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Field experiments were conducted using the biological agentBacillus thuringiensis to control the clearwing moth,Synanthedon myopaeformis (Lep. Aegeriidae) in apple orchards at Alexandria governorate during 1995, 1996 and 1997. Three bacterial varieties ofB. thuringiensis showed significant influence on the reduction of borer infestation. Four applications with the sporic concentration 12×107 spores/ml of each ofB. th. var.kurstaki, B. th. var.alesti andB. th. var.thuringiensis induced 82.5, 51.1 and 42.1% reduction of infestation, respectively. Methods of application showed highly significant effect on infestation level. Sparying after scraping was the best method (80.0%, reduction) followed by painting after scraping (71.5%, reduction) then spraying alone (59.7%, reduction) or painting alone (43.0%, reduction). A control programme was carried out using three applications of the biomaterial, Delfin at the rate of 200 g/100 I.w. during mid-March, early June and mid-August resulted in 88.5–91.4% reduction of infestation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on the pupal and adult stages of Apanteles plutellae Kurd. (Hym., Braconidae) and its host, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae). The results show that mortalities of the pupae of P. xylostella in the direct-dip bioassay were 84.67%, that of the adults in the residue bioassay at 1.2500mg/ml concentration of GCSC-BtA were 78.00% which were significantly higher than the mortality values for the pupae with 54.62% and adults with 48.13% of A. plutellae. In contrast, cypermethrin showed extremely high toxicity to the pupae with 94.58% and adults with 86.00% mortality values of A. plutellae as compared to the low mortality values of 42.14% for the pupae and 32.11% for the adults of P. xylostella, with the same concentrations and bioassay methods. The LC50 values of GCSC-BtA were 0.3402, 0.5516 and 1.2405, 1.9480mg/ml for the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and A. plutellae, respectively, while the LC50 values for cypermethrin were 1.5652, 2.3471 and 0.1096, 0.1152mg/ml, respectively. GCSC-BtA was found more toxic to the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and safer to the pupae and adults of A. plutellae than cypermethrin. The possibilty of using GCSC-BtA against P. xylostella under partial control by A. plutellae in vegetable fields is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on the pupal and adult stages of Apanteles plutellae Kurd. (Hym., Braconidae) and its host, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae). The results show that mortalities of the pupae of P. xylostella in the direct-dip bioassay were 84.67%, that of the adults in the residue bioassay at 1.2500mg/ml concentration of GCSC-BtA were 78.00% which were significantly higher than the mortality values for the pupae with 54.62% and adults with 48.13% of A. plutellae. In contrast, cypermethrin showed extremely high toxicity to the pupae with 94.58% and adults with 86.00% mortality values of A. plutellae as compared to the low mortality values of 42.14% for the pupae and 32.11% for the adults of P. xylostella, with the same concentrations and bioassay methods. The LC50 values of GCSC-BtA were 0.3402, 0.5516 and 1.2405, 1.9480mg/ml for the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and A. plutellae, respectively, while the LC50 values for cypermethrin were 1.5652, 2.3471 and 0.1096, 0.1152mg/ml, respectively. GCSC-BtA was found more toxic to the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and safer to the pupae and adults of A. plutellae than cypermethrin. The possibilty of using GCSC-BtA against P. xylostella under partial control by A. plutellae in vegetable fields is discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with laboratory studies on side-effects of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae) and its predators, e.g. Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans) (Acari, Phytoseiidae), Erigonidium graminicola (Sundvall) (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Orius similis Zheng (Het., Anthocoridae) and Coccinella septempunctata L.(Col., Coccinellidae), in comparison to the commercial insecticides, e.g. Abamectin, Tebufenozide, Dichlorvos, Cartap and Lambda-cyhalothrin.The results showed that GCSC-BtA was highly toxic to the 3rd instar of P. xylostella with 91.18% mortality, followed by Cartap with 84.38%, Abamectin with 78.00%, Tebufenozide with 75.57%, Lambda-cyhalothrin with 63.75% and Dichlorvos with 50.86% mortality. On the other hand, GCSC-BtA was found to be comparatively less toxic to the predators, causing 31.11%, 13.33%, 11.54% and 6.00% mortalities in A. longispinosus, E. graminicola, O. similis and C. septempunctata, respectively. For comparison, the mortalities recorded for Abamectin, Tebufenozide, Dichlorvos, Cartap, Lambda-cyhalothrin were 72.94%, 55.55%, 70.00%, 53.26% and 98.85% in A. longispinosus, 46.51%, 55.10%, 60.00%, 46.00% and 73.68% in E. graminicola, 22.00%, 16.00%, 35.71%, 26.78% and 81.03% in O. similis, 15.55%, 19.64%, 28.00%, 16.66% and 41.79% in C. septempunctata, respectively.Cluster analysis was introduced to group the mortalities caused by the treatments into three toxicity groups with the distance of D=4.1. The 1st group consisted of GCSC-BtA characterized with low toxicity to all the predators tested with 15.49% mortality on average (highest 31.11% and lowest 6.00%). The 2nd group consisted of Abamectin, Tebufenozide, Dichlorvos and Cartap with moderate toxicity to the predators with 39.96% mortality on average. The 3rd group included Lambda-cyhalothrin with high toxicity to the predators with 73.83% mortality on average (highest 98.85% and lowest 41.70%). The susceptibility of the pest and its predators to GCSC-BtA and the insecticides is discussed. GCSC-BtA as a biological control agent is recommended for use in the integrated pests control programs in the vegetable fields.  相似文献   

Cameraria ohridella was recorded first in 1985 in Macedonia. It gradually expanded to north and west and at present it is a serious pest of Horse ChestnutAesculus hippocastanum in the Czech Republic, having been established at about 80 localities. There are 4–5 overlapping generations with sizes of the larvae of 0.4–4.0 mm. The larva develops inside the leaf tissue in the upper parenchym layer of the leaflet and causes a mine, the size of which is broadened with growing larva. First adults start to fly at the end of April. After mating the females lay single eggs on the leaves. Larval development lasts 25–30 days followed by the prepupa I and II. The latter spins a cocoon in which the pupa of the last generation hibernates. The development from L4 to the prepupa lasts for 3–6 days at 22°C. During the summer it is possible to find all larval and prepupal stages in attacked leaves. FourAesculus species:A. parviflora Walk,A. carnea Haey.,A. glabra Walk andA. indica J. Hobb. were found to be resistent toC. obridella. A. lutea H. J. was liftle andA. pavia L. was heavily attacked. The parasitization ofC. o. larvae was very low. Only 2 parasites were found in 1500 mines in the first and second generation ofC. o., and 40 parasites in 1000 mines of the fourth and fifth generation. The highest mortality takes place in moths, eggs and young larvae. It was found in all 4 generation that there were i. m. 50 eggs/leaflet from which i. m. 3 hibernating pupae resulted. Supposing 2 moths (1♀, 1♂)/leaflet emerged in spring which produced 50 eggs (75 eggs/♀—33% moth mortality), the density of eggs in the first generation after hibernating being the same as in the last (fourth) generation before hibernating. As to the whole populations density in this case we can calculate as following: 3 pupae/leaflet on the tree=3000 pupae/leaflets pro m2 on the soil=2000 emerging moths pro m2=50,000 moths (25,000 ♀♀) pro tree (namely 25 m2 projecting area of the tree crown×2000 moths).   相似文献   

A screenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the damage and compensation in rice plants when injured by the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), larvae at tillering stage, as well as larval survival and development of the insect at different nitrogen (N) fertilization levels. Potted plants were fertilized at late seedling stage at the rates 0, 200, 400, 600 and 800mgN/pot, respectively. More deadheads were caused as fertilization increased. Plants compensated well for injury at the fertilization concentrations of 200 and 400mgN/pot by producing new tillers, but such compensation did not take place at 600 and 800mgN/pot. Two weeks after infestation, the highest number of remaining healthy tillers was found in plants fertilized at 400mgN/pot. Larval survival varied little among the treatments 200 to 800mgN/pot. Larval weight attainment and/or developmental rate increased with increasing fertilization level from 200 to 600mgN/pot, but both declined rapidly as fertilization reached 800mgN/pot, indicating the great dependence of plant suitability on N fertilization levels. Conclusively, both the compensation response of rice plants and their suitability for C. suppressalis larvae could be significantly affected by N fertilization levels.  相似文献   

A screenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the damage and compensation in rice plants when injured by the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), larvae at tillering stage, as well as larval survival and development of the insect at different nitrogen (N) fertilization levels. Potted plants were fertilized at late seedling stage at the rates 0, 200, 400, 600 and 800mgN/pot, respectively. More deadheads were caused as fertilization increased. Plants compensated well for injury at the fertilization concentrations of 200 and 400mgN/pot by producing new tillers, but such compensation did not take place at 600 and 800mgN/pot. Two weeks after infestation, the highest number of remaining healthy tillers was found in plants fertilized at 400mgN/pot. Larval survival varied little among the treatments 200 to 800mgN/pot. Larval weight attainment and/or developmental rate increased with increasing fertilization level from 200 to 600mgN/pot, but both declined rapidly as fertilization reached 800mgN/pot, indicating the great dependence of plant suitability on N fertilization levels. Conclusively, both the compensation response of rice plants and their suitability for C. suppressalis larvae could be significantly affected by N fertilization levels.  相似文献   

An overview of knowledge about the horse chestnut minerCameraria abridella Desch. & Dem. (Lep., Gracillariidae), a pest developing in leaf mines ofAesculus bippocastanum, spread gradually from the Ohrid-Lake (Macedonia) through Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia up to the central Europe (fig.). At present (1999) it occurs in northern Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech and Slovak Republics, Austria, southern and central Germany and in southern Poland. Usually three, but up to five generations develop a year in central-European conditions.C. obridella develops also in leaf mines onAcer pseudoplatanus andA. platanoides. The parasitation is 1–8% and seems not to increase. Heavily attacked trees do not die; only rarely the dying of heavily damaged trees have been observed. Several insecticides may be used to control of this pest. The most successful was the growth-regulator Dimilin with active substance of Diflubenzurol. In the future it will be possible to control populations ofCameraria obridella by pheromones. The future development of this pest and its control is discussed.   相似文献   

According to the new trend of insect pests control in fruit orchards, biological in addition to mechanical control were evaluated for their efficiency on the reduction ofP. paradoxa population on fig trees during 1996, 1997 and 1998. Primary trials using the bacterial biopreparations of Delfin, Dipel and Bactospeine at the concentration of 200g/100 l. w. resulted in 81.8, 75.8 and 72.3% reduction of pest infestation, respectively. Pruning the infested branches, worming the larvae inside their tunnels and both mechanical treatments together along two successive years, reduced the infestation by 17.5, 47.4 and 57.9%, respectively. A control programme ofP. paradoxa was conducted using the techniques of pruning and worming besides spraying with bacterial insecticides at a rate of 200g/100 l.w. The performed mechanical and biological treatments together for one year gave 79.2–94.5% reduction of infestation, that reduction increased to 83.0–98.1% when these treatments were applied two years successively.  相似文献   

According to the new trend of insect pests control in fruit orchards, biological in addition to mechanical control were evaluated for their efficiency on the reduction ofP. paradoxa population on fig trees during 1996, 1997 and 1998. Primary trials using the bacterial biopreparations of Delfin, Dipel and Bactospeine at the concentration of 200g/100 l. w. resulted in 81.8, 75.8 and 72.3% reduction of pest infestation, respectively. Pruning the infested branches, worming the larvae inside their tunnels and both mechanical treatments together along two successive years, reduced the infestation by 17.5, 47.4 and 57.9%, respectively. A control programme ofP. paradoxa was conducted using the techniques of pruning and worming besides spraying with bacterial insecticides at a rate of 200g/100 l.w. The performed mechanical and biological treatments together for one year gave 79.2–94.5% reduction of infestation, that reduction increased to 83.0–98.1% when these treatments were applied two years successively.  相似文献   

An overview of knowledge about the horse chestnut minerCameraria abridella Desch. & Dem. (Lep., Gracillariidae), a pest developing in leaf mines ofAesculus bippocastanum, spread gradually from the Ohrid-Lake (Macedonia) through Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia up to the central Europe (fig.). At present (1999) it occurs in northern Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech and Slovak Republics, Austria, southern and central Germany and in southern Poland. Usually three, but up to five generations develop a year in central-European conditions.C. obridella develops also in leaf mines onAcer pseudoplatanus andA. platanoides. The parasitation is 1–8% and seems not to increase. Heavily attacked trees do not die; only rarely the dying of heavily damaged trees have been observed. Several insecticides may be used to control of this pest. The most successful was the growth-regulator Dimilin with active substance of Diflubenzurol. In the future it will be possible to control populations ofCameraria obridella by pheromones. The future development of this pest and its control is discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with laboratory studies on side-effects of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae) and its predators, e.g. Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans) (Acari, Phytoseiidae), Erigonidium graminicola (Sundvall) (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Orius similis Zheng (Het., Anthocoridae) and Coccinella septempunctata L.(Col., Coccinellidae), in comparison to the commercial insecticides, e.g. Abamectin, Tebufenozide, Dichlorvos, Cartap and Lambda-cyhalothrin.The results showed that GCSC-BtA was highly toxic to the 3rd instar of P. xylostella with 91.18% mortality, followed by Cartap with 84.38%, Abamectin with 78.00%, Tebufenozide with 75.57%, Lambda-cyhalothrin with 63.75% and Dichlorvos with 50.86% mortality. On the other hand, GCSC-BtA was found to be comparatively less toxic to the predators, causing 31.11%, 13.33%, 11.54% and 6.00% mortalities in A. longispinosus, E. graminicola, O. similis and C. septempunctata, respectively. For comparison, the mortalities recorded for Abamectin, Tebufenozide, Dichlorvos, Cartap, Lambda-cyhalothrin were 72.94%, 55.55%, 70.00%, 53.26% and 98.85% in A. longispinosus, 46.51%, 55.10%, 60.00%, 46.00% and 73.68% in E. graminicola, 22.00%, 16.00%, 35.71%, 26.78% and 81.03% in O. similis, 15.55%, 19.64%, 28.00%, 16.66% and 41.79% in C. septempunctata, respectively.  相似文献   

Since Pb is a non-biodegradable inorganic pollutant and a non-essential metal, its long-term presence in soil poses a great threat to the environment. Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis(Fisch.) Koidz., a perennial dense bush herb with high resistance of Pb and wide adaptability, was used in pot experiments to study the effects of exogenous nitrate N(NO3--N) on the absorption and transportation of Pb and plant growth under different Pb concentrations. Then, the mechanism of NO...  相似文献   

Dickeya spp. and Pectobacterium atrosepticum are major pathogens of potato. Current methods to detect these soft-rotting bacteria require separate identification steps. Here we describe a simple method allowing simultaneous detection of both pathogens based on multiplex PCR. The sensitivity of the primer sets was first examined on purified genomic DNA of the type strains Dickeya chrysanthemi 2048T and P. atrosepticum 1526T. The specificity and detection limits of the primer sets were successfully tested on 61 strains belonging to various Dickeya and Pectobacterium species, on artificially inoculated and on naturally contaminated potato plants. This new method provides a gain in time and materials, the main advantages for large-scale processes such as pathogen-free seed certification.  相似文献   

Severe rot was found at the base of leaves and stems of chingensai (Brassica campestris L. chinensis group) in Okayama Prefecture in 2000. The causal fungi were morphologically identified as Pythium ultimum Trow var. ultimum and P. aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzpatrick. This is the first report of rot caused by Pythium species on chingensai. We named this disease Pythium rot of chingensai.  相似文献   

Trees growing in a semi-arid sandy environment are often exposed to drought conditions due to seasonal variations in precipitation, low soil water retention and deep groundwater level. However, adaptability and plasticity of individuals to the changing drought conditions greatly vary among tree species. In this study, we estimated water use (Ts) of Mongolian Scots pine (MSP; Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.) based on sap flux density measurements over four successive years (2013-2016) that exhibited significant fluctuations in precipitation in a semi-arid sandy environment of northern China. The results showed that fluctuations in daily Ts synchronously varied with dry-wet cycles of soil moisture over the study period. The daily ratio of water use to reference evapotranspiration (Ts/ET0) on sunny days in each year showed a negative linear relationship with the severity of drought in the upper soil layer (0-1 m; P<0.01). The decrease in Ts induced by erratic drought during the growing season recovered due to precipitation. However, this recovery ability failed under prolonged and severe droughts. The Ts/ET0 ratio significantly declined with the progressive reduction in the groundwater level (gw) over the study period (P<0.01). We concluded that the upper soil layer contributed the most to the Ts of MSP during the growing season. The severity and duration of droughts in this layer greatly reduced Ts. Nevertheless, gw determined whether the Ts could completely recover after the alleviation of long-term soil drought. These results provide practical information for optimizing MSP management to stop ongoing degradation in the semi-arid sandy environments.  相似文献   

The ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius, which originally came from North America, was discovered in southern Finland in 1996. In 1997, using Norwegian drainpipe traps baited with pheromones of Gnathotrichus retusus and G. sulcatus, we collected beetles in the region where the first specimen had been caught in order to determine whether this potential pest species had become established in the area. Samples from a total of 16 traps included 79 species of beetles and 719 individuals, but no specimens of G. materiarius. The most abundant species in the samples were the ambrosia beetles Xyleborus dispar and Trypodendron lineatum. Several predators and other associates of bark beetles were also captured. The majority of the beetles caught were saproxylic species.  相似文献   

The ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius, which originally came from North America, was discovered in southern Finland in 1996. In 1997, using Norwegian drainpipe traps baited with pheromones of Gnathotrichus retusus and G. sulcatus, we collected beetles in the region where the first specimen had been caught in order to determine whether this potential pest species had become established in the area. Samples from a total of 16 traps included 79 species of beetles and 719 individuals, but no specimens of G. materiarius. The most abundant species in the samples were the ambrosia beetles Xyleborus dispar and Trypodendron lineatum. Several predators and other associates of bark beetles were also captured. The majority of the beetles caught were saproxylic species.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) (Diuraphis noxia Kurdj.), overpopulated due to extraordinary weather conditions (2000) in the Czech Republic, enabled the identification of several within-field situations ouside of the routine approach. This group, classified as within-field refugium, includes variation due to field relief, some injuries caused by the use of machinery, the unharvested field margins and, last but not least, the volunteer plants. Differences between the RWA populations in these situations and the normal grove are presented and recommended to be taken into consideration in the research on RWA population dynamics and movement.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (=RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) is an exotic expansive aphid on the small grains determined in the Czech republic since 1993 (1995). Determination of RWA flight patterns by suction air traps (= SATs) between 1994-1998 indicated some banker, less important, or indicated RWA distribution areas. A comparison of the RWA monitoring by SATs and by crop samples in areas more or less distant from individual SAT locations manifested a high silmilarity of RWA evidence in its overall distribution and area-influenced population numbers. Owing to geographic area-dependent features of its life-cycle (holocycly) and host plant preferences, RWA seems to be most injurious to spring barley. In spite of the role of SATs in aphid forecasting, RWA samples are recommended to be taken also from the crops at the early ripening stage as the respective SAT evidence reflects only the emigration of the alate aphids originating from the decreasing populations. In general, RWA detection by SATs was either simultaneously or successively found to reflect the RWA presence in the more or less distant crops. The 30km perimeter of a SAT is agreed to be representative for mon-toring RWA populations in a sampled area.  相似文献   

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