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张晓龙 《警犬》2011,(7):26-27
一、治安防范犬的选择用于治安防范的犬种在我国以德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬、昆明犬、马里努阿犬为主,目前以德牧居多,但在选择受训犬时多数带犬民警均以体型外貌为主要选择方向,总是以“一大二公三凶”为主,而忽略了对犬神经类型的考虑,过多的在犬的体型上下功夫,一味地追求犬的体型要高大,这显然是不科学的。我认为在治安防范犬的选择上首先要看重的还是犬的神经类型,至于体型外貌,我更倾向于体型适中、胆大、灵活、猎取反射强,外貌无缺陷的8~10月龄的受训犬(公母不限)。  相似文献   

杜伯文犬是1890年左右起源于德国图林根州的阿波尔达,由德国人DOBER.MEN培育而成,推测起来是在大丹犬、德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬和德国品捷犬之间杂交,可能还引进了波赛隆牧羊犬和灵缇的血源。它特点明显,品质优良,身体结实而聪明,在各方面与德国牧羊犬差别较大。关于杜伯文犬的训练在国内尚不普及,有关杜伯文犬训练和使用材料甚少。笔者自1999年至2001年间共训练杜伯文犬两头,它们分别为“奥卡斯”  相似文献   

一、警犬犬种首先,我们要了解什么是警犬?警犬是指某品种的犬经过警犬训练单位,根据不同用途,专门训练而成的供警方使用的犬。从理论上讲,现在家庭饲养的大部分宠物犬经过特殊训练,都可能成为警犬。警犬与其它品种犬的根本区别是:经过警方专门训练;绝对服从主人命令;出色完成特  相似文献   

一、交配年龄的确定 马里努阿犬用于繁殖的初配年龄应以体成熟为准,据马里努阿犬生长发育统计显示:12月龄时,公犬体重、体尺约为成年的96%:母犬体重、体尺约为成年的98%,已基本体成熟,同时还发现马里努阿犬体成熟要略早于德国牧羊犬和中国昆明犬的体成熟。因此,建议马里努阿犬用于繁殖的初配年龄可根据需要适当提前,即母犬最早交配月龄为16个月、公犬最早交配月龄为19个月,但也要防止未成年马里努阿犬过早配种繁殖。  相似文献   

(一)品种的选择。如果多在公共场所进行工作的应尽量选择不具攻击性的史宾格犬和拉布拉多犬,如需兼顾治安防范的可选择德国牧羊犬、马里努阿犬或昆明犬。  相似文献   

全国有不少城市的公安机关使用警犬有力地震慑了犯罪分子.笔者结合近年来基层实战的工作体会,对城市巡逻犬的应用谈几点看法.   一、城市巡逻犬的选择   城市巡逻犬的工作环境,决定了巡逻犬的选择标准.……  相似文献   

警犬技术在地铁安检工作中的应用已受到警方,乃至全社会的广泛关注。北京市公安局刑侦总队警犬侦查训练大队在2010年4月至今所承担的地铁勤务工作中,充分发挥人犬结合的主观能动性,采用  相似文献   

随着警犬作为装备配发思想的深入贯彻落实,警犬使用领域进一步拓宽,全国各地积极将警犬用于城市治安巡逻等安全防范工作,充分发挥了警犬这种特殊装备在预防和打击各类违法犯罪中的独特作用,大大提高了警犬技术的使用效菥。现就有关战术问题进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

The nature of the dog's behaviour is reviewed. The nervous system is activated by afferent nerve impulses generated in various sense-organs. The sum of internal (motivation) and external stimuli is analysed in a steady state system. A marked discrepancy between important set values and their actual values will make the organism react. A communication system consisting of the dog handler, the dog, signals and key-stimuli and other external influences (noise), is used when training a dog. The change of behaviour is more permanent and a new behaviour pattern is established more rapidly when the training is organized in such a way that key-stimuli and conditioned signals which elicit wanted behaviour sequences are reiterated many times before a verbal command is added to the stimuli. A dog handler must also know the activation of emotional behaviour. Stress, coping and aggression are expressions used to describe such activation. A general check-list to be used when starting training tasks are suggested. The exercise ‘retrieve’ is used as an example.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether dogs in New York, NY are naturally infected with Rickettsia akari, the causative agent of rickettsialpox in humans. DESIGN: Serologic survey. ANIMALS: 311 dogs. PROCEDURE: Serum samples were obtained from dogs as a part of a study on Rocky Mountain spotted fever and borreliosis or when dogs were examined at area veterinary clinics for routine care. Dog owners were asked to complete a questionnaire inquiring about possible risk factors at the time serum samples were obtained. Samples were tested for reactivity to spotted fever group rickettsiae by use of an enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Twenty-two samples for which results were positive were tested by use of an indirect immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) assay followed by confirmatory cross-absorption testing. RESULTS: Results of the EIA were positive for 24 (7.7%) dogs. A history of tick infestation and increasing age were significantly associated with whether dogs were seropositive. Distribution of seropositive dogs was focal. Seventeen of the 22 samples submitted for IFA testing had titers to R rickettsii and R akari; for 11 of these, titers to R akari were higher than titers to R rickettsii. Cross-absorption testing indicated that in 6 of 7 samples, infection was caused by R akari. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dogs can be naturally infected with R akari. Further studies are needed to determine the incidence of R akari infection in dogs, whether infection is associated with clinical illness, and whether dogs can serve as sentinels for human disease.  相似文献   

1999年对沈阳市11个区饲养的犬寄生虫种类和防治情况进行了调查。共查出15种寄生虫,属4门5钢10目10科12属。临床常用药物为左旋咪唑、丙硫咪唑、阿福丁第9种。  相似文献   

In dog training, the question of preventing unwanted behaviours is lively discussed. On the one hand, many dog owners are faced with the problem to be obliged to interrupt certain behaviours in their dog. On the other hand, uncertainty regarding the use of any form of punishment is widely spread among dog owners. The discussion ranges from the principle question whether punishment should be employed at all, to the question which form of punishment is still adequate and which form is not. When discussing this issue from a more scientific point of view, one has to consider the learning theories in dogs including the different forms of conditioning, the association timing as well as the correct application of reinforcement and punishment. When considering scientific research as regards the use of punishment in dog training, only the use of electric training collars has been assessed with the aid of physiologic data. In this study, no considerable impact on the animals could be observed if these devices were correctly used. Concerning other forms of punishment, studies which include physiologic data as means to measure stress are still non-existing. Such studies are currently carried out at our institute. The results of these surveys should be included in further discussions on whether the use of electric training collars should be permitted in certain areas of dog training.  相似文献   

The study of human-dog interaction has increased over the past several years. It has been demonstrated that dogs can use a number of human social cues to successfully accomplish a task, and that they do so better than apes. Many authors agree that these abilities are a result of 10,000 years of domestication by humans. Domestication may have genetically predisposed dogs to accurately recognize human communication signals. However, only a few authors have studied the performance of working dogs, implying recognition of human communication signals. Haverbeke et al. (2008) found that military working dogs do not always perform as they are expected to. To investigate this finding, we studied the performance of obedience and protection work exercises between 2 groups of dog-handler teams: a control group (CG), trained using the current training method used by the Belgian Defense, and an experimental group (EG) that underwent a new human familiarization and training program. During obedience and protection work exercises, EG teams obtained better results than CG teams and EG dogs exhibited a higher body posture than CG dogs. The results suggest that even if dogs are genetically predisposed toward the recognition of human communication signals, this aptitude alone does not explain the dogs' performance and their interactions with humans in this study. Regular training combined with positive dog-handler interaction is also required to increase the dog-handler (DH) team's performances.  相似文献   

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