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锁阳在本草典籍中最早见于《本草衍义补遗》,以肉苁蓉的代用药物开始在各类本草典籍中记载,其主产于甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏、陕西等地。锁阳作为临床、保健的常用中药材,仍有源流、道地、采收、性味、功效等方面的存疑及易被忽略的使用禁忌,故有必要进行较为全面系统的梳理、考证、分析。经考证,锁阳于春、冬二季采收,味甘性温,归肝经、肾经、大肠经,质润,可补阴益精,并以此基础派生兴阳之功,可治精血亏虚、腰膝痿软、肠燥便秘等诸症,但对虚而大便不燥结者、泄泻、阳易举而精不固者忌用。该考证结果可为锁阳的临床合理用药和保健应用提供参考。  相似文献   

传统山水画根据所表现的季节景色特征,可以分为:春景、夏景、春景、冬景。对于刻画不同季节的山水景色,画家在刻画表现上展现出一定的特征性。对于不同时期的山水画春景作品,需要运用不同的考证方法加以来映证。本文运用的运用以下的考证方法:画面题名与景物一致性;画家自题与景色相符性。来考证不同时期对于山水画春景作品表现的不同。  相似文献   

通过实地调查、标本采集和考证藏医学文献等方法,对甘南龙胆科藏药的品种、基原进行整理和分析。结果表明,甘南龙胆科藏药共有4属23种(含变种),涉及15个药材品种。  相似文献   

学·证·赛一体"专业工匠"人才培养模式,是一种集"专业技能实训、考证技能培训、竞赛技能集训"于一体的"工匠型"专业人才培养模式.实现学·证·赛一体"专业工匠"人才培养的关键在于实践课程体系的优化设计,使专业技能训练与职业技能竞赛和职业技能考证有机地结合在一起.将专业技能实训与考证技能培训和竞赛技能集训融为一体,既满足了...  相似文献   

遂川产茶历史悠久,唐陆羽<茶经>八之出中说:江南生鄂州、袁州、吉州.据考证:吉州就是现今江西省的吉安市所辖地.遂川县是吉安市重点产茶区之一,其产茶历史有待考证,但不会迟于宋朝.  相似文献   

通过查阅古代本草典籍和现代相关文献,对南沙参的名称、基原、产地变迁等方面进行本草考证,并对南沙参的化学成分和药理药效的研究新进展进行综述,为更好地合理开发利用南沙参提供参考。  相似文献   

本文考证了广东汉民族的主要民系——客家人的汉族亲缘,与踞粤生存的确切时间,及徙粤的目的、路线,和群体组合等。认为客家人的前身是秦代徙粤的秦人与汉民,其群体组织是多成分和多层次的  相似文献   

简要分析了我国现行的兽用新生物制品审评标准中存在的不合理性,诸如试验阶段的划分不合理,重复进行安全、效力、免疫期试验等项要求缺乏科学性,申报资料的真实性难以考证等等.针对这些不合理性,笔者提出了具体的解决对策.  相似文献   

长春大屯镇,农安哈拉海镇等150余头母猪产后高烧(39.8~41℃)不食,缺乳或停乳,造成大批仔猪死亡。笔者到现场考证,并用药物进行对比试验,现报告如下:  相似文献   

孙启忠  柳茜  李峰  陶雅 《草业学报》2016,25(5):202-213
我国古代苜蓿植物学研究堪称世界一流,然而到目前为止,对其研究考证尚属少见。本文以记载苜蓿植物学的相关典籍为材料,采用植物考据学方法,考证我国古代苜蓿植物学研究。重点考证了汉代引种苜蓿的原产地、古代苜蓿的分布与适应性和苜蓿形态特征特性等。考证表明,古代首先阐明了我国苜蓿的来源和栽培区域,其次是阐明了从西域引种的苜蓿为紫花苜蓿,并对根、枝条、叶和果等苜蓿形态特征有正确的认识。《史记·大宛列传》和《汉书·西域传》都记载了我国汉代苜蓿来源于大宛和罽宾,这是我国对苜蓿栽培史的世界性贡献。汉代至唐宋西北地区种植苜蓿已颇为广泛,到明代苜蓿以“三晋为盛,秦、鲁次之,燕、赵又次之,江南人不识也”。苜蓿的根、枝条、叶和花、果、实等的形态特征也得到了广泛的科学系统研究,特别是苜蓿花色的研究为确定我国古代栽培苜蓿种提供了可靠的依据。唐代韩鄂在《四时纂要》中明确指出,苜蓿“紫花时,大益马”。明代的朱橚《救荒本草》、王象晋《群芳谱》和清代的吴其濬《植物名实图考》 等专著都记载了苜蓿开紫花,唯有明代李时珍《本草纲目》记载的是苜蓿开黄花。后人研究表明,前者为紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)(汉代引入的苜蓿即此),后者为南苜蓿(M. hispida),而吴其濬《植物名实图考》中提到的另一种开黄花的野苜蓿应该是黄花苜蓿(M. falcata)。通过本研究,可揭示我国古代对苜蓿特性的认识过程,对今天我们更好地认识苜蓿、利用苜蓿起借鉴作用。  相似文献   

猫病毒性鼻气管炎(Feline viral rhinotracheitis, FVRs)是由1型猫疱疹病毒引起的对猫科动物健康构成严重威胁的病毒性传染病,其传播迅速、潜伏感染的特点一直以来都是宠物临床中诊断与治疗的难点。目前存在多种猫疱疹病毒治疗药物,但是对药物治疗效果的评价存在很大的争议。因此,充分认识抗疱疹病毒药物的研究现状及治疗效果对于FVRs治疗方案的制定十分重要。本文对近年来抗猫疱疹病毒药物及治疗效果的研究进展进行了综述,以期为FVRs的临床治疗提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Transgenic fish have been produced that have improved growth, disease resistance, survival in cold and body composition, have altered color, that can act as bioindicators for estrogenic pollutants and that can produce pharmaceutical proteins. The largest amount of transgenic research has focused on growth hormone transfer. A relatively small amount of research has focused on enhancing disease resistance, but significant enhancement has been accomplished. Pleiotropic effects from the transfer of other transgenes, particularly growth hormone gene can alter disease resistance in both positive and negative ways. Most negative effects for all transgenes appear to lower fitness traits, which is positive for biological containment. Transgenic fish appear to pose little environmental risk, but this research is not fully conclusive. To expedite commercialization and minimize environmental risk, transgenic sterilization research is underway. A large amount of functional genomics research has resulted in a much better understanding of gene expression when fish are experiencing disease epizootics. This information may allow the future design of more effective transgenic approaches to address disease resistance.  相似文献   

苜蓿青贮过程中蛋白的分解及抑制方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
郭旭生  周禾  刘桂霞 《草业科学》2005,22(11):46-50
苜蓿Medicago sativa在青贮过程中由于自身蛋白酶的作用使蛋白分解产生非蛋白氮(NPN)而造成的蛋白损失非常严重.介绍了苜蓿青贮时蛋白的分解机理、影响蛋白分解的因素和青贮时各种添加剂对蛋白分解的影响以及目前抑制苜蓿在青贮过程中蛋白分解的研究动态,并提出了今后研究苜蓿青贮时抑制蛋白分解需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

Epigenetics provides a molecular mechanism of inheritance that is not solely dependent on DNA sequence and that can account for non-Mendelian inheritance patterns. Epigenetic changes underlie many normal developmental processes, and can lead to disease development as well. While epigenetic effects have been studied in well-characterized rodent models, less research has been done using agriculturally important domestic animal species. This review will present the results of current epigenetic research using farm animal models (cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens). Much of the work has focused on the epigenetic effects that environmental exposures to toxicants, nutrients and infectious agents has on either the exposed animals themselves or on their direct offspring. Only one porcine study examined epigenetic transgenerational effects; namely the effect diet micronutrients fed to male pigs has on liver DNA methylation and muscle mass in grand-offspring (F2 generation). Healthy viable offspring are very important in the farm and husbandry industry and epigenetic differences can be associated with production traits. Therefore further epigenetic research into domestic animal health and how exposure to toxicants or nutritional changes affects future generations is imperative.  相似文献   

Physiological stress is one of many concerns facing the modern broiler producer. Research has yet to reveal mechanisms that would allow the producer to efficiently minimize the detrimental impacts of physiological stress on broiler performance. One possible approach for improvement in this area is to elucidate the effects of different nutrient regimens on stressed broilers. Sufficient prior knowledge of the effects of stress on metabolism and nutrient digestibility, as well as effective stress induction models, is essential to any researcher interested in delineating the effects of nutrients on stressed broilers. This review examines the physiological mechanisms that activate and control stress, as well as the effects of stress on immunity, metabolism, and broiler performance. Validation procedures for stress induction models are also examined. Additionally, this review examines available research focused on amino acid digest-libility in the presence of stress, digestibility assays necessary for this research, and nutrients that have been shown to have the potential for stress reduction or amelioration.  相似文献   

植酸酶作为释放植物中磷的高效水解酶,低剂量植酸酶在动物生产和环境保护方面具有促进作用和广阔的应用前景。有研究表明超剂量添加植酸酶对猪的生长潜力有较大促进作用,但目前关于超剂量植酸酶的研究和应用尚为缺乏。本文从植酸和植酸酶的作用机理、超剂量植酸酶在猪生产中的应用及其应用过程中面临的问题等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

表位疫苗是近几年发展起来的一种防控禽流感的新型疫苗。从表位的筛选方法、候选基因及免疫效果等方面综述表位疫苗的研究现状,以期为禽流感表位疫苗的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

朱砂七是蓼科蓼属植物毛脉蓼的干燥块根,为"太白七药"之一.朱砂七所含化学成分主要包括蒽醌类、二苯乙烯类、鞣质、多糖等,蒽醌类为其主要成分之一.近年来,国内外许多研究已经证实朱砂七总蒽醌在抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等方面作用显著,因其副作用低,而具有很好的开发及应用前景.论文简要概述朱砂七总蒽醌的化学组成、提取方法及相关...  相似文献   

Epigenetics provides a molecular mechanism of inheritance that is not solely dependent on DNA sequence and that can account for non-Mendelian inheritance patterns. Epigenetic changes underlie many normal developmental processes, and can lead to disease development as wel. While epigenetic effects have been studied in wel-characterized rodent models, less research has been done using agricultural y important domestic animal species. This review wil present the results of current epigenetic research using farm animal models(cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens). Much of the work has focused on the epigenetic effects that environmental exposures to toxicants, nutrients and infectious agents has on either the exposed animals themselves or on their direct offspring. Only one porcine study examined epigenetic transgenerational effects; namely the effect diet micronutrients fed to male pigs has on liver DNA methylation and muscle mass in grand-offspring(F2 generation). Healthy viable offspring are very important in the farm and husbandry industry and epigenetic differences can be associated with production traits. Therefore further epigenetic research into domestic animal health and how exposure to toxicants or nutritional changes affects future generations is imperative.  相似文献   

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