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犬细小病毒病与犬瘟热的诊疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集2014年3月~2015年3月间自然发病病例共36例,其中犬细小病毒病25例,犬瘟热11例,按照患犬的体温、年龄、品种及其不同治疗方案进行分组试验,从而对犬细小病毒病与犬瘟热进行对比,并对不同治疗方案的疗效加以分析评价。结果表明:犬细小病毒病呈持续性发热,最容易感染3~6月龄的幼犬,纯种犬的发病率明显高于土种犬;犬瘟热呈双相热,容易感染3-12月龄的幼犬,纯种犬与土种犬均易感。在对症治疗的基础上,犬细小病毒病采用单克隆抗体的治疗效果明显优于血清疗法;犬瘟热发病前期采用单克隆抗体可控制病情的进一步发展,中后期采用单抗疗法可有效增强机体的抗病毒能力,防止产生后遗症。  相似文献   

为了给犬细小病毒病的临床诊断和治疗提供参考,统计了2015年10月份—2016年3月份期间新疆农业大学动物中心医院门诊收治的20例犬细小病毒病病例,对具有腹泻、呕吐、血便等临床症状的患犬做了犬细小病毒免疫胶体金试纸板检测,以辅助早期诊断,并采取以犬细小病毒单克隆抗体特异性治疗为主的综合方法对20例病犬进行了治疗,其中有17例病犬治疗痊愈,有3例死亡,治愈率为85%,并对病死犬做了病理切片和电镜观察。结果表明:大部分患犬最初属于肠炎型犬细小病毒病,可结合临床症状作出初步诊断,尽早治疗和加强护理是影响本病转归的重要因素。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是临床上常见的烈性传染病,幼龄犬易感且治愈率低。该文介绍一例患犬的整个诊断及治疗,以期为临床治疗犬细小病毒病提供参考。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒感染引起犬的一种急性传染病,以剧烈呕吐、出血性肠炎或心肌炎为主要特征。该文根据患犬临床症状并结合犬细小病毒试纸快速检查方法,对一例犬细小病毒病进行确诊,并取得了良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus,CPV)感染引起的急性、烈性传染病,主要感染犬,尤其是幼犬。临床上主要以急性出血性肠炎和心肌炎为特征。本文就2019年3月诊所接诊的一例犬细小病毒病例为例,介绍犬细小病毒病的快速诊断方法和治疗方法,总结该病的病原、流行病学和该病的护理和预防措施等。  相似文献   

<正>犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(Canine par-vovirus,CPV)引起的,又称犬传染性肠炎。常呈暴发性流行,具有发病急、传染性强、死亡率高等特点。该病无明显的季节性,四季均可发生,但5~6月份发病率最高。犬细小病毒病不分品种年龄、性别均可感染,但幼犬极易感染发病。感染率可达到100%,致死率可达10%~50%,犬细小病毒病是对犬危害极大的烈性传染病之一。但如果能及时治疗,治愈率可达到90%。笔者在延吉市某动物医院接诊1只患犬细小病毒病的金毛寻回猎犬,现将诊断和治疗过程报道如下。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(CPV)感染引起的,主要以严重肠炎综合征和心肌炎综合征为特征的犬科和鼬科动物传染病。笔者对天津某宠物医院1只病犬进行研究,经临床诊断、血气化验与CPV快速诊断试纸检测等方法确诊此犬患有犬细小病毒性肠炎。在接受了10 d治疗后,患犬最终痊愈出院。结果表明,犬细小病毒性肠炎在确诊后接受早期治疗,会有很高的治愈率。  相似文献   

本文调查了南通某动物医院一年的肠炎型犬细小病毒病例160例,对临床症状、年龄和治疗情况作了详细记录。分析了肠炎型犬细小病毒病的发病与犬的年龄以及月份之间的关系,并统计了肠炎型犬细小病毒病在治疗中使用特异性疗法的治愈率和死亡率,结果表明:犬细小病毒可以感染任何年龄段的犬,但以2~6月龄最易感,3~5月份发病率最高。治疗过程中使用犬细小病毒高免血清,干扰素和犬细小病毒单克隆抗体对提高治愈率有较大的帮助。并针对犬细小病毒病的预防中提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本文调查了南通某动物医院一年的肠炎型犬细小病毒病例160例,对临床症状、年龄和治疗情况作了详细记录。分析了肠炎型犬细小病毒病的发病与犬的年龄以及月份之间的关系,并统计了肠炎型犬细小病毒病在治疗中使用特异性疗法的治愈率和死亡率,结果表明:犬细小病毒可以感染任何年龄段的犬,但以2~6月龄最易感,3~5月份发病率最高。治疗过程中使用犬细小病毒高免血清,干扰素和犬细小病毒单克隆抗体对提高治愈率有较大的帮助。并针对犬细小病毒病的预防中提出一些建议。  相似文献   

<正>犬与其他动物相比,更易发生胰腺疾病([1])。本站统计门诊部收治的215例犬细小病毒病发现,胰腺炎往往伴随而来。其中单纯性犬细小病毒病157例,继发胰腺炎32例,继发肠套叠6例,其他混合感染20例。继发胰腺炎的病例,多为急性,极少转为慢性,大部分患犬膘情肥胖,母犬多于公犬,幼犬多于成年犬,  相似文献   

通过临床症状、流行病学特点和犬细小病毒抗原试剂盒对疑似细小病毒感染的216例病犬进行确诊,并对确诊为细小病毒感染的部分病例进行抗体水平检测,以判断其预后,采用中西结合的综合措施治疗发病犬,治愈率达到70%,提出了有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

In cats (most of which died from panleukopenia), cerebral neurons have recently been shown to be susceptible to canine parvovirus infection. In addition to positive immunostaining and distinct in situ hybridization signals, signs of neurodegeneration were identified by histopathology, mainly in the diencephalic area. Similar histological lesions of the diencephalic regions in dogs have also attracted attention; therefore, an immunohistochemical study was initiated to determine the possible infection of canine neurons with canine parvoviruses. The study was carried out on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain tissue, with and without signs of neurodegeneration, from 40 dogs, most of them dying from parvovirus enteritis. Immunohistochemistry, using polyclonal antiserum against canine parvoviruses, was negative in all 40 cases, suggesting that, unlike cats, canine parvoviruses do not seem capable of infecting canine neurons.  相似文献   

Infection with pantropic canine coronavirus was detected during outbreaks in France and Belgium. This was concurrent in most cases with canine parvovirus 2c. One outbreak was a deadly acute systemic disease with a single pantropic canine coronavirus infection. This is the first report of a fatality associated with pantropic canine coronavirus alone outside Italy.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected from dogs routinely presented at a clinic between June 1974 and October 1980 were tested for the presence of haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titres to canine parvovirus. The first positive titre (> 1:320) was demonstrated in serum collected in October 1979. The first confirmed clinical case of canine parvovirus enteritis was diagnosed by the authors in July 1979.

In addition, between 1st December 1980 and 1st March 1981, serum samples were collected from 106 healthy dogs which were presented for canine parvovirus vaccination for the first time. Twenty-four dogs (approx. 23%) showed HI titres > 1:320 indicating probable previous canine parvovirus infection. Therefore approx. 80% of dogs in the clinic area were at risk at that time and vaccination should have protected them from infection.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected from dogs routinely presented at a clinic between June 1974 and October 1980 were tested for the presence of haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titres to canine parvovirus. The first positive titre (>1:320) was demonstrated in serum collected in October 1979. The first confirmed clinical case of canine parvovirus enteritis was diagnosed by the authors in July 1979. In addition, between 1st December 1980 and 1st March 1981, serum samples were collected from 106 healthy dogs which were presented for canine parvovirus vaccination for the first time. Twenty-four dogs (approx. 23%) showed HI titres >1:320 indicating probable previous canine parvovirus infection. Therefore approx. 80% of dogs in the clinic area were at risk at that time and vaccination should have protected them from infection.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病的流行现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对犬细小病毒病流行现状进行调查,为本病的预防、诊断和治疗提供依据。 用犬细小病毒抗原检测试剂盒对2008年门诊的具有腹泻、呕吐、粪便带血等体征的189只患犬作病原检测,对犬细小病毒阳性病例兼有发热、咳嗽体征的16例病犬同时作犬瘟热病毒抗原检测。结果犬细小病毒阳性病例共137只,发病年龄从1个月~15岁各年龄段均有分布,以6月龄以下幼龄动物发病较多,占65.7%。流行季节差异不大,以春季病例略多,占27.0%。犬细小病毒与犬瘟热病毒混合感染的有12例,占8.8%。对在疫苗接种免疫保护期内的4只患犬进行检测,3只犬细小病毒阳性。结论:①免疫力尚未建立是幼犬发病的主要原因;②不按规定的免疫程序对动物进行加强免疫是成年犬发病的主要原因;③在部分发病幼犬中存在犬细小病毒与犬瘟热病毒的混合感染;④老龄动物对免疫的应答能力下降可导致免疫失败。  相似文献   

犬肠炎型细小病毒病,是犬类第二烈性传染病,以剧烈呕吐和出血性腹泻为特征。近年来,给养犬业造成了严重的危害。2010年7月20日,一只两月龄黑色小藏犬来就诊,根据病史调查、临床症状和实验室检查确诊为犬肠炎型细小病毒病,同时并发肠道线虫病。采取了中和病毒、抗茵消炎、驱除寄生虫、止吐、止泻和止血等综合治疗方案,获得了良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(canine parvovirus,CPV)引起的以出血性肠炎或非化脓性心肌炎为主要特征的一类高度接触性传染病,本病无明显的季节性,各季节均可发病。作者根据其临床特征、剖检变化、诊断等情况,对38例犬细小病毒肠炎型临床病例进行了诊断并采取了相应的治疗措施,取得了较好的疗效。  相似文献   

Data from 763 cases of clinical canine parvovirus disease confirmed at the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory were examined. The largest number of cases were seen in spring and summer months with the peak incidence in February 1981. The morbidity and mortality rates were highest in young dogs. Sixty-nine percent of all cases occurred in dogs less than six months of age, and 63 percent of dogs seven weeks of age or younger died. The laboratory methods used to diagnose canine parvovirus disease are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Data from 763 cases of clinical canine parvovirus disease confirmed at the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory were examined. The largest number of cases were seen in spring and summer months with the peak incidence in February 1981. The morbidity and mortality rates were highest in young dogs. Sixty-nine percent of all cases occurred in dogs less than six months of age, and 63 percent of dogs seven weeks of age or younger died. The laboratory methods used to diagnose canine parvovirus disease are compareh and discussed.  相似文献   

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