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Highway detention ponds can fill with sediments from runoff water loaded with traffic-related materials. Sediment disposal is problematic and various protocols are currently studied, including phytoremediation. Here we present a preliminary study on four highway detention ponds in southern France to identify key sediment characteristics. Our objectives were to characterize metal content and physicochemical properties of the sediments and to evaluate the role of charophytes, which grow spontaneously in ponds, on metal lability. Vegetated and non-vegetated areas were compared. The lability of Mn, Cu, Zn, and Pb complexes was greater in the presence of charophytes. No variation in grain size composition was observed between non-vegetated and vegetated areas. These results may be useful to implement a phytoremediation strategy using those spontaneous charophytes. Our results suggest that local factors may impact sediment characteristics: for instance, strong gusts of wind, typical of southern France climate, may blow particles (some of them not related to traffic) in and out of detention ponds.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff is a known pollutant source capable of causing surface water degradation, especially in highly populated areas such as Central Florida. Wet detention ponds manage this stormwater, but most of the ponds do not remove enough nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, to meet total maximum daily load regulations. This paper presents the use of a chamber upflow filter and skimmer (CUFS) filled with a specific green sorption medium as process modification of stormwater retention ponds, which can increase the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in the stormwater runoff. Green sorption medium consists of recycled and natural materials that provide a favorable environment for pollutant removal. Water enters the system through the skimmer, which floats on the surface of the detention pond. It travels from the skimmer to the bottom of the chamber where heavier particles settle out before entering the upflow filter. The upflow filter contains 61 cm (24 in.) of green sorption medium providing physicochemical and microbiological processes to remove nitrogen and phosphorus under anoxic/anaerobic conditions. After this treatment, water flows up through the filter and out of the system and eventually travels to Lake Jesup, a eutrophic lake in Central Florida. A total of 28 storm events and seven baseflows were sampled from the site in Seminole County, and ten storm events were sampled from a pilot study of CUFS for statistical analysis and performance evaluation. Significant reductions by the CUFS were confirmed in terms of turbidity, orthophosphorus, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids when the mean values were compared at a 95% confidence level. Reductions also occurred for total nitrogen (TN), but could not be proved by the mean comparison in the field test, whereas the pilot-scale application of the CUFS proved effective for reducing TN at a 95% confidence level. Hydraulic retention time should be increased so as to improve the design for TN removal in future applications.  相似文献   

After the 1998 North 25 Fire in the Wenatchee National Forest, eight study sites were established on steep, severely burned hillslopes to examine the effectiveness of postfire seeding and fertilizing treatments in increasing cover to reduce hillslope erosion, and to measure the nutrient content of the eroded sediment. At each site, four 4 by 9 m plots were located with four randomly applied treatments: seed (winter wheat, Triticum estivum) at 34 kg ha− 1, fertilizer (75% ammonium nitrate and 25% ammonium sulfate) at 31 kg ha− 1, seed and fertilizer, and untreated control. Sediment fences were installed at the base of each plot to measure erosion rates and sample the eroded sediments. In addition, precipitation amounts and intensities, surface cover, canopy cover, and nutrient concentrations in the eroded sediments were measured for four years after the fire. Total precipitation was below average during the four-year study period, and most erosion occurred during short duration, moderate intensity summer rainfall events. The overall first year mean erosion rate was 16 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1, and this decreased significantly in the second year to 0.66 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1. There were no significant differences in erosion rates between treatments. In the first year, the seeded winter wheat provided 4.5% canopy cover, about a fourth of the total canopy cover, on the seeded plots; however, the total canopy cover on the seeded plots did not differ from the unseeded plots. The below average precipitation in the spring after seeding may have affected the winter wheat survival rate. In the fourth year of the study, the mean canopy cover in the fertilization treatment plots was 74%, and this was greater than the 55% mean canopy cover in the unfertilized plots (p = 0.04); however, there was no accompanying reduction in erosion rate for either the seeding or fertilization treatments. Revegetation by naturally occurring species was apparently not impacted by seeding during the four years of this study. The pH of the sediment as well as the concentrations of NO3–N, NH4–N, and K was not affected by seeding or fertilizing. The nutrient loads in the eroded sediment were minimal, with most of the nutrient loss occurring in the first postfire year. These results confirm that seeding success is highly dependent on rainfall intensity, amounts, and timing, and that soil nutrients lost in eroded sediments are unlikely to impair the site productivity.  相似文献   

Based on an inventory of more than 200 facilities for the treatment of road runoff water in Sweden, 26 representative stormwater ponds were studied with regard to technical function, maintenance and metal accumulation. Sediment accumulation and metal content in the pond sediment was studied in relation to concentration in the runoff water, spatial variation and pond geometry. It emerged that the pollution retention capacity was not optimal for many of the ponds. The observed sediment thickness was low reflecting turbulent conditions and that much of the pollutants are transported through the ponds. Statistical tests performed on 15 ponds showed a significant relationship between metal content in sediment and pond size while pond shape was found to have no effect on accumulation rate. There is still significant potential for the development of the design and technical function of the ponds, e.g. design elements such as pre-settlement trench and elements for enhancing high hydraulic efficiency. Disturbance of the technical function, in terms of clogging of pipes, erosion, flooding etc. was reviewed for three of the ponds, however only 50% of the ponds did show some form of documented maintenance-program. This generates an obvious threat to the effective long-term function of these ponds.  相似文献   

The movement and release of non-indigenous species (NIS) in ship ballast water is a global threat to the conservation of native aquatic species and habitats. One key to successful NIS establishment in coastal waters is propagule pressure - the size and frequency of NIS inoculations. We estimated propagule pressure of high-risk coastal zooplankton delivered in ballast water to Puget Sound, Washington, USA, which receives 7.5 × 106 m3 of ballast water annually. We weighed the relative propagule pressure from domestic and foreign ballast water, in terms of propagule size (number of individuals), frequency of NIS occurrences, and diversity (number of known NIS species). Ship discharge volume was not a good predictor of propagule pressure. Instead route type (domestic or foreign) and ballast water exchange status (exchanged in mid-ocean vs. unexchanged) were much better predictors of propagule supply. Overall, while the diversity of non-indigenous zooplankton was higher in trans-oceanic ballast, the annual discharge of coastal zooplankton propagules to Puget Sound was much greater for ships conducting domestic voyages. These results suggest that intra-coastal ballast water must be further scrutinized as a pathway for NIS introduction, and calls into question regional “common waters” agreements that allow vessels to move ballast without conducting ballast water treatment.  相似文献   

免耕措施对土壤水分及利用效率的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
彭文英 《土壤通报》2007,38(2):379-383
免耕覆盖能有效地控制土壤侵蚀,抑制地表起沙,防治土壤退化,将是我国北方地区代替传统农耕的最好办法之一。针对土壤水分往往是我国北方地区农作物生长重要的限制性因子,本文选择国内外免耕措施的土壤水分试验研究进行总结,系统地分析了免耕与传统农耕的土壤水分动态变化特征,评价了免耕土壤水分利用效率。结果表明,与传统耕作相比,免耕普遍可增加土壤水2%~8%,但只有长期实施免耕和覆盖达到一定程度时,免耕的增水效果才明显,而免耕水分利用效率却因产量、降水等而不同。  相似文献   

Isotopic signatures of soil components are commonly used to infer past ecologic and climatic shifts in the soil record. The theory behind the fractionation of isotopes that occurs during ecosystem processes is well understood; however, few isotopic studies have explored ecosystem relationships in modern soils. We discuss relationships of stable carbon isotopic signatures in plant tissue, soil organic carbon (SOC), laboratory-respired CO2, and modern carbonates at 10 sites (seven containing pedogenic carbonates) along a C3-dominated climatic gradient (mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranging from 200 to 1000 mm) in the Palouse region of eastern Washington state.A horizon soil organic carbon (SOC) δ13C values varied from −24.3‰ to −25.9‰ PDB. Values in the arid portion of the gradient (200 to approximately 500 mm MAP) generally decreased and linear regression of SOM 13C vs. MAP was significant (r2=0.71, p=0.02). Trends in plant-13C of two grass species (Agropyron spicatum and Festuca idahoensis) found throughout this portion of the gradient were similar to that of SOC. Mean pedogenic carbonate δ13C values varied from −4.1‰ to −10.8‰ PDB. Linear regression was significant for carbonate 13C vs. MAP (r2=0.79, p=0.007), estimated above-ground productivity (r2=0.88, p=0.002) and soil carbon content (r2=0.83, p=0.004). Carbonate δ13C values at the most arid site exhibited higher variability than other sites (presumably due to greater spatial variation in plant respiration vs. atmospheric diffusion). Our data suggest that carbon isotopic relationships among ecosystem components may prove useful in determining ecosystem level properties in modern systems, and potentially in ancient systems as well.  相似文献   

Concentrations of mercury (Hg) were measured in six dated cores from four lakes in western Whatcom County, Washington, USA, that were at various bearings from a chlor-alkali plant, two municipal waste incinerators and a municipal sewage sludge incinerator. The importance of atmospheric emissions of Hg from these local municipal and industrial sources was evaluating by comparing the temporal trends in sedimentation of the lake cores with the emission history of each Hg species and by examining the geographical distribution of Hg sedimentation in relation to the region’s primary wind pattern. Local municipal and industrial sources of atmospheric Hg were not responsible for the majority of the Hg in the upper layer of sediments of Whatcom County lakes because of (1) the significant enrichment of Hg in lake sediments prior to emissions of local industrial and municipal sources in 1964, (2) smaller increases in Hg concentrations occurred after 1964, (3) the similarity of maximum enrichments found in Whatcom County lakes to those in rural lakes around the world, (4) the inconsistency of the temporal trends in Hg sedimentation with the local emission history, and (5) the inconsistency of the geographic trends in Hg sedimentation with estimated deposition. Maximum enrichment ratios of Hg in lake sediments between 2 and 3 that are similar to rural areas in Alaska, Minnesota, and New England suggest that global sources of Hg were primarily responsible for increases of Hg in Whatcom County lakes beginning about 1900.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the lower basin of the Salado River is highly polluted with copper and chromium. In order to evaluate the effect of those metals on Notodiaptomus conifer, a representative calanoid copepod, we carried out two (acute and chronic) experimental assays. In the first one, the 24- and 48-h EC50 values were determined in nauplii and adults. Chronic assays were conducted to evaluate the time of development for nauplii, time of development for each copepodite stage, total development time, growth, number of ovigerous females, fecundity, and time required to produce the first egg sac. Additionally, the effect of those metals on the equiproportional model proposed for copepods was evaluated. Acute experiments reveled that juveniles were more sensible than adults. Although growth was not seriously affected by metal exposition, development time was delayed and reproductive variables were altered with the increase of metal concentrations. The deviation from the equiproportional model proposed for copepods proved to be a useful parameter to provide relevant information on toxicity of both metals along development time. In comparison with other zooplanktonic species, the highest sensitivity of N. conifer to copper and chromium makes it a suitable bioindicator in ecotoxicological tests.  相似文献   

Norton  S. A.  Evans  G. C.  Kahl  J. S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1997,100(3-4):271-286
Two hummock cores (separated by 1 m), two hollow cores (separated by 1 m and both within 5 m of the hummock) from ombrotrophic Big Heath, and a single core from Sargent Mountain Pond (12 km north-northeast of the bog), Mt. Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Maine, USA were collected in 1983 and dated using 210Pb and analyzed for a suite of major and trace metals. The hummock cores correspond closely in terms of dating profiles, concentrations of Hg and Pb, and thus trends and values for accumulation rates. The hollow cores agree generally with each other but give more subdued peaks in concentration and lower integrated anthropogenic burdens of Hg and Pb and 50% lower unsupported 210Pb than the hummock cores. Σ210Pbuns. (Bq/cm2), ΣHganth. (ng/cm2), and ΣPbanth. (µg/cm2) for the two hummock cores were 0.744 and 0.773, ≈ 130 and 130 (ng/cm2), and ≈ 159 and 138 (µg/cm2), respectively. The values for Sargent Mountain Pond were 0.411, 269, and 72, respectively. Hummock cores agree closely with the lake sediment core with respect to timing of maximum accumulation rates which occurred in the 1970s; Background atmospheric deposition rates of Hg and Pb to coastal Maine appear to have been about 2.5 to 3 ng/cm2/yr and <0.2 µg/cm2/yr, respectively. Atmospheric deposition of Hg and Pb increased to as much as 20 ng/cm2/yr and 2 µg/cm2/yr, respectively, by the 1970s and has decreased since then. Probably more than 50% of the Hg and Pb are deposited in dry and occult deposition.  相似文献   

The aggregate potential health impact due to ambient volatile organic compounds on the population living in the area nearby the petrochemical industrial complex in Thailand was evaluated using measured air contaminants concentration. Airborne volatile organic compounds were collected using canisters and were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometer following the US.EPA TO 15 procedure. Composite samples taken over a 24-h period were collected monthly. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analyzed for a suite of 24 compounds covering both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic substances. Results were determined and analyzed in order to evaluate their spatial variability and their potential health risk. Comparison of data from each monitoring site indicated that patterns of VOCs across sites were different from their major species and their concentrations which might be influenced by nearest potential emission sources. Carcinogenic VOCs such as benzene, 1,3butadiene, and 1,2 dichloroethane were found to be higher than their annual national standards. A potential cancer risk map was drawn based on benzene concentration in order to illustrate the zone of impact and the number in the population likely to be exposed. Results indicated that 82% of the total area, and 89.6% of the total population were within the impact area. It was suspected that high concentrations of benzene and 1,3 butadiene might be attributed by both the mobile source and the point source of emissions while 1,2 dichloroethane was suspected to be emitted from factories located upwind from the monitoring sites. Hazard quotients and hazard indexes were applied to determine chronic health effects with non-cancer endpoints. Calculated values of hazard indexes for each of the target organ systems were lower than 1, which indicated that the non-cancer chronic risk due to level of volatile organic compounds in the study area was less.  相似文献   

川藏公路迫隆藏布流域段泥石流活动特征   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
迫隆藏布流域是川藏公路 (西藏境内 )泥石流最活跃、类型最齐全、危害最严重的地区。根据以往资料、遥感普查以及现场考察 ,确定流域内公路两侧分布有灾害性泥石流沟 10 4条 ,其中沟谷型泥石流沟 87条。泥石流沟沟口高程在 2 5 0 0~ 3 5 0 0 m之间 ,流域面积介于 0 .8~ 185 km2之间 ,其中 83 .7%的流域面积在 1.0~ 4 0 .0 km2之间。按成因 ,泥石流可分为冰川型、溃决型、降雨型泥石流 ,其变化特性与泥石流流域的高程、降雨变化和地震活动密切相关。最后讨论了泥石流活动对地方经济发展的危害以及对当地山地环境的影响。  相似文献   

为了探明盐分在低路基公路边坡土壤中的运移方式,以鹤大高速公路(G11)低路基段边坡土壤为研究对象,引入优先流,来探讨盐分随土壤水分运动的过程。采用亮蓝染色示踪和图像解析方法,分析土壤剖面优先路径水平和垂直分布特征。结果显示:染色区和非染色区的土壤性质存在显著差异,染色区土壤存在较多的大孔隙。在水平剖面上,相同影响半径优先路径数量随着土层深度的增加而减少,同一土层中1.0~10.0mm影响半径的优先路径数量要远远多于10.0mm影响半径的优先路径数量。在垂直剖面上,优先流特征指标染色覆盖率(DC)、均匀入渗深度(UF)、优先流分数(PF-fr)、长度指数(LI)和峰值(PI)分别为40.10%,4.10cm,801.96cm2,74.44%,543.6cm和5。低路基边坡土壤这种重塑的土体中存在较为明显的优先流现象,且优先流对氯盐在土壤中的运移起着重要的作用。优先流指标的提出,为今后量化土壤优先流发生程度提供了一个很好的研究方法。  相似文献   

Storm water detention devices collect runoff from impermeable catchments. They provide flow attenuation as well as storage capacity, and rely on natural self-purification processes such as sedimentation, filtration and microbial degradation. The aim was to assess the performance of an experimental combined planted gravel filter, storm water detention and infiltration tank system treating runoff from a car park and its access road. Flows were modeled with the US EPA Storm Water Management Model. An overall water balance of the system was compiled, demonstrating that 50% of the rainfall volume escaped the system as evaporation, whereas, of the remaining 50%, approximately two thirds were infiltrated and one third was discharged into the sewer system. These findings illustrated the importance of evaporation in source control, and showed that infiltration can be applied successfully even on man-made urban soils with low permeability. The assessment of the system’s hydrological efficiency indicated mean lag times of 1.84 and 10.6 h for the gravel filter and the entire system, respectively. Mean flow volume reductions of 70% and mean peak flow reductions of 90% were achieved compared to conventional drainage. The assessment of the pollutant removal efficiency resulted in promising removal efficiencies for biochemical oxygen demand (77%), suspended solids (83%), nitrate-nitrogen (32%) and ortho-phosphate-phosphorus (47%). The most important removal processes were identified as biological degradation (predominantly within the gravel ditch), sedimentation and infiltration.  相似文献   

生态护坡能有效地防治公路工程水土流失,在生境的重建及生态系统的恢复方面起到了明显作用。选择重庆市巴南区及南岸区4种典型的生态护坡类型——裸坡、菱形骨架植草护坡、乔木护坡和植草护坡进行了采样、监测,研究各种边坡土壤侵蚀强度、相对系数、土壤平均侵蚀模数、植被覆盖度、土壤组成成分等指标的变化规律。结果表明:(1)在4种生态护坡措施中,菱形骨架边坡的护坡效果最好,乔木护坡优于植草护坡,裸坡最差;(2)土壤中组成成分的变化不仅受土壤流失量的影响,而且植被本身也影响到土壤组成成分的增减;(3)植草护坡保持水土效果要略强于菱形骨架生态护坡,但在后期,其覆盖度增长不快,恢复效果差于菱形骨架护坡;(4)对植物生长的必要元素,菱形骨架生态护坡的流失量相对比较均衡。  相似文献   

[目的]研究扎墨公路沿线泥石流的垂直地带性分异特征,为泥石流灾害的安全预警和防治提供科学依据。[方法]以2009—2015年进行的多次野外调查为基础,通过成因分析与案例研究,探讨地带性因素对扎墨公路沿线泥石流的分布、成因类型以及泥石流体性质等方面的影响,总结泥石流的垂直地带性分异规律。[结果]扎墨公路以东西向延伸的岗日嘎布山为界分为南北两段,其中北段穿过5个垂直带谱,南段穿过8个垂直带谱。泥石流的分布密度与暴发频率随着海拔的降低呈现出低、高、低的特征;成因类型由冰面湖溃决型、冰川型、融水降雨型泥石流逐渐过渡到降雨型泥石流;泥石流流体性质从泥流、水石流、稀性泥石流、亚黏性泥石流、黏性泥石流逐渐过渡,容重依次增大。[结论]随着公路沿线垂直带由Ⅰ带降低到Ⅷ带,泥石流的分布、成因类型和流体性质,随之发生有规律的变化,地带性分异特征在南段更加显著。  相似文献   

The invasive, non-native herb, giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense), is becoming increasingly common in riparian corridors throughout North America and Europe. Despite its prevalence, there has been limited study of its ecological impacts. We investigated the effects of knotweed invasion on the abundance and diversity of forest understory plants, and the quantity and nutrient quality of leaf-litter inputs, in riparian forests in western Washington, USA. Among 39 sampling locations, knotweed stem density ranged from 0 to 8.8 m−2. Richness and abundance (cover or density) of native herbs, shrubs, and juvenile trees (?3 m tall) were negatively correlated with knotweed density. Where knotweed was present (>5.3 stems m−2), litter mass of native species was reduced by 70%. Carbon:nitrogen ratio of knotweed litter was 52:1, a value 38-58% higher than that of native woody species (red alder [Alnus rubra] and willow [Salix spp.]). Resorption of foliar N prior to leaf drop was 76% in knotweed but only 5-33% among native woody species. By displacing native species and reducing nutrient quality of litter inputs, knotweed invasion has the potential to cause long-term changes in the structure and functioning of riparian forests and adjacent aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

西藏那昌公路滑坡和泥石流病害研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
那昌公路线路大致以东西向展布在藏东南大拐 北部,历次构造运动强烈,地震活动频繁,分布有规模不一的滑坡,崩塌,岩屑堆,古冰川和泥石流堆积,这些堆积体因修建公路受到不同程度的削,切和工挖,在地形,河流,降水等条件下,不断发生新的滑坡,崩塌和泥石流危害。与公路有关的主要危害类型有:间歇错落型滑坡和多级牵引式滑坡;雨洪型泥石流,滑坡型泥石流和冰湖溃决型泥石流,这些都极大地危害着公路建设与交通运营。  相似文献   

In the Lower Cell of the Heath Steele mine tailings arealocated 50 km north of the city of Miramichi, New Brunswick,Canada, tailings and lime treatment sludge were co-depositedand the effluent occasionally exceeded regulatory dischargelimits for total suspended solids (TSS), especially on verywindy days. A combined field and laboratory investigationwas undertaken during 1998-1999 to identify the cause of thehigh TSS. The methodology included field measurement of windvelocity and sampling of bed tailings, sludge,suspended sediment, and the water cover. The samples werethen subjected to various laboratory examinations using x-raydiffraction, scanning electron microscopy interfacedwith energy dispersion x-ray spectroscopy, critical shearstress measurements, and water chemistry analysis. Thesuspended sediment was found to be composed primarily ofcalcite and metal hydroxides derived from the bed sludge inthe cell. Only a very small amount of tailings (less than5%) was detected in the suspended sediment. The sludge,which covered the tailings in the shallow western section ofthe Lower Cell at depths less than 1 m, was a loose, low-densitymaterial with a low critical shear stress (approximately 0.058 Pa). In shallow water cover (less than 1 m), calculated bed shearstress mobilized by wind-induced waves and return currents exceeded the critical shear on a number of occasions, resultingin resuspension of the sludge and hence high TSS. Although occasional elevated zinc concentrations appeared to follow a similar pattern to high TSS, there was no evidence that thesuspended sludge sediments would release metals into the watercover, due to the high pH of the Lower Cell water cover. Since the tailings did not resuspend significantly, it was clear thatat water cover depth less than 1 m, sludge was eroded instead oftailings, and thus provided a barrier against tailings resuspension. As part of the final closure scheme for the HeathSteele tailings area, sludge and tailings were dredged and relocated from areas where the water cover was < 1 m to deeperwater cover areas to ensure that the effluent met required totalsuspended solids discharge criteria.  相似文献   

中巴公路奥依塔克-布伦口段高寒山区泥石流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]掌握高寒山区泥石流的空间发育特征,进而分析泥石流的诱发机制及危害程度。[方法]以实地调查为基础,对中巴公路"三高"(高寒、高海拔、高烈度)地区泥石流分布特征、诱发机制进行研究。[结果]该区晚近构造活跃,岩体结构破碎,节理裂隙发育,再加上地处高寒山区,受气候影响,岩体冻融剥落,从而为泥石流的爆发创造物源条件。此外,天山独特的构造特征,山顶存在数百米厚的砂卵石层,保证了物源的补给速率。同时,高陡的地形提供了足够的运动势能,从而集中降水和融雪作用成为泥石流暴发的直接诱因,散粒体因侵蚀揭底、坍塌堵塞、溃决形成泥石流。[结论]高寒山区泥石流的形成主要受气候、地形地貌、水力以及地质条件的影响。较普通降雨型泥石流有较大差异,高寒山区泥石流具有明显的高原特性,在物源、水源和地形条件上均有体现。  相似文献   

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