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日粮补铬对早期断奶仔猪生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量的研究结果表明,补铬可以提高畜禽的抗应激能力[1 2]。但时至今日,在早期断奶仔猪日粮中添加铬制剂仍然是一个有争议的问题。从理论上说补铬对早期断奶仔猪是有益的,但人们的试验却未能得出让人信服的结果,故开展了此项研究。1材料与方法1.1试验猪及饲养管理选择健康、来源  相似文献   

目前许多养猪场的仔猪在30~40日龄断奶,而早期断奶后仔猪生长阻滞及腹泻率高一直是困扰养猪业的难题.据有关资料报道,在断奶仔猪基础日粮中添加高锌(氧化锌)能减少仔猪腹泻和死亡率,并能提高日增重和饲料利用率.笔者通过用高锌日粮饲喂早期断奶仔猪对腹泻率和生长性能的影响进行研究,并在一定范围内进行推广应用,均取得了较好的效果,现报道如下.  相似文献   

本人在猪产地检疫工作中常与养猪户交流,现就如何确定仔猪适宜的早期断奶日龄及配制仔猪日粮时应遵循的原则进行概述,供参考。1仔猪适宜的早期断奶日龄断奶日龄提前与生产设备改进、饲养管理水平提高及仔猪抗应激能力等均有关。且各养猪场的生产条件不一,所以不能呆板地采用同一日龄断奶,而要考虑以下几个因素。1.1是否最大限度地发挥仔猪的生长潜力仔猪具有巨大的生长潜力,哺乳仔猪在(2~3)周龄时营养需求迅速增加,但母乳却无法充足供应其生长的需求。为解决这一矛盾,目前采取的措施有:(1)断奶前补饲。(2)及时断奶并…  相似文献   

新的证据表明 ,由甜菜或甘蔗制成的糖蜜用于断奶日粮可降低日粮成本而不会影响仔猪的生长性能。  相似文献   

根据仔猪早期断奶综合症的成因和仔猪的生理特点,通过日粮配制可以使早期断奶仔猪顺利渡过断奶关,这对仔猪早期断奶综合症的发生、提高猪场的经济效益将具有重要的实用价值。   1碳水化合物   大量研究表明,早期断奶仔猪日粮中需要添加简单的碳水化合物如乳糖,而复杂的碳水化合物如淀粉的利用率很低 (Mahan和 Newton,1993)。因此,早期断奶仔猪日粮中广泛使用乳清粉或乳糖等碳水化合物。乳清粉中含有 60%- 70%的乳糖, 12%左右的粗蛋白 NRC, 1988)。乳清粉中乳糖很容易被早期断奶仔猪消化,并具有促进消化道乳酸菌的增殖、抑…  相似文献   

目前,在养猪生产中为了最大限度地提高母猪的繁殖力和利用强度,对仔猪普遍实行早期断奶,断奶日龄由过去的60日龄提前到25~35日龄。但仔猪早期断奶后往往会出现消化不良、饲料利用率低、生长迟缓、抗病力差等现象,其最直接  相似文献   

仔猪断奶日龄一般为28 d或35 d。但早期断奶也易使仔猪食欲差、饲料利用率低、抗病力下降、腹泻等,导致生长受到抑制。近年来,一些研究已充分肯定了仔猪饲粮中添加柠檬酸的有效性。仔猪感染大肠杆菌和结肠炎,死亡率高,成活率低,明显制约着养猪业的发展。在仔猪日粮中添加酸化剂是克服仔猪早期断奶综合症的主要措施之一。本试验通过在仔猪日粮中添加不同浓度的柠檬酸来观察其对断奶仔猪的生长速度、饲料利用率以及腹泻的影响。1材料与方法1.1试验猪的选择与分组随机选择个体体重相近、体质健康的28日龄仔猪24头,随机分成2组。a组为对照组,饲…  相似文献   

在早期隔离断奶(SEW)仔猪日粮中添加喷雾干燥鸡蛋粉,不但降低了仔猪早期断奶应激,而且减少了仔猪的疾病发生,提高了仔猪的生长性能,对仔猪生产起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

本文根据早期断奶仔猪的消化生理特点,综述了日粮中添加酶制剂对早期断奶仔猪日增重、腹泻率和饲料转化率等生产性能的影响及使用中应注意的问题,为生产中顺利实施早期断奶计划,不断提高养猪业经济效益提供有益的参考资料.  相似文献   

3~4周龄断奶仔猪易受营养和环境的应激,导致仔猪营养吸收障碍、腹泻增加和增重降低。虽然在饲料中添加抗生素可以减少断奶后对仔猪产生的这些影响,但同时可引起细菌产生抗药性。这种风险和消费者对不含药物残留食品的需求,促使业界越来越严格的限制使用抗生素饲料添加剂,譬如欧盟,2006年1月起已全面禁止在饲料中使用抗生素作为生长促进剂。因此,必须寻找非药物性饲料添加剂以控制单胃动物胃肠道中的微生物活动,以保证不因禁用抗生素生长促进剂而降低生产性能。目前,主要的替代物是有机酸、原生素、植物性药物、前生素等。葡糖酸(GA)是用某…  相似文献   

1我国养猪业正向现代化发展方向迈进在上个世纪60年代,世界发达国家开始兴起集约化养猪方式,并不断向工厂化、现代化方向发展。此项技术在70年代开始传入我国,我国在80年代中期开始从欧美国家引进先进技术和设备,先后在广东、北京发展现代化养猪。在农业部和各级政府的大力支持下,北京养猪育种中心、北京华都种猪繁育有限责任公司、北京“SPF”猪育种管理中心、广东深圳光明畜牧有限公司、中山白石猪场、深圳农牧公司、辽宁阜新原种猪场等一批骨干企业相继建成,积累了丰富的现代化养猪经验。特别是70年代末期“中国农机学会机械化养猪协会…  相似文献   

在上个世纪60年代,世界发达国家开始兴起集约化养猪方式,并不断向工厂化、现代化方向发展。此项技术在70年代开始传人我国,我国在80年代中期开始从欧美国家引进先进技术和设备,先后在广东、北京发展现代化养猪。在农业部和各级政府的大力支持下,北京养猪育种中心、北京华都种猪繁育有限责任公司、北京“SPF”猪育种管理中心、广东深圳光明畜牧有限公司、中山白石猪场、深圳农牧公司、辽宁阜新原种猪场等一批骨干企业相继建成,积累了丰富的现代化养猪经验。  相似文献   

Temperature and body weight affect fouling of pig pens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fouling of the solid lying area in pig housing is undesirable for reasons of animal welfare, animal health, environmental pollution, and labor costs. In this study the influence of temperature on the excreting and lying behavior of growing-finishing pigs of different BW (25, 45, 65, 85, or 105 kg) was studied. Ten groups of 5 pigs were placed in partially slatted pens (60% solid concrete, 40% metal-slatted) in climate respiration chambers. After an adaptation period, temperatures were raised daily for 9 d. Results showed that above certain inflection temperatures (IT; mean 22.6 degrees C, SE = 0.78) the number of excretions (relative to the total number of excretions) on the solid floor increased with temperature (mean increase 9.7%/ degrees C, SE = 1.41). Below the IT, the number of excretions on the solid floor was low and not influenced by temperature (mean 13.2%, SE = 3.5). On average, the IT for excretion on the solid floor decreased with increasing BW, from approximately 25 degrees C at 25 kg to 20 degrees C at 100 kg of BW (P < 0.05). Increasing temperature also affected the pattern and postural lying. The temperature at which a maximum number of pigs lay on the slatted floor (i.e., the IT for lying) decreased from approximately 27 degrees C at 25 kg to 23 degrees C at 100 kg of BW (P < 0.001). At increasing temperatures, pigs lay more on their sides and less against other pigs (P < 0.001). Temperature affects lying and excreting behavior of growing-finishing pigs in partially slatted pens. Above certain IT, pen fouling increases linearly with temperature. Inflection temperatures decrease at increasing BW.  相似文献   

An experiment using a total of 210 crossbred pigs from two farrowing groups evaluated the effects of three weaning weights and their associative starter feeding program on subsequent postweaning performance to 105 kg BW. One group of pigs nursed their dams in outside heated hutches (Trial 1), and a second group was raised in a centrally heated farrowing house (Trial II). The three pig weaning weight groups ranged in weight from 1) 4.1 to 5.0 kg, 2) 5.5 to 6.8 kg, and 3) 7.3 to 8.6 kg. Pigs in Group 1 were fed a high nutrient dense diet (HNDD) for a 2-wk period followed by a corn-soybean meal-dried whey (C-SBM-DW) and then a corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) diet, each for a 2-wk period. Group 2 was fed the same diet sequence except that HNDD was provided for 1 wk, whereas Group 3 was provided only the C-SBM-DW and the C-SBM diets each for 2 wk, consecutively. At the end of the nursery period, pigs were fed C-SBM diet formulations to 105 kg BW. Pigs of Trial I averaged 5.2 d older at weaning than those raised in the central farrowing house, but only a 1.5-d difference existed between light- and heavy-weight groups in both trials. Gains and feed intakes for the three weaning groups were higher as weaning weight increased during both the nursery and the growing-finishing period. There did not seem to be a compensatory growth response for lighter-weight weanling pigs even though they had been fed starter diets containing milk products. Consequently, fewer days (approximately 15) were required for the heavier-weight weanling pig group to reach a final weight of 105 kg than for the light-weight group. The medium-weight group required an intermediate number of days to reach 105 kg.  相似文献   

Forty female and ten male pigs were used to study the effect of carbadox on reproductive performance when included in the diet at a level of 55 mg/kg from one week of age through approximately 60 kg body weight. Five replicates, each consisting of eight females and a pair of littermate boars, all crossfostered, were used. One boar reared on medicated feed and another on an unmedicated diet, were bred to two groups of four littermates. One female in each pair had been fed the medicated diet, and the other the unmedicated diet. The same breeding scheme was carried out for two parities. The following observations were made: length of estrous cycle, weaning-to-estrus interval; conception rate; age and weight at first estrus, at breeding, at 109 days of gestation, at farrowing and after farrowing; gestation length; and litter size and weights at birth and 28 days. The results showed that carbadox had no apparent effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

A computer model was developed to predict empty BW in cattle as a function of diet (forage NDF, physical form of forage [hay vs silage and pasture], proportion of dietary concentrates) and animal (full BW) characteristics. The model was empty BW = full BW * (1 - GFILL), where GFILL is gut fill expressed as a fraction of full BW. An equation obtained from published data (GFILL = .05354 + .329 * NDF) was used to provide a base prediction of GFILL from the fraction of NDF in the forage. Predicted GFILL was then corrected for full BW, physical form of forage, and fraction of concentrates using multiplicative factors obtained from published data. The model was evaluated with data from 11 published experiments. Several breeds of cattle, a wide range of forage types, and diets with 0 to 93% concentrates were represented in these data. Observed values for empty BW were compared to model-predicted values and to values predicted by systems published by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and National Research Council (NRC). Sums of squared deviations of predicted values from observed (n = 64) were 3,074, 37,327, and 25,920 for the model, ARC, and NRC systems, respectively. After fitting predicted empty BW values to observed values, proportion of concentrates and forage NDF accounted for a significant (P less than .01) amount of the residual variation with the ARC and NRC systems, but not for the model. This finding suggests that the model will predict empty BW more accurately than the ARC and NRC systems with diets similar to those used in the evaluation.  相似文献   

波尔山羊生长模型及体尺体重相关分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用Gompertz、Bertalanffy及Logistic模型拟合4~39月龄的澳洲波尔山羊生长模型.结果表明:Logistic模型拟合效果最好(R2>O.98),公母羊生长模型分别为:w=51.59X(1十6.15×e-1.82)-1和W=52.56×(1+7.15×e2.08)-1.波尔山羊的体重与胸围呈极显著相关(P0.05).利用胸围和体高,估算体重的回归方程为:y=0.279Bug+0.893Bxw-19.28.  相似文献   

合作猪胴体品质肉质特性及其随体重变化规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究测定了24头合作猪的胴体品质和肉质特性,以分析合作猪胴体、肌肉品质随体重(30、35、40、45kg)的变化规律,确定其最佳屠宰体重。研究结果认为,合作猪瘦肉率在48.8%~55.0%之间,肌肉pHl稳定维持在6.35~6.50之间,肉色指标优良,大理石纹评分均在3.75~4.05之间,且肌内脂肪含量在3.60%~3.85%之间;当40kg体重时屠宰的肌肉失水率最低,为10.68%,其滴水损失亦最小,为1.84%,肌肉剪切力值最低,为3.08kg。肉质性状间相关程度有强有弱,相关系数有正有负。相同性状间的有较高的正相关,肌肉pHl值几乎与各项肉质指标呈负相关。通过灰色关联度综合评定结果认为,合作猪在活重达到40kg时屠宰,其肉质和胴体品质最优。  相似文献   

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