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Degradation of water quality is the major health concern for lakes and reservoirs in the central regions of the United States as a result of heavily devoted agricultural production. A vital key to the development of a reservoir management strategy is to identify nutrient loading that describes associated water quality conditions in reservoirs. This study integrated AnnAGNPS watershed and BATHTUB lake models to simulate actual lake water quality conditions of Cheney Reservoir, KS, and demonstrated the use of the coupled model for simulating lake response to changes in different watershed land use and management scenarios. The calibrated current-conditions model simulated in-lake reductions as much as 52% for TN, 48% for TP, and 70% for chlorophyll a due to conversion to native grass, and increases as much as 4% for TN, 9% for TP and 6% for chlorophyll a due to conversion of land from the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to cropland (15.5% of watershed). This model also demonstrated an increase in chlorophyll a (19%) as the lake sediment capacity was reached over the next century.  相似文献   

Impairment of water quality is a major concern for streams and rivers in the central USA. Total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) establish a watershed framework and set management targets to alleviate pollution from both point and nonpoint sources. For this study, we have used a hydrologic modeling approach to holistically examine the effect of land use management, urban development, and agricultural practices on sediment and nutrient loadings in an agricultural watershed. Annualized Agricultural Nonpoint Source (AnnAGNPS) simulation indicates that while point source dischargers contribute 8% of total nitrogen (TN) and 24% of total phosphorus (TP) loadings to the Marmaton River, agricultural nonpoint sources are the leading pollution source contributing 55% of TN and 49% of TP loading. Based on TMDL analysis and model simulation, 3% of the watershed area (3,244 ha) needs to be targeted to control TN loading whereas 1% of the total area (1,319 ha) is required for TP reduction management. Managing the TN areas alone can achieve a 57% reduction in the TP load required for the TMDL, whereas managing the targeted TP areas can only provide 30% of the required TN reduction. Areas required both TN and TP management comprise 469 ha. Targeting these areas can achieve approximately 22% of the required TN reduction and 29% of the required TP reduction. Overall, 4,094 ha will require management to achieve water quality goals. This study demonstrates that a modeling approach is needed to effectively address TMDL issues and help identify targeted areas for management.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - Agricultural runoff is a major non-point source pollutant and is the leading impairment of streams and rivers in the USA. This study examined the effects of...  相似文献   

Lake Minnetonka, located in southeastern Minnesota, U.S.A., is currently experiencing increased eutrophication due to excessive phosphorus (P) loading in runoff from agriculture and urban areas. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the isolation of wetlands in the surrounding watershed from the surface water drainage network. In order to determine if rerouting surface water through these wetlands would be a feasible method for reducing P inputs, we assessed the P retention capacity of wetlands in a subwatershed of Lake Minnetonka, the Painter Creek Watershed (PCW). The objectives of our study were to determine which of 15 different wetland sites in the PCW had the highest P sorption capacity, identify which soil properties best explained the variability in P sorption, and utilize P fractionation to determine the dominant form of soil P. Our results indicated that despite similar vegetation and hydrogeomorphic settings, wetlands in the PCW had considerably different P sorption capacities. Depth-averaged P sorption index (PSI) values showed considerable variability, ranging from 14.6 to 184. The Katrina Marsh, Painter Marsh, South Highway 26, and West Jennings Bay sites had the highest depth-averaged PSIs. The soil properties that best predicted PSI were soil organic matter, exchangeable calcium, and oxalate extractable iron. Phosphorus fractionation data revealed organic P to be the dominant form of soil P, indicating that organic matter accumulation is another P storage mechanism in these wetlands.  相似文献   

Environmental problems many times could evolve when manure-containing pathogens are distributed into an open environment with no effort made to reduce the content of pathogens or limit their movement in the environment. Wind, surface flow, and subsurface flow can all carry enough pathogens to receiving waters to exceed water quality standards. This study was conducted to assess the microbiological quality of water associated with animal-based agriculture in the sub-basin of Pinhal River located in the rural area of Concordia, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Six sampling points representing different agricultural land uses (LU1—dairy cattle; LU2—without animals; LU3—dairy + pigs + poultry + crops; LU4—pigs + poultry + crops; LU5—dairy + pigs + poultry + crops + human; and LU6—dairy+pigs+crops) along the Pinhal River sub-basin (north to south) were sampled biweekly from August 2006 to December 2008. Concentrations of fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli varied significantly (p?≤?0.05) with land use (LU), but there was no interaction effect of LU, season, and time. Water samples from the catchment area of LU1 had the highest concentration of fecal coliforms (4,479?±?597 CFU ml?1) when compared with other catchment areas. Catchment area associated with LU2 (no animal) had the lowest concentrations of fecal coliforms (39.2?±?5.2 CFU ml?1). With the exception of LU2 (control site), all the maximum concentrations of E. coli exceeded the single maximum allowable concentration for E. coli (100 CFU ml?1). When LU1 was compared with other catchment areas (LU3, 50%; LU4, 67%; LU5, 58%; and LU6, 44%), it had the lowest counts (39%) of Salmonella sp. Our results suggest that spatial pattern of bacterial water quality is evident, which can be linked to the different land uses and associated practices (present or absent of animal activities). Therefore, varying responses associated with the different land uses would be critical in identifying the importance of different sources of bacteria in the catchment area and the mechanisms transferring them.  相似文献   

Berka  C.  Schreier  H.  Hall  K. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,127(1-4):389-401
Agricultural intensification was linked to streamwaterpollution in a case study watershed using GIS andnutrient budgeting techniques. The results showed thatsurplus nitrogen applications from fertilizers andmanure averaged 120 kg ha-1 yr-1. In some parts of the watershed surplus applications exceeded 300 kg ha-1 yr-1. A consistent increase in pig and chickennumbers (59 and 165% increase between 1986 and1996) is considered the main reason for the surplus.Water quality was impacted in two ways: nitratecontaminated groundwater contributed to high nitratesin a major tributary during the summer, while in thewet winter season ammonia, phosphate and coliformlevels were high throughout the drainage system.Significant negative relationships were found betweensurplus nitrogen applications and dissolved oxygenwhile ammonia and nitrate concentrations during thewet season were positively correlated to surplusapplications. Soil texture and drainage type were alsosignificantly correlated with the water qualityindicators suggesting that it is possible to use thebudget/GIS linked techniques for pollution riskassessment from agricultural non-point sources.  相似文献   

Water quality trends from 1970 to 2005 were defined along 30 Delaware streams in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay watersheds in the USA. Water quality improved or was constant at 69% of stations since 1990 and at 80% of stations since 1970/1980. Dissolved oxygen (DO) improved or was constant at 73% of streams since 1990 and 32% of streams since 1970/1980. Total suspended sediment improved or was constant at 75% of streams since 1990 and 100% of streams since 1970/1980. Enterococcus bacteria improved or remained constant at 80% of streams since 1990 and 93% of streams since 1970/1980. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen improved or was constant at 48% of streams since 1990 and 100% of streams since 1970/1980. Total phosphorus improved or was constant at 66% of streams since 1990 and 85% of streams since 1970/1980. During 2001–2005, median levels were good or fair at 100% of the stations for DO, 78% for sediment, 50% for bacteria, 59% for nitrogen, and 56% for phosphorus. Good water quality correlates with high amounts of forest area (>25%) in Delaware watersheds. Since the Federal Clean Water Act Amendments of the 1970s, improving Delaware water quality stations (50) outnumbered degrading stations (23) by a 2:1 margin. Since 1990, degrading water quality stations (46) exceeded improving stations (38) mostly due to deteriorating nitrogen levels in half of Delaware streams, a reversal from early gains achieved since the 1970s. Over the last three and a half decades, watershed strategies have improved or preserved water quality along Delaware streams; however, greater emphasis is needed to curb recently resurging increases in nitrogen levels.  相似文献   

Assessment of surface water quality in the Mississippi Delta is essential to quantify the eutrophication of the Gulf of Mexico. This study estimated the characteristics and variations of surface water quality at three study sites in the Big Sunflower River Watershed (BSRW) within the Mississippi Delta using Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, Mann-Kendall, and Pettitt tests. In general, contents of some water quality constituents such as nitrate-nitrogen (NO3???N) and total phosphorus (TP) in the BSRW varied from site to site each year, whereas variations of other constituents such as pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) each year were basically not significant. The highest median concentrations were found in spring for NO3???N and total nitrogen (TN); in summer for specific conductance (SC), Na, and Cl; and in winter for DO. Mann-Kendall trend analysis revealed that there was an increasing annual trend at Leland but a decreasing annual trend at Merigold for NO3???concentrations even though such changes were very small, whereas there was no annual trend for TP at any of the three study sites. Pettitt’s test further identified that the NO3???N concentrations had an abrupt increase in February 2009 at the median value of 0.44 mg L?1 in Leland and an abrupt decrease in June 2012 at the median value of 3.65 mg L?1 in Merigold. A very good linear correlation existed between total dissolved solid (TDS) and magnesium (Mg) in the BSRW, which could be used to estimate TDS from Mg concentrations for this watershed when the data for TDS are absent.  相似文献   

九龙江流域土地利用与水土保持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地是人类赖以生存的基本条件,人类在土地上进行生产活动的同时,必须高度重视水土保持工作,并施以相应的科学,有效的保护措施,才能使土地资源得以永续利用。本对九龙江流域土地的开发利用与水土保持进行了分析和阐述,强调在发展经济的同时,应加强对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

[目的]探究坦帕湾流域景观生态风险的时空变化态势,为中国港湾流域开发利用与保护规划提供科学借鉴。[方法]以1985,1995,2005及2015年4个时期的 TM /OLI 遥感影像为主要数据源,结合土地利用数据,构建景观生态风险格局演变模型,对美国坦帕湾流域景观格局及生态风险的时空特征进行了分析。[结果](1)研究期间,坦帕湾流域人工景观面积明显大于自然景观面积。(2)1985年,坦帕湾流域景观低、较低等级生态风险区占流域总面积的24.16%和20.30%。1995年以后,低、较低等级生态风险区面积均有减少,中等生态风险区面积显著增加。至2015年,高、较高等级生态风险区面积与前20 a 相比仍在增加。(3)30 a 来坦帕湾流域内的生态风险等级由低向高转变的总面积为3210.84 km2,约占全流域总面积的48.65%,较高、高生态风险等级沿港湾海域一侧区域继续扩张,大陆一侧东北部逐渐零星出现。[结论]受人类活动的影响,近30 a 来坦帕湾流域景观及生态风险格局时空变化显著,但后10 a 生态风险等级上升速率明显低于前20 a ,说明人类在开发利用港湾资源的同时,也逐渐注重港湾流域生态环境的保护与管理。  相似文献   

In Oregon’s Willamette River Basin (Basin), health advisories currently limit consumption of fish that have accumulated methylmercury. Under the Clean Water Act, these advisories create the requirement for a mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), which, in turn, created the need to better characterize the cycling of mercury in the Basin. This paper presents: (a) a mass balance model relating the processes, reservoirs, and fluxes of the Basin’s mercury cycle, (b) first-approximation estimates of reservoir masses, flux rates, and turnover times, and (c) an assessment of the impact of anthropogenic mercury sources on this cycle. Deposition from the atmosphere to land is estimated to be the largest (587 kg yr?1) single flux; with much (≈54%) of this deposited mercury returned to the atmosphere via volatilization. Combined local anthropogenic (360 kg yr?1) and global emissions (390 kg yr?1) substantially overshadow all other anthropogenic point-source inputs. Runoff of mercury from native soils (particulate and dissolved phases) was estimated as the largest (≈70%) single source of Hg to surface water; contributions from anthropogenic air emissions deposited on land and then transported as runoff were ≈17%. All other currently identified and quantifiable non-atmospheric anthropogenic point sources made a small (≈5%) contribution to total loadings. These first-approximation estimates suggest that management of soil erosion should have a higher priority than reductions in local anthropogenic air emissions, with the caveat, however, that the degree of linkage between any such reductions and that of methylmercury levels in fish is presently unclear. Additional work will be required to develop the better parameterized and calibrated model needed to predict the outcome of Hg loading reduction alternatives under consideration within the TMDL process.  相似文献   

We estimated the total inorganic fluxes of nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), chloride (Cl?, sodium (Na+, calcium (Ca2+, magnesium (Mg2+, potassium (K+ and hydronium (H+. The resistance deposition algorithm that is programmed as part of the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system was used to generate spatially-distributed deposition velocities, which were then combined with measurements of urban and rural concentrations of gas and particle species to obtain dry deposition rates. Wet deposition rates for each species were determined from rainfall concentrations and amounts available from the National Acid Deposition Program (NADP) monitoring network databases. The estimated total inorganic nitrogen deposition to the Tampa Bay watershed (excluding Tampa Bay) was 17 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 or 9,700 metric tons yr?1, and the ratio of dry to wet deposition rates was ~2.3 for inorganic nitrogen. The largest contributors to the total N flux were ammonia (NH3 and nitrogen oxides (NO x at 4.6 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 and 5.1 kg-N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Averaged wet deposition rates were 2.3 and 2.7 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 for NH4 + and NO3 ?, respectively.  相似文献   

泸沽湖流域具有珍贵的高原生物和独特的摩梭族文化,但随着旅游开发的加快,水土流失风险开始显现。研究基于RS和GIS技术,选取土地利用类型、坡度、沟谷密度和土壤4个影响因子,对泸沽湖流域水土流失敏感性空间分布特征进行了分析评价。结果表明:不敏感和轻度敏感区占流域总面积的52.61%,反映泸沽湖流域水土流失保持现状基本良好;但仍存在明显的水土流失风险及空间差异,中部敏感区占流域总面积的38%,而高度和极敏感区占流域总面积的9.39%;高度和极敏感区主要分布在环湖带,影响因素除了坡度较高外,筑路和开垦农田等人类活动导致的土地覆被变化及易侵蚀土壤类型是局部区域重要的影响因素。研究结果可为泸沽湖流域水土流失防治和生态保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

依据黄土高原沟壑区王东沟流域1986-2007年生态经济系统演变过程调查、监测资料和研究成果,建立了黄土高原沟壑区王东沟流域土地利用效益评价指标体系.运用层次分析法确定指标权重,对黄土高原沟壑区王东沟流域1986-2007年的土地利用效益进行了定量评价和动态分析.结果表明:区域土地利用效益在这20余年中呈增长态势,分别于1991年、1998年、2003年达到峰值点.影响区域土地利用效益值的主要因素为区域的果业和第三产业.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - The solubility of the gypsum is generally very high in comparison to many other minerals. The surface and groundwater contacting gypsum formations can easily...  相似文献   

流沙河流域土地利用变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域土地利用/土地覆被变化是区域土地利用变化研究的重要内容。通过数字化1965年的地形图和对1976年、1988年、2003年三期L andsatM SS/TM/ETM卫星影像的解译得到西双版纳流沙河流域土地利用信息,进而在A rc G IS的支持下,采用土地利用转移矩阵和几种景观指数,结合该区域民族分布和传统习俗对流域土地利用变化进行分析。结果表明:流域的自然条件决定了土地利用的空间分布格局,但民族传统习俗的影响也很大:靠近坝区的山区居民以傣族为主,人口密度较大,森林覆盖率却较高;距离坝区较远的山区,主要是山地民族,人口密度小,但森林覆盖率也小,民族因素对森林以及其他土地利用类型的影响要大于人口因素。政策对土地利用的时间变化影响较大,从1965~2003年,流域的土地利用/土地覆被发生了很大变化,1965年、1976年、1988年和2003年4年中流域的主要土地利用类型都是有林地,但有林地面积在减少,受人类活动影响较大的土地利用类型面积在增加,人类活动对土地利用的干扰增强,土地开发利用强度有增大的趋势。  相似文献   

Water quality of Lake Okeechobee has been a major environmental concern for many years. Transport of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in runoff water from watershed is critical to the increased inputs of nutrients (N and P) and metals (Cu and Zn). In this study, 124 soil samples were collected with varying soil types, land uses, and soil depths in Lake Okeechobee watershed and analyzed for water-extractable C, N, P, and metals to examine the relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and water soluble nutrients (N and P) and metals in the soils. DOC in the soils was in 27.64?C400 mg kg?1 (69.30 mg kg?1 in average) and varied with soil types, land uses, and soil depth. The highest water-extractable DOC was found in soils collected in sugar cane and field crops (277 and 244 mg kg?1 in average, respectively). Water soluble concentrations of N and P were in the range of 6.46?C129 and 0.02?C60.79 mg kg?1, respectively. The ratios of water-extractable C/N and C/P in soils were in 0.68?C12.52 (3.23 in average) and 3.19?C2,329 (216 in average), and varied with land uses. The lowest water-extractable C/N was observed in the soils from dairy (1.66), resident (1.79), and coniferous forest (4.49), whereas the lowest water-extractable C/P was with the land uses of dairy (13.1) and citrus (33.7). Therefore, N and P in the soils under these land uses may have high availability and leaching potential. The concentrations of water soluble Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn were in the ranges of?<?method detection limit (MDL)?C0.33, <MDL?C0.53, 0.04?C2.42, <MDL?C0.71, and 0.09?C1.13 mg kg?1, with corresponding mean values of 0.02, 0.01, 0.50, 0.07, and 0.37 mg kg?1, respectively. The highest water soluble Co (0.10 mg kg?1), Cr (0.26 mg kg?1), Ni (0.31 mg kg?1), and Zn (0.80 mg kg?1) were observed in soils under the land use of sugar cane, whereas the highest Cu (1.50 mg kg?1) was with field crop. The concentration of DOC was positively correlated with total organic carbon (TOC) (P <0.01), water soluble N (P <0.01), electrical conductivity (EC, P <0.01), and water soluble Co, Cr, Ni, and Zn (P <0.01), and Cu (P <0.05), whereas water soluble N was positively correlated with water soluble P, Cu, and Zn (P <0.01) in soils. These results indicate that the transport of DOC from land to water bodies may correlate with the loss of macro-nutrients (N, P), micro-nutrients (Cu, Zn, and Ni), and contaminants (Cr and Co) as well.  相似文献   

Water quality simulation was performed to evaluate the effects of restoration alternatives on metals transport in a mountainous watershed in Montana, U.S.A. impacted by hundreds of abandoned hardrock mines. The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP5), developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), was used to assist in planning restoration of the Upper Tenmile Creek watershed, a major drinking water supply for the City of Helena. Synoptic survey data collected by U.S. EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey were used for model calibration and validation. The effectiveness of eight restoration alternatives was modeled under steady-state, low flow conditions. These alternatives ranged from removal of adit and point source discharges to modification of the water supply scheme to provide higher in-stream flows. The model was also used for a number of related purposes, including evaluation of metals loadings and losses, exceedances of water quality standards, interactions between metals in water and bed sediment, and model and data uncertainties. Although standards exceedances are common throughout the watershed, modeling results indicated that removal of point sources, mine waste near watercourses, and streambed sediment can help improve water quality. Alteration of the water supply scheme and increasing baseflow will also ultimately be required to meet standards for all metals. The model also showed that although adits and point sources contribute significant metals loadings to the stream during baseflow, in some areas shallow groundwater and bed sediment can also be sources of metals. Adsorption and precipitation onto bed sediments are also important loss mechanisms in some locations. The model helped to identify uncertainties in the metal partition coefficients associated with sediment, significance of precipitation reactions, and locations of unidentified sources and losses of metals.  相似文献   

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