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The movement and release of non-indigenous species (NIS) in ship ballast water is a global threat to the conservation of native aquatic species and habitats. One key to successful NIS establishment in coastal waters is propagule pressure - the size and frequency of NIS inoculations. We estimated propagule pressure of high-risk coastal zooplankton delivered in ballast water to Puget Sound, Washington, USA, which receives 7.5 × 106 m3 of ballast water annually. We weighed the relative propagule pressure from domestic and foreign ballast water, in terms of propagule size (number of individuals), frequency of NIS occurrences, and diversity (number of known NIS species). Ship discharge volume was not a good predictor of propagule pressure. Instead route type (domestic or foreign) and ballast water exchange status (exchanged in mid-ocean vs. unexchanged) were much better predictors of propagule supply. Overall, while the diversity of non-indigenous zooplankton was higher in trans-oceanic ballast, the annual discharge of coastal zooplankton propagules to Puget Sound was much greater for ships conducting domestic voyages. These results suggest that intra-coastal ballast water must be further scrutinized as a pathway for NIS introduction, and calls into question regional “common waters” agreements that allow vessels to move ballast without conducting ballast water treatment.  相似文献   

 Amounts of fungal biomass in adjacent cultivated and uncultivated soils in central Iowa were estimated and compared by quantifying soil ergosterol concentrations and lengths of fungal hyphae present. Both indices of fungal biomass, with one exception, indicated that there was at least twice as much fungal biomass in uncultivated soil as in cultivated soil. Levels of microbial biomass carbon in uncultivated soils were also determined to be at least twice that in cultivated soils. Data collected in this study indicate that fungi may be more significantly affected by agricultural soil management practices than other components of the soil microbial community. For two of the soils examined, calculated estimates denote that fungal biomass carbon represented approximately 20% of the total microbial biomass carbon in cultivated soil and about 33% of the microbial biomass carbon in uncultivated soil. Results of this study indicate that conventional agricultural practices result in a significant reduction of fungal biomass production in soil. Implications of differences in fungal biomass between the soils are discussed. Received: 12 October 1997  相似文献   

Soil quality assessment has been recognized as an important step toward understanding the long-term effects of conservation practices within agricultural watersheds. Our objective was to assess soil quality within the South Fork watershed of the Iowa River using various indicators and assessment approaches. Soil samples were collected during 2003 and 2004 from 29 areas of 32 ha (80 acres) each along two transects traversing the watershed. Soil pH, Mehlich III extractable P, K, Ca and Mg, electrical conductivity (EC), total organic carbon (TOC), and total N (TN) were measured. The Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF) was used to compute a soil quality index (SQI), while soil loss, the soil tillage intensity rating (STIR), N-leaching potential, and soil conditioning index (SCI) were determined for each sampling area using the 2003 version of the Revised Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE2). Overall, there were no soil fertility limitations within the watershed based on an average pH of 6.96 and extractable P and K levels of 36 and 162 mg kg−1, respectively. Soil loss, STIR, N-leaching, and SCI averaged 1.13 Mg ha−1, 68, 3, and 0.4, respectively. The SMAF analysis indicated soils within the watershed were functioning at 87% of their full potential. The lowest indicator score was associated with TOC (0.60) because the average value was only 28.4 g kg−1. The SCI and SQI indices were positively correlated although since it used measured data, the SMAF appears to provide more information about the effects of management practices within the watershed. Soils in upper landscape positions had lower TOC and C:N ratios indicating an increased risks for both erosion and for nitrate leaching. Management of soils on hilltops may be the most effective way to minimize N and P losses within the watershed.  相似文献   

Physical scientists have presented a wealth of evidence regarding the effects of cropland soil degradation. Because soil degradation has both on‐site and off‐site effects, public policies have often tried to increase rates of conservation over privately optimal rates. Where private incentives leave off and public incentives start up is somewhat controversial, however. Physical evidence, while necessary, is not sufficient to predict conservation actions by farmers in response to the threat of degradation. This paper provides a partial explanation for why farmers may adopt differing conservation strategies, even though they share similar preferences. A model is constructed that divides soil degradation into reversible and irreversible components. We portray nutrient depletion as a reversible facet of soil degradation and soil profile depth depletion as an irreversible facet of soil degradation. Predictions of optimal management response to soil degradation are accomplished using a closed‐loop model of fertilizer applications and residue management to control future stocks of soil nutrients and soil profile depth. Our model is applied to degradation data from nine soils in the north central United States. Three principal findings result: First, due to differences in initial soil properties, susceptibility to degradation, sensitivity of yield to soil depth, and yield response to alternative management practices, dynamically optimal economic strategies cannot be inferred directly from physical results but are inferred from the associated economic implications. Second, optimal residue management is more variable with respect to soil type than to the erosion phase of the soil, implying that substantial gains to targeting are possible. Third, nutrient depletion is a more compelling motivator for adopting residue management than soil profile depth depletion. This implies that motivating residue management requires programs that pay even greater attention to reversible degradation, and therefore the overall farm management implications, rather than strictly to protect topsoil from irreversible degradation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In addition to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) elements are also essential to conversion of biomass carbon into soil humus. Therefore, soil analyses were done on two long‐term mulching experiments initiated in 1989 and 1996 on a Crosby silt loam (Aeric Ochraqualf or Stagnic Luvisol) soil in central Ohio to assess P and S dynamics in soil for different rates of mulching. Mulch treatments were 0, 8 and 16 Mg ha−1 y−1 without any crop cultivation. Our objectives were to assess: (i) the effect of different mulch rates on P and S concentrations, and soil organic carbon sequestration; (ii) association of available and total P and S with different particle size fractions; and (iii) temporal changes in available and total P and total S concentrations within aggregate and particle size fractions with duration of mulching. Soil samples from 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm depths were obtained in November 2000. Mulch rate significantly increased Bray‐P in 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm depths but had no significant effect on total P after 4 years of mulching. Total P concentration in the 5 to 10 cm layer increased significantly with mulch application after 11 years, but the total S concentration was not affected. Total P in aggregates>2 mm size at 5 to 10 cm depth was significantly higher than whole soil after 11 years of mulching. More than 50 per cent of the total P was associated with clay fraction, and P concentration increased with duration of mulching. The enrichment factor for total P was in the order: clay>sand>silt. Total S concentration in aggregates increased with increase in aggregate size for both depths, and was in the order: clay>sand>silt. The clay fraction accounted for 48 per cent of total S after 4 years of mulching and 50 per cent after 11 years of mulching. The enrichment factor of S in clay and sand fractions increased with duration of mulching and with depth for clay, and decreased for sand. The C:P and C:S ratios decreased both with duration of mulching and particle size. Availability of P and S is essential for humification of carbon input in crop residue mulch. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to estimate the dose in human tissues after inhalation exposure to airborne particulate matter-bound metals at a landfill site. Field measurements have revealed that the 8-h permissible exposure limit set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for particulate matter (PM10) was not exceeded for the working personnel at an outdoor weighing facility in the Akrotiri landfill (Chania, Greece). However, PM10 concentrations were exceeding the EU health protection standards (50 μg/m3). Furthermore, dust emanating from landfill operations contains traces of heavy metals due to the nature of materials (e.g., sludge, batteries) which have been deposited over the lifetime of the landfill. In addition, particulate matter-bound metals concentrations at the landfill are enhanced by refuse truck emissions (e.g., exhaust, tire wear dust, brake wear dust, road surface wear dust and resuspension of deposited PM on a road surface) and resuspension from the surface of the composting site. Estimations of particle-bound metals dose in the human body were performed for arsenite (ASIII), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). The Exposure Dose Model (ExDoM) in conjunction with a Physiologically Based PharmacoKinetic (PBPK) model was applied to determine the dose for an adult Caucasian male worker. The ExDoM was used to estimate the human exposure and the deposition, dose, clearance, retention of particulate matter-bound metals in the human respiratory tract and the mass transferred to the gastrointestinal tract and blood. The PBPK model was developed to describe the movement of metals from the blood into the tissues as a blood-flow-limited model. The results showed that after 1 day of exposure to PMAsIII, the major accumulation occurs in the lung, muscle and liver. In addition, for PMPb, the major accumulation occurs in the bone, blood and muscle whereas as regard PMCd the major accumulation occurs in the other tissues (the rest of the body), kidney and liver. The results indicate an increased health risk for an adult Caucasian male worker at the landfill site due to exposure to elevated particulate matter concentrations and their associated metallic content.  相似文献   

We compared four approaches to conservation site selection to protect forest biodiversity in the Triangle Region of North Carolina, USA. Using biological inventory data and an inventory-based conservation plan as benchmarks, we evaluated the potential effectiveness of a focal species plan and three “simple” plans (large forested patches, close to wetlands and riparian areas, diverse forest types). Effectiveness was measured in three ways: the number of inventory elements captured at least once by the plan (representation), the total number of inventory elements captured (completeness), and the proportion of land in the inventory-based plan included (overlap). We further examined the potential effectiveness of the simple plans by calculating their overlap with land identified by the focal species approach. The simple and focal species plans did not differ markedly in terms of representation, but diverged when completeness and overlap were considered. Although representation rates for all four plans were relatively high, lower rates for completeness and overlap raise concerns about long-term viability. The simple plans did not identify the same lands as the focal species plan, and are thus unlikely to provide appropriate habitat for the focal species. Each approach we tested failed to capture some subset of species and communities, highlighting the importance of explicit conservation targets and consideration of ecological processes. Forced to act quickly and with little data, our findings suggest using initially a set of complementary simple plans, each focused on a different habitat type. This should be considered a stopgap measure, however, while more sophisticated plans are constructed, defining explicit conservation targets and considering ecological processes.  相似文献   

列克星敦市是美国肯塔基州的第2大城市,空气洁净,天空蔚蓝,建筑物蕴藏在绿林之间和兰草地之上,城市生态环境十分优美。通过调查发现,该市水土保持与生态环境的特色是:1)城市发展以绿色为主题,城市景观中草地面积大,林草覆盖率高;2)民众不仅种草护草意识强,而且种草护草技术十分普及;3)地面不允许有表土裸露,作为绿化地面之补充的木屑铺装作用大;4)城市建筑布设与排水尊重原始地貌起伏,做到了与大自然和谐;5)垃圾管理实现标准化与系统化,及时清除各类垃圾与废弃物,对治理风的吹扬作用、净化空气作出了贡献;6)城市工程与各种建设施工非常注重临时防护,有效防止了开发建设引发的水土流失;7)城郊农田免耕和秸杆覆盖作用等水土保持耕作法避免了耕地休闲期的风蚀作用,配合了城市的生态环境维护。列克星敦市城市水土保持与生态环境保护一些经验与措施值得我国类似城市学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

Extraction of several nitrogen-containing pesticides from water on solid-phase C18 cartridges was rapid and accurate. One analyst can extract greater than 48 samples/day. Recovery efficiencies were 77, 95, 92, 90, and 99% with detection limits of 0.20, 0.05, 0.05, 0.20, and 0.10 micrograms/L for carbofuran, atrazine, simazine, alachlor, and, cyanazine, respectively. Extraction of the atrazine and simazine dealkylation products (deethylatrazine and deethylsimazine) was less efficient, e.g., 26 and 9%, respectively. Comparisons with 10 U.S. Geological Survey samples gave similar results.  相似文献   

井灌水稻区晒水池升温机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文针对井灌区井水灌溉水温低的特点,生产实际中需设晒水池来提高水温,以便防止井灌水稻冷水害的发生。通过太阳辐射——水体——土壤系统,对静水状态和动水状态下晒水池升温机理进行了探讨,建立了静水情况下晒水池平衡水温的数学模型,并说明各参数的数值算法;利用平衡水温的数学模型,通过解非奇次方程的方法,建立了晒水池内任意时刻各点水温的预测模型,并利用建三江垦区七星农场的晒水池实测水温加以验证,最大相对误差在9.6%以内,结果表明预测精度符合生产实际要求,这一数学模型为井灌区井水升温提供了较为科学的依据。  相似文献   

Invasive earthworms alter the structure of soils in northern hardwood forests, but the quantitative impacts on litter-dwelling invertebrates are unclear. Litter loss should reduce the habitat space, but nutrient-rich earthworm burrows might provide food resources. We investigated the impact of invasive earthworms on populations of Ixodes scapularis (black-legged ticks) and other litter-dwelling arthropods to determine the impact of a reduced litter environment. We used five pairs of one-hectare sites (earthworm invaded versus reference) within four separate contiguous forests in New York state. The presence of earthworms decreased the density of nymphal I. scapularis by 46.1% and larval I. scapularis by 29.3%. We also observed a dramatic decline in the total abundance of litter-dwelling arthropods with 69.9% of the arthropod population disappearing in the presence of earthworms. Additionally, litter arthropod populations declined disproportionately to leaf litter mass reduction indicating that the quality of the remaining litter material in the earthworm sites was poor. The impact of earthworm invasion on the litter environment and implications for the position of an important disease vector (I. scapularis) within the litter ecosystem are explored.  相似文献   

Farmer adoption of practices to build soil health can be enhanced using a knowledge network supported by programs and resources that incorporate technical, social and experiential learning pathways. University Extension plays a critical role in building and supporting the knowledge network by serving as (a) a boundary organization to create space for conversations to occur, (b) network manager to facilitate learning and (c) builder of social capital to encourage trust in the network. The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Soil Health Program was used to illustrate the above approach. Between 2014 and 2016, 32 informal discussion groups, called Soil Health Café Talks, reached 156 individuals. A knowledge network of all participants was developed using NodeXL. The 10 most influential individuals in the network included two scientists, five farmers, one crop consultant and two Extension specialists. All non‐NDSU participants received an evaluation form. Respondents increased their frequency of discussing cover crops with other individuals and increased sharing equipment across farming operations (i.e., vertical tillage implements and no‐till drills). Of the topics discussed, over 25% of respondents adopted practices using cover crops (interseeding and using cover crops for weed control and adjusting rotations to incorporate cover crops) as a result of attending Café Talks. Respondents also increased their use of NDSU Soil Health online resources such as Twitter (22%), YouTube (23%) and the web page (21%) as follow‐up information to Café Talks. Network‐based approaches have proven to be successful in encouraging on‐farm adoption of soil health‐building practices.  相似文献   

Brassicaceous cover crops, such as brown mustard(Brassica juncea) and oil radish(Raphanus sativus), are commonly used for biofumigation, a process that utilizes isothiocyanates(ITCs) generated from the hydrolysis of glucosinolates in Brassica plants to suppress soil-borne pathogens, including plant-parasitic nematodes. Given the biocidal nature of ITCs, limited information is available on the non-target effects of biofumigation on free-living nematodes, which are reliable soil health indicators....  相似文献   

Substrates associated with two historic gold mining sites in north Westland, New Zealand, have locally very high arsenic concentrations (commonly 10–40 wt% As). The substrates consist of iron oxyhydroxide precipitates, and processing mill residues. Waters associated with some of these substrates have high dissolved arsenic (commonly 10–50 mg/L As). Natural revegetation of these very high arsenic sites has occurred over the past 50 years, although some areas of substrate remain bare. Revegetating species include native and adventive shrubs, adventive grasses, rushes, and mosses, and native ferns. Revegetation by higher plants follows initial colonization by mosses, and some shrubs are growing directly in high-arsenic substrate. Shrubs, especially manuka (Leptospermum scoparium), gorse (Ulex europaeus), tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) and broadleaf (Griselinia littoralis) largely exclude arsenic from their shoots (<?10 mg/kg dry weight) irrespective of the As content of the substrate. Likewise, most grasses, and reeds (Juncus spp.), have only modest As contents (typically <?100 mg/kg dry weight). However, mosses growing on high-arsenic substrates have strongly elevated arsenic contents (>?0.2% dry weight). In particular, the moss Pohlia wahlenbergii acts as a hyperaccumulator, with up to 3% (dry weight) As. Antimony (Sb) contents of all plants are about one thousandth of that of arsenic, reflecting the As/Sb ratio of the substrates. Plant establishment in the high-As substrates may be locally limited by low nutrient status, rather than arsenic toxicity. The shrubs, grasses, and reeds identified in this study are arsenic tolerant and largely exclude arsenic from their shoots so that revegetation with these species, can help to isolate the high-arsenic substrates from the surface environment. These species could be used as phytostabilisation agents on high-arsenic sites that are remote from human habitation. In contrast, the mosses, despite their high arsenic tolerance, are a less desirable component of revegetation of high-arsenic substrates because they actively transfer arsenic from the substrate to the biosphere.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of As in contaminated water and soil could pose a major threat to the environment. Relatively high levels of As have been reported in agricultural drainage water and in evaporation pond sediments in Kern County, California. The objective of this study was to enumerate and isolate As-resistant microorganisms from agricultural drainage water and evaporation pond sediments and to assess their tolerance to metals, metalloids and antibiotics. The culture medium was amended with arsenite (III), arsenate (V), methylarsonic acid (MAA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). Among the water samples, As(V), MAA, and DMA added to the medium at concentrations from 0.1 to 1000 mg L?1 showed no effect on the colony forming units (CFUs) compared with no As supplementation, while arsenite (III) (> 1.0 mg L?1) inhibited the population. The sediments showed three trends: (i) no effect on CFUs in the presence of As(V) up to 1000 mg kg?1, (ii) a decline in CFUs in the presence of > 100 mg kg?1, As(III), and (iii) an increase in CFUs upon the addition of MAA or DMA at > 25 mg kg?1, Arsenite (III) was much more toxic to the indigenous microflora than any other As species. Arsenite (III) inactivates many enzymes by having a high affinity for thiol groups of proteins. A plate diffusion method was used to assess the tolerance of the As-resistant bacteria to heavy metals, metalloids and antibiotics. Of 14 isolates tested, all were resistant to Co, Cu, Pb, Ni, Mo, Cr, Se(IV), Se(VI), As(III), As(V), Sb, Sn, and Ag (50 µg mL?1). The most toxic trace elements were Cd followed by Hg>Te>Zn. Multiple antibiotic tolerance (resistance to 2 or more antibiotics) was found among 43% of the isolates. The As-resistant bacteria showed a high tolerance to metals and antibiotics.  相似文献   

Water retention and transport in soils is dependent upon the surface tension of the aqueous phase. Surfactants present in aqueous solution reduce the surface tension of aqueous phase. In soil–water systems, this can result in water drainage and reductions in field capacity and hydraulic conductivity. In this investigation, the surface tension of surfactant solutions mixed with soil—in a constant fixed ratio—was measured as a function of surfactant concentration. Two anionic surfactants were used: sodium dodecyl sulphate and sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate. Two soils were also used—a clay soil and a sandy soil. The key observation made by this investigation was that the addition of soil to the surfactant solution provided a further component of surface tension reduction. Neither soil sample reduced the surface tension of water when surfactant was absent from the aqueous phase, though both soils released soil organic matter at low surfactant concentrations as shown by measurement of the chemical oxygen demand of the supernatant solutions. Furthermore, both surfactants were shown to be weakly adsorbed by soil as shown by the use of a methylene blue assay. It is therefore proposed that the additional reduction in surface tension arises from synergistic interactions between the surfactants and dissolved soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Two-age (deferment or leave tree) harvesting is used increasingly in even-aged forest management, but long-term responses of breeding avifauna to retention of residual canopy trees have not been investigated. Breeding bird surveys completed in 1994-1996 in two-age and clearcut harvests in the central Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, USA allowed us to document long-term changes in these stands. In 2005 and 2006, we conducted point counts in mature unharvested forest stands and in 19-26 year-old clearcut and two-age harvests from the original study and in younger clearcut and two-age stands (6-10 years old). We found differences in breeding bird metrics among these five treatments and temporal differences in the original stands. Although early-successional species are typically absent from group selection cuts, they were almost as common in young two-age stands as clearcuts, supporting two-age harvests as an alternative to clearcutting. Although older harvests had lower species richness and diversity, they were beginning to provide habitat for some species of late-successional forest songbirds that were absent or uncommon in young harvests. Overall, late-successional forest-interior species were more flexible in their use of different seral stages; several species used both age classes and harvest types in addition to mature forest, which may reflect the lack of edges in our heavily-forested landscape. Consequently, two-age management provides habitat for a diverse group of species as these stands mature and may be an ecologically sustainable alternative to clearcutting in landscapes where brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are uncommon.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in the chemistry of precipitation (1978–94) and 16 lakes (1982–94) were investigated in the Adirondack region of New York, USA. Time-series analysis showed that concentrations of SO4 2–, NO3 , NH4 + and basic cations have decreased in precipitation, resulting in increases in pH. A relatively uniform rate of decline in SO4 2– concentrations in lakes across the region (1.81±0.35 eq L–1 yr–1) suggests that this change was due to decreases in atmospheric deposition. The decrease in lake SO4 2– was considerably less than the rate of decline anticipated from atmospheric deposition. This discrepancy may be due to release of previously deposited SO4 2– from soil, thereby delaying the recovery of lake water acidity. Despite the marked declines in concentrations of SO4 2– in Adirondack lakes, there has been no systematic increase in pH and ANC. The decline in SO4 2– has corresponded with a near stoichiometric decrease in concentrations of basic cations in low ANC lakes. A pattern of increasing NO3 concentrations that was evident in lakes across the region during the 1980's has been followed by a period of lower concentrations. Currently there are no significant trends in NO3 concentrations in Adirondack lakes.  相似文献   

Chaparral watersheds associated with Mediterranean-type climate are distributed over five regions of the world. Because brushland soils are often shallow with low water holding capacities, and are on slopes prone to erosion, disturbances such as fire can adversely affect their physical properties. Fire can also increase the spatial coverage of soil water repellency, reducing infiltration, and, in turn, increasing overland flow and subsequent erosion. We studied the impacts of fire on soil properties by collecting data before and after a prescribed burn conducted during Spring 2001 on the San Dimas Experimental Forest, southern California. The fire removed the litter layer and destroyed the weak surface soil structure; leaving a thin band of ash and char on top of, and mixed in with, an unstable, granular soil of loose consistency. Median litter thickness and clay content were significantly decreased after fire while soil bulk density increased. At 7 d post-fire, soil surface repellency in the watershed was significantly higher than prior to the burn. At 76 d post-fire, surface soil water repellency was returning to near pre-fire values. At the 2 and 4 cm depths, 7 d post-fire soil repellency was also significantly higher than pre-fire, however, conditions at 76 d post-fire were similar to pre-fire values. Variability in soil water repellency between replicates within a given 15 × 15 cm site was as large as the variability seen between sites over the 1.28 ha watershed. The increase in post-fire persistence of water repellency was largest beneath ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius) as compared to a small increase beneath chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum). However, pre-fire persistence was higher under chamise than for ceanothus. Post-fire changes to soil properties may increase the watershed hydrologic response, however the mosaic distribution of water repellency may lead to a less severe increase in hydrologic response than might be expected for a spatially more homogenous increase in repellency.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effects of management practices on soil physical and chemical properties would be valuable to explain field-level variability in crop production. A 23-year-old experiment on a Muscatune soil (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic, Aquic Argiudolls) in Illinois with five N rates [0 (N0), 70 (N1), 140 (N2), 210 (N3) and 280 (N4) kg N ha−1] and two cropping systems [continuous corn (Zea mays L.) (CC), and corn–soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation (CS)] was evaluated. Specific objectives were to: (i) evaluate the effects of long-term N fertilization and cropping systems on field level changes in soil physical and chemical properties and crop yield, (ii) identify the most responsive soil physical and chemical properties to N fertilizer and crop management, and (iii) investigate the relationship between the selected soil properties and crop yield. Soil was collected in May 2004 to 30 cm depth and 20 soil physical and chemical properties were measured. The univariate analysis indicated that 14 soil properties were significantly influenced by at least one treatment effect (crops, N or crops × N). Due to multicollinearity among soil properties, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to group correlated properties, resulting in five soil properties such as soil organic carbon stock (OC stock), mean weight diameter (MWD), soil C:N ratio, exchangeable potassium (K+) and gravimetric moisture content (ω). Finally, the multiple regression analysis performed between PCA derived soil properties and corn and soybean yields retained all the representative soil properties from PCA except ω as yield predictors for corn (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.39) from CC system, whereas none of the soil properties were significantly related to corn and soybean yields from CS system. The soil properties most influenced by long-term N fertilization of continuous corn were successfully identified with PCA and multiple regression. The insignificant relationship between corn and soybean yields from CS system and PCA derived soil properties might be due to the lack of response of soybean to N fertilization. This study shows the integrated use of multivariate and regression analyses in identifying yield determining soil properties by eliminating the multicollinearity among soil properties.  相似文献   

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