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In two experiments with colostomized broiler hens the influence of a straw meal supplement on the apparent digestibility of the amino acids of the ration and the 15N labelled basic amino acids in wheat was studied. In experiment 1 the animals received 120 g mixed feed plus 0, 20, 30 and 40 g straw meal per animal and day. The digestibility of the amino acids decreased on average from 86% to 83%, 80% and 79% with the growing straw intake. In contrast to the control variant, 20 g straw meal intake resulted in a significant decrease of digestibility for lysine, histidine, glycine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, cystine and methionine. 30 and 40 g straw meal reduced significantly the digestibility of all amino acids with the exception of arginine. The amino acid composition of the crude protein in faeces changed only very slightly due to the straw supplement. In experiment 2 15N labelled wheat was a component of the ration. Of the 15N labelled amino acids lysine, histidine and arginine, 88, 90 and 95% were apparently digested. The adaptation of the animals to straw meal intake did not change the digestibility of the amino acids.  相似文献   

The metabolization of the straw N and the influence of the straw on N excretion in urine were studied in 2 experiments with colostomized broiler hens and with 15N labelled wheat straw as well as 15N labelled wheat. In experiment 1 the test animals divided up into 4 groups received 0 g, 20 g, 30 g and 40 g straw meal per animal and day in addition to 120 g mixed feed. The daily 15N-excess (15N') intake from the straw was 18.4 mg, 27.5 mg and 36.7 mg. The amount of 15N' daily consumed with the labelled wheat in experiment 2 was 119.7 mg. 40 g straw meal resulted in a significantly increased amount of urine (p less than 0.05). The amounts of urine N and uric acid N were only increased as a tendency. On average the productive N decreased as a consequence of the straw meal supplement from 1070 mg/animal and day (control) to 764 mg/animal and day after 40 g straw meal supplement. The productive 15N' of the labelled wheat was not influenced by the straw meal supplement. The productive 15N' of the straw increased from 3.8 mg/animal and day (20 g straw) to 13.4 mg/animal and day (40 g straw). In contrast to 15N wheat, straw as a 15N source resulted in a lower labelling of uric acid N in comparison with urine N. It can be assumed that the changed metabolization of the straw N is influenced by microbial processes in the intestines.  相似文献   

In an experiment with 10 colostomized broiler breeding hens the digestibility of wheat straw meal labelled with 15N and the incorporation of heavy nitrogen into individual body fractions were studied. The straw meal contained a 15N excess (15N') of 14.88 atom-%. Before the experiment part of the straw meal was treated with gamma-rays (2.0 MGy). 5 animals each received in addition to the basic ration 30 g untreated (group I) and irradiated 15N labelled straw meal (group II). The apparent 15N' digestibility amounted for untreated straw meal to 49% and for irradiated straw meal to 46% (p less than 0.05). The labelling of uric acid amounted to 0.25 atom-% 15N', urine with 0.30 atom-% 15N' was more highly labelled (p less than 0.05). On an average of both groups the same labelling of 0.18 atom-% could be detected in the follicles and the liver, whereas 0.17 were ascertained in the blood plasma and 0.16 atom-% 15N' in the oviduct. 18% of the digested 15N' were incorporated in the muscles. There were only insignificant differences between the two groups with regard to the incorporation of 15N'. In conclusion one can say that the apparent digestibility of straw protein is 47.5% and that the utilization of the absorbed N is about the same as that of wheat protein.  相似文献   

Over a period of 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens daily received 36 g coarse wheat meal containing 14.37 atom-% 15N excess (15N') together with a conventional ration. After the homogenisation of each oviduct N and 15N' were determined. After the precipitation with TCA the 15N' of the amino acids was analysed in both the precipitate and the supernatant. In addition, the free amino acids and the peptides were determined in the TCA soluble fraction. The atom-% 15N' in the total N and in the non-basic amino acid N showed a parallel decrease; it diminished from 1.75 atom-% 15N' to 0.64. Of the three basic amino acids, lysine shows the lowest labelling at all four measuring points. The quotas of non-basic amino acid 14N and 15N' in the total 14N and 15N' of the oviduct are the same and amount to 53%. In contrast to this, the quota of the 14N of the basic amino acids in the total 14N of the oviduct only amounts to 21.6% and that of 15N' only to 15.4%. The average atom-% 15N' of the free amino acids 12 h after the last 15N application is 1.54 and is considerably above that of the peptides with 1.15 atom-% 15N'. 36 h after the last 15N application the ascertained value of 1.25 is identical in both fractions. The labelling of the free amino acids decreases more quickly than that of the peptides the more time has passed after the last 15N application.  相似文献   

Generally, the faeces of laying hens fed 15N casein rations were found to contain equal proportions of TCE-precipitable and TCE-soluble nitrogen. Considerable variations were observed to occur between the 64 samples investigated (27%-75%) and no explanation was found to account for this fact. The content of basic amino acids in faecal proteins was found to differ considerably from that of the proteins in the intestinal contents. A high lysine content was found after the feeding of wheat. The present trial substantiated this result, provided the casein contained a certain proportion of non-available lysine. The apparent and true digestibility of dietary N was 88% or 91%, that of 15N (2nd and 6th day of experiment) and 92%. During the feeding of labelled casein a higher level of N labelling was found in the TCE-soluble portion of the faeces, whereas on the 8th to 12th day a higher level of labelling was observed in the TCE-precipitable portion of the faeces. The peak of 15N excretion occurred on the 3rd day of experiment. When 15N administration terminated the atom% 15N in the faeces and in urine was found to decrease rapidly approximating the initial level of labelling asymptotically.  相似文献   

Over 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens received together with a commercial ration labelled wheat with a 15N excess (15N') of 14.37 atom-%. The labelling of the basic amino acids amounted to 13.58 atom-% for lysine, to 14.38 atom-% for histidine and to 13.63 atom-% 15N' for arginine. 3 animals each were butchered 12 h, 36 h, 60 h and 108 h resp. after the last application of 15N. The heavy nitrogen in the total N and in the N fraction of non-protein origin as well as in the basic amino acids in faeces was daily determined for the individual hens in the total experimental period. On average the crude protein of faeces contained 5.45 % lysine, 2.32% histidine histidine and 3.68% arginine: the protein of faeces correspondingly contained 5.43% lysine, 2.32% histidine and 4.07% arginine. The quota of TCA soluble N in the total N of faeces amounts to one third on the 3rd und 4th days of the experiment and that of 15N' to 28%. The average atom-% 15N' of the protein fraction is 3.48 atom-% 15N' and that of the non-protein N fraction of faeces 2.93 atom-% 15N'. The apparent digestibility and that of the non-protein N fraction of faeces 2.93 atom-% 15N'. The apparent digestibility of the 14N of the ration on average amounts to 82.8% and that of the wheat 15N' to 87.5%. The average quota of the basic amino acids in the protein compounds of faeces amounts to 70.9% for lysine 15N', 73.7% for histidine 15N' and 70.3% for arginine 15N'. The digestibility of the 15N labelled amino acids amounts to 80.4% for lysine, 90.8% for histidine and 90.2% for arginine.  相似文献   

Eight variants of recipes for mixtures of straw and concentrated feed with 10 to 60 per cent straw more or less finely ground (86 to 314 g crude fibre per kg dry matter) and fattening feed for lambs (50 g crude fibre per kg dry matter) were checked concerning the digestibility of crude nutrients for fullgrown wethers and 60 to 80-, 80 to 100-and 100 to 120-day-old lambs which had been ablactated at an age of 60 days. The digestibility for wethers was significantly higher than for lambs, between the age groups of which there were no significant differences concerning the digestibility. In accordance with the results with rations on the basis of concentrated feed as checked and described in the first piece of information, the content of crude fibres in the rations had a negative influence on the digestibility of organic matter, NFE and energy whereas there was a positive relation with the digestibility of crude fibres. The regression functions established for mixtures of straw and concentrated feed concerning the dependence of the digestibility on the content of crude fibres showed a relatively good coincidence in the range of a low content of crude fibres with the corresponding regression functions which were described in the first piece of information for rations of concentrated feed. The equations for the digestibility of crude fibres were an exception. In contrast to this, the quantitative relations between crude fibres and the digestibility as established in the first piece of information for rations with a low content of crude fibres cannot be transferred to rations with a higher content of crude fibres.  相似文献   

12 colostomized laying hens which received 15N labelled wheat over 4 days were butchered 12 h, 36 h, 60 h and 108 h (3 animals each) after the last 15N application. The intake of 15N excess (15N') from the wheat amounted to 540 mg 15N' during the application period. The 15N' in the blood plasma decreased after the last 15N' application from 0.76 atom-% to 0.55 atom-% after 108 h, the labelling of the corpuscular components at the same measuring points increased from 0.28 to 0.50 atom-% 15N'. 96.6% of the plasma 15N' and 93.8% of that in the corpuscles is precipitable in trichloric acetic acid. The atom-% 15N' of histidine in the total blood remained unchanged in dependence on the butchering time. The 15N amount in lysine and arginine and that in the non-basic amino acids decreased inconsiderably in the period between 12 h and 108 h after the last 15N' wheat feeding.  相似文献   

Over 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens received, together with the ration, 36 g wheat with 14.37 atom-% 15N excess (15N'), The basic amino acids were nearly equally labelled. Three animals each were butchered after 12 h, 36 h, 60 h, and 108 h after the last 15N' application. Emission spectrometric determination of 15N' in the liver and in the amino acids was carried out. In addition, atom-% 15N' was determined in the free amino acids and the peptides. The labelling in the liver 12 h after the last 15N' application amounted to 1.75 atom-% 15N' and decreased after 108 h to 0.81 atom-% 15N'. The average TCA precipitable 15N' quota in the total 15N' amounted to 81.4% and was nearly identical at all measuring times. The arginine 15N' amount in the liver was twice as high as that of lysine 15N'. In dependence on the period of time after the last 15N' application the decrease in the labelling of the free arginine is considerable in comparison to free lysine. At the first measuring time (12 h) it was 1.69 atom-% 15N' and at the last one (108 h) 0.57 atom-% 15N'. Based on the results of 15N' labelling of the peptides in the liver further, more detailed series of experiments for studies of the peptide metabolism in the liver should be carried out.  相似文献   

Four colostomized laying hens per group were given a ration of barley and soya bean oil meal (SBM) with 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5% SBM resp. The crude protein intakes were 14.0, 17.7 and 21.4 g per animal and day. The lysine intake raised from 681 mg (group 1) to 1275 mg (group 3) per animal and day. The digestibility of dry matter and of the N-free extracts of the ration decreased with the rising SBM portion in the ration. The digestibility of crude protein remained constant. The investigated amino acids (Lys, His, Arg, Cys, Met) were higher digested in the 37.5% SBM ration than in the 12.5% SBM ration. The following digestibility values for SBM were found by means of the difference method: Dry matter 52.5%, crude protein 83.1%, crude fat 51.7%, crude fibre 5.5%, N-free extracts 50.6%. The level of the SBM did not influence the digestibility of the crude nutrients. The apparent digestibility of lysine from SBM depended on the level of intake and was found to be 82.3, 83.4 and 89.0%, resp. There were no differences in the digestibility of other amino acids.  相似文献   

In an N-metabolism experiment 3 colostomized laying hybrids received 2870 mg 15N-excess (15N') per animal in 6 days in the form of urea with their conventional feed rations. During the 8-day experiment the 21 eggs laid were separated into eggshell, white of egg and yolk. Weight, N-content and 15N' were determined of the individual fractions of the eggs. On an average of the 21 eggs 4.6% of the heavy nitrogen was in the egg-shells, 50% in the white of egg and 45.5% in the yolk. 2.8%, 4.5% and 5.5% (hens 1...3) of the 15N' consumed were detected in the eggs. The maximum 15N'-output in the white of egg was reached on the 6th day, whereas 15N'-output in the yolk showed a nearly linear increase in the time of the experiment. The results show that labelled nitrogen from urea is incorporated into the egg to a lower degree than after the feeding of 15N-labelled proteins and that the development of its incorporation into the white of egg and the yolk differ from that after the feeding of 15N-labelled native proteins.  相似文献   

The mobile bag technique (MBT) was used in two ileorectostomized and two intact pigs with duodenal cannulae, in order to estimate the precaecal and total crude protein digestibility and amino acid (lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine, tryptophan) absorption of ten single feedstuffs (field bean, lupin, rapeseed meal, fish meal, barley, wheat) and three diets. For each feed 36 bags were applied per animal. After a peptic predigestion in vitro, application of the bags through the duodenal cannula into the intestine and their passage through the gut, the residues remaining in the bags were pooled to collective samples and just as the original feed material analysed on dry matter, nitrogen and amino acids. The directly determined MBT-digestibilities (BV) and the values obtained by regressive calculations (BVb) have been compared with apparent digestibilities (sV) conducted from conventional digestion experiments. 74 per cent of all BV data was higher than the corresponding sV values. Similarities of BV with sV showed in 58 per cent, those of BVb with sV only in 17 per cent. In all cases differences of > +/- 4 digestibility units showed. Checking additivity of diet-BV by means of calculations from the BV of their single ingredients did not generally lead to the same results as the directly estimated diet-BV; in some cases the results were contrary. Therefore the use of MBT for mixed feed diets has to be further investigated. For single feedstuffs the MBT can be used successfully as a rapid and simple technique when regressive calculations are employed.  相似文献   

Straw Meal was mixed with concentrated HCl at a mass proportion of approximately 10 : 1. After a one-hour duration of action the mixture was diluted with water (in proporation to the added HCl volume the double amount of water) and steamed in an electric steaming caldron for one hour. The partially hydrolised final product was neutralised with calcium hydroxide (3,5 kg per 10 kg HCl). In a digestibility experiment 4 pigs were fed according to the differential method with barley (supplemented with lysine and methionine) without straw meal resp. with straw meal (717 g barley dry matter+386 g straw meal dry matter per animal and day for pigs with an average live weight of 64.3 kg). In this test 21.0% of the organic matter of partially hydrolised straw meal, 0.5% of the crude fibre and 42.3% of the N-free extractives were digestible. When the animals were fed with barley exclusively (1045 g dry matter per day and animal of an average body weight of 61,4 kg), 17,1% of the 26,0 t N per animal and day were excreted in feces. After the feeding with straw meal admixtures, 34,5% of the 20,9 g N per animal and day were excreted in feces. When the feed consisted of 1,99 kg barley, 220 g fish meal and 565 g straw meal (dry matter in each case) per animal and day for the same pigs with an average body weight of 97,1 kg a digestibility of the organic matter of the partially hydrolised straw meal of 24,6% was achieved. 24.3% of the nitrogen consumed (72.9 g) by each animal per day were excreted in feces. After slaughtering, the pH-value in the caecum sould be ascertained as 6.0 to 6.5. The conclusion of this is that partially hydrolised straw meal contains approximately 20% utilisable carbohydrates and has a positive dietic effect in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

1. Herein, it was investigated whether different particle size distributions of feed ingredients achieved by grinding through a 2- or 3-mm grid would have an effect on precaecal (pc) amino acid (AA) digestibility. Maize and soybean meal were used as the test ingredients.

2. Maize and soybean meal was ground with grid sizes of 2 or 3 mm. Nine diets were prepared. The basal diet contained 500 g/kg of maize starch. The other experimental diets contained maize or soybean meal samples at concentrations of 250 and 500, and 150 and 300 g/kg, respectively, instead of maize starch. Each diet was tested using 6 replicate groups of 10 birds each. The regression approach was applied to calculate the pc AA digestibility of the test ingredients.

3. The reduction of the grid size from 3 to 2 mm reduced the average particle size of both maize and soybean meal, mainly by reducing the proportion of coarse particles. Reducing the grid size significantly (P < 0.050) increased the pc digestibility of all AA in the soybean meal. In maize, reducing the grid size decreased the pc digestibility of all AA numerically, but not significantly (P > 0.050). The mean numerical differences in pc AA digestibility between the grid sizes were 0.045 and 0.055 in maize and soybean meal, respectively.

4. Future studies investigating the pc AA digestibility should specify the particle size distribution and should investigate the test ingredients ground similarly for practical applications.  相似文献   

After N-balance experiments with broiler hens in the top laying period and the feeding of soybean coarse meal/fish meal protein the protein utilisation values were calculated. The PNu curve and the PEW curve could be described as utilisation values from the N-retention curve (e-function). At an intake of N at which the hen neither decomposed nor retained protein, the utilisation (PNu) for maintenance and egg production was 55.3% and the utilisation of feed protein for egg production 49.4%. Maximum PEW 34.3% could only be ascertained at an N-intake/LW0.67kg of 1500 mg. The corresponding crude protein quota of 18.7 g recommended as crude protein requirement is calculated from this N-quota (xm) and a live weight of the broiler hen of 2804 g. For the same N-quota (xm) and the same live weight of the hens this results in a necessary quota of S-AA of 694 mg per hen and day. Provided the daily feed intake is 145 g and thus the intake of crude protein 18.7 g and that of S-AA 694 mg per hen, the necessary crude protein content of the feed is 130 g per kg original substance and an S-AA concentration which is equivalent to 3.7% of the crude protein (in g/16 g N).  相似文献   

12 colostomized laying hybrids received a ration meeting their requirement of 15N labelled wheat with a 15N excess (15N') of 14.37 atom-% over 4 days. The 15N' of the total ration amounted to 4.47 atom-%. Each hen consumed 135 mg 15N' per day. On another 4 days the same rations with non labelled wheat were fed. The 12 hens laid 56 eggs during the 8 days of the experiment. They were divided into egg shell, white and yolk of egg. In addition, the protein of the white and yolk of egg was precipitated with trichloric acetic acid (TCA) and the nitrogen in these fractions was determined. On average of the 56 eggs, the N quota in the egg shell was 5.3%, in the white of egg 49.1% and in the yolk 45.6%. The atom-% 15N' in the shells of the eggs laid on the first day of the experiment was on average 0.21, whereas only 0.03 and 0.02 atom-% 15N' resp. could be detected in the white and yolks of the eggs. On the first day after the last 15N application the atom-% 15N' in the egg shell and the white of egg was highest and amounted to 2.33 and 2.43 atom-% resp. The highest value of 1.83 atom-% 15N' in the yolk was ascertained 3 days after the last 15N intake. The mean quota of TCA-precipitable N in the white of egg is 97.6% and in the yolk 94.4% of the respective total N. The atom-% 15N' in the non-protein N-compounds was higher than in the protein fractions.  相似文献   

1. The study aimed to assess the effect of a commercially available microbial phytase on phytate phosphorus and total phosphorus content at the terminal ileum as well as true ileal amino acid digestibility. 2. Five diets, each containing a different plant-based feedstuff, were supplemented with microbial phytase and fed, along with a non-supplemented corresponding diet, to 28-d-old broiler chickens, Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. Ileal contents were collected and analysed, along with the diets, for total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus and amino acids. 3. Endogenous phosphorus determined at the terminal ileum was 272 +/- 108 mg/kg food dry matter (mean +/- SE). Endogenous ileal amino acid flows ranged from 58 +/- 10 mg/kg food dry matter for methionine to 568 +/- 47 mg/kg food dry matter for glutamic acid. 4. Supplementation with microbial phytase resulted in a significantly greater phytate P disappearance from the terminal ileum for rice bran (17% units), but not for soyabean meal, maize, wheat or rapeseed meal. Similarly total phosphorus digestibility was significantly (P < 0.05) higher when microbial phytase was added to the rice-bran-based diet but not for any of the other feedstuffs. 5. Amino acid digestibility was significantly greater in the presence of microbial phytase for all the amino acids examined in wheat, for several of the amino acids each in maize and rapeseed meal and for one amino acid in rice bran and soyabean meal. The average increase in amino acid digestibility for those amino acids affected, was 13, 6, 10, 7 and 12% units for wheat, maize, rapeseed meal, rice bran and soyabean meal, respectively. 6. It appears that microbial phytase improves phosphorus digestibility and amino acid digestibility for certain plant-based feedstuffs.  相似文献   

The apparent precaecal (pc) digestibility of crude protein (CP) and the apparent pc absorption of the key amino acids (AA) lysine, methionine, cystine, isoleucine, threonine and tryptophan from two yellow sweet lupine (L. luteus) varieties (Bornova, Borluta) and one narrow-leafed sweet lupine (L. angustifolius) were determined with ileorectostomized pigs. When the influence of the basal diet (barley or protein free rations) was checked with regard to absorption there were significant differences in a few cases only. In comparison to soybean meal (SBM) the methionine of the lupines was significantly worse, the cystine significantly better absorbed. The CP and the other key AA of the lupines showed approximately the same or even slightly higher pc absorption than those of SBM. With the example of the pc-absorbable AA amounts it was shown that sweet lupines with an approximately equally high CP content as in SBM cannot completely substitute the latter even after lysine and methionine supplementation because the absorbable tryptophan is by far insufficient, and isoleucine and threonine make up only 75% in comparison to SBM. On the basis of the content of pc-digestible CP and pc-absorbable AA it becomes possible to substitute high-grade imported protein concentrates according to their ability of AA supply in the feeding of pigs completely or partly by home-made protein feeds.  相似文献   

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