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Dissolved and particulate Hg speciation was determined on four occasions in the Spring to Fall interval of 1989, at three depths of the water column of Onondaga Lake, New York; an urban system in which the sediments and fish flesh are contaminated with Hg. Species determined included total Hg (Hgt), reactive (‘ionic’) Hg (Hgi), monomethylmercury (CH3HgX), elemental Hg (Hg°) and dimethylmercury (CH3)2Hg). Onondaga Lake was found to contain very high levels of Hgt (2 to 25 ng L?1 Hg), Hgj (0.5 to 10 ng L?1 Hg), and CH3HgX (0.3 to 7 ng L?1 Hg), which generally increased with depth in the lake. These concentrations represent a significant level of contamination, based upon comparisons with other polluted and pristine sites. Elemental Hg levels were typically about 0.05 ng L?1 and (CH3)2Hg was near the limits of detection (?0.001 ng) L?1 in most samples. The greatest CH3HgX concentrations in the hypolimnion, as well as the largest gradients of both CH3HgX and (Hgt), were observed upon the first onset of stratification, in early summer. These concentrations did not become more pronounced, however, as stratification and H2S levels in the hypolimnion increased throughout the summer. The very low concentrations of (CH3)2Hg in these MeHg and sulfide-rich waters calls into question the belief that CH3HgX and H2S will react to yield volatile dimethyl-mercury, which can then escape to the atmosphere by diffusion. Mercury speciation was highly dynamic, indicating active cycling within the lake, and an apparent sensitivity to changes in attendant Iimnological conditions that track the stratification cycle.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦白沙瓦市铅和镉在不同路旁土壤及植物中的污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. KHAN  M. A. KHAN  S. REHMAN 《土壤圈》2011,21(3):351-357
Soil and plant samples were collected from roadside sites (along with primary, secondary and tertiary roads) and reference site to investigate the contamination of soils and old common plant species with lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in Peshawar City, Pakistan. All the data were analyzed using ANOVA analysis that showed a significant (P ≤ 0.01) variation in Pb and Cd concentrations in the roadside soils and plants as compared to the reference site. The mean concentrations of Pb and Cd were 53.9 and 6.0 mg kg-1 in soils and 49.1 and 10.9 mg kg-1 in plants, respectively. Significant variation (P ≤ 0.01) in concentrations of Pb and Cd in soil and plant samples along with primary, secondary and tertiary roads might be due to different traffic densities. The highest value (9.4) of metal accumulation index (MAI) was observed for Eucalyptus camaldulensis. In selected plant species, the Pb and Cd accumulation was found in the order of E. camaldulensis > Ficus elastica > Dalbergia sissoo > Alstonia scholaris. The roadside soils and plants were highly contaminated with Pb and Cd as compared to the reference site.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction by non-symbiotic, heterotrophic micro-organisms in a range of soils containing different concentrations of heavy metals was determined using intact soil cores. The suitability of this method for the soils used in this investigation was established. Samples were collected seasonally, and were incubated under standard conditions (darkness: 15°). Mean values of metal concentrations in the soil (μg g?1) were: Cd: 1–200; Pb: 60–8000; Zn: 70–26000, Cu: 20–40. Rates of acetylene reduction were generally low, from 2800 to 50000 nmol C2H4, m?2 day?1. Assuming a 3:1 ratio of C2H2 reduction to N2 fixation, this represents a rate of 0.3 to 5.0 g N fixed ha?1 day?1 in the surface 150 mm of soil. No consistent effect of heavy metal concentration was found. The most important factors determining activity were soil moisture content and possibly inorganic nitrogen concentration. It thus appears that the bacteria in polluted soils are capable of adapting to potentially toxic concentrations of heavy metals, or that these metals are present in the soils tested in unavailable or non-toxic forms.  相似文献   



Metal contamination arising from boat maintenance is a growing environmental concern. In this study, metals currently or historically employed in boat paints (Ba, Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn) have been determined in geosolids sampled from within and in the vicinity of two leisure boat maintenance facilities in south west England.

Materials and methods

Samples of dusts, sediments and soils from two boatyards and from various urban control sites were fractionated through 63 μm before being digested in boiling aqua regia. Metal concentrations were determined in sample digests by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry.

Results and discussion

Metal concentrations were highly variable in each medium but were greatest in boatyard dusts which, pre-fractionation, often contained visible particles of paint. Metal concentrations in sediments and soils were higher than concentrations in respective control samples and, in many cases, exceeded environmental quality standards or predicted effect concentrations. Observations are attributed to the heterogeneous contamination of geosolids by fine particulates of antifouling paint generated during boat maintenance and repair; specifically, particulates contaminate sediment via boatyard runoff (with rainfall and washdown water), while soil is contaminated through the deposition of fine, airborne paint dusts.


This study demonstrates that boat paint particles enriched in a variety of metals contaminate both coastal and terrestrial environments. Contamination arises from the removal and dispersion of dusts during boat maintenance. Stricter measures for the containment and disposal of wastes generated by boat repair and repainting are, therefore, recommended.  相似文献   


Summer pasture development and tourism near and around Lake Son-Kul in the western Tian Shan Mountains has resulted in a local source of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) that lack monitoring and evaluation.

Materials and methods

Twenty-eight soil samples were collected from the Lake Son-Kul Basin (SKB) and Naryn River Valley (NRV) to measure OCP concentrations and evaluate their composition, transport processes, and ecological risks.

Results and discussion

Except for the high OCP concentration measured at one location, site 7 (145.32 ng/g dw), total OCP concentrations in the SKB ranged from 2.36 to 24.13 ng/g dw, slightly higher than concentrations in the NRV (1.69–7.45 ng/g dw) and similar to values in polar regions. Among the OCPs, HCHs and methoxychlor were the predominant compounds that accumulated in soils, followed by DDTs and Aldrins, whereas Chlors and Endos displayed lowest concentrations, indicating that animal husbandry is the main agricultural activity in the study area. Most of the less volatile pesticides, including β-HCH, p,p-DDT, and Chlors, represent past use from local sources, for instance the pesticides warehouse at site 7. More volatile compounds such as α-HCH, γ-HCH, and p’p-DDE represent exogenous atmospheric transport to the study area, as demonstrated by their isomeric ratios. Ecological risk assessment showed that the surface environment of the study area remains in good condition.


Findings from this study provided a snapshot of the current status of OCP contamination in soils of the Lake Son-Kul region. Although historical OCP contamination has impacted the lake’s ecology, catchment soils display low levels of OCP contamination.


Summary Pot and laboratory experiments were conducted to study the establishment and effectiveness of a streptomycin-sulphate-resistant (1 mg/ml of medium) pigeonpea rhizobia strain (RM7) in sterile sand and non-sterile soils. Strain RM7 increased the drymatter yield of pigeonpea plants (Cajanus cajan) by 106% over control plants under sterile conditions. However, when the rhizobia strain was introduced into 14 different non-sterile soils with a narrow abiotic variability, the comparable beneficial effect was observed only in one soil inoculated with log 6.70 cells/pot. At this inoculum rate, the percentage increase in yield over control plants varied from –1 to 140 in different soils. Rhizobium (RM7), applied at log 3.70 cells/pot (3 kg soil), showed less than 5% establishment in four soils. However, establishment varied from 8% to 72% at a higher level of inoculation (log 6.70 cells/pot). Displacement of native rhizobia and creation of new sites for nodulation by the introduced rhizobia were also affected by soil properties. The increase in shoot dry-matter yield compared with control plants was positively correlated with the percent establishment of RM7 (r = 0.60*) in these soils. Experiments showed that some biotic stresses led to poor survival, proliferation and establishment of the added alien in the soil. Therefore, any culture that is efficient in one soil may not produce similar results under all situations.  相似文献   

The behavior of water-soluble organic compounds arriving in forest litter significantly varies between the warm and cold seasons. Their rapid mineralization occurs in the summer: the removal of introduced compounds from the forest litter and their inclusion into humus substances are almost absent. At the input of water-soluble organic compounds to forest litter during the cold period, the mineralization processes decrease; they recommence only in the next warm period. However, the initial compounds have undergone some transformations by this time, which significantly increases their microbiological stability and decreases their migration capacity. The labeled compounds introduced in the fall are fixed within the forest litter and predominantly enter into the microbial and fungal biomass. Transformed labeled compounds enter into the humus-accumulative A1 horizon due to migration followed by their inclusion into the mineral-humus component of this horizon. Assessing the role of migration in the development of the humus-accumulative horizon in podzolic soils shows the secondary role of migration processes. The major role is played by the formation of the humus-accumulative horizon in accordance with the classical concepts of the soddy process.  相似文献   

Summary Karyological studies in the mitotic complements of arthropleonic springtails (Collembola) were carried out, applying chromosome-banding techniques (Giemsa C banding) for the first time. These techniques provide important indications on karyological variability and the genetic heterogeneity of local populations. Karyotype architecture may be of taxonomic significance at the species level. Chromosomal studies in various populations of the group Onychiurus armatus (Tullb.) high-light the importance of future karyological studies, especially in taxonomically complicated groups.New chromsome counts for 29 species of Collembola are presented. In 32 species karyotype morphology was analysed in detail. Acrocentric chromosomes were found to be an essential feature of karyotype evolution in Collembola. Generally, primitive taxa show a higher proportion of acrocentrics than more evolved species. For both Poduromorpha and Entomobryomorpha, ancestral karyotypes with only acrocentric chromosomes are postulated. The most primitive karyotype found in the Poduromorpha (Ceratophysella bengtssoni, n=7) consists of one metacentric and six acrocentric chromosomes, probably derived from a hypothetical, purely acrocentric complement (n=8) by a single centric fusion. In the Entomobryomorpha, acrocentric karyotypes (n=7) are still found in Isotoma cinerea and in Proisotoma. Chromosome numbers exceeding n=7 [Onychiuridae, n=7–9; Poduridae, n=(9-)11] are supposed to be due to secondary increases.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. W. Kühnelt  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of soil sampling and analysis methodologies used in Canada's Acid Rain National Early Warning System (ARNEWS). During July and August of 1992, twenty‐five soil pits were sampled and analyzed for available phosphorus (P); exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), aluminum (Al), sodium (Na), sulfate‐sulfur (SO4‐S), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mo); total nitrogen (N), P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Al, Na, sulfur (S), B, nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and organic matter (O.M.); pH; and cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) at three ARNEWS sites across Ontario. The soils were: i) a till‐derived Ferro‐Humic Podzol (Humic Haplorthod), ii) a Humo‐Ferric Podzol (Haplorthod) developed in coarse glaciofluvial sand, and iii) a Dystric Brunisol (Dystrochrept). The three sites were similar in chemical composition except for available P, exchangeable Ca, Mn, total Mn, O.M., and pH. Sample numbers calculated to achieve ±10% error with 95% confidence were much higher in mineral horizons than in forest‐floor horizons. Organic macro‐elements and pH were found to be the least variable parameters while micro‐elements were significantly more variable. Analyses are categorized into groups requiring similar numbers of samples. Other studies have found comparable levels of variability and their results are compared to coefficients of variation generated by the Ontario results. Variability within a pit was also observed and found to be less than that found across each 20‐ x 20‐m site but still very significant. Overall, the variability results from other studies appear to be applicable to Ontario acid soils for common analyses. Investigations observing micro‐elements, or which require high levels of accuracy, should incorporate pilot studies to ascertain the degree of variability for their location.  相似文献   

A procedure of the modified energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence method (X-ray radiometric analysis using a 241Am radionuclide source) was developed for the identification of praseodymium, neodymium, and samarium. The procedure is based on the exclusion of the disturbing effect of barium and lanthanum on the lines of praseodymium and neodymium, as well as the effect of lanthanum and cerium on the lines of samarium. On the basis of the new method, data were obtained on the geochemistry of three lanthanides in soils of the northern taiga. Praseodymium and neodymium were detected by the X-ray radiometric method even in podzols depleted of heavy metals. The method can detect samarium at the levels of the soil clarke and higher. Positive samarium (or, wider, rare-earth) anomalies can be expected in the soils located not far from the deposits of apatite-nephelines, loparites, and phosphorites and in the soils developed on alkaline granites and carbonate weathering crusts.  相似文献   

The levels of content, luminescence parameters, and composition of PAH bituminoids successively extracted with hexane and chloroform from different soil types of the forest zone beyond the impact of industrial technogenic factors were studied. It was found that the content, composition, and properties of bituminoids varied depending on total organic matter in the genetic horizons of soils and their landscape-geochemical positions. Geochemical and diagnostic features of natural soil bituminoids were determined. A difference was shown between the luminescence properties of soil bituminoids and those of oil products.  相似文献   

Summary Forest-floor and 0–10 cm depth mineral soil horizons in two stands of Douglas fir were sampled for available NH4 +-N and NO3 -N, N-mineralization potentials, and nitrification potentials for 2 years. The plots in each stand were sampled for 1 year, treated with either ammonium sulfate, carbohydrate (sawdust-sucrose), irrigation, carbohydrate plus irrigation, or no treatment (control), and then sampled for 1 year following treatment. In general, the direction of change following the treatments was the same for both the forest-floor and the mineral soils. Fertilization increased the NH4 +-N and NO3 -N pools, nitrification potential, and N-mineralization potential, while treatment with carbohydrate decreased all of these characteristics. Irrigation generally increased NH4 +-N pools, nitrification potential, and N-mineralization potential, but decreased these characteristics in the soil at one site. Irrigation plus carbohydrate gave similar results to those of carbohydrate alone. Treatments altered pool sizes and/or potentials, but did not reduce within-year variance in any of these characteristics. Distinct seasonal patterns occurred in all measurements, suggesting that control of short-term variation in N-transformation processes is by factors which are dynamic in nature.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Soil micronutrients are essential for plant growth and human health. Spatial variability and evaluation of soil micronutrient status are the research hotspot. The plain of northern Zhejiang Province, around Taihu Lake, China, is a key agriculture production area. With the rapid development of agriculture in Zhejiang Province, the management of soil micronutrients is of increasing concern to sustain crop productivity and human health. Soil-available micronutrients in the study region have not previously been studied in detail. Primary objective of this research was to examine the spatial distribution and evaluation of soil-available micronutrients in the arable land in this agriculturally important region using geostatistics. The controlling factors for the spatial variability of available micronutrients were interpreted. The research findings attained in the present study are of fundamental significance in providing a guideline for precise agriculture management practice and sustaining food security. Materials and methods  Amounts of available Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and Mo in 1893 soil samples taken from the arable land in nine counties in northern Zhejiang Province, around Taihu Lake, were measured and their spatial distribution patterns were investigated. Available Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn were extracted with DTPA and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy. Available B was extracted with boiled water, then determined by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy. Available Mo was extracted with Tamm reagent and was then determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Geostatistics was conducted for the data processing. Results  More than 50% of the arable land were deficient in available Mo, while more than 70% had extremely low amount of available B. Amounts of available Cu, Zn and Mn were relatively high, whereas the soils are extremely sufficient in available Fe. The geostatisticical data shows that Mn, Cu, Zn, and Mo were best fit with an exponential model, while Fe and B were best fit with a spherical and linear model, respectively. Copper and Mo had strong spatial dependency, which is attributable to the effects of natural factors including parent material, topography, and soil type; Fe, Mn, and Zn had medium spatial dependency; however, B had weak spatial dependency, indicating an involvement of anthropogenic factors. Nevertheless, the six micronutrients studied all show spatial distribution trend to a certain extent. Discussion  Based on the provincial classification standard of soil micronutrients and the results of the present study, regionalized management of soil micronutrients was recommended. We divided the soil micronutrients investigated in the present study into three types: Type I (Fe), Type II (Mn, Cu, and Zn) and Type III (B and Mo). Type I is sufficient, and its amount needs to be controlled; otherwise, it will be toxic to crops. Type II is enough and its amount does not need to be increased currently through micronutrient fertilization. However, Type III is deficient in substantial areas in the region studied and its cause of deficiency needs to be investigated; its availability needs to be improved to sustain the crop production and food quality. The availability of B and Mo in the north of Zhejiang Province should be regionally managed. Over the past two decades, the spatial variability of soil-available micronutrients in the study region was attributable to the soil formation factors as well as anthropogenic activities such as fertilization, cultivation, and other soil management practices. The lower available B and Mo concentrations in the arable land were apparently due to continuous cropping and intensive applications of fertilizers without adequate supply of micronutrients. The high available Fe and Mn concentrations in the soils were attributed to increasing soil acidification and relatively high soil organic matter contents. The high available Cu and Zn levels of the soils in this region were attributed to intensive utilization of animal manure as fertilizers. Conclusions  Based on the provincial classification standard and the results from the present study, regionalized management of soil micronutrients was recommended. Moreover, the present study would provide an insight into understanding the basis for the development of innovative strategies for land management practices such as precision farming and environmental risk assessment. Recommendations and perspectives  The research findings attained in the present study would help to improve our understanding of spatially variable availability of soil micronutrients and providing a quantitative basis for decision and policy making to develop innovative agricultural management strategies to sustain micronutrient nutrition. Further research should be conducted to elucidate the relationship between soil micronutrient and plant growth and human health.  相似文献   

Twenty five soil samples located nearby highways and streets of Caracas, Venezuela were collected and chemical, physical and mineralogical analysis were done to characterize them. The soils have light textures, neutral or slightly alkaline pH, medium to high organic matter content, and all of them have carbonate. Kaolinite and mica were the dominant clay minerals in all soil samples. Lead and Zn were extracted with 1N-3 to investigate the levels of these polluting heavy metals in these roadside soils. A very high level of Pb was found in the soils (average enrichment factor of 151.4), while Zn levels were much lower (average enrichment factor of 5.25), but still higher than normal soils' levels. These results are indication of strong metal pollution (especially by Pb) of Caracas' roadside soils, due to heavy transit of motor vehicles as well as to the exclusive use of highly leaded gasoline in Venezuela. Nevertheless both metals accumulate only on the surface layers of those soils located within 5 m from the roadside. These facts were taken as evidence of the low vertical and horizontal mobility of the metals, which was mainly attributed to the high pH of the studied soils (between 7.5 and 7.8). Three surface soil samples having high Pb and Zn levels were selected for chemical fractionation by McLaren and Crawford's (1973) methodology. It was found that less than 1% Pb and below 5.5% Zn were in exchangeable form in these soils. Therefore, Pb and Zn are predominantly present in non-exchangeable forms in the studied soils. These non-exchangeable metals tend to become associated with different soils materials. Lead is mainly associated with the organic fraction, as well as to the inorganic and residual fractions, and Zn is mainly associated to the inorganic and residual fractions, and also the iron oxides, being practically absent in the organic fraction.  相似文献   

The contents of heavy alkaline-earth (Sr and Ba) and rare-earth (Y, La, and Ce) metals have been studied in two technogeochemical anomalies and in the soils of Perm and Chusovoi. The soils are contaminated with barium, lanthanum, and cerium in the territory of the Cherepovets technogeochemical anomaly formed due to the atmospheric emissions from the Severstal metallurgical works. Strontium, barium, and yttrium are accumulated in the soils of the Revda technogeochemical anomaly formed by aerial emissions from the Mid-Urals copper smelter. The portion of technogenic strontium reaches 43–84% near the metallurgical works, while that of barium and yttrium, 47–63 and 28–32%, respectively. In Perm, the urban soils are polluted with technogenic alkaline-earth metals, i.e., strontium and barium, with their content reaching 31–48%. In Chusovoi, the calcareous horizons of the soddy soils are enriched in strontium and depleted in barium. The eluvial-illuvial distribution of the rare-earth metals is registered in the soddy-podzolic soil. The soils of the terrace are contaminated with barium. The technozem is contaminated with all the metals (barium and yttrium, in particular).  相似文献   

A 10-month study of surface waters in Canadian Creek (Ballarat, Victoria, Australia) showed the significant influence of historic gold mining waste material. The investigation focussed on the hydrogeochemistry of the surface waters and soils in order to: (1) document the levels and seasonal trends in major, minor and trace elements in the creek, (2) identify the process by which As is released from the soil/waste mining material to surface waters. For most dissolved major and trace elements (Na, Ca, Mg, K, and As) in surface waters, the concentrations decreased with the increasing rainfall and flow conditions except for Al and Fe. Two sites selected along the creek (< 1 km apart) allowed evaluation of the possibility that mining waste material is contributing to the elevated As concentrations (up to 145 μg/l) in downstream surface water. Arsenic concentration varied more than 28 fold seasonally and was highest in autumn and lowest in spring. Elevated concentrations of As (up to 1946 mg/kg) at the downstream site indicated the presence of a source of As concentration in both surface and subsurface soils. Oxidation of arsenic sulphides under aerobic conditions with redox fluctuations (7 to 201 mV) could cause elevated As levels in the creek. Significant statistical correlations among the major cations (Ca, Na and Mg) point to a common source(s) resulting in neutral to slightly alkaline (pH ~ 6.5 to 7.8) surface water. Fe and Al secondary phases under oxidising conditions are a significant controlling mechanism for the mobilization of As in highly contaminated soils (> 1500 mg/kg) in the study area. The large As adsorption capacity of Fe and Al could be limiting extreme mobilization into the water. Rainfall with relatively low pH is possibly causing mobilisation of Al, Fe and As from highly alkaline soils (pH ≈ 9.0) into the nearby creek.  相似文献   

Levels of cadmium, copper, zinc, lead and iron were determined seasonally in the liver, spleen, kidney, gill and muscle tissues of Mullus barbatus and Sparus aurata from the Iskenderun Gulf, East Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Wet digested tissues were analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Metal levels were higher in liver, spleen and kidney compared with the gill and muscle tissues in both species; the levels of all metals in a given tissue were always higher in Mullus barbatus than in Sparus aurata.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soils of Belarus were studied. The PCB concentrations in reference soils were determined. High accumulation levels of PCBs were found at the working and storage sites of PCB-containing electrical equipment. Soil contamination under PCB leakage from damaged capacitors and transformers was analyzed. Contamination of the Lakokraska plant site and adjacent areas (Grodno oblast) because of the long-term use of the Sovol was revealed. The structure of the PCB isomers in the soils was described depending on the contamination source.  相似文献   

Western Hainan Island is the only tropic region in China that is experiencing desertification. In this paper, we hope to reconstruct the evolution of desertification from 1959 to 2003 and identify the driving force during this process. Using remote sensing, mapping, GIS analysis and statistical analysis with climatic factors and human factors, we found five phases of desertification in the western part of Hainan Island between the late‐1950s and the early‐2000s. Desertification first developed rapidly, then reversed, and is now fluctuating, due to natural and human driving forces. Human activities interact with climatic factors. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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