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水稻籼粳杂种育性QTL定位及其效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用珍汕97B/秀水13的F2代为材料,在育性QTL分析同时,根据育成的亲籼型不育系配组的F1育性分析其QTL效应。结果表明,检测到控制花粉育性的qPF5加性效应值为-8.65,表型贡献率为11.25%。共检测到2个影响小穗育性的QTL(qSF5和qPF6),其中qSF5加性效应为-5.95,表型贡献率为9.11%,与花粉育性qPF5为同一个育性QTL;qSF6加性效应值为-8.55,表型贡献率为16.31%,为广亲和基因S5n。育成的亲籼型不育系的育性QTL(qSF6)来自籼稻等位基因或广亲和基因均可有效提高其籼粳杂种的小穗育性。此外,qSF5对后代小穗育性也有明显效应。籼粳杂种育性不仅与育性QTL有关,且受亲本籼粳成分等因素影响。  相似文献   

水稻开花期高温胁迫下的花粉育性QTL定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 以耐热水稻品系996和热敏感品系4628为亲本构建的重组自交系为材料,采用水稻开花期高温胁迫下的花粉育性为指标,对水稻耐热性进行了QTL分析。采用复合区间作图法检测到2个花粉育性耐热性QTL,暂命名为qPF4和qPF6。qPF4位于第4染色体上的RM5687―RM471区间,LOD值为7.54,对高温胁迫下花粉育性的表型解释率为15.1%,来自耐热亲本996的等位基因使高温下花粉可育率提高7.15%。qPF6位于第6染色体上的RM190―RM225标记区间,LOD值为4.43,对高温胁迫下花粉育性的表型解释率为9.31%,能使高温下花粉可育率提高5.25%,加性效应亦来自耐热亲本996的等位基因。定位到的2个耐热QTL为进一步精细定位以及通过分子标记辅助选择培育耐热水稻新品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

 以5个籼粳交组合的F1植株、1个低育的DH系和CPSLO17(对照品种)为材料,考察其结实率和花粉育性,花粉育性采用两种方法观察,I2-KI法和苏木精法,其中苏木精法是一种观察籼粳交花粉育性的新方法,用此法可直接在正常的成熟花粉中看到两个精子。结果表明,I2-KI法观察的花粉育性与结实率有显著差异,而苏木精法观察的花粉育性与结实率无差异。由此推论籼粳交F1不但存在雄配子部分不育而且还存在雌配子部分不育,两者的部分不育程度是相同的。  相似文献   

水稻籼粳核质核杂种研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
籼质粳核核质杂种配普通籼稻,粳质籼核核质杂种配普通粳稻,以及这两种核质杂种互交F1,称之为核质核杂种.研究表明,核质核杂种既保持了或基本保持了籼粳稻亚种间的杂种优势水平,又克服了籼粳稻亚种间不亲和的问题、植株超高问题和不能正常抽穗等问题.探索了一条亚种间杂种优势利用的新途径.  相似文献   

籼粳亚种间杂种不育性的形态与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对籼粳亚种间杂种不育性的细胞形态观察,籼粳亚种间杂种结实的亲和性及籼粳亚种间分化与亲和性的关系研究进行综述,并对研究中存在的问题和发展向进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

水稻籼粳杂种光合作用对强光适应力的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杂种优势所以受到重视,是因为它有较高的生产潜力,而生产潜力的发挥,与光合能力密切有关。光是制约光合作用的主要因素。强光对光合作用的抑制,已有许多报道,我们以前的研究,已明确品种间有差异。光合抑制的发生是由于过剩的激发能与氧结合产生超氧自由基引起的危害,而一个有抵抗能力的品种,应具有防御和清除自由基危害的能力,当清除能力大于光抑制时,植物可以恢复,否则会发生光氧化。近年来,正在进行籼粳杂种F_1优势的利用,关于它的光合优势发挥和稳定性方面的研究,尚未见到报道。本文是对已有产量优势的杂种及其亲本,进行光抑制的比较研究,特别是对强光适应力的差  相似文献   

水稻籼粳杂种一代生育期的表现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
 采用生育期不同的籼型野败恢复系和保持系与典型粳稻和籼粳中间型亲本配制成80份籼粳杂种一代组合,用亚种肉品种间杂交为对照,研究了籼粳稻杂种一代生育期的表现。结果表明,以籼粳亚种间杂种一代生育期优势最强,一般都超过双亲平均值;品种间杂种一代生育期优势最弱,接近中亲值;籼或使型亲本配籼粳中间型亲本,杂种一代生育期优势介于上述两类型组合之间。籼粳杂交由于双亲的不同,组合间F1生育期优势差异很大,有的组合甚至出现负向优势.这种生育期优势差异既受双亲本身生育期的迟早所支配,如杂种一代生育期长短排列顺序为中籼/晚粳>中籼/早或中粳>早籼或早熟中籼/晚粳>早籼或早熟中籼/早或中粳;又受籼型亲本所含的野败恢、保遗传基因所制约,凡用籼型野败恢复系配制的籼粳杂种一代其生育期优势明显减弱,并与双亲籼、粳遗传距离的大小有关,杂种一代生育期优势随双亲籼、便遗传距离的扩大而增强。  相似文献   

籼粳杂种F1植株性状研究和建造理想优势群体   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
籼粳杂种优势早在半个世纪前就被育种者所重视,但由于没有杂交水稻的成功,实现舢粳杂种优势利用是不可能的。当我国籼三系杂交稻正在兴起的时候,有人开始了这方面的工作,袁隆平提出要突破现有杂交水稻产量,其中一条途径就是搞籼粳杂种优势利用,特别是在两系法杂交水稻研究的成功,广亲和基因材料的发现又掀起了籼粳杂交稻研究的热潮。许多人涉足于这方面的研究,发表了许多研究论文,可在一阵高潮之后,方觉难度不小,似乎又退了潮。要解决21世纪吃饭问题,要增产30%,要翻一番,看来还要走这条路。考究一下前面的工作,都是从研究籼…  相似文献   

籼粳杂种糯性基因的异常分离及其特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to study the segregation distortion of waxy gene, three intersubspecific compatible japonica varieties Xiushui 117, T8340 and 02428, and Taichung 65 and its four isogenic F1-sterile lines were used to cross and backcross with three pairs of waxy and isogenic nonwaxy indica lines Yuanfengzao vs Yuanfengzao Nuo, Guangluai 4 vs Guangluai 4 Nuo and Zhenzhu 19 vs Zhenzhu 19 Nuo. Results indicated that for grains setting on F1 plants and triple cross F1 plants, the segregation of nonwaxy(n) and waxy(w)could be classified into three types, namely, n: w> 3:1, n: w=3:1 and n: w<3:1. Some genetic factor was found to be responsible for the distorted segregation by influencing pollen competition to some extent and its function was independent of F1 sterility gene. Considering that the distorted segregation showed distinct characterizations from the gametophyte genes reported hitherto, the authors postulated that it could be controlled by the interaction between sporophytic and gametophytic genes.  相似文献   

 以粳糯稻糯89 1与籼稻蜀恢527构建的籼粳交F7代RIL群体169个家系为作图群体,构建了一张含105个微卫星(SSR)标记的分子连锁图谱。在5℃低温条件下,对亲本及RIL群体进行芽期耐寒性鉴定;在冬季自然低温条件下,对亲本及RIL群体进行再生稻桩越冬耐寒性鉴定;对亲本及RIL群体进行再生力鉴定。利用SSR标记对水稻耐寒性、再生力进行QTL检测。结果表明,水稻耐寒性和再生力在RIL群体呈连续分布,表现为数量性状遗传特征。共检测到控制芽期耐寒性的QTL 2个(qCtg3、qCtg5),分布在第3和第5染色体上,对表型变异的贡献率分别为75.57%和79.04%;检测到控制再生稻桩越冬耐寒性的主效QTL 1个(qCtr5),在第5染色体上;检测到控制再生力的QTL 2个(qRa4、qRa5),分布在第4和第5染色体上,对表型变异的贡献率分别为8.17%和7.09%。qCtg5、qCtr5和qRa5同时与第5染色体上标记RM153连锁,在分子水平上表明水稻芽期、越冬耐寒性与再生力具有相关性。  相似文献   

水稻顶部小穗退化性状的QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用水稻籼粳亚种间组合越光与桂朝2号构建的重组自交系群体,在3种环境下对水稻穗顶部小穗退化性状进行了数量性状基因座(QTL)分析。重组自交系群体中穗顶部小穗退化性状的表型均呈连续分布,表现为数量性状遗传,并出现了超亲分离。在RIL群体中共检测到6个QTL,分别位于水稻第1、2、3、5、6和7染色体上,贡献率为4.49% ~ 9.74%。其中, 在两地都分别检测到的qASA2位于第2染色体上RM3355―RM263区间;位于第1染色体标记区间RM6451―OSR13的qASA1, LOD值达3.27,其增效等位基因来自桂朝2号。  相似文献   

Seventeen rice varieties and hybrids of different types (indica, japonica, javanica, indica hybrid, japonica hybrid and inter-subspecific hybrid) were evaluated to determine the effect of temperature on pollen fertility in inter-subspecfic hybrids. The pollen fertility of inter-subspecific hybrids was greatly reduced when average daily temperature dropped to 22.0 - 23.0℃ at meiosis stage, and the extent of pollen fertility reduction varied greatly with respect to different hybrids. However, the pollen fertility reduction of indica and japonica hybrids and conventional varieties was not obvious under the same regime of temperature conditions. When the average daily temperature dropped to 20℃, the pollen development of conventional varieties and hybrids was also affected. Correlation analysis revealed that there existed a positive correlation between pollen fertility and average daily temperature. A significant difference (P<0.01) was also found between the two correlation coefficients i.e. inter-subspecific hybrids and conventional varieties. Temperature at meiosis stage of pollen mother cell was a key factor in pollen developing, and the pollen fertility of inter-subspecific hybrids was more sensitive to low temperature than that of traditional variety.  相似文献   

Effect of Temperature on Pollen Fertility in Inter-Subspecific Rice Hybrids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventeen rice varieties and hybrids of different types (indica, japonica, javanica, indica hybrid, japonica hybrid and inter-subspecific hybrid) were evaluated to determine the effect of temperature on pollen fertility in inter-subspecfic hybrids. The pollen fertility of inter-subspecific hybrids was greatly reduced when average daily temperature dropped to 22.0 - 23.0℃at meiosis stage, and the extent of pollen fertility reduction varied greatly with respect to different hybrids. However, the pollen fertility reduction of indica and japonica hybrids and conventional varieties was not obvious under the same regime of temperature conditions. When the average daily temperature dropped to 20℃, the pollen development of conventional varieties and hybrids was also affected. Correlation analysis revealed that there existed a positive correlation between pollen fertility and average daily temperature. A significant difference (P<0.01) was also found between the two correlation coefficients i.e. inter-subspecific hybrids and conventional varieties. Temperature at meiosis stage of pollen mother cell was a key factor in pollen developing, and the pollen fertility of inter-subspecific hybrids was more sensitive to low temperature than that of traditional variety.  相似文献   

Previous study showed that a linkage drag between a blast resistance gene Pi25(t) and QTLs conditioning spikelet fertility (qSF-6) and number of filled grains per panicle (qNFGP-6) was detected on the short arm of chromosome 6. A larger population was used for further verification, and the results confirmed the linkage drag between the blast resistance gene and QTL conditioning spikelet fertility, other than QTL conditioning number of filled grains per panicle. Breakdown or avoidance of the linkage drag could be achieved by selection against the genotype background of a heading-date gene (qHD-7) that resided in the region between RM2 and RM214 on chromosome 7. For further validation, two lines with almost identical genotypes on all chromosomal regions except the Pi25(t) region on chromosome 6 were chosen to develop a new population. The results showed that qSF-6 could be further subdivided into qSF-6-1 and qSF-6-2. When the genotype of the region between RM2 and RM214 was from rice variety Zhong 156, the linkage drag between Pi25(t) and qSF-6-2 was detected and the allele of qSF-6-2 from rice variety Gumei 2 reduced the spikelet fertility. When the genotype of the region between RM2 and RM214 was from Gumei 2, no linkage drag was detected. This indicates that the linkage drag between the blast resistance gene and the QTL conditioning spikelet fertility could be broken down or avoided under a certain background genotype selection against heading-date and provides a marker aided solution for high level of blast resistance and yield breeding in rice and other crops as well.  相似文献   

High temperature stress (HTS), an increasingly important problem in rice production, significantly reduces rice yield by reducing pollen fertility and seed setting rate. Breeding rice varieties with tolerance to HTS at the flowering stage is therefore essential for maintaining rice production as the climate continues to become warm. In this study, two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying tolerance to HTS were identified using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between an HTS-tolerant rice cu...  相似文献   

IAA与亚种间杂交稻籽粒发育的关系及烯效唑的调节   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
 以汕优413及其父本品种中413为材料,研究了内外源IAA在籽粒发育过程中的作用及植物生长延缓剂S-07对其强、弱势粒灌浆过程的影响。在灌浆前期,强势粒抑制弱势粒的发育,外源IAA可代替强势粒的这种抑制作用;灌浆过程中强、弱势粒内源IAA的变化动态存在差异,其中强势粒的内源IAA在开花后急剧上升,8 d左右达最高峰;而弱势粒的IAA水平开花后则有一段约12 d的“滞缓期”,在开花后20 d左右才有一高峰出现。强弱势粒对3H-IAA的合成和吸收能力差异可能是导致其内源IAA水平不平衡的原因之一。孕穗末期喷施S-07可部分抑制强势粒的发育而相对促进弱势粒的发育,提高弱势粒千粒重;孕穗末期喷施S-07溶液可降低强势粒但提高弱势粒灌浆前期的内源IAA水平。  相似文献   

籼粳杂交稻早熟性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 1994年用粳稻广亲和品种02428、ZH157、ZH110 分别和珍汕97A杂交,从回交后代中选得同质广亲和恢复系02428R(珍汕97A/024283 F5),ZH157R(珍汕97A/ZH1572 F6)和ZH110R(珍汕97A/ZH1103 F3 )3份,将上述同质广亲和恢复系分别与籼稻WA 胞质不育系珍汕97A 、珍育29A、早显A、矮败型胞质不育系协青早A 杂交,分析F1 的生育期。1995年用02428R等广亲和恢复系和明恢63 等籼型恢复系与早显A 、协青早A杂交,分析F1 的生育期等性状。通过具有早熟效应的早显A不育系与不同恢复系杂交,发现早显A可显著缩短杂交稻组合的生育期,但对产量影响不大,说明选育具早熟效应的不育系对于缩短杂交水稻的生育期具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

 利用超级杂交稻协优9308(协青早B×中恢9308)衍生的重组自交系群体,采用条件复合区间作图法对主茎叶片数进行了动态QTL分析。在各时期检测到5个非条件QTL和2个条件QTL。非条件QTL qLN2.1、qLN2.2、qLN2.3和qLN2.4在第2染色体上成簇分布,单个非条件QTL可解释的表型变异介于11.68%~16.48%。2个条件QTL qLN2.2和qLN2.4表达时段与拔节盛期和抽穗盛期一致。最终只检测到1个叶片数非条件QTL,没有一个叶片数条件QTL能在测定的所有时期都有效应。表明控制水稻叶片数的QTL表达具有时空性。  相似文献   

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