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The crystal structure at 2.7 A resolution of the normal human c-H-ras oncogene protein lacking a flexible carboxyl-terminal 18 residue reveals that the protein consists of a six-stranded beta sheet, four alpha helices, and nine connecting loops. Four loops are involved in interactions with bound guanosine diphosphate: one with the phosphates, another with the ribose, and two with the guanine base. Most of the transforming proteins (in vivo and in vitro) have single amino acid substitutions at one of a few key positions in three of these four loops plus one additional loop. The biological functions of the remaining five loops and other exposed regions are at present unknown. However, one loop corresponds to the binding site for a neutralizing monoclonal antibody and another to a putative "effector region"; mutations in the latter region do not alter guanine nucleotide binding or guanosine triphosphatase activity but they do reduce the transforming activity of activated proteins. The data provide a structural basis for understanding the known biochemical properties of normal as well as activated ras oncogene proteins and indicate additional regions in the molecule that may possibly participate in other cellular functions.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of human serum albumin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The three-dimensional structure of human serum albumin has been solved at 6.0 angstrom (A) resolution by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement. Crystals were grown from solutions of polyethylene glycol in the infrequently observed space group P42(1)2 (unit cell constants a = b = 186.5 +/- 0.5 A and c = 81.0 +/- 0.5 A) and diffracted x-rays to lattice d-spacings of less than 2.9 A. The electron density maps are of high quality and revealed the structure as a predominantly alpha-helical globin protein in which the course of the polypeptide can be traced. The binding loci of several organic compounds have been determined.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of recombinant human interferon-gamma   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The x-ray crystal structure of recombinant human interferon-gamma has been determined with the use of multiple-isomorphous-replacement techniques. Interferon-gamma, which is dimeric in solution, crystallizes with two dimers related by a noncrystallographic twofold axis in the asymmetric unit. The protein is primarily alpha helical, with six helices in each subunit that comprise approximately 62 percent of the structure; there is no beta sheet. The dimeric structure of human interferon-gamma is stabilized by the intertwining of helices across the subunit interface with multiple intersubunit interactions.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of a zinc finger nucleic acid binding motif has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Spectra of a synthetic peptide corresponding to a single zinc finger from the Xenopus protein Xfin yielded distance and dihedral angle constraints that were used to generate structures from distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The zinc finger is an independently folded domain with a compact globular structure in which the zinc atom is bound by two cysteine and two histidine ligands. The polypeptide backbone fold consists of a well-defined helix, starting as alpha and ending as 3(10) helix, packed against two beta strands that are arranged in a hairpin structure. A high density of basic and polar amino acid side chains on the exposed face of the helix are probably involved in DNA binding.  相似文献   

Li F  Li W  Farzan M  Harrison SC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,309(5742):1864-1868
The spike protein (S) of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) attaches the virus to its cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). A defined receptor-binding domain (RBD) on S mediates this interaction. The crystal structure at 2.9 angstrom resolution of the RBD bound with the peptidase domain of human ACE2 shows that the RBD presents a gently concave surface, which cradles the N-terminal lobe of the peptidase. The atomic details at the interface between the two proteins clarify the importance of residue changes that facilitate efficient cross-species infection and human-to-human transmission. The structure of the RBD suggests ways to make truncated disulfide-stabilized RBD variants for use in the design of coronavirus vaccines.  相似文献   

Structure of the LDL receptor extracellular domain at endosomal pH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The low-density lipoprotein receptor mediates cholesterol homeostasis through endocytosis of lipoproteins. It discharges its ligand in the endosome at pH < 6. In the crystal structure at pH = 5.3, the ligand-binding domain (modules R2 to R7) folds back as an arc over the epidermal growth factor precursor homology domain (the modules A, B, beta propeller, and C). The modules R4 and R5, which are critical for lipoprotein binding, associate with the beta propeller via their calcium-binding loop. We propose a mechanism for lipoprotein release in the endosome whereby the beta propeller functions as an alternate substrate for the ligand-binding domain, binding in a calcium-dependent way and promoting lipoprotein release.  相似文献   

Two-pore domain potassium (K(+)) channels (K2P channels) control the negative resting potential of eukaryotic cells and regulate cell excitability by conducting K(+) ions across the plasma membrane. Here, we present the 3.4 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a human K2P channel, K2P1 (TWIK-1). Unlike other K(+) channel structures, K2P1 is dimeric. An extracellular cap domain located above the selectivity filter forms an ion pathway in which K(+) ions flow through side portals. Openings within the transmembrane region expose the pore to the lipid bilayer and are filled with electron density attributable to alkyl chains. An interfacial helix appears structurally poised to affect gating. The structure lays a foundation to further investigate how K2P channels are regulated by diverse stimuli.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of interleukin-2   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Interleukin-2 is an effector protein that participates in modulating the immune response; it has become a focal point for the study of lymphokine structure and function. The three-dimensional structure of the interleukin molecule has been solved to 3.0 angstrom resolution. Interleukin-2 has a novel alpha-helical tertiary structure that suggests one portion of the molecule forms a structural scaffold, which underlies the receptor binding facets of the molecule.  相似文献   

运用DNA重组技术将F18ab和F18ac大肠杆菌黏附素fedF亚单位内的第60~109位氨基酸残基区段(fedF1)和fedF全基因克隆入V型分泌系统MisL的载客结构域上,经DNA测序确证其正确阅读框后,含重组菌质粒pnirBMisL-fedF或pnirBMisL-fedF1经厌氧诱导后,与断奶仔猪小肠上皮细胞进行体外黏附试验。结果表明:FUT1基因M307位点中GG型和AG型仔猪小肠上皮细胞均能黏附上述重组菌,而AA型个体小肠上皮细胞则不能黏附。上述重组菌均能与兔抗F18ab菌毛FedF亚单位单因子高免血清发生玻板凝集反应。而FedF突变体FedF(M)的重组质粒菌则失去上述凝集和黏附特性。证明F18大肠杆菌黏附素fedF基因及其基因片段fedF1在大肠杆菌表面得到了功能性表达,F18ab和F18ac黏附素FedF直接介导F18大肠杆菌与易感仔猪小肠上皮细胞表面大分子受体黏附结合,fedF1为黏附素FedF的受体主要结合域,其His88、His99是FedF黏附素受体结合域的重要氨基酸残基。  相似文献   

Carter AP  Cho C  Jin L  Vale RD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,331(6021):1159-1165
Dyneins are microtubule-based motor proteins that power ciliary beating, transport intracellular cargos, and help to construct the mitotic spindle. Evolved from ring-shaped hexameric AAA-family adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases), dynein's large size and complexity have posed challenges for understanding its structure and mechanism. Here, we present a 6 angstrom crystal structure of a functional dimer of two ~300-kilodalton motor domains of yeast cytoplasmic dynein. The structure reveals an unusual asymmetric arrangement of ATPase domains in the ring-shaped motor domain, the manner in which the mechanical element interacts with the ATPase ring, and an unexpected interaction between two coiled coils that create a base for the microtubule binding domain. The arrangement of these elements provides clues as to how adenosine triphosphate-driven conformational changes might be transmitted across the motor domain.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of the adenovirus major coat protein hexon   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The three-dimensional crystal structure of the adenovirus major coat protein is presented. Adenovirus type 2 hexon, at 967 residues, is now the longest polypeptide whose structure has been determined crystallographically. Taken with our model for hexon packing, which positions the 240 trimeric hexons in the capsid, the structure defines 60% of the protein within the 150 X 10(6) dalton virion. The assembly provides the first details of a DNA-containing animal virus that is 20 times larger than the spherical RNA viruses previously described. Unexpectedly, the hexon subunit contains two similar beta-barrels whose topology is identical to those of the spherical RNA viruses, but whose architectural role in adenovirus is very different. The hexon structure reveals several distinctive features related to its function as a stable protective coat, and shows that the type-specific immunological determinants are restricted to the virion surface.  相似文献   

Solution structure of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
The three-dimensional structure of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the glucocorticoid receptor has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and distance geometry. The structure of a 71-residue protein fragment containing two "zinc finger" domains is based on a large set of proton-proton distances derived from nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra, hydrogen bonds in previously identified secondary structure elements, and coordination of two zinc atoms by conserved cysteine residues. The DBD is found to consist of a globular body from which the finger regions extend. A model of the dimeric complex between the DBD and the glucocorticoid response element is proposed. The model is consistent with previous results indicating that specific amino acid residues of the DBD are involved in protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Genomic evolution has been profoundly influenced by DNA transposition, a process whereby defined DNA segments move freely about the genome. Transposition is mediated by transposases, and similar events are catalyzed by retroviral integrases such as human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) integrase. Understanding how these proteins interact with DNA is central to understanding the molecular basis of transposition. We report the three-dimensional structure of prokaryotic Tn5 transposase complexed with Tn5 transposon end DNA determined to 2.3 angstrom resolution. The molecular assembly is dimeric, where each double-stranded DNA molecule is bound by both protein subunits, orienting the transposon ends into the active sites. This structure provides a molecular framework for understanding many aspects of transposition, including the binding of transposon end DNA by one subunit and cleavage by a second, cleavage of two strands of DNA by a single active site via a hairpin intermediate, and strand transfer into target DNA.  相似文献   

Forward modeling of differential travel times of phases sensitive to lowermost mantle beneath the central Pacific reveals lateral heterogeneity that is higher in amplitude than predicted by tomographic models. A broad zone of low S velocity (-4 percent with respect to standard models), which may correspond to the base of a thermal "plume," narrows and is deflected as it extends to about 1000 kilometers above the core-mantle boundary. To the east of this zone, a localized region of fast S velocity (+5 percent) suggests strong heterogeneity or anisotropy related to the presence of high pressure and temperature assemblages, which may or may not involve core material. Its presence could also explain the observation of precursors to core reflected phases in this region.  相似文献   

All cellular organisms use specialized RNA polymerases called "primases" to synthesize RNA primers for the initiation of DNA replication. The high-resolution crystal structure of a primase, comprising the catalytic core of the Escherichia coli DnaG protein, was determined. The core structure contains an active-site architecture that is unrelated to other DNA or RNA polymerase palm folds, but is instead related to the "toprim" fold. On the basis of the structure, it is likely that DnaG binds nucleic acid in a groove clustered with invariant residues and that DnaG is positioned within the replisome to accept single-stranded DNA directly from the replicative helicase.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional tertiary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA   总被引:93,自引:0,他引:93  
The 3-angstrom electron density map of crystalline yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA has provided us with a complete three-dimensional model which defines the positions of all of the nucleotide residues in the moleclule. The overall features of the molecule are virtually the same as those seen at a resolution of 4 angstroms except that many additional details of tertiary structure are now visualized. Ten types of hydrogen bonding are identified which define the specificity of tertiary interactions. The molecule is also stabilized by considerable stacking of the planar purines and pyrimidines. This tertiary structure explains, in a simple and direct fashion, chemical modification studies of transfer RNA. Since most of the tertiary interactions involve nucleotides which are common to all transfer RNA 's, it is likely that this three-dimensional structure provides a basic pattern of folding which may help to clarify the three-dimensional structure of all transfer RNA's.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of cellobiohydrolase II from Trichoderma reesei   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The enzymatic degradation of cellulose is an important process, both ecologically and commercially. The three-dimensional structure of a cellulase, the enzymatic core of CBHII from the fungus Trichoderma reesei reveals an alpha-beta protein with a fold similar to but different from the widely occurring barrel topology first observed in triose phosphate isomerase. The active site of CBHII is located at the carboxyl-terminal end of a parallel beta barrel, in an enclosed tunnel through which the cellulose threads. Two aspartic acid residues, located in the center of the tunnel are the probable catalytic residues.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of poliovirus at 2.9 A resolution   总被引:136,自引:0,他引:136  
The three-dimensional structure of poliovirus has been determined at 2.9 A resolution by x-ray crystallographic methods. Each of the three major capsid proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3) contains a "core" consisting of an eight-stranded antiparallel beta barrel with two flanking helices. The arrangement of beta strands and helices is structurally similar and topologically identical to the folding pattern of the capsid proteins of several icosahedral plant viruses. In each of the major capsid proteins, the "connecting loops" and NH2- and COOH-terminal extensions are structurally dissimilar. The packing of the subunit "cores" to form the virion shell is reminiscent of the packing in the T = 3 plant viruses, but is significantly different in detail. Differences in the orientations of the subunits cause dissimilar contacts at protein-protein interfaces, and are also responsible for two major surface features of the poliovirion: prominent peaks at the fivefold and threefold axes of the particle. The positions and interactions of the NH2- and COOH-terminal strands of the capsid proteins have important implications for virion assembly. Several of the "connecting loops" and COOH-terminal strands form prominent radial projections which are the antigenic sites of the virion.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Yang Z  Shen Y  Tong L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2003,299(5615):2064-2067
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylases (ACCs) are required for the biosynthesis and oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. They are targets for therapeutics against obesity and diabetes, and several herbicides function by inhibiting their carboxyltransferase (CT) domain. We determined the crystal structure of the free enzyme and the coenzyme A complex of yeast CT at 2.7 angstrom resolution and found that it comprises two domains, both belonging to the crotonase/ClpP superfamily. The active site is at the interface of a dimer. Mutagenesis and kinetic studies reveal the functional roles of conserved residues here. The herbicides target the active site of CT, providing a lead for inhibitor development against human ACCs.  相似文献   

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