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The legal method (polarimetric measurement) for the determination of sucrose content and the wet chemical analysis for the quality control of sugar beet uses lead acetate. Because heavy metals are pollutants, the law could forbid their use in the future. Therefore, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a procedure to replace these methods. However, there are alternatives to lead clarification, such as the use of aluminum salts, which have been applied at many sugar companies. The real advantage of NIRS is in speed and ease of analysis. The aim of this study was to determine simultaneously the concentration of several components which define the industrial quality of beets. The first objective was the determination of sucrose content, which determines the sugar beet price. The standard error of prediction (SEP) was low: 0.11 g of sucrose/100 g of fresh beet. NIRS was also able to determine other beet quality parameters: brix, marc, glucose, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, sugar in molasses (i.e. sucrose in molasses), and juice purity. The results concerning brix, marc, sugar in molasses, and juice purity were satisfactory. NIRS accuracy was lower for the other parameters. Nevertheless, RPD (ratio standard deviation of concentration/SEP) and RER (ratio concentration range/SEP ratio) show that NIRS might be used for the sample screening on nitrogen, potassium, sodium, and glucose content.  相似文献   


Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is cultivated mainly on saline soils. Low levels of salinity stimulate growth of this crop plant possibly due to production of broader leaves as sources of assimilates. In this work, six cultivars were studied under mild salinity (EC = 5.5 dS m?1) in a field experiment to analyse its effect on growth parameters and yield of storage root and sugar accumulation. An attempt was also made to determine the contributing role of photosynthetic gas exchange in response of sugar beet plants to salinity. Production of greater leaf area in salinized plants occurred only transitionally in the early growth period; in progression of the growing season it was decreased, and at 3rd harvest (100 days after treatment) it was significantly lower compared with control plants without cultivar differences. Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, net photosynthesis rate, and stomatal conductance did not change by salinity significantly. Although, at the end of growth season, leaf area and potential photosynthesizing component of salinized plants on the basis of leaf area (LAR) or weight (LWR) were significantly lower than for control plants, weight of storage root and sugar content were up to 90 and 37% higher than in control plants, respectively. Consequently, a considerable higher yield under mild salinity conditions in sugar beet is not attributable to higher leaf area or, therefore, higher photosynthetic capacity of whole plants. Indeed, the storage roots benefit from lower dry matter and surface production of shoot during the late growing season (because of lower nitrogen assimilation and a slight drought stress of salinized plants) and a change in dry-matter partitioning in favor of roots takes place. However, a possible special effect of Na on carbon allocation for storage and structure and involvement of growth regulators in the change of root-shoot allometry could not be excluded.  相似文献   

Seedlings of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) were grown in nutrient solutions containing a range of Cu and Zn concentrations. Based on measurements of shoot and root length and dry weight, copper was found to be already toxic at 10 μM, while Zn became toxic at 100 μM. At Cu and Zn levels found to induce a similar level of growth inhibiton, the influence of increasing the supply of K, Ca and Mg was investigated. Increasing the concentration of both Ca and Mg in the nutrient solution attenuated the degree of inhibition of root growth by Zn, but not Cu. Potassium did not affect the toxicity of either Cu or Zn. An increase in Ca decreased the level of both Cu and Zn in roots. Magnesium ameliorated the toxicity effects of Zn without effecting the Zn concentration in the roots. Treatment with Zn significantly decreased the concentration of Mg in the roots. An increased supply of Mg lowered the percentage decrease in root Mg concentration due to Zn toxicity. The maintenance of an adequate Mg level in the roots may be critical to prevent Zn induced inhibition of root growth.  相似文献   

Alluvial soils with illite and vermiculite clay minerals are highly potassium (K)‐fixing. Such soils have been reported to require a huge amount of K fertilization for optimum plant growth. For halophytic plants such as sugar beet, sodium (Na) can be an alternative to K under such conditions. This study was conducted to investigate the possible substitution of K by Na fertilization with reference to K‐fixing soils. Three soils, i.e., Kleinlinden (subsoil), Giessen (alluvial), and Trebur (alluvial), differing in K‐fixing capacities, were selected, and sugar beet plants were grown in Ahr pots with 15 kg soil pot–1. Three treatments (no K and Na, K equal to K‐fixing capacity of soil, and Na equivalent to regular K fertilization) were applied. In a second experiment, containers (90 cm × 40 cm × 40 cm) were used with 170 kg Kleinlinden soil each, and one sugar beet plant per container was grown. In both experiments, plants were grown till beet maturity, and beets were analyzed for sucrose concentration and other quality parameters such as α‐amino nitrogen to calculate white‐sugar yield with the New Brunswick formula. The results showed that growth and quality of sugar beet were not affected by Na application, and ultimately there was no decrease in white‐sugar yield. Moreover, the soils with more K‐fixing capacity were more suitable for K substitution by Na. It is concluded that Na can substitute K in sugar beet nutrition to a high degree and soils with high K‐fixing capacity have more potential for this substitution.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of zinc, added into compound fertilizer in the production process, and zinc applied together with compound fertilizer on yield and quality component of sugar beet in 2009–2010.The treatments consisted of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) (12-30-12) compound fertilizer; 2. NPK (12-30-12) compound fertilizer + zinc sulfate and NPK (10-20-20) + 1% Zn compound fertilizer. Root yield, sugar percentage, white sugar percentage (WSP), white sugar yield (WSY), alpha-amino nitrogen, sodium and potassium concentration were investigated in this study. A total of 5 kg ha?1 zinc application on sugar beet significantly increased the yield and quality of sugar beet; the rate of increase was in the range of 4.62–6.97% in root yield, 2.09–5.75% in sugar percentage, 2.60–8.03% in WSP and 7.84–13.06% in WSY. NPK (10-20-20) + 1% Zn compound fertilizer and NPK (12-30-12) compound fertilizer + zinc applications increased the sugar beet yield and quality values in both years.  相似文献   

This study provides current data on plant nitrogen (N) uptake required for maximum sugar yield (PNUpmax) and the corresponding fertilizer N dose (ND) (optimum N dose [NDopt]) for high-yielding beet crops (sugar yield up to 20 Mg ha?1). In 2010 and 2011, field experiments were conducted with four cultivars from Beta genus differing in dry matter composition, and six mineral NDs (0–200 kg N ha?1) at three sites (The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark). Differences between cultivars in PNUpmax and NDopt were small; however, environments (defined as combination of site and year) substantially differed from each other: highest PNUpmax and lowest NDopt occurred at environments supplying high amounts of N from soil resources, and vice versa. The level of maximum sugar yield (SYmax) was related neither to PNUpmax (200–270 kg N ha?1) nor to NDopt. However, N dose and plant N uptake required for 95% of maximum sugar yield was 50–80 kg N ha?1 lower than for maximum sugar yield. To conclude, accepting a slight reduction in sugar yield might allow for a substantial decrease in the ND. Cultivar choice and yield level need not to be taken into account at present.  相似文献   

低磷胁迫对不同基因型甜菜抗性生理特征的效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选用对低磷胁迫抗性各异的3个甜菜品种:品20、品17和品14,在人工培养室内采用沙培试验法,研究了甜菜抗耐低磷胁迫的生理机制。结果表明,低磷胁迫限制了甜菜对磷的吸收,导致植株含磷量和生物产量显著下降;不同品种间差异显著,品14降幅最大,品17次之,品20最小。与足磷处理(P 100μmol/L)相比,低磷胁迫后甜菜品种间体内抗性生理特征差异显著。其中,品14和品17的丙二醛含量、脯氨酸含量、过氧化物酶活性均显著增加;品20的丙二醛含量、脯氨酸含量极显著下降,而过氧化物酶活性变化不显著。叶片中Mg2+-ATPase活性降低,不同品种降幅各异,从小到大依次为品20品17品14,其中品20与后两者间的差异均达显著。品20和品17体内的钙调素(CaM)含量显著增加,而品14变化不明显,其相对值从大到小依次为品20品17品14,差异显著,与品种自身抗磷胁迫能力顺序一致。不同磷素营养条件对甜菜抵御外界不良环境有较大影响,叶片在受到热伤害时,抗磷胁迫能力较弱的品14和品17在低磷胁迫时质膜损伤率显著增加;而抗磷胁迫能力较强的品20叶片质膜的损伤率显著下降,抗热能力得到改善。  相似文献   


To clarify the effect of soil type on changes in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) productivity since 1980 in Tokachi District (Hokkaido, Japan), we analyzed yield data from 121 settlements from 1980 to 2002 using maps of parent materials and surface organic matter contents in a geographical information system. The soil types were Brown Lowland soils, Andosols with an alluvial subsoil, Wet Andosols and Andosols. The sugar beet yields were highest in the Andosols and moderate in Andosols with an alluvial subsoil. Yields in Brown Lowland soils in the 1980s were similar to those in Andosols, but decreased below the yields in the Andosols by the 1990s. The yields in Wet Andosols were the lowest in the 1980s, but have been similar to those in Andosols with an alluvial subsoil since 1990. Thus, productivity appears to have varied over time in Brown Lowland soils and Wet Andosols. The correlation coefficients between yields and cumulative daily mean temperature from late April to mid-July since 1990 were highest in the Andosols (r = 0.67), lowest in the Brown Lowland soils (r = 0.50) and intermediate in the other soil types (r = 0.54–0.60). However, the magnitude of the correlation between the yield and the cumulative precipitation since 1990 was lowest in the Andosols (r = –0.22), highest in the Brown Lowland soils (r = –0.58) and intermediate in the other soil types (r = –0.44 to –0.45). These results suggest that the present soil water environment in the Andosols is superior to that in the other soil types.  相似文献   

Populations of wild Beta L. species exist as weeds in commercial sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subspecies vulgaris) fields in the Imperial Valley, California. Significant losses to sugar yield and quality result if these wild plants are not removed. In cases of extreme infestation, fields are abandoned without harvest. No selective chemicals are available to differentiate conventional sugar beet from wild relatives and hand removal is labor intensive and expensive. Planting sugar beet varieties with tolerance to glyphosate is a potential solution for infested fields, but risk of gene flow to adjacent wild relatives must be determined. Previous research identified these populations as either Beta vulgaris L. subspecies maritima (L.) Arcang. or Beta macrocarpa Guss. This distinction is critical because B. v. subsp. maritima will readily cross hybridize with cultivated sugar beet while B. macrocarpa rarely will. In April 2011, we collected herbarium samples, mature seed, and leaf tissue from wild Beta populations in 25 infested sugar beet fields throughout the Imperial Valley. Bolting cultivated beets were identified at two locations. Taxonomy of whole plant herbarium samples was unclear due to wild beet stem elongation when under competition with sugar beet plants for canopy light. Morphology of plants from collected seed grown in non-competitive conditions assigned taxonomy of these populations to B. macrocarpa. We used molecular tools to determine the genetic structure of wild Beta populations throughout the Imperial Valley. Extracted DNA was genotyped with 22 simple sequence repeat molecular markers and evaluated for population structure. The bolting beet samples were clearly separated from the majority of B. macrocarpa samples, except for two. The remaining wild populations were further divided into two subgroups suggesting exchange of genetic information or a common ancestor.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Increasing demand for lithium (Li+) for portable energy storage is leading to a global risk of Li+ pollution from the manufacture, use, and disposal of Li+-containing products. Although Li+, a reactive alkali metal, has no essential function in plants, they readily take it up and accumulate it in large amounts in their tissues. The underlying mechanisms for this Li+ uptake and accumulation are, however, not well described. Our aim has been to investigate the effects of other alkali metals with similar physicochemical properties on the uptake, accumulation, and toxicity of Li+ at low and high osmolarity.


To determine the way in which Li+ affects the accumulation of other cations under saline conditions, sugar beet plants were grown in hydroponic culture with equimolar amounts of Li+, potassium (K+), and sodium (Na+) at low and high concentrations in various combinations.


Sugar beet plants tolerated high Li+ concentrations in the leaf and petiole. Low Li+ concentrations had no impact on plant growth but induced stomata closure. The presence of other monovalent cations at equimolar concentrations did not affect Li+ accumulation, but Li+ application altered the ratio of monovalent and divalent cations in leaves. Plants treated with high Li+ in combination with Na+ or K+ showed reduced plant growth and leaf necrosis, indicating the severe stress caused by Li+ toxicity.


The presence of cations with similar physicochemical properties to those of Li+ cannot mitigate its toxicity.  相似文献   

High yield of sugar beet require adequate mineral nutrition. To be diagnosed across interacting nutrients using appropriate interpretation models, the plant must be sampled at a critical physiological stage. This study aimed to develop and validate norms at the 7-leaf and well-developed rosette stages, for diagnostic purposes using the Diagnosis and Recommended Integrated System (DRIS) and Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis based on centered log ratios (CND-clr). Data on nutrient concentrations and plant performance were obtained from 409 plots in West-Central Poland. With respect to the growth stages, for physiological and practical reasons, the 7-leaf stage is preferable for diagnostic purposes. At this growth stage, the high-yield subpopulation characterized by higher concentration of potassium and sodium compared to other nutrients. CND-clr indices were closely related to DRIS indices (R2 > 0.93). The CND-clr indices, however, better explained the differences in the white sugar yield within the validated dataset than the DRIS indices.  相似文献   

Various characteristics of the photosynthetic apparatus of sugar beet were investigated with respect to changes in leaf copper content due to copper depletion. Copper deficiency inhibited whole chain electron transport or photosystem (PS) I or PS II electron transport measured separately. The minimal copper requirement was found to be 0.95 natom/cm2 for whole chain electron transport and 0.75 natom/cm2 for PS I or PS II electron transport. The minimum copper requirement to maintain normal contents of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and plastoquinone was 0.5 natom Cu/cm2.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Garden beet is the ancestor of fodder beets and sugar beets, but the origin of garden beet’s genetic potential to evolve novel beet types is debatable....  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the variation pattern of the Sicilian Beta germplasm collection is analysed. Accessions from Sicily were grown under controlled conditions and were evaluated morphometrically. Geographical distribution patterns of morphological characters are identified and the putative classification of the collection into coastal and inland populations is reassessed. Between adjacent populations significant variation was found for Petiole length, Leaf length, Leaf width and Biomass, however no one variable unambiguously reflected a geographical pattern. Overall differences between coastal and inland populations were small. Petiole length and rate of generative development were found to be important for distinguishing between these groups. Interferences are drawn on how the collection from Sicily could be rationalized to avoid excessive duplication.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the interaction between potato scab, soil pH and exchangeable calcium in two different fields, one consisting of volcanic ash soil and the other, of red-yellow soil. Severity of potato scab in the field with red-yellow soil was correlated with the soil pH, unlike in the field with volcanic ash soil. The amount of exchangeable calcium in both soils was positively correlated with the scab index of potato tuber, when the content of exchangeable calcium in soil exceeded 150 mg per 100 g soil. From these results, it was concluded that the content of exchangeable calcium is as a more reliable parameter than the soil pH to evaluate the severity of potato scab.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) has been extracted from beet root, in both soluble and membrane fractions. In both cases, the enzyme was in its latent state, and it was activated by sodium dodecyl sulfate. PPO was purified to apparent homogeneity. The soluble PPO purification was achieved by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and gel filtration chromatography, with apparent molecular mass of 55 kDa. The membrane PPO purification was achieved by anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration with apparent molecular mass of 54 kDa. A totally denaturing SDS-PAGE indicated the presence of a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 60 kDa for both fractions, with the band also revealed by Western blot. A partially denaturing SDS-PAGE stained a single active 36 kDa band for both fractions. Under native isoelectric focusing, a major acidic band of pH 5.2 was detected in both fractions. Kinetic characterization of PPO on the natural substrate l-dopa was carried out.  相似文献   

The two enzymes involved in enzymatic browning reactions, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (PO), have been partially purified and extracted from different fractions of beet root. PPO is mainly located in the membrane fraction, and it was also found in the soluble fraction. In both cases PPO was in its latent state. However, PO activity was higher in the soluble fraction than in the membrane fraction. Nevertheless, the highest values of specific activity for PO were obtained from the solubilized enzyme from acetone powders. Under native isoelectric focusing (IEF), several PPO isoenzymes were present in the pH range of 4.8-5.8. All of these isoenzymes shared a single band with a similar apparent mass under sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. PO was also analyzed by IEF, showing a complex isoenzyme pattern in all fractions. The characteristic basic PO isoenzyme of high pI found in both the soluble fraction and the solubilized enzyme from acetone powders was not detected in the membrane fraction. The kinetic characterization of PPO and PO from all fractions was carried out.  相似文献   

Salinity and sodicity are prime threats to land resources resulting in huge economic and associated social consequences in several countries. Nutrient deficiencies reduce crop productivity in salt‐affected regions. Soil fertility has not been sustainably managed in salt‐affected arid regions. Few researchers investigated the crop responses to phosphorus and potassium interactions especially in saline–sodic soils. A research study was carried out to explore the effect of diammonium phosphorus (DAP) and potassium sulphate (K2SO4) on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) grown in a saline–sodic field located in Kohat district of Pakistan. The crop was irrigated with ground water with ECiw value of 2.17–3.0 dS/m. Three levels each of K2O (0, 75 and 150 kg/ha) as K2SO4 and P2O5 (0, 60 and 120 kg/ha) as DAP were applied. The application of P significantly affected fresh beet and shoot yield while K fertilizers had significant effect on fresh beet yield and ratio of beet:shoot, while non‐significant effects on the fresh shoot were observed. The application of K1 and K2 promoted sugar beet shoot yield by 49.2 and 49.2% at P1 and 64.4 and 59.7% at P2, respectively over controls. In comparison with controls, fresh beet yield was increased (%) by 15 and 51, 45 and 84, and 50 and 58 for corresponding K1 and K2 at P0, P1 and P2, respectively. Addition of P1 and P2 increased beet yield by 37 and 47% over control. The shoot [P] (mmol/kg) were achieved as 55.2, 73.6 and 84.3 at P0, P1 and P2, respectively. The shoot [Mg] and [SO4] tended to decrease with increasing P levels, while [SO4] was markedly reduced at P2. The effect of P on leaf [Na] was non‐significant, but increasing levels of K decreased [Na] substantially at P0 and P1, but there was no difference in the effect of K level on [Na] at P2. Consequently, K application reduced leaf Na:K ratios. Fresh shoot yield was weakly associated with leaf [P] (R2 = 0.53). The leaf Na:K ratio showed a negative relationship (R2 = 0.90) with leaf [K]. A strongly positive relationship (R2 = 0.75) was observed between leaf [K] and fresh beet yield. The addition of K2SO4 also enhanced [SO4] and SO4:P ratios in leaf tissues. The ratio of Na:K in the shoot decreased with increasing K application. These results demonstrated that interactions of K and P could mitigate the adverse effects of salinity and sodicity in soils. This would contribute to the efficient management of soil fertility system in arid‐climate agriculture.  相似文献   

A combined high-pressure carbon dioxide (HP-CO 2) and thermal degradation reaction of betanin and isobetanin in aqueous solution was investigated and can be described by a first-order decay. At 45 degrees C, the degradation rate constant ( k) for each pigment component significantly increased (the half-life ( t 1/2) decreased, p < 0.05) with elevated pressure. Furthermore, HP-CO 2 treatment led to lower k values (higher t 1/2 values) than thermal treatment. However, k and t 1/2 values approached those of thermal treatment when the pressure was >30 MPa combined with temperatures exceeding 55 degrees C. Moreover, betanin was more stable than isobetanin under HP-CO 2. E a values ranged from 94.01 kJ/mol for betanin and 97.16 kJ/mol for isobetanin at atmospheric pressure to 170.83 and 142.69 kJ/mol at 50 MPa, respectively. A higher pressure and temperature as well as longer exposure time resulted in higher values of L*, b*, C*, and h degrees . HP-CO 2 induced more degradation products from betanin and isobetanin than thermal treatment with an identical temperature and exposure time.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the pleiotropic effects of boron stress on beet (Beta vulgaris L.) growth.

Methods: Beet seedlings were treated with varying concentrations of H3BO3 (0.05, 0.5, 2, and 30 mg/L) for 30 d for evaluation of diverse morphological parameters related to shoot and root growth. Transverse sections of beet leaves were observed under a microscope, and the leaf thickness was measured. Photosynthesis in beet was evaluated by measuring the photosynthetic rate, intercellular carbon dioxide concentration, and chlorophyll content; chloroplast morphology was observed by transmission electron microscopy. In addition, the levels of diverse endogenous hormones, as well as oxidative stress parameters, were also analyzed in beet leaves.

Results: We found that boron accumulated in different beet tissues but was observed mainly in mature leaves, followed by young leaves, mature petioles, young petioles, and roots. Boron stress (boron toxicity, 30 mg/L; boron deficiency, 0.05 mg/L) significantly inhibited beet shoot, root growth, and leaf expansion while promoting leaf thickening. Additionally, the levels of indole-3-acetic acid, gibberellin A3, and zeatin in beet leaves decreased significantly under boron stress, whereas the level of abscisic acid increased. Moreover, the levels of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, malondialdehyde, and proline in beet leaves increased significantly under boron stress.

Conclusion: Together, our results indicate that boron stress significantly inhibited normal beet growth via the influence of endogenous hormone levels and oxidative stress responses.  相似文献   

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