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Black rot is a bacterial disease of Brassica oleracea caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Resistance to the major black rot races 1 or 4 has been identified in related Brassica species including B. carinata and B. napus. In this study, two B. juncea accessions (A 19182 and A 19183) that are resistant to races 1 and 4 of Xcc were used as maternal and paternal parents to generate interspecific hybrids with B. oleracea cultivars. Interspecific hybrids were recovered using the embryo rescue technique and confirmed through inheritance of paternal molecular markers. Twenty-six interspecific hybrid plants were obtained between A 19182 and B. oleracea cultivars, but no interspecific hybrids were obtained using A 19183. Although interspecific hybrid plants were male sterile, they were used successfully as maternal parents to generate backcross plants using embryo rescue. All hybrid and BC1 plants were resistant to black rot races 1 and 4.  相似文献   

Summary Disease progress and gradient curves of black rot on cabbage were evaluated in field plots of the cultivars Bartolo, Erdeno, Perfect Ball, and Roxy in The Netherlands during 1991 and 1992. Plots were inoculated by single sources in the centre of each plot. Individual plants were examined for disease incidence and severity. Disease progress was described by the Gompertz model. The overall measure of absolute rate (disease progress rate r multiplied with maximum disease intensity K) was used to compare cultivar effects on disease progress. Disease gradients were described by the negative exponential model. The percentile distance (distance from the source at which disease intensity reached 1% of the empirical maximum disease intensity) was used to compare cultivar effects on disease spread. Disease severity is more sensitive than disease incidence to calculate the disease progress and spread of black rot. Measures of progress and gradient were about equally effective to screen cultivars for field resistance to black rot. Perfect Ball was the most susceptible, Erdeno and Bartolo were intermediate and Roxy was the most resistant for incidence and severity measures. Increased levels of field resistance reduced the development of black rot in time and in space. Field resistance of black rot is thought to be composed of several mechanisms. Microplots provide a good instrument for the assessment of small differences in field resistance, expressed equally well in disease progress as in disease gradient curves.  相似文献   

Summary Black rot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is a limiting factor in the commercial production of the cauliflower crop. Crosses were attempted between SN 445, a mid season cultivar resistant to black rot and two highly susceptible commercial cultivars (Pusa Snowball-1 and K-1). Studies of the F1's, F2's and back crosses indicated that SN 445, carries a dominant gene imparting resistance to black rot.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrid plants and backcross 1 (BC1) progeny were produced through sexual crosses and embryo rescue between Brassica carinata accession PI 360883 and B. oleracea cvs Titleist’and‘Cecile’to transfer resistance to powdery mildew to B. oleracea. Four interspecific hybrids were obtained through application of embryo rescue from crosses with B. carinata as the maternal parent, and their interspecific nature confirmed through plant morphology and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Twenty‐one BC1 plants were obtained through sexual crosses and embryo rescue although embryo rescue was not necessary to produce first backcross generation plants between interspecific hybrids and B. oleracea. All interspecific hybrids and eight of the BC1 plants were resistant to powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of resistance in cauliflower to stalk rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) was investigated in population from six generations of six crosses. Disease incidence was recorded on 4 parents, 6 Fs 1, 6 Fs 2 and 12 back-crosses in a screenhouse under artificially created epiphytotic conditions. Resistance to stalk rot in this set of parents was found to be polygenic and under the control of recessive genes and due primarily to additive gene action. A breeding strategy emphasizing recurrent selection should lead to improvement in resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-six landraces of Portuguese coles (Brassica oleracea l.), representing fourteen morphotypes, were screened for resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans at the cotyledon stage. Three isolates of the pathogen belonging to three pathogenicity groups were used in the screening. The mean disease interaction phenotype of the B. oleracea landraces with the L. maculans isolates confirmed their differences in pathogenicity. When compared to pathogenicity grouping using a B. napus differential set, a different classification was observed on B. oleracea for the three L. maculans isolates, suggesting possible differences in the genetic interaction between the two plant species and the pathogen. Most of the Portuguese cole landraces were found to be susceptible to all three isolates of L. maculans, although a few have shown intermediate interaction phenotype. Some accessions, on the other hand, elicit a differential reaction with the three isolates tested, and can be further selected to be used in host differential sets or in breeding for resistance to black leg.Fifty-four landraces of Portuguese coles, representing eleven morphotypes, were also screened in the field for resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. A good level of resistance to the bacterium was found in several of the morphotypes.Accessions of the Penca type, particularly, were identified as highly resistant. Landraces belonging to the same Portuguese cole group presented a similar range of mean interaction phenotype with the bacterium. Some Portuguese landraces of B. oleracea are potential sources for use in breeding programs for black rot resistance.  相似文献   

Reducing linolenic acid content is one of the most important objectives for the development of Ethiopian mustard lines with high oil quality. This work was aimed at searching for variability of the fatty acid composition of oil within a germplasm collection of Ethiopian mustard. A total of 217 lines were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) in 1991, and one was selected as having reduced values of both linolenic acid content (10.2% versus 14.0% of total fatty acids as the collection average) and linoleic acid desaturation ratio (LDR, 0.34 versus 0.45). After 3 years of pedigree selection for low linolenic acid content, this line showed, in 1995, average values of this fatty acid of 5.4% and 2.4% in two different environments, compared with 11.6% and 8.3%, respectively, in the control. The values of the LDR were 0.18 and 0.09, respectively, compared with 0.36 and 0.27 in the control line.  相似文献   

Successful commercial utilization of the meal by‐product of Brassica oilseed crops requires the cultivation of cultivars with low glucosinolate (GSL) content in the seeds; however, such cultivars are not yet available in Brassica carinata. The objective of the present research was to search for transgressive segregants with further‐reduced GSL content in the progeny of crosses involving four B. carinata lines with reduced GSL content (90 compared with 120 μmol/g seed in standard germplasm). The four lines were crossed following a diallel design and F2 phenotypes (F3 seed bulked) were analysed for GSL content. F2 phenotypes with a transgressive GSL content lower than the parents were identified in all crosses involving the line S2–1241, suggesting that this line carries alleles for reduced GSL content not present in the other lines. F3 : 4 lines from transgressive F2 phenotypes were evaluated for 2 years, which resulted in the selection of an F3 : 4 line with an average GSL content of 58 and 46 μmol/g seed, respectively compared with 84 and 62 μmol/g seed, respectively in S2–1241.  相似文献   

Productivity and quality of crops of Brassica rapa L. in north‐western of Spain are highly affected by black rot, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel) Dowson (Xcc). Several races of Xcc have been described in this area, being the race 6 the most frequent in B. rapa crops and races 1 and 4 the most frequent in B. oleracea crops. The control of the disease can be aided by the employment of resistant varieties. The aim of this work was to find sources of resistance to Xcc in a collection of open‐pollinated varieties of B. rapa from north‐western Spain. Resistance was evaluated in 191 landraces. Partial resistance to races 6, 1 and 4 and complete resistance to race 4 were identified in several landraces. Several accessions exhibited partial resistance to the three races. Sources of resistance were identified in landraces of different crops of the species (turnips, turnip greens and turnip tops). These landraces could be grown after selection for resistance or they can be donors of resistance genes in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Mist-chamber, field, and detached leaf inoculation procedures identified plants resistant to bacterial soft rot [Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora, (Ecc)] in Brassica rapa and related species. The mist-chamber seedling inoculation provided the best correlation of mean disease severity ratings with the field plant inoculation (r = 0.67**) and was used to identify resistant materials. The optimum mist-chamber incubation conditions to distinguish the resistance of accessions were 23 °C and 100% RH and were used for primary screening. A total of 752 accessions of B. rapa and related Cruciferae were screened. In general, accessions of B. oleracea were more resistant than accessions of B. rapa. Within B. rapa, subspecies pekinensis and chinensis were more susceptible than other subspecies. No completely resistant material was found. In species of B. rapa, only 7% of accessions showed some degree of resistance with plant-to-plant variation within the accessions. G30444, G30449, and AVRDC2837 were identified as the most resistant materials in B. rapa by both mist-chamber and field inoculations. The resistance was correlated between an USA isolate (Geneva-1) and two Chinese isolates (RL4-1 and RL-19) of Ecc. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A total of 240 kale, 38 cabbage and 126 winter cauliflower French landraces from the B. oleracea genepool of INRA were assessed for resistance to clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicaeWoron. Two French isolates of the pathogen (K and SJ) were used in the experiments under controlled conditions. The reaction of the 126 cauliflower accessions to naturally occurring clubroot was also evaluated in field trials. Kales exhibited considerable variation for expression of disease resistance and high levels of resistance were found in several accessions. In this group, single resistant plants were observed in most of the morphological types and from quite different geographical origins. Cabbage accessions were moderately to highly susceptible to both isolates. All cauliflower populations proved to be highly susceptible to K isolate and moderately susceptible to SJ isolate. In field trials, cauliflowers were also severely infected. Two lines selected from a resistant kale population were highly resistant against a large range of pathotypes of the pathogen. These lines presented a sufficient level of resistance to be directly useful in the breeding program in order to develop cauliflower and broccoli hybrids resistant to clubroot. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The individual chromosomes of cabbage are identifiable in nucellar cells found in the ovaries of immature pistils by the combination of their relative length, arm ratios, secondary constrictions, chromatic and achromatic regions and the presence of satellites.  相似文献   

Summary The segregation of RFLP and RAPD markers was compared in two oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) breeding populations from the cross Topas x R4, the latter being a low linolenic mutation line. A total progeny of 68 F2 and 40 microspore derived plants were studied with 25 markers. The results indicated a significant excess of Topas alleles at five RAPD loci in the microspore derived population. This suggests that genomic regions which probably affect microspore culture ability do not have identical distribution in the two population types.  相似文献   

This research compared the expression of resistance to downy mildew at cotyledon and adult plant stages in seven Brassica oleracea genotypes against two P. parasitica isolates of different virulence. Seven day old seedlings were dual inoculated under controlled environment by depositing two 10 μl droplets of a spore suspension of a different isolate on each cotyledon and the interaction phenotype (IP) evaluated 7 days later using a 0–5 scale of increasing susceptibility. The seedlings were transplanted to 16 cm pots and grown in the greenhouse for 110 days (15 to 28 leaves). Adult plants were tested using a single leaf inoculation method that allowed the same plant to be simultaneously inoculated with the two P. parasitica isolates. Leaves were scored 10 days after inoculation using a 0–5 scale of increasing susceptibility. The inoculation of the same plant with the two isolates produced different combinations of cotyledon (CT) and adult-plant (AP) interaction-phenotype according to the genotype. CrGC 3.1 was susceptible at CT and AP stages, ‘Algarvia’ resistant at CT and AP stages, and broccoli ‘A’ susceptible at CT and resistant at AP stage against the two isolates. ‘Murciana’ and broccoli ‘B’ were differential at CT and AP stages. Savoy and Shetland cabbages were differential at CT stage and resistant to both isolates as adult plants. Cotyledon resistance could not be used to predict adult-plant resistance since the two types of resistance were very poorly correlated. Resistance can be race specific either at cotyledon or at adult-plant stage. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary S-alleles of Brassica oleracea were identified using a method which is based on the amplification of S-sequences from genomic DNA, followed by digestion of the PCR products with selected restriction enzymes (PCR-RFLP). A study was made in which the same S-allele was present in the homozygous state in a range of different crop types. This showed that, with minor exceptions, characteristic restriction patterns were obtained, and therefore that it was possible to identify the S-allele. To test whether the method was also suitable for the identification of both the S-alleles present in heterozygotes, a number of S-heterozygotes together with an F2 population were screened. The results showed that the standard method was not very reliable for the identification of both of the S-alleles. This is because firstly, one of the S-alleles may be amplified preferentially, and secondly, the restriction patterns are not unique to a particular combination of S-alleles. Finally, although it is not possible to identify unequivocally both S-alleles of heterozygotes using a standard technique, the procedure can be modified for particular combinations of alleles to enable the identification to be made.  相似文献   

D. J. Ockendon 《Euphytica》1982,31(2):325-331
Summary A total of 31 S-alleles was found in a survey of 197 cabbage plants representing 11 cultivars of diverse type. Most of these S-alleles also occurred in either kale or Brussels sprouts, but five of them have not been found previously and apparently occur only in cabbage. A more detailed study of five cultivars of spring cabbage showed only 12 S-alleles in all, with 6–10 S-alleles in four older cultivars and only 3 S-alleles in the newer more highly selected cultivar. S2 was by far the commonest S-allele, as it is in B. oleracea as a whole. The highly recessive alleles S5 and S15 were not particularly common in cabbage and this may partly explain why the sib problem in F1 hybrids is apparently less in cabbage than in Brussels sprouts. Three cases were found in which an S-allele was completely recessive in both the stigma and the pollen. The problems for the breeder created by this rather unusual situation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary About 1000 Brassica oleracea accessions were evaluated in glasshouse tests for response to Plasmodiophora brassicae (clubroot). Resistance was confirmed in some north and west European kales and cabbage. A new source of resistance in cabbage, from Eire, is reported. Most other accessions were highly susceptible but lower levels of susceptibility were observed in open pollinated Brussels sprouts and forms of south European cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Modern breeding (as in the production of hybrid cultivars) appears to have resulted in increased susceptibility in several crop types. The implications of these results for the exploitation of germplasm are discussed.  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci is a major problem in the cultivation of cabbage for storage, as this pest causes symptoms that necessitate the removal of affected leaves from the product. Between cabbage varieties large differences in susceptibility occur. This study aimed to identify plant traits associated with these differences, in field experiments with natural infestation in 2005 and 2006. One factor affecting the amount of thrips damage was the timing of the development of the head. In an experiment with different planting dates especially the early maturing, more susceptible varieties were shown to benefit from later planting. In comparisons of multiple varieties in both years, regression studies showed that more advanced plant development in August and early September increased thrips damage at the final harvest. However, no single plant trait explained more than 25% (2005, Brix) or 48% (2006, compactness) of the variation in thrips damage. Optimal regression models, explaining up to 75% of the variation in thrips damage included Brix and leaf surface wax late in the season, as well as an indicator of plant development earlier in the season, and in 2005 also leaf thickness. The possible role of these plant traits in relation to thrips is discussed.  相似文献   

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