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Forty crossbred beef steers (243 +/- 2 kg of BW) with ruminal and abomasal infusion catheters were used to test 2 hypotheses: 1) visceral mass is responsive to energy input and site of carbohydrate (CHO) infusion and 2) rate and site of adipose accretion are dependent on site of CHO infusion and complexity. Treatments included a pelleted, forage-based, basal diet fed at 161 (LI) or 214 (HI) kcal of ME/(kg of BW(0.75) x d), LI plus ruminal (R-SH) or abomasal (A-SH) infusion of a partial starch hydrolysate (SH), and LI plus abomasal infusion of glucose (A-G). The basal diet was fed in 12 equal portions daily at 2-h intervals, with starch and glucose infused over a 22-h period at rates of 12.6 and 14.4 g/(kg of BW(0.75) x d). After 35 d of infusion, steers were slaughtered; and visceral organ and adipose mass, subcutaneous adipose thickness over the 5th and 12th rib, and LM intramuscular fat concentration were determined. Total intake energy (IE) increased (P = 0.0001) with ME intake. Dietary IE was similar between LI and CHO treatments, but total IE increased (P < 0.001) with CHO infusion. Greater dietary ME intake and CHO infusion increased or tended (P < or = 0.09) to increase final BW and HCW. As a percentage of empty BW, total stomach complex, rumen, omasum, liver, pancreas, and kidney weights were greater (P < or = 0.05) for HI vs. LI. Stomach complex, rumen, pancreas, and kidney weights as a percentage of empty BW were greater (P < or = 0.05) for R-SH vs. A-SH. Compared with ASH, A-G increased (P < or = 0.02) total and mucosal weights from the 10-cm sections of the ileum. Increases in rumen mass were associated with no change or an increase in rumen total and mucosal DNA concentrations. Greater dietary ME tended (P = 0.06) to increase subcutaneous fat thickness at the 5th rib but did not affect alimentary adipose accretion on an empty BW basis. Omental and total alimentary adipose weights were increased (P < or = 0.04) by A-G compared with A-SH. Although SH infusion did not alter adiposity, there was a consistent numerical pattern in total alimentary and subcutaneous fat depots with CHO infusion (A-G > ASH > R-SH). Our findings demonstrate that increasing ruminal CHO supply results in a disproportionate increase in rumen mass, whereas increasing small intestinal CHO supply does not alter gastrointestinal organ mass. Small intestinal energy in the form of glucose resulted in greater adipose accretion, particularly the omental depot.  相似文献   

Beef heifers (24 mo; 378 +/- 32 kg of BW; 22 pregnant, PR; 17 nonpregnant, NP) were grouped in common pens and fed corn silage- and hay-based diets formulated to provide an ADG of 0.45 kg in NP heifers. Both PR and NP heifers were slaughtered on d 40, 120, 200, and 270 of the study. Intestinal and hepatic tissues were analyzed for protein, DNA, RNA (mg/g of fresh tissue), and in vitro oxygen use. Jejunal samples were analyzed for cellular proliferation via immunohistochemical analysis. For ileum, DNA, which provides an estimate of cell number per unit of tissue, revealed an interaction (P = 0.06) between pregnancy and slaughter day; both PR and NP decreased with time, but NP increased on d 270 (P = 0.09). Cell number in the ileum was reduced at d 200 and 270 in the PR heifers (P < 0.09). Liver protein concentration was less (P = 0.07) in PR than in NP heifers (NP = 291.1 vs. PR = 210.5 +/- 33.9 mg/g). Hepatic protein:DNA ratio was not affected (P > 0.10) by pregnancy or day. Energy use (kcal/d) of duodenum and jejunum, calculated from in vitro oxygen consumption, increased linearly (P < 0.02) with time for both PR and NP. Pregnant and NP ileal energy use increased linearly (P < 0.01), but ileal energy use by PR was less throughout gestation (P = 0.07) than ileal energy use by NP. Cellular proliferation in the crypt region of the jejunum was decreased on d 120 and 200 (P < 0.02). These data indicate that the small intestine and liver of PR heifers may conserve energy expenditure compared with NP heifers. Energy conservation can partially be explained by differences in growth and cell proliferation and by energy use of the liver and small intestine.  相似文献   

Our hypothesis was that alterations in pattern of gonadotropin secretion induced by level of dietary energy intake are dependent on direction of BW change. Beef heifers were assigned to one of two treatments 21 d after ovariectomy: 1) increasing followed by decreasing BW (I-D; n = 9) or 2) decreasing followed by increasing BW (D-I; n = 9). Heifers assigned to the I-D treatment received 15.4 Mcal ME/d (HE) from wk 0 to 8 followed by 4.3 Mcal ME/d (LE) from wk 9 to 16. Heifers assigned to the D-I treatment received the LE diet for the initial 8 wk followed by the HE diet for the subsequent 8 wk. At 2-wk intervals blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for 11 h to determine the pattern of secretion and(or) concentration of gonadotropins in circulation (LH and FSH) and pituitary responsiveness to administration of 750 ng and 50 micrograms of LHRH. Frequency of LH pulses increased (P less than .05) in a quadratic fashion with increasing ADG in heifers in both treatment groups. Amplitude of LH pulses decreased (P less than .05) in a linear fashion with increasing ADG in heifers in both treatment groups and magnitude of this decline was greater (P less than .05) in heifers receiving the D-I treatment. Amplitude of response to 750 ng of LHRH decreased (P less than .05) in a linear fashion with increasing ADG in heifers receiving the D-I treatment but was unrelated to changes in ADG (P greater than .05) in heifers receiving the I-D treatment. When heifers in both treatment groups attained similar BW (P greater than .05; wk 14), amplitude of LH pulses, responsiveness to 750 ng of LHRH and mean concentration of FSH in serum were higher (P less than .05) in heifers receiving the I-D than in heifers receiving the D-I treatment. Thus, we accept the hypothesis that alterations in pattern of gonadotropin secretion in heifers fed diets with a low energy content are dependent on direction of BW change.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to evaluate maternal body changes in response to dietary restriction or the increased nutrient requirement of fetal growth. In Exp. 1, 28 mature crossbred ewes (61.6 +/- 1.8 kg initial BW) were fed a pelleted forage-based diet to evaluate effects of pregnancy and nutrient restriction on visceral organ mass. Treatments were arranged in 2 x 3 factorially, with dietary restriction (60% restriction vs. 100% maintenance) and reproductive status (nonpregnant [NP], d 90 or d 130 of gestation) as main effects. Dietary treatments were begun at d 50 of gestation, and restricted ewes remained at 60% of maintenance throughout the experiment. Nonpregnant and d-90 ewes were fed dietary treatments for 40 d and slaughtered. The d-130 ewes were fed dietary treatments for 80 d and then slaughtered. In Exp. 2, four Romanov ewes were naturally mated (Romanov fetus and Romanov dam; R/ R), and two Romanov embryos were transferred to each of four Columbia recipients (Romanov embryos and Columbia recipient; R/C). Three Columbia ewes were naturally mated (Columbia fetus and Columbia recipient; C/C). In both experiments, maternal organ weights were reported as fresh weight (grams), scaled to empty body weight (EBW; grams per kilogram) and maternal body weight (MBW; grams per kilogram). In Exp. 1, ewe EBW and fetal mass were decreased (P < 0.02) with restriction compared with maintenance. Dietary restriction decreased liver mass (16.7 vs. 14.5 g/kg EBW or 18.8 vs. 16.4 g/kg MBW; P < 0.01), but dietary restriction did not affect total digestive tract mass. In Exp. 2, ewe BW was less for the R/R compared with R/C and C/C (44.8 vs. 110.4 and 98.1 +/- 7.9 kg, respectively; P < 0.01). Fetal weight at d 130 was less for the R/R than for R/C and C/C (2.2 vs. 3.3 and 4.7 +/- 0.3 kg, respectively; P < 0.01) when measured as individual fetuses; however, when measured as total fetal mass carried in each ewe, there was no effect of ewe type. These data suggest that the gastrointestinal tract, along with other maternal organs, responds to both level of dietary intake and nutrient requirements for gestation, and that fetal weight is decreased as a result of a 40% decrease in nutrients offered.  相似文献   

Thirty-two beef steers (285 +/- 3 kg BW) were used to determine the effects of chlortetracycline and dietary protein level on visceral tissue mass, chemical composition, intestinal morphology, and proliferation rate indices. Steers were allotted randomly by weight to a factorial arrangement of dietary treatments consisting of either 10 or 13% CP diets top-dressed with a corn meal carrier (500 g/d) containing either 0 or 350 mg of chlortetracycline. After 84 d, steers were slaughtered and visceral organs removed and separated. Rinsed wet tissue mass was recorded; total RNA, total DNA, tissue DM, and tissue N content were determined; and tissue sections were prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. Thin tissue sections were evaluated to determine crypt depth and villus height as well as proliferation rate by immunohistochemical detection of the nuclear antigen Ki67. Rumen and abomasum weights and small intestinal length were greater (P < 0.04) in steers fed the 13% CP diet than in those fed the 10% CP diet on both an absolute weight basis and a percentage of empty BW. Chemical composition of the small intestinal and ruminal segments were largely unaffected by increased dietary protein. Increasing the dietary CP also increased the villus height in duodenal (P = 0.02) and the crypt depth of jejunal (P = 0.03) sections. Dietary administration of chlortetracycline decreased (P < 0.01) small intestinal weight both on absolute and empty BW bases. Nitrogen and RNA concentrations of the small intestinal segments were unaffected (P > 0.1) by dietary administration of subtherapeutic levels of chlortetracycline; however, because of increases (P < 0.05), or tendencies for an increase (P < 0.1), in the tissue content of DNA, the ratio of N to DNA was decreased (P < 0.05) or tended to be decreased (P < 0.1) in the small intestinal segments of the chlortetracycline-treated animals. The observed decrease in small intestinal epithelial mass does not appear to be due to alterations in cell proliferation rate but rather cell size. Consistent with this finding, cell proliferation, as determined by Ki67 antigen staining, was not affected by dietary treatment. Chlortetracycline administration decreased small intestinal mass that may be a result of decreased cell size.  相似文献   

Body, liver, heart and spleen weights were measured in 3 different breeds and 2 breed crosses over an age range of 0–8 weeks. Correlation coefficients, linear regression equations, standard deviations of observations around regression lines, and the standard errors of the slopes were calculated to study the effects of age, breed, and body weight on organ weight. The principal findings were:
  1. Regardless of breed, organ weight does not change at the same rate as body weight during the first 8 weeks of life.

  2. The ratio of liver or heart weight to body weight reaches a peak at about one to two weeks of age and then decreases gradually with age until 8 weeks. Spleen‐body weight ratio, however, increases to about the 3rd week of age after which it remains relatively constant.

  3. Significant negative correlations were obtained between body weight and both liver‐ and heart‐body weight ratios; while significant positive correlations were obtained between body weight and spleen‐body weight ratios. The correlation between liver weight and heart weight was found to be higher than that between liver weight and spleen weight or between heart weight and spleen weight.

  4. The ratio of organ weight to body weight differed with different breeds. The faster growing breeds had lower ratios of organ weight to body weight and higher correlation coefficients between body weight and organ weight ratios.

  5. Regression equations are presented that enable the estimation of organ weights from body weights or from other organ weights in the three different breeds and two breed crosses studied.


Twelve crossbred steers (351 +/- 24 kg initial BW) were used to determine effects of high-Se wheat on visceral tissue mass, intestinal cell growth, and intestinal cellularity and vascularity. Steers were allotted randomly by BW to one of two treatments consisting of 75% concentrate diets that supplied 1) adequate Se concentration (7 to 12 microg x kg x BW(-1) x d(-1)) or 2) high-Se concentration (60 to 70 microg x kg x BW(-1) x d(-1)). Diets were similar in composition, including 25% grass hay, 25% wheat, 39% corn, 5% desugared molasses, and 6% wheat middlings supplement on a DM basis. In the Se treatment, high-Se wheat (10 ppm Se, DM basis) was replaced with low-Se wheat (0.35 ppm Se, DM basis). Diets were formulated to be similar in CP and energy (14.0% CP, 2.12 Mcal of NEm/kg, and 1.26 Mcal NEg/kg of DM) and were offered daily (1500) to individual steers in an electronic feeding system. Diets were fed at 2.38% BW. After 126 d, steers were slaughtered, and individual visceral tissue weights determined. Concentrations of DNA, RNA, and protein of duodenum, ileum, and total small intestine were not affected (P > or = 0.33) by treatment. Similarly, RNA:DNA and protein:DNA ratios in duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and whole small intestine were not (P > or = 0.33) affected by feeding high-Se wheat. Conversely, jejunal weight was greater (P < 0.002) in steers fed high-Se wheat than in controls (916 vs. 1,427 +/- 84 g). Jejunal DNA was increased (P < 0.04) in steers fed high-Se wheat (2.95 vs. 3.56 +/- 0.19 mg/g), suggesting increased cell number. Concentrations of jejunal RNA and protein were not altered by treatment; however, because the jejunal weight increased in high-Se steers, DNA, RNA, and protein contents (grams) were greater than in control steers (P < 0.05). Vascularity of jejunal tissue decreased (P < 0.10) with high-Se wheat; however, because jejunal mass was greater for the high-Se wheat treatment, total microvascular volume was not affected by treatment. Percentage of jejunal crypt cell proliferation was not affected (P = 0.48) by treatment; however, total number of cells proliferating within the jejunum was increased in steers fed high-Se wheat. Data indicate that the lower jejunal vascularity in the diet high in Se (provided from wheat) may have resulted in increased jejunal mass to meet physiological nutrient demand. Therefore, negative effects of Se level used in this study on productive performance of feedlot steers are not expected.  相似文献   

Six heifers (two Hereford X Jersey, four Hereford X Longhorn; average BW 278 kg) cannulated at the rumen and duodenum and fed a grass hay (fescue/orchardgrass) diet were used in a replicated 3 X 3 Latin square. Treatments were either no infusion (C), 150 ml of duodenally infused soybean oil (DI), or 150 ml of ruminally infused soybean oil (RI)/heifer twice daily for a total daily infusion of 300 ml of soybean oil. Periods of the Latin square included 18 d for adaptation and 5 d for collection. Forage OM, ADF, NDF, and N intakes were not affected (P greater than .10) by soybean oil infusion. Ruminal (P = .11) and total tract (P less than .10) OM digestibilities were decreased by RI compared with C or DI, but ADF and NDF digestibilities were not affected by treatment. Duodenal N (P less than .05) and microbial N flows were increased (P less than .10) for C and RI compared with DI. Microbial efficiency (g of N/kg of OM truly fermented) was improved (P less than .10) by RI compared with DI but did not differ (P greater than .10) from C. Ruminal pH was lower (P less than .05) with RI than with either C or DI. Ruminal NH3 N, total VFA, and acetate were not affected (P greater than .10) by treatment. Propionate (mol/100 mol) was greater (P less than .05) with RI than with DI and C, but the proportion of butyrate did not differ among treatments. These data indicate minimal direct benefits for improving forage usage as a result of soybean oil infusion with a 100% grass diet; however, animals should realize benefits from additional dietary energy provided by infused lipid.  相似文献   

A 3 X 3 replicated Latin square design was used to evaluate three isonitrogenous supplements designed to supply 250 g crude protein (CP) daily. Measurements included in situ dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) fermentation and ruminal dilution rates. Supplements contained beet pulp plus DL-methionine and urea (MET), ammonium sulfate and urea (U) or soybean meal (SBM). Six mature, ruminally cannulated crossbred beef cows were individually fed supplement and a mixture (63% NDF and 6.1% CP) of chopped 75% grass hay and 25% barley straw in ad libitum. Fermentation rate of DM was increased (P less than .05) by 30% with MET in comparison to SBM or U (9.54 vs 7.28% and 7.74%/h for MET, SBM and U, respectively). Even though MET improved fermentation rate by 30%, particle dilution rate was more important in affecting ruminal digestibility than fermentation rate. Two 90-d heifer growth trials were conducted to evaluate similar supplements. Supplements similar to those used in the in situ trial were mixed with roughage to provide a complete diet balanced for .3 kg daily gain. Heifers consumed 112% of the National Research Council CP requirement. Weight gain, intake and feed conversion were similar (P greater than .10) for all treatments. In heifer trial 2, 90% of the National Research Council CP requirement was fed. The heifers supplemented with MET and SBM had faster (P less than .05) weight gains than heifers receiving U. These studies show that feeding DL-methionine with urea, as compared with feeding an isonitrogenous supplement containing SBM, increased the fermentation rate of DM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An abattoir survey of reproductive organ abnormalities in beef heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the period from April 1984 to March 1985, a survey of abnormalities in beef heifer reproductive tracts was performed in an Ontario abattoir. Data concerning both pregnancy and gross pathology were collected on 5800 heifers. Pregnancy was found in 382 (6.6%) of the heifers examined. Various abnormalities were detected in 1499 (27.7%) of the remaining 5418 heifers. Cystic ovaries were found in 807 nonpregnant heifers (14.9%) and ovarian bursal adhesions and mucometra affected 5.4% and 5.0% of heifers, respectively. The prevalence of cystic ovaries and mucometrs was higher (p<0.05) in heifers exposed to melengestrol acetate.  相似文献   

One hundred thirty-seven spring-born yearling beef heifers of British breed types were used to determine the relationships between residual feed intake (RFI) and growth rate, body composition, mature size, and fertility. Heifers were housed in a dry lot facility during the experimental period, and data were collected over a 2-yr period (yr 1, n = 67; yr 2, n = 70). Individual feed intake, BW, BCS, hip height, and ultrasonic measurements [subcutaneous rib fat (UBF), rump fat (URF), LM area (LMA), and intramuscular fat (IMF)] of body composition were recorded. Individual feed intakes (kg of TDN consumed/d) were used to calculate RFI combining both years of data. Heifers averaged 387.0 ± 19.4 d of age and 337.1 ± 29.9 kg of BW at initiation of the experiment. Mean ADG was 1.14 ± 0.21 kg/d during the trial. Based on RFI, with year of test and farm of origin included in the model as covariates, heifers were classified into groups: positive (POS; 0.74 kg of TDN/d) or negative (NEG; -0.73 kg TDN/d) for first analysis and high (HI), medium (MED), or low (LO; mean RFI = 1.06, -0.01, and -1.13 kg of TDN/d, respectively) subsequently. An initial phenotypic relationship (P < 0.05) between RFI and both UBF and URF (r = 0.19 and 0.17, respectively) was sustained (P < 0.01) with UBF (r = 0.27) and URF (r = 0.24) to trial conclusion. No other correlations with RFI were significant. Heifers classified as POS reached puberty earlier than those classified as NEG (414 ± 3.83 vs. 427 ± 4.67 d of age, P = 0.03), and possessed greater LMA per 100 kg of BW (LMACWT) at conclusion of the trial (P < 0.01). Medium heifers exhibited less URF (P < 0.05) compared with either HI or LO heifers at trial initiation. Low heifers possessed less LM area (cm(2)) per 100 kg of BW (P < 0.05) than HI but did not differ (P > 0.10) from MED heifers at either the beginning or the end of test. Additionally, a negative linear relationship was observed between RFI and age at puberty (P < 0.05). Each 1-unit increase in RFI corresponded to a decrease of 7.5 d in age at puberty, but did not affect pregnancy or conception rates (P > 0.10). Differences in body fat and rate of metabolism associated with RFI could delay reproductive maturity.  相似文献   

Six cannulated Salers steers (305 +/- 17 kg initial BW) were used in a double 3 x 3 Latin square design to compare the effects of the nature of the cereal (wheat vs corn) and the corn genotype (dent vs flint) on rate, site, and extent of digestion of high-concentrate diets. The cereals were coarsely cracked, and the diets were balanced to have the same percentage of starch (47.7 +/- 2.3%) and CP (14.6 +/- .7%). Differences in ruminal starch digestion were observed between wheat- and corn-based diets (86.6 vs 47.8%; P < .001) and between corn genotypes (60.8 vs 34.8% for dent and flint corns; P < .001). For flint corn, more than half the starch was digested in the hindgut. Total tract digestion of starch was greater (P < .001) by steers fed wheat than by those fed corn and did not differ (P > .1) between the two corn genotypes. Ruminal mean pH (P < .01) was lower and total VFA concentration (P < .1) was higher for wheat- than for corn-based diets. Ruminal acetate:propionate tended to increase with the decrease in the amount of starch degraded in the rumen, but differences were not significant (P > .1). When wheat replaced corn, nonammonia, nonmicrobial N duodenal flow decreased (P < .01), and microbial duodenal flow increased (P < .05), so there were no differences in the duodenal flow of nonammonia N duodenal flow (P > .1). The lower nonammonia N duodenal flow for the dent corn- than for the flint corn-based diet (P < .05) was related to a lower passage of nonammonia, nonmicrobial N into the duodenum. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was inversely correlated with the amount of starch degraded in the rumen. Nature of the cereal, wheat vs corn, and genotype of the corn, dent vs flint, alter the site and extent of starch digestion.  相似文献   

Pregnant Targhee ewe lambs (n = 32; BW = 45.6 +/- 2.2 kg) were allotted randomly to 1 of 4 treatments in a completely randomized design to examine the effects of level and source of dietary Se on maternal and fetal visceral organ mass, cellularity estimates, and maternal jejunal crypt cell proliferation and vascularity. Diets contained (DM basis) either no added Se (control) or supranutritional Se from high-Se wheat at 3.0 ppm Se (SW) or from sodium selenate at 3 (S3) or 15 (S15) ppm Se. Diets were similar in CP (15.5%) and ME (2.68 Mcal/kg of DM) and were fed to meet or exceed requirements. Treatments were initiated at 50 +/- 5 d of gestation. The control, SW, S3, and S15 treatment diets provided 2.5, 75, 75, and 375 microg of Se/kg of BW, respectively. On d 134 +/- 10 of gestation, ewes were necropsied, and tissues were harvested. Contrasts, including control vs. Se treatments (SW, S3, and S15), SW vs. S3, and S3 vs. S15, were used to evaluate differences among Se levels and sources. There were no differences in ewe initial and final BW. Full viscera and liver mass (g/kg of empty BW and g/kg of maternal BW) and maternal liver protein concentration (mg/g) and content (g) were greater (P < 0.04) in Se-treated compared with control ewes. Maternal liver protein concentration was greater (P = 0.01) in SW vs. S3 ewes, and content was greater (P = 0.01) in S15 compared with S3 ewes. Maternal jejunal mucosal DNA concentration (mg/g) was greater (P = 0.08) in SW compared with S3 ewes. Total number of proliferating cells in maternal jejunal mucosa was greater (P = 0.02) in Se-fed compared with control ewes. Capillary number density within maternal jejunal tissue was greater (P = 0.08) in S3 compared with SW ewes. Selenium treatment resulted in reduced fetal heart girth (P = 0.08). Fetal kidney RNA (P = 0.04) and protein concentrations (mg/g; P = 0.03) were greater in Se-treated compared with control ewes. These results indicate that supranutritional dietary Se increases cell numbers in maternal jejunal mucosa through increased crypt cell proliferation. No indications of toxicity were observed in any of the Se treatments.  相似文献   

To examine effects of nutrient restriction and dietary Se on maternal and fetal visceral tissues, 36 pregnant Targhee-cross ewe lambs were allotted randomly to 1 of 4 treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments were plane of nutrition [control, 100% of requirements vs. restricted, 60% of controls] and dietary Se [adequate Se, ASe (6 microg/kg of BW) vs. high Se, HSe (80 microg/kg of BW)] from Se-enriched yeast. Selenium treatments were initiated 21 d before breeding and dietary restriction began on d 64 of gestation. Diets contained 16% CP and 2.12 Mcal/kg of ME (DM basis) and differing amounts were fed to control and restricted groups. On d 135 +/- 5 (mean +/- range) of gestation, ewes were slaughtered and visceral tissues were harvested. There was a nutrition x Se interaction (P = 0.02) for maternal jejunal RNA:DNA; no other interactions were detected for maternal measurements. Maternal BW, stomach complex, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and kidney mass were less (P < or = 0.01) in restricted than control ewes. Lung mass (g/kg of empty BW) was greater (P = 0.09) in restricted than control ewes and for HSe compared with ASe ewes. Maternal jejunal protein content and protein:DNA were less (P < or = 0.002) in restricted than control ewes. Maternal jejunal DNA and RNA concentrations and total proliferating jejunal cells were not affected (P > or = 0.11) by treatment. Total jejunal and mucosal vascularity (mL) were less (P < or = 0.01) in restricted than control ewes. Fetuses from restricted ewes had less BW (P = 0.06), empty carcass weight (P = 0.06), crown-rump length (P = 0.03), liver (P = 0.01), pancreas (P = 0.07), perirenal fat (P = 0.02), small intestine (P = 0.007), and spleen weights (P = 0.03) compared with controls. Fetuses from HSe ewes had heavier (P < or = 0.09) BW, and empty carcass, heart, lung, spleen, total viscera, and large intestine weights compared with ASe ewes. Nutrient restriction resulted in less protein content (mg, P = 0.01) and protein:DNA (P = 0.06) in fetal jejunum. Fetal muscle DNA (nutrition by Se interaction, P = 0.04) concentration was greater (P < 0.05) in restricted ewes fed HSe compared with other treatments. Fetal muscle RNA concentration (P = 0.01) and heart RNA content (P = 0.04) were greater in HSe vs. ASe ewes. These data indicate that maternal dietary Se may alter fetal responses, as noted by greater fetal heart, lung, spleen, and BW.  相似文献   

Peripubertal ewe lambs (44.3 +/- 1.1 kg of initial BW) were used in a 2 x 3 factorial design to test the effects of plane of nutrition (diet) and stage of gestation on maternal visceral tissue mass, intestinal cellularity, crypt cell proliferation, and jejunal mucosal vascularity. Singleton pregnancies to a single sire were established by embryo transfer, and thereafter ewes were offered a control (Control) or high (High) amount of a complete diet (2.84 Mcal/kg and 15.9% CP; DM basis) to promote slow or rapid maternal growth rates. After d 90 of gestation, feed intake of the Control group was adjusted weekly to maintain BCS and meet the increasing nutrient demands of the gravid uterus. Ewes were slaughtered at 50 d (n = 6 Control; n = 5 High), 90 d (n = 8 Control; n = 6 High), or 130 d (n = 8 Control; n = 6 High) of gestation. Ewes were eviscerated and masses of individual organs were recorded. The jejunum was sampled and processed for subsequent analyses. Final ewe BW for Control-fed ewes was similar at d 50 and 90 and increased (P = 0.10) from d 90 to 130 (46.0, 48.9, and 58.2 +/- 1.6 kg, respectively), whereas final BW increased (P 相似文献   

Background: Artificial insemination is a preferred breeding method for beef heifers as it advances the genetic background, produces a predictive and profitable calving season, and extends the heifer's reproductive life span.As reproductive efficiency in heifers is key for the success of beef cattle production systems, following artificial insemination, heifers are exposed to a bull for the remainder of the breeding season. Altogether, up to 95% of heifers might become pregnant in their first breeding season. Heifers that do not become pregnant at the end of the breeding season represent an irreparable economical loss. Additionally, heifers conceiving late in the breeding season to natural service, although acceptable, poses serious losses to producers. To minimize losses due to reproductive failure, different phenotypic parameters can be assessed and utilized as selection tools. Here, we tested the hypothesis that in a group of pre-selected heifers, records of weaning weight, age at weaning, age at artificial insemination, and age of dam differ among heifers of varied reproductive outcomes during the first breeding season.Results: None of the parameters tested presented predictive ability to discriminate the heifers based on the response variable(‘pregnant to artificial insemination', ‘pregnant to natural service', ‘not pregnant'). Heifers categorized with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 had the greatest proportion of pregnancy to artificial insemination(49% and 44%, respectively). Furthermore, it was notable that heifers presenting body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score = 5 presented the greatest pregnancy rate at end of the breeding season(89%). Heifers younger than 368 d at the start of the breeding season did not become pregnant to artificial insemination. Those young heifers had 12.5% chance to become pregnant in their first breeding season,compared to 87.5% if the heifers were older than 368 days.Conclusion: Our results suggest that beef heifers with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 are more likely to become pregnant to artificial insemination. Careful assessment should be undertaken when developing replacement heifers that will not reach 12 months of age by the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this study was to assess whether bedding types could influence the growth performance of broiler chickens fed on high and low nutrient density diets. The broilers were bedded with clean hulls or shavings. Four hundred eighty male broiler chickens (Ross) were divided into 6 treatment groups, including 1) a high-density diet with rice hulls, 2) a high-density diet with wood shavings, 3) a high-density diet with coconut hulls, 4) a low-density diet with rice hulls, 5) a low-density diet with wood shavings, and 6) a low-density diet with coconut hulls. Weight gain, feed intake, G:F, visceral organ relative weight, red blood cells, white blood cells, and lymphocyte concentrations were evaluated. The bursa of Fabricius, liver, and abdominal fat relative weight, white blood cells, and lymphocyte concentrations were not altered consistently by any of the treatments. For the overall period, weight gain and feed intake were greater in the coconut hull treatment groups as compared with the wood shavings treatments (P < 0.05). Feed intake was also greater in the low-density diet than in the high-density diet treatment groups (P < 0.05). The concentration of red blood cells in blood was reduced significantly by wood shavings bedding compared with the rice hull treatments (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Grazing trials were conducted for 2 yr using weanling Brahman crossbred beef steers to evaluate graded levels of salinomycin (0, 50, 100 or 150 mg. head-1.d-1) for 161 d and to evaluate salinomycin in a free-choice mineral supplement (99 d). The 40 and 48 steers in trials 1 and 2 had average initial weights of 198 and 285 kg, respectively. In trial 1, steers were group-fed to consume either 0, 50, 100 or 150 mg of salinomycin.head-1.d-1 in .9 kg ground corn while grazing bermudagrass pastures. Both linear (P less than .01) and quadratic (P less than .05) effects were observed for steer performance as salinomycin level increased from 0 to 150 mg.head-1.d-1. Linear increases (P less than .01) in ruminal NH3-N (mg/100 ml) and in the molar proportion of propionate and decreases (P less than .01) in butyrate and acetate/propionate were detected. In trial 2, mineral supplements with and without salinomycin were fed free-choice to steers on bermudagrass pasture. The mean salinomycin intake of 38 mg.head-1.d-1 was lower than anticipated as a result of the instability of salinomycin in the mineral supplement and the slightly lower intake (65 g/d) than anticipated (75 g/d). Performance of steers was not influenced by salinomycin supplementation in trial 2. The ionophore salinomycin at intakes over 50 mg.head-1.d-1 appears to increase the performance of steers grazing bermudagrass pasture.  相似文献   

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