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快速检测土壤阳离子交换量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对土壤阳离子交换量检测行业标准推荐方法耗时长、操作繁琐,介绍了一种定氮仪配合漩涡振荡仪测定土壤阳离子交换量的快速蒸馏法,改进了离心处理环节和蒸馏步骤,讨论了关键流程和注意事项。该方法与行业标准乙酸铵法相比,试剂消耗明显减少,检测效率提高45%,检测精度和准确度符合标准要求,特别适于大批量及快速检出的土壤样品分析。  相似文献   

The increased magnesium (Mg) concentration in vegetables may be reduced due to inter-ionic inhibition caused by the concentration of other water-soluble cations that are mainly associated to low molecular weight organic anions. However, it is not known whether the levels of these compounds in crop residues are modified by increasing the Mg soil application. This study aimed to assess the effects of the Mg application on the contents of water soluble cations [potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), cooper (Cu2+), iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), and zinc (Zn2+)] on common bean plant residues. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions with Ustoxix Quatzipsamment in completely randomized design in 4×5 factorial scheme, with three replicates. The treatments consisted of four rates of Mg [0, 50, 100 and 200 mg kg?1, source magnesium chloride (MgCl2)] and five varieties of common bean of the carioca group [BRS Estilo, BRS Ametista, IPR Campos Gerais (CG), IPR Tangará and IAPAR 81]. The Mg rates affected the contents of water soluble Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ in the extracts of bean residue. The soluble Mg2+ showed a significant correlation with foliar Mg content, indicating the need for further research on the method used to assess nutrient availability in vegetables. The bean varieties showed different responses regarding balance of ions in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and in the Ca/Mg, Ca/K and Mg/K ratios in the soil.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜栽培对土壤阳离子交换性能的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以辽宁省沈阳市于洪地区设施菜地及其相邻旱田土壤为研究对象,测定土壤的有机质、阳离子交换量、交换性盐基离子组成和土壤盐基离子饱和度,分析设施蔬菜栽培对土壤阳离子交换量及交换性盐基离子组成的影响。结果表明:(1)与旱田土壤相比,设施土壤有机质含量明显增加,上下层土壤有机质平均含量分别为35.6 g kg-1和18.0 g kg-1,分别是旱田上下层土壤有机质含量的2.1倍和1.8倍;设施土壤阳离子交换量呈上升的趋势,土壤阳离子交换量与有机质含量呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.603**,n=50,r0.01=0.361)。(2)与旱田土壤相比,不同层次设施土壤交换性盐基总量均有所增加,交换性盐基离子中除交换性Ca2+含量变化不大之外,交换性K+、Mg2+、Na+含量均显著增加;不同层次设施土壤交换性K+、Mg2+、Na+饱和度显著高于旱田土壤,但交换性Ca2+饱和度和盐基饱和度呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Due to energy crises and stricter environmental regulations, renewable energy sources like bio‐methane produced by anaerobic digestion (biogas) become increasingly important. However, the application of slurries produced by biogas fermentation to agricultural land and subsequent ammonia emission may also create environmental risks to the atmosphere and to N‐limited ecosystems. Evaluating ammonia loss from agricultural land by model simulation is an important tool of agricultural‐systems analysis. The objective of this study was the systematical comparison of ammonia volatilization after application of two types of biogas slurries containing high amounts of energy crops in comparison with conventional animal slurries and to investigate the relative importance of factors affecting the emission process through an empirical model. A high number of ammonia‐loss field measurements were carried out in the years 2007/08 in biogas cropping systems in N Germany. The study consisted of simultaneous measurement of NH3 losses from animal and biogas slurries in multiple‐plot field experiments with different N‐fertilization levels. The derived empirical model for the calculation of NH3 losses based on explanatory variables gave good predictions of ammonia emission for both biogas and pig slurries. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE) of the empirical model for validation data were 2.19 kg N ha–1 (rRMSE 29%) and –1.19 kg N ha–1, respectively. Biogas slurries produced highest NH3 emissions compared to the two animal slurries. In view of the explanatory variables included in the model, total NH$ _4^+ $ application rate, slurry type, temperature, precipitation, crop type, and leaf‐area index were important for ammonia‐volatilization losses.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in the growth chamber on Saskatchewan soils with different texture to determine the K release status and wheat K demand.The relationship between K uptake and soil available K extracted by cation exchange membrane(CEM-K) and the effcet of K fertilizer on wheat growth and soil available K was also evaluated.Treatments of 0,60 and 120mg K/kg were applied to sandy,low and high K loamy and clay soils,The highest yields were acieved with the application of 120mg K/kg in sandy soil and 60 mg K/kg in other soils.On the whole,the clay soil contributed K more than other soils from slowly available fraction.Regression revealed a linear relationship between the soil available K extracted by NH4OAc(Ka) and CEM-K in suspensions(r=0.93).Results also showed that CEM-K in burial and in suspensions were different not only in the amount but also in correlation with Ka or K uptake.  相似文献   

Agricultural, environmental and ecological modeling requires soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) that is difficult to measure. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are thus routinely applied to predict CEC from easily measured physicochemical properties (e.g., texture, soil organic matter, pH). This study developed the support vector machines (SVM)‐based PTFs to predict soil CEC based on 208 soil samples collected from A and B horizons in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China. The database was randomly split into calibration and validation datasets in proportions of 3:1 using the bootstrap method. The optimal SVM parameters were searched by applying the genetic algorithm (GA). The performance of SVM models was compared to those of multiple stepwise regression (MSR) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. Results show that the accuracy of CEC predicted by SVM improves considerably over those predicted by MSR and ANN. The performance of SVM for B horizon (R2 = 0.85) is slightly better than that for A horizon (R2 = 0.81). The SVM is a powerful approach in the simulation of nonlinear relationship between CEC and physicochemical properties of widely distributed samples from different soil horizons. Sensitivity analysis was also conducted to explore the influence of each input parameter on the CEC predictions by SVM. The clay content is the most sensitive parameter, followed by soil organic matter and pH, while sand content has the weakest influence. This suggests that clay is the most important predictor for predicting CEC of both soil horizons.  相似文献   


The CEC of volcanic ash derived soils in Guatemala was measured following equilibration with 1.5 and 6.0 me P/100 g soil supplied through KH2PO4 solutions. An increase in CEC resulted due to P reaction and the increase was substantial after removal of soluble Al from P reacted soils. The average ratios of increase in CEC to P retained were 0.49 and 1.63 in the former and later, respectively. P apparently neutralized positive charges on the surface of amorphous component and those internally in the soil particles resulting in a net increase in negative charge (CEC).  相似文献   

Abstract. Under a UK Government consultation procedure announced in 2001, it was proposed that measures agreed within already designated Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ 's) would be extended to include a considerably increased area of England, Wales and Scotland. Since existing NVZ 's in the UK have included relatively little grassland, it is important to examine how nitrate losses from grassland areas, especially from animal manures, one of the major potential sources of nitrate loss, can be minimized. Experiments were carried out on freely draining grassland soils at four sites (Devon, Hampshire, Shropshire and N Yorkshire) representative of a wide range of climatic and farming conditions across lowland England, over a four year period, 1990/91 to 1993/94. Slurry was applied to experimental plots over a range of times (including June and then monthly, from September to January) at a target rate of 200 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen leaching over the four years ranged from 0 to >50% of applied slurry N, with the largest losses occurring following applications in the September to November period. The use of a nitrification inhibitor with slurry applied in November failed to provide consistent reduction in nitrate leaching.
A strategy to reduce the risk of N leaching from manures applied to freely draining grassland soils must take account of the characteristics of the manure, in particular its N content, the application rate and the amount of excess rainfall following application. The experimental results suggest that slurry applications to freely draining grassland, in September, October and November should generally be avoided, the rationale for this being dependent on the amount of excess rainfall subsequent to application. Farmyard manure represents a lower risk and does not justify the restrictions on application timing that appear to be necessary with slurry.  相似文献   


Ammonia and chloride electrodes were used to measure cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) on a selection of Victorian soils. The C.E.C. values obtained using these electrodes correlated closely with the values obtained using established titrimetric procedures. The electrode method is preferred for subsequent soil studies because it is rapid, simple and less expensive, whereas titrimetric analyses require separate determination of ammonia and chloride ion which involve preparation of numerous reagents and standards.  相似文献   

Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is an important soil property that is used as an input data in soil and environmental models. Although CEC can be measured directly, its measurement is expensive and time-consuming, therefore pedotransfer functions can be used for estimating it from more readily available soil data. As CEC is highly dependent on soil texture, it may be successfully estimated from the soil textural data. In this study, 20 soils were selected from Fars province, in the south of Iran, and the values of CEC, soil organic matter content, and soil particle size distribution curve of each soil were measured and the geometric mean particle-size diameter (d g ), and the summation of the number of spherical particles for whole parts of the soil particle-size distribution (N) were determined for each soil. Then, five multiple linear regressions were derived between CEC and mentioned soil properties. The results showed that more applicable equation for the study area was based on the percentages of clay, sand and soil organic matter content.  相似文献   


A simple, single‐step extraction with LiEDTA for the estimation of CEC and exchangeable bases in soils has been developed. Multivalent cations are stripped from the soil adsorption sites by the strongly chelating agent EDTA, and are replaced by Li. In soils without CaCO3 or water soluble salts, exchangeable divalent cations (Ca, Mg) are chelated by EDTA and exchangeable monovalent cations (Na, K) are replaced in a single extraction step using 0.25–2.5 g of soil and 10.0 ml of extractant.

In calcareous soils the CEC can be determined in the same way, but for the extraction of exchangeable Ca and Mg, another separate extraction is needed because dissolution of calcite by EDTA is unavoidable. This extraction is done with as much NaEDTA as needed to extract only exchangeable Ca and Mg in a 1:2 (m/V) soil/alkaline‐50% (V/V) aethanolic solution to minimize dissolution of calcite.

In gypsiferous soils gypsum is transformed into insoluble BaSO4 and soluble CaEDTA by LiBaEDTA thus avoiding interference of Ca from dissolution of gypsum, which renders the traditional methods for determining CEC unsuitable for such soils. To determine exchangeable Ca and Mg, Na4EDTA is used as for calcareous soils.

In saline/sodic soils replacement of Na by Li is incomplete but the Na/Li‐ratio at the complex after extraction is proportional to the molar Na/Li‐ratio in the extracts, so that the CEC and original exchangeable sodium (ESP) content can be calculated. Additional analysis of Cl and, if necessary, SO4 in the extracts of saline soils can be used to correct for the effect of dissolution of the salts on the sum of exchangeable cations.

This new method is as convenient as the recently developed AgTU (silverthiourea), but is better suitable for calcareous and gypsiferous soils.  相似文献   

湿地土壤NH4+吸附解吸对冻融循环的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrogen (N) cycling in boreal peatland ecosystems may be influenced in important ways by freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs).Adsorption and desorption of ammonium ions (NH + 4) were examined in a controlled laboratory experiment for soils sampled from palustrine wetland,riverine wetland,and farmland reclaimed from natural wetland in response to the number of FTCs.The results indicate that freeze-thaw significantly increased the adsorption capacity of NH + 4 and reduced the desorption potential of NH + 4 in the wetland soils.There were significant differences in the NH + 4 adsorption amount between the soils with and without freeze-thaw treatment.The adsorption amount of NH + 4 increased with increasing FTCs.The palustrine wetland soil had a greater adsorption capacity and a weaker desorption potential of NH + 4 than the riverine wetland soil because of the significantly higher clay content and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the riverine wetland soil.Because of the altered soil physical and chemical properties and hydroperiods,the adsorption capacity of NH + 4 was smaller in the farmland soil than in the wetland soils,while the desorption potential of the farmland soil was higher than that of the wetland soils.Thus,wetland reclamation would decrease adsorption capacity and increase desorption potential of NH + 4,which could result in N loss from the farmland soil.FTCs might mitigate N loss from soils and reduce the risk of water pollution in downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

施磷对玉米吸磷量、产量和土壤磷含量的影响及其相关性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了给玉米磷高效利用提供理论依据, 在低磷土壤(Olsen-P 4.9 mg·kg-1)上, 通过田间试验, 研究了施磷0(T0)、50 kg(P2O5)·hm-2(T1)、100 kg(P2O5)·hm-2(T2)、200 kg(P2O5)·hm-2(T3)、1 000 kg(P2O5)·hm-2(T4)对两个玉米品种"鲁单9002" (LD9002)、"先玉335"(XY335)的产量、磷素吸收利用及根际磷动态变化的影响。结果表明: 两玉米品种根际土、非根际土速效磷含量在不同生育时期都表现为T12O5)·hm-2的T3处理非根际土转化为根际土土壤磷的量最大, 同时玉米生物量、产量、磷转移量也达到最高, 而施磷1 000 kg(P2O5)·hm-2处理玉米生物量、产量与中磷水平相比没有显著增加, 但植株吸磷量较高。XY335的花后磷转移量小于LD9002。相关分析表明, LD9002根际土、非根际土速效磷含量与茎、叶吸磷量之间显著相关, 以播种后79 d与茎、叶磷浓度、吸磷量、生物量、产量之间的相关系数最高; 而XY335根际土、非根际土速效磷含量与茎、叶磷浓度之间显著相关, 在播种后47 d期间与茎、叶磷浓度、吸磷量、生物量、产量之间的相关性最好。因此, 在低磷土壤上, LD9002和XY335分别在播种后79 d和47 d时是植株对磷的敏感期, 可以通过测试根际土、非根际土速效磷含量来反映土壤的供磷状况; LD9002在79 d时最大吸磷量需要的根际土、非根际土速效磷含量分别为54.95 mg·kg-1、32.99 mg·kg-1, XY335品种在47 d时最大吸磷量需要的根际土、非根际土速效磷含量分别为51.24 mg·kg-1、35.35 mg·kg-1; 施磷量1 000 kg(P2O5)·hm-2处理两品种玉米产量、生物量、磷积累量与施磷量100~200 kg(P2O5)·hm-2处理没有显著差异。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖粪水酸化贮存及氮素减损增效研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜禽粪水酸化贮存能够有效调控粪水贮存中微生物、环境与氮素间的作用关系,实现粪水氮素的减损增效,是一种具有广泛应用前景的关键技术。该研究系统综述了粪水酸化贮存中氮素的迁移转化机理,比较评价了常见酸化剂和不同酸化贮存工艺的应用效果,分析了酸化贮存技术对粪水氮素减损增效的影响。梳理总结得到:粪水酸化存储中氮素的迁移转化机制主要包括有机氮矿化、铵态氮固持、无机氮转化的抑制及硝化3个关键环节,可以依靠改变微生物作用和化学平衡状态实现氮素的减损;与其他酸化工艺相比,长期酸化工艺具有酸化效果更加稳定、应用范围较为广泛等优势;粪水酸化技术能够大幅降低NH3排放,以及部分N2O的排放,进而提高粪肥还田后土壤肥效,但不合理的酸化贮存技术及施用方式也会降低粪水肥效,甚至引起二次污染;未来应重点从氮素迁移转化路径的定量分析、复合酸化剂的开发、粪肥施用效果及风险的评估应对等方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

This is the first study to report the co-occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), heavy metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their impacts on the native microbial consortium in soil due to the long-term exposure. The PFASs, heavy metals, and PAHs were detected in soil samples collected at 2–6 m below the ground surface at different sampling locations in a steel-making factory. The total concentrations of PFASs varied from 6.55 to 19.79 ng g-1, with perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorobutane sulfonate, and 6:2 chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate (alternative of PFOS) being the predominant PFASs. The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, and lead were detected in the ranges of 4.40–1 270.00, 0.01–8.67, and 18.00–647.00 mg kg-1, respectively, and the concentration of total PAHs was detected in the range of 1.02–131.60 mg kg-1. The long-term exposure to mixed contaminants of PFASs, heavy metals, and PAHs led to lower richness and diversity of microbial communities in soil. The soil bacterial communities were mainly composed of Pseudomonas, norank_p_GAL15, Leptothrix, norank_o_Rokubacteriales, and Acinetobacter. Correlations between soil environmental factors and microbial communities indicated that cation exchange capacity and total phosphorus were two key factors in shaping the composition of native microbial communities. Furthermore, Arthrobacter, Leptothrix, and Sphingobium were found to be significantly positively correlated with PFAS concentrations, indicating that these genera could tolerate the stress exerted by PFASs, along with the stress imposed due to the presence of heavy metals or/and PAHs.  相似文献   

Spatial assessment of soil properties needs conversion of point data to an area-oriented model. Methods are required that create a reproducible map. The development of a map is shown by the example of cation exchange capacity. Twenty sorption types are formed and derived from the vertical sequence of values for substrate types and are aggregated to six main types. A qualitative assessment of the main CEC sorption types is carried out with comparative ranking. The association of different substrate types on an areal soil pattern requires the identification of sorption association types. These are shown by the areal share of the main sorption types for the substrate types involved in each case. For interpreting the site parameters from the MMK (Mittelmaßstäbige Landwirtschaftliche Standortkartierung), the procedure is presented in detail. An example of the results is shown with CEC maps. Tables complement the visualization for different areas, defined by administrative or natural landscape boundaries. The application of this method for relative evaluation of CEC is demonstrated using KA5-rules. The CEC characterization of agricultural areas can be reproduced on the basis of the mapping units of soil maps with different scales (BÜK 200). The areal-specific labeling of CEC constitutes soil-related decision guideline.  相似文献   

电导率(Electrical Conductivity,EC)和结构稳定性阳离子比(Cation Ratio of Soil Structural Stability,CROSS)是评估微咸水对土壤渗透性能影响的重要指标。虽然CROSS全面地考虑了Na+、K+、Ca2+和Mg2+对土壤结构稳定性的复杂影响,但CROSS的离子浓度系数在不同地区的适用性存在差异,有必要根据当地的水质条件确定基于EC和CROSS评估方法的分类标准。该研究旨在分析CROSS替代钠吸附比(Sodium Adsorption Ratio,SAR)评估水质危害的合理性以及其在河套灌区的适用性。在河套灌区不同区域采集73份地下水水样,并采用EC和SAR、EC和CROSS对其进行评估。结果表明,基于2种方法的地下水分类结果中,仅有34.25%的水样分类结果相同,并且不同的CROSS计算方法(基于阳离子相对絮凝能力(Flocculation)的CROSSf、相对分散能力(Dispersion)的CROSSd和优化的(Optimal)CROSSopt)在河套灌区的适用性也不相同。建议采用CROSSd或CROSSopt,并结合土壤盐分和离子浓度评估河套灌区地下水水质。该评估方法更全面地考虑了地下水和土壤中的离子组成对土壤渗透性能的影响,有效避免了不合理的微咸水利用导致的土壤结构恶化等问题,可为微咸水的安全可持续利用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

水溶性有机碳在各种粘土底土中的吸附:土壤性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clay-rich subsoils are added to sandy soils to improve crop yield and increase organic carbon (C) sequestration; however, little is known about the influence of clay subsoil properties on organic C sorption and desorption. Batch sorption experiments were conducted with nine clay subsoils with a range of properties. The clay subsoils were shaken for 16 h at 4 oC with water-extractable organic C (WEOC, 1 224 g C L-1) from mature wheat residue at a soil to extract ratio of 1:10. After removal of the supernatant, the residual pellet was shaken with deionised water to determine organic C desorption. The WEOC sorption was positively correlated with smectite and illite contents, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and total organic C, but negatively correlated with kaolinite content. Desorption of WEOC expressed as a percentage of WEOC sorbed was negatively correlated with smectite and illite contents, CEC, total and exchangeable calcium (Ca) concentrations and clay content, but positively correlated with kaolinite content. The relative importance of these properties varied among soil types. The soils with a high WEOC sorption capacity had medium CEC and their dominant clay minerals were smectite and illite. In contrast, kaolinite was the dominant clay mineral in the soils with a low WEOC sorption capacity and low-to-medium CEC. However, most soils had properties which could increase WEOC sorption as well as those that could decrease WEOC sorption. The relative importance of properties increasing or decreasing WEOC sorption varied with soils. The soils with high desorption had a low total Ca concentration, low-to-medium CEC and low clay content, whereas the soils with low desorption were characterised by medium-to-high CEC and smectite and illite were the dominant clay minerals. We conclude that WEOC sorption and desorption depend not on a single property but rather a combination of several properties of the subsoils in this study.  相似文献   

泛种养结合视角下北京市养殖业土地承载力评估   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
种养结合是中国未来农业绿色发展的重要方向。其中,对畜禽粪污的土地承载力的准确估算是关键。针对北京市畜禽粪污消纳的土地没有充分利用及其氮磷需求取值不够准确的问题,该研究根据畜禽养殖数据计算了2018年北京畜禽养殖粪污产生量和氮磷养分资源量,以粮地、菜地、园地、部分林地、草地及未利用土地6种地类作为畜禽粪污的消纳场所,利用统计年鉴和ArcGIS估算了6种类型的土地资源量,根据文献综合分析了各地类单位面积的氮磷养分需求量,进而计算了北京市域内畜禽养殖业的土地承载力。结果表明:2018年北京市畜禽养殖总量为453.4万头猪当量,畜禽粪污产生总量为380.1万t,氮磷养分资源量分别为26 118.2及5 289.8 t。在有机肥全部替代化肥的情况下,仅以耕地(粮地、菜地)作为畜禽粪污的消纳场所,则全市种植业土地能够承载的最大养殖量为675.2万头猪当量;若以6种土地类型作为畜禽粪污的消纳场所,则为1 089.1万头猪当量,是仅以耕地作为消纳场所的1.61倍。若有机肥50%替代化肥,仅以耕地为畜禽粪污消纳场所,土地承载力为337.6万头猪当量,则2018年的养殖规模已经超过耕地承载力。若以6种土地作为消纳场所,其土地承载力为544.5万头猪当量,与现养殖规模相比还有20.1%的养殖潜力。因此,在环境保护的前提下促进养殖业的发展,一是要扩大有机肥对化肥的替代比例,二是要将更多的可作为畜禽粪污消纳的土地类型加以充分利用。  相似文献   

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