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《宠物心理与行为》是高职院校宠物驯导与养护专业的一门专业平台课,也是培养宠物行业岗位专业人才的核心课程。当前的课程教学模式与高职教育培养学生职业能力的目标还有一定差距,在教学过程中存在实践教学资源匮乏、教师实践经验不足等问题。为了解决教学中的实际问题,笔者通过实践探究,在教学过程中通过线上线下多资源混合教学及宠物实践教学等方法改变《宠物心理与行为》教学模式,提高学生的学习兴趣和学习能力,为培养优秀的宠物心理与行为专业人才打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

宠物疾病防治是宠物医学专业的主干课程,也是宠物医学临床课程的核心。随着“十二五”课程建设的立项和实施,宠物专业课程建设课题组,在传统实践教学的基础上,大胆探索,不断尝试新的实践教学方法,取得了满意效果。通过宠物专业宠物疾病防治实践能力的培养,很好地巩固了学生的专业理论知识,并把理论应用于实践,训练了学生职业习惯,同时磨练了学生意志,培养了爱岗敬业精神。为宠物疾病诊疗岗位、宠物疾病防疫岗位及宠物的养护岗位,培养合格的人才。我们一直坚持以“培养高素质学生,提供高质量服务”为宗旨。现将培养高职学生宠物疾病防治实践能力的方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

北京农业职业学院畜牧兽医专业"岗位轮动"人才培养模式是依据企业生产流程及不同岗位的典型工作任务,以宠物养护及美容、绿色畜禽养殖、畜禽良种繁育、动物疫病防治四大领域为主,在完成通识课、专业基础课学习的基础上,以禽场、宠物医院、牛场、疾控中心等典型企业为主要教学场所,在企业内部各岗位(群)实施轮岗教学活动。通过"岗位轮动"人才培养模式的教学实践,构建了凸显都市与绿色养殖特点的岗位化课程体系,建成"岗位化"系列教材,提升了都市型畜牧兽医实训基地建设水平,建设了与都市型畜牧业相适应的专业技能库和专业双师型教学团队,使学生岗位综合技能得到全面提升,实现了学校与企业的双赢。  相似文献   

创新创业教育是面向全体学生的综合性素质教育,它与专业教育相辅相成,相互促进,共同服务于培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专业人才这一目标。宠物养护与驯导专业培养服务宠物行业的高级技能人才,宠物训导是其专业核心课,在本门课中融入创新创业教育,从教学设计、内容选取、教学方法和手段应用、评量等方面探索专业课程群教学改革方法,为增强学生创业精神,培养创业意识和创新创业能力提供路径选择参考。  相似文献   

宠物美容与护理是宠物健康护理员和宠物美容师岗位技能培训和考证的一门专业技能性课程。对于宠物医院实习的学生来说,宠物美容和护理课程体系还需要进行改革和完善,实践锻炼模式的建立是为了更好的培养学生的综合职业能力,使其专业知识和技能得到全面的提升,并且充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,培养学生实际动手能力,以满足岗位需求,现将宠物美容与护理课程在宠物医院实践锻炼的模式做一综述。  相似文献   

通过对北京农业职业学院畜牧兽医系宠物医学专业5年456名学生“企业班”教学模式回顾性研究,发现:以宠物驯养为代表的理论课和以常规治疗技能为代表的实践课的学生平均成绩和优秀率均逐年增加;同时,学生的就业率、专业对口率、平均月薪和用人单位满意度均逐年增加,并明显高于相同专业其他学生。  相似文献   

《宠物护理与美容》是高职宠物养护与驯导专业及其专业群一门重要的技术性课程。该课程的分岗位教学是在池州职业技术学院生物技术系分岗位综合实训教学模式上建立起来的。阐述了分岗位教学模式下《宠物护理与美容》课程的设计、教学的组织与实施。通过对学生不同岗位的模拟实训,达到明确职业目标,加强岗位适应能力的培养目的。  相似文献   

高职院校宠物医疗专业教学体系与课程设置改革一直是备受关注的热点问题之一。宠物医疗专业理论教学体系与课程设置在借鉴兽医教学体系的基础上,重点解决了宠物医疗专业合理课程的综合与整合、加大实践教学比例、突出创新思维和创业意识的培养、专业课程教学内容的更新和优化公共课以及调整专业基础课与专业课的比例等问题,确定了宠物医疗专业总学时2910学时,其中,公共课660学时,占22.7%;专业基础课550学时,占18.9%;专业课630学时,占21.7%;生产实践课680学时,占23.4%;专业选修课390学时,占13.3%。实验、实训、生产实践与实习教学学时1244学时,占总课时的42.7%;专业基础课、专业选修课和专业课理论总学时736学时,专业理论教学与专业实践教学比例为1:1.7,提高了实践教学比重。根据社会对高职院校宠物医疗专业人才的需求,确定了高职院校宠物医疗专业的公共课、专业基础课与专业课设置模式比例为660学时:550学时:630学时。通过对四所高职院校毕业学生的综合效果分析,评价为优秀的为66%,良好的有34%,优良率为100%。我们认为制定的宠物医疗专业教学体系和课程设置模式,在今后一段时期内的运用是可行的。  相似文献   

正《宠物疾病诊疗》是畜牧兽医专业临床兽医方面的一门重要的专业课,具有很强的实践性和应用性,目前本课程以理论讲授为主,技能操作为辅。随着我国人民生活水平的提高,宠物越来越多地走进了人们的生活,宠物医生近年来也成了备受畜牧兽医专业毕业生青睐的职业之一。为了提高学生在宠物疾病方面的职业能力,近年来笔者对《宠物疾病诊疗》的教学内容、教学方法和手段、考核方法、师资队伍、实训基地等方面进行了全面的改革与实践。  相似文献   

河南牧业经济学院坚持立足省情办学校、围绕行业办专业的办学理念,走"产学研密切合作,校企生良性互动"的办学道路,人才培养质量、行业针对性和岗位适应性显著提升,得到行业、企业的广泛认同,赢得了良好的社会声誉.2006年适应宠物行业发展需要,设立了宠物养护与疫病防治专业,该专业以宠物疾病诊疗、宠物美容与护理、宠物生产与营销等领域的技能培养为重点,培养适应"宠物"这一特殊行业需要的高级专门人才.依据宠物行业"一对一"诊疗、服务为主的特点,几年来探索建立了以宠物疾病临床诊疗、宠物养护与训导等为主要技能模块,以项目化课程为主体,以宠物医院、宠物美容院职业实践为主线,以毕业文凭与宠物医师、宠物美容师等职业资格证书接轨的"双证书"模块化宠物养护与疫病防治专业校企融合、共育人才的专业培养体系.  相似文献   

The rationale of incorporating behavioral medicine into veterinary practice is that it can expand the range of medical services offered, help obtain happier, more acceptable pets, and lead to longer pet ownership. In doing so, veterinarians should be able to increase their business both through an actual increase in pet ownership and retention and through increased services for individual pets. The range of services offered can differ from practice to practice but may include preventive, interventive, and ancillary services, as with other areas in contemporary veterinary medical practice. Each area of behavioral practice can be an economically feasible addition to veterinary practice from the perspective of medical services rendered, as a method of practice promotion, or as an area of public service. The choice depends on the level of competence of the practitioner, the practice philosophy, and the need for the services in a given service area.  相似文献   

Reptile medicine and surgery has advanced so much in the last 15 years, and clients are becoming increasingly aware of the needs of their reptile pets. As such, it is important for veterinary practitioners to advance their education in reptile medicine if they intend to add reptiles as patients to their clinics. Equally important is to realize one's limitations and to not only know when it is time to refer but to find out which practices near them are the best prepared for referral of these unique pets.  相似文献   

雾化吸入疗法在宠物疾病临床中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽  李守杰 《畜牧与饲料科学》2012,33(2):101-102,125
雾化吸入疗法是当今兽医临床较为理想的一种给药途径。介绍了该疗法在治疗犬、猫等宠物疾病中的适应症及其药物的选择,以及在应用时注意的事项,从而使雾化吸入疗法能够在犬、猫等宠物临床疾病治疗中发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

Adapting family life cycle theory to include pets provides veterinarians with a framework for understanding and reinforcing the human-animal bond. The family genogram with pets is a practice tool that identifies all people and pets in the family, enhancing the practice of One Health at the community level.  相似文献   

探究居住于广州地区的宠物饲养者在新冠疫情前后对宠物中医的态度和服务需求变化,并就该情况进行分析,为后疫情时代宠物中医的传承和发展提供思路和建议。线上线下相结合,采用问卷调查法和深度访谈法,对广州市各个区的100位宠物饲养者进行线下走访调研,同时发布334份线上问卷对居住于广州的宠物饲养者进行调研;另外,从前期问卷调查阶段同意接受进一步访谈的对象中,筛选出10位宠物主人用半结构化访谈法进行深度访谈。并综合运用Excel和SPSS对定性和定类数据进行描述性统计、Pearson卡方检验、可视化图表等研究分析,得出结论。疫情发生前,大部分宠物主人对宠物中医持有保留态度,而疫情后愿意选择宠物中医服务的比例大幅上升;同时,疫情前宠物主人多选择针灸作为宠物中医的主要服务形式,疫情后宠物饲养者对中兽药的信任度则显著提升。疫情对宠物主人选择宠物中医服务的态度和宠物中医的服务方式有很大的影响和转变,后疫情时代大部分人对宠物中医有更多的信任与期待。由此可见,通过完善宠物中医诊断标准,加强宠物中医治疗用药研发;建立综合性的宠物辅助诊疗及科普平台,提高宠物中医的宣传力度;充分结合多种治疗方法,发挥宠物中医不同服务形式的各种作用;传承传统宠物中医精华,守正创新,可促进宠物中医的进一步发展与壮大。  相似文献   

In recent decades, veterinary medicine has become more successful in prolonging the healthy, useful lives of pets. As a result, the practitioner spends a greater part of each practice day caring for the geriatric animal, both healthy and unhealthy. Because of their longevity, older pets are typically regular family members, with owners who seek the finest health care possible for their pets. The practice of geriatric medicine most properly should begin not when the dog or cat reaches some specific "golden" age, but rather when the wiggly, robust puppy or kitten receives its first examination. Like all parts of a sound preventive program, geriatric nutrition best follows from a well-considered juvenile and adult nutrition program. Furthermore, once it becomes senior, the "well" geriatric is as much a candidate for a diet designed especially to accommodate old age changes as is his unhealthy contemporary. In fact, evidence suggests that appropriate dietary management of the healthy, but often subclinical, patient may help postpone the signs of dysfunction and increase quality and length of life. A knowledge of the most significant nutrients and the impact of each on aging systems is now, and will become increasingly more, important to the progressive, skillful veterinarian.  相似文献   

It has been shown that people and pets can harbour identical strains of meticillin‐resistant (MR) staphylococci when they share an environment. Veterinary dermatology practitioners are a professional group with a high incidence of exposure to animals infected by Staphylococcus spp. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of carriage of MR Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), MR S. pseudintermedius (MRSP) and MR S. schleiferi (MRSS) by veterinary dermatology practice staff and their personal pets. A swab technique and selective media were used to screen 171 veterinary dermatology practice staff and their respective pets (258 dogs and 160 cats). Samples were shipped by over‐night carrier. Human subjects completed a 22‐question survey of demographic and epidemiologic data relevant to staphylococcal transmission. The 171 human‐source samples yielded six MRSA (3.5%), nine MRSP (5.3%) and four MRSS (2.3%) isolates, while 418 animal‐source samples yielded eight MRSA (1.9%) 21 MRSP (5%), and two MRSS (0.5%) isolates. Concordant strains (genetically identical by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis) were isolated from human subjects and their respective pets in four of 171 (2.9%) households: MRSA from one person/two pets and MRSP from three people/three pets. In seven additional households (4.1%), concordant strains were isolated from only the pets: MRSA in two households and MRSP in five households. There were no demographic or epidemiologic factors statistically associated with either human or animal carriage of MR staphylococci, or with concordant carriage by person–pet or pet–pet pairs. Lack of statistical associations may reflect an underpowered study.  相似文献   

Small exotic mammals have been companions to people for almost as long as dogs and cats have been. The challenge for veterinary medicine today is to decipher the tea leaves and determine whether small mammals are fad or transient pets or whether they will still be popular in 20 years. This article focuses on pet small-mammal medicine, as the concerns of the laboratory animal are better known and may differ profoundly from those of a pet. Dozens of species of small exotic mammals are kept as pets. These pet small-mammal species have historically served human purposes other than companionship: for hunting, for their pelts, or for meat. Now, they are common pets. At present, most veterinary schools lack courses in the medical care of these animals. Veterinary students need at least one required class to introduce them to these pets. Currently, there are no small-mammal-only residency programs. This does not correspond with current needs. The only way to judge current needs is by assessing what employers are looking for. In a recent JAVMA classified section, almost 30% of small-animal practices in suburban/urban areas were hiring veterinarians with knowledge of exotic pets. All veterinarians must recognize that pet exotic small mammals have changed the landscape of small-animal medicine. It is a reality that, today, many small-animal practices see pet exotic small mammals on a daily basis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Three hundred and thirty-seven pet owners were interviewed by final-year veterinary students from the University of Queensland, using a questionnaire prepared by the authors. The survey area included Brisbane city and suburbs and was conducted in 1977. The majority of respondents (52.5%) reported that the pets were owned by the family, while 24.6% claimed that pets were owned by individual adults only. Dogs and cats were the most popular pets. Of the respondents sampled, 51% changed their veterinarian while 46% reported that they had not changed their veterinarian. Satisfaction with the service, nearness of the service and personal liking were the major reasons for continuing to use the same veterinary surgeon. Nearly 40% of respondents used the veterinary service on the basis of recommendation of friends, relatives and other people who owned similar types of pets. According to the respondents, major qualities for a good veterinarian are: competence and knowledge (86.9%), compassion for animals (61.7%), professional approach (which includes good listening and explanation, the instillation of confidence, integrity and appearance) (57.4%), regard for owners and their feelings (46.3%), good surgery conditions (14.2%) and reasonable fees (12.8%). While professional competence was reported as one of the important qualities of a good veterinary service, the majority (51%) of them disagreed with the statement that professional competence is the only thing that matters in the care of pets and many other social and interpersonal factors influenced their attitude towards the veterinary service. The application of behavioural sciences to the veterinary profession is discussed.  相似文献   

Although startlingly different in anatomy and physiology from the placental mammals common to private veterinary practice, clinical care for marsupial mammals can be approached from similar perspectives. Marsupials remain undomesticated animals with challenging needs in diet and care that must consider their native environment to be successful. As wild animals, veterinary care and clinical problems of marsupials as pets can present from sources of stress, restraint, and husbandry. Veterinary professional scan prevent many of these concerns by advising caretakers on appropriate care and feeding of these species.  相似文献   

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