解氮浓度与纯林中的相近,而落叶松在混交林中根际土水解氮浓度明显高于纯林中的。混交林林地土全磷和全钾浓度与两个树种的纯林相差不大。混交林林地土有效磷、有效钾浓度均高于水曲柳纯林,而且水曲柳在混交林中根际土的有效磷和有效钾浓度与纯林中的相比明显增加,分别高出44.1%~79.6%和13.5%~25.6%。这说明水曲柳在混交林中磷和钾的利用状况得到了改善。表2参15。  相似文献   

本文通过落叶松迹地不同树种更新生长情况对比,阐述了落叶松伐后不宜继续更新落叶松,而应更新刺槐的观点,为今后落叶松迹地更新开创了一条新路  相似文献   

本文调查了桉树人工林和邻近天然林内土著的木本植物多样性、密度和物种组成。桉树人工林和邻近天然林内分别圈画出20个20m×20m样地,记录下每块样地内的物种名称、物种丰富度、植株直径和高度以及采集亚样方(4m2)内幼苗数目。本试验中,记录人工林内木本植物46种,邻近天然林内52种,分别来自36个科。人工林内,物种多样性(H’)为2.19,林下木本植物密度为3842株/hm2,幼苗密度为4151株/hm2;而天然林内的物种多样性、林下树木密度和幼苗密度分别为2.74,4122株/hm2和8101株/hm2。两种林分的木本植物物种组成相似性较高。研究还表明,桉树人工林适合于Millitia ferruginia和小果咖啡生长和再生,而对下层木本则不适合。  相似文献   

Diversity, density and species composition of naturally regenerated woody plants under Eucalyptus grandis plantation and the adjacent natural forest were investigated and compared. Twenty plots, with an area of 20 m × 20 m for each, were established in both of E. grandis plantation and adjacent natural forest, independently. In each plot, species name, abundance, diameter and height were recorded. Numbers of seedling were collected in five sub-plots (4 m2) within each major plot. A total of 46 species in the plantation, and 52 species in the natural forest, which belongs to 36 families were recorded. The diversity of species (H′) is 2.19 in the plantation and 2.74 in the natural forest. The density of understory woody plant was 3842 stems/ha in the plantation and 4122 stems/ha in the natural forest. The densities of seedlings in the natural forest and the plantation were 8101 stems/ha and 4151 stems/ha, respectively. High similarity of woody species composition was found between the natural forest and the plantation. The E. grandis plantation was found favoring the regeneration and growth of Millitia ferruginia and Coffea arabica in a much better way than other underneath woody species.  相似文献   

沙地樟子松天然更新与降水因子的灰色关联度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沙地樟子松人工固沙林的天然更新在大部分引种地不能很好地进行,其天然更新存在着某些障碍因子。通过对辽宁省昌图县傅家林场樟子松天然更新情况的调查,采用灰色关联度分析的方法,对更新与降水因子的关系进行了分析。结果表明,更新产生的当年12月和翌年1,2月的降水量,即冬季降雪情况与天然更新关联最大。说明了冬季降雪是影响樟子松天然更新的一个关键因子。  相似文献   

在我国南方,天然次生阔叶林转变为杉木人工林是一种常见的管理措施。为研究森林利用方式转变对土壤微生物量的影响,我们在中国科学院会同森林生态实验站比较了天然次生阔叶林、第一代和第二代杉木人工林土壤理化性质和微生物量。杉木人工林土壤有机碳、全氮、铵态氮和微生物量碳氮含量明显低于天然次生阔叶林。第一代、二代杉木人工林土壤微生物量碳仅为天然次生阔叶林的53%和46%,微生物氮为97%和79%。杉木人工林土壤微生物量碳占有机碳的比例也低于天然次生阔叶林土壤,但微生物量氮则相反,为杉木人工林高于天然次生阔叶林。因此可以得出,天然次生阔叶林转变为杉木人工林以及杉木林连栽引起了土壤生物学特性和土壤质量降低。图2表3参36。  相似文献   

Conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation is a common management practice in subtropical China. In this study, we compared soil physico-chemical properties, microbial biomass in one natural secondary broad-leaved forest and two C. lanceolata plantation sites to estimate the effects of forest conversion on soil microbial biomass at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forestry Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Concentrations of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, NH4^+-N and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen were much lower under C. lanceolata plantations as compared to natural secondary broad-leaved forest. Soil microbial biomass C in the first and second rotation of C. lanceolata plantations was only 53%, 46% of that in natural secondary broad-leaved forest, and microbial biomass N was 97% and 79%, respectively. The contribution of microbial biomass C to soil organic C was also lower in the plantation sites. However, the contribution of microbial N to total nitrogen and NH4^+-N was greater in the C. lanceolata plantation sites. Therefore, conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to C. lanceolata plantation and continuous planting of C. lanceolata led to the decline in soil microbial biomass and the degradation of forest soil in subtropical China.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of conversion of native forests to monocultural larch plantations on soil chemical properties, we compared the total and various fractions of soil phosphorus (P) and acid phosphatase activity (APA) between natural secondary forests (NSF) and Larix olgensis plantations (LOP) on a montane forest site in eastern Liaoning Province, Northeast China. We found that the concentrations of total P (TP), inorganic P, and iron-bound P (Fe-P) were significantly higher, and the concentrations of microbial biomass P (MBP), sodium bicarbonate-extractable organic P (NaHCO3-Po), and APA were significantly lower, in the LOP stands than in the NSF stands; whilst organic P, sodium bicarbonate-extractable inorganic P (NaHCO3-Pi), aluminum-bound P (Al-P) and calcium-bound P (Ca-P) were comparable between the two forest types. Our study also showed that the ratios of MBP/TP, NaHCO3-Pi/TP, NaHCO3-Po/TP, and APA significantly varied with time during the growing season. Moreover, the concentrations of NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, and MBP had significant (P < 0.01) and positive linear relationships with APA. Overall, results from this study suggest that conversion of native forests to larch plantations in the region is more likely to cause compositional change in soil P than to result in reduction in overall P availability.  相似文献   

辽宁省章古台樟子松固沙林更新的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
章古台樟子松固沙林 ,是建国初期在东北西部与内蒙古东部防护林工程建设中营造的试验示范林。樟子松固沙林发挥了显著的生态效应与经济效应 ,它改善了沙地土壤与小气候条件 ;樟子松林的生物产量比较高 ,为 2 .7~ 3.4t/ (hm2 ·a)。樟子松固沙林提早更新的原因 ,主要由于引种地区跨越的纬度大 ,土壤气候条件差异大 ,引起树木自身生育规律的变化 ,生育期提前且缩短。另外 ,由于营造单纯林 ,林分密度高 ,水分亏缺 ,以及感染枯梢病等 ,使生育期更加缩短 ,章古台樟子松更新的林龄为 4 0~ 4 5a。更新的目标是 ,营造结构合理且稳定性比较高的乔灌草型、利用与治理相结合的新模式林  相似文献   

为了阐明华北落叶松人工林不同林隙大小对更新的影响规律,对木兰围场低效华北落叶松人工林林隙内苗木更新特性进行了研究。结果表明:林隙内更新苗的主要种类有华北落叶松、山杨和油松。华北落叶松和山杨的密度在林隙面积为120~140m2时最大,达到2 411株/hm2;而油松的密度在林隙面积为20~40m2时最大,为196株/hm2。随着林隙面积的增大,华北落叶松和山杨大径级和大高度级更新幼苗数量基本呈现增加的趋势,在林隙面积达到160~180m2时达到最大值;而油松在40~60m2时达到最大,径级大于2cm的更新苗密度为69株/hm2。  相似文献   

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